Unable to decode json file in a controller - symfony

I'm a new symfony user, and I'm actually trainning myself on it.
Here is my problem:
echo $this->container->get('templating.helper.assets')->getUrl('bundles/tlfront/js/channels.json');
$channels = json_decode($this->container->get('templating.helper.assets')->getUrl('bundles/tlfront/js/channels.json'));
I would like to decode a JSON file in my controller, but here is what the echo and vardump give me:
/Symfony/web/bundles/tlfront/js/channels.json ( the echo)
null (the var_dump)
It seems that the path to the file is correct but json_decode doesn't work.
json_last_error() returns 4 which is JSON_ERROR_SYNTAX
But, when I run the json string in http://jsonlint.com/ it returns Valid JSON
Any ideas or advices ?

Dude, it has nothing to do with Symfony... json_decode only accepts strings:
That's why you're getting the syntax error. Just read the file with file_get_contents and you're done:
$path = $this->container->get('templating.helper.assets')->getUrl('bundles/tlfront/js/channels.json');
$content = file_get_contents($path);
$json = json_decode($content, true);
BTW, Symfony comes bundled with Finder, a really nice tool to search and get all the files you need: http://symfony.com/doc/current/components/finder.html


Download all files in all folders from URL

I'd like to recursively download all files from nested folders from this URL to my computer in the same nested structure:
I've tried several different approaches, using curl and RCurl, including this and some others. There are multiple file types within this folder. But I keep running into cryptic error message such as Error in function (type, msg, asError = TRUE) : error:1407742E:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:tlsv1 alert protocol version
I'm not even sure how to begin.
in their javascript you'll find the url https://hazards-geoplatform.s3.amazonaws.com/ and there you'll find a xml file containing the path to (seemingly?) all their files, from there it shouldn't be hard, so
1: download the XML list of files from https://hazards-geoplatform.s3.amazonaws.com
2: each of the XML's <content> tag describes a file or a folder. filter out all the tags that is not relevant to you, that means if the content->key tag does not contain the text Brookings HYDA, filter it out.
3: the remaining content tags contain your download path and save path, for every key tag that ends with /: this is a "folder", you can't download a fol6der, just create the path, for example if the key is
<Key>Region8/R8_MIT/Risk_MAP/Data/BLE/South_Dakota/60601300_BrookingsCO/Brookings HYDA/Hydraulics_DataCapture/Correspondence/</Key>
this means you should create the folders Region8/R8_MIT/Risk_MAP/Data/BLE/South_Dakota/60601300_BrookingsCO/Brookings HYDA/Hydraulics_DataCapture/Correspondence and move on, however if the key's value does not end with /, it means you should download it, for example if you find
<Key>Region8/R8_MIT/Risk_MAP/Data/BLE/South_Dakota/60601300_BrookingsCO/Brookings HYDA/Hydraulics_DataCapture/Correspondence/200724-CityBrookings-AirportInfo_Email.pdf</Key>
it means the save filepath is Region8/R8_MIT/Risk_MAP/Data/BLE/South_Dakota/60601300_BrookingsCO/Brookings HYDA/Hydraulics_DataCapture/Correspondence/200724-CityBrookings-AirportInfo_Email.pdf
and the url to download the file is https://hazards-geoplatform.s3.amazonaws.com/ + urlencode(key), in this case:
idk how to do it with curl/r, but here's how to do it in PHP, happy porting
function curl_get(string $url): string
echo "fetching {$url}\n";
static $ch = null;
if ($ch === null) {
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt_array($ch, array(
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
$ret = curl_exec($ch);
if(curl_errno($ch)) {
throw new Exception("curl error ".curl_errno($ch).": ".curl_error($ch));
return $ret;
$base_url = 'https://hazards-geoplatform.s3.amazonaws.com/';
$xml = curl_get($base_url);
$domd = new DOMDocument();
$xp = new DOMXPath($domd);
foreach($xp->query("//key[contains(text(),'Brookings HYDA')]") as $node) {
$relative = $node->nodeValue;
if($relative[-1] === '/'){
// it's a folder, ignore
$dir = dirname($relative);
if(!is_dir($dir)) {
mkdir($dir, 0777, true);
$url = $base_url . urlencode($node->nodeValue);
file_put_contents($relative, curl_get($url));
after running that for a few seconds i have
$ find
./Region8/R8_MIT/Risk_MAP/Data/BLE/South_Dakota/60601300_BrookingsCO/Brookings HYDA
./Region8/R8_MIT/Risk_MAP/Data/BLE/South_Dakota/60601300_BrookingsCO/Brookings HYDA/Hydraulics_DataCapture
./Region8/R8_MIT/Risk_MAP/Data/BLE/South_Dakota/60601300_BrookingsCO/Brookings HYDA/Hydraulics_DataCapture/Correspondence
./Region8/R8_MIT/Risk_MAP/Data/BLE/South_Dakota/60601300_BrookingsCO/Brookings HYDA/Hydraulics_DataCapture/Correspondence/200724-CityBrookings-AirportInfo_Email.pdf
./Region8/R8_MIT/Risk_MAP/Data/BLE/South_Dakota/60601300_BrookingsCO/Brookings HYDA/Hydraulics_DataCapture/Correspondence/2D_Exceptions_2021Update.pdf
./Region8/R8_MIT/Risk_MAP/Data/BLE/South_Dakota/60601300_BrookingsCO/Brookings HYDA/Hydraulics_DataCapture/DCS_Checklist_Hydraulics_BrookingsCoSD.xlsx
./Region8/R8_MIT/Risk_MAP/Data/BLE/South_Dakota/60601300_BrookingsCO/Brookings HYDA/Hydraulics_DataCapture/Simulations
./Region8/R8_MIT/Risk_MAP/Data/BLE/South_Dakota/60601300_BrookingsCO/Brookings HYDA/Hydraulics_DataCapture/Simulations/RAS
./Region8/R8_MIT/Risk_MAP/Data/BLE/South_Dakota/60601300_BrookingsCO/Brookings HYDA/Hydraulics_DataCapture/Simulations/RAS/0.2PAC
soo it seems to be working.
the last output from the command is
fetching https://hazards-geoplatform.s3.amazonaws.com/Region8%2FR8_MIT%2FRisk_MAP%2FData%2FBLE%2FSouth_Dakota%2F60601300_BrookingsCO%2FBrookings+HYDA%2FHydraulics_DataCapture%2FSimulations%2FRAS%2F0.2PAC%2FPostProcessing.hdf
PHP Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 65019904 bytes) in /home/hans/test/fuk.php on line 17
meaning some of their files are over 134MB in size - it's easy to optimize the curl code to write directly to disk instead of storing the entire file in ram before writing to disk, but since you want to do this in R anyway, i won't bother optimizing the sample php script.

How to return binary data from custom wordpress rest api endpoint

I am writing a custom endpoint for a REST api in wordpress, following the guide here: https://developer.wordpress.org/rest-api/extending-the-rest-api/adding-custom-endpoints/
I am able to write a endpoint that returns json data. But how can I write an endpoint that returns binary data (pdf, png, and similar)?
My restpoint function returns a WP_REST_Response (or WP_Error in case of error).
But I do not see what I should return if I want to responde with binary data.
Late to the party, but I feel the accepted answer does not really answer the question, and Google found this question when I searched for the same solution, so here is how I eventually solved the same problem (i.e. avoiding to use WP_REST_Response and killing the PHP script before WP tried to send anything else other than my binary data).
function download(WP_REST_Request $request) {
$dir = $request->get_param("dir");
// The following is for security, but my implementation is out
// of scope for this answer. You should either skip this line if
// you trust your client, or implement it the way you need it.
$dir = sanitize_path($dir);
$file = $request->get_param("file");
// See above...
$file = sanitize_path($file);
$sandbox = "/some/path/with/shared/files";
// full path to the file
$path = $sandbox.$dir.$file;
$name = basename($path);
// get the file mime type
$finfo = finfo_open(FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE);
$mime_type = finfo_file($finfo, $path);
// tell the browser what it's about to receive
header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=$name;");
header("Content-Type: $mime_type");
header("Content-Description: File Transfer");
header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary");
header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($path));
header("Cache-Control: no-cache private");
// stream the file without loading it into RAM completely
$fp = fopen($path, 'rb');
// kill WP
I would look at something called DOMPDF. In short, it streams any HTML DOM straight to the browser.
We use it to generate live copies of invoices straight from the woo admin, generate brochures based on $wp_query results etc. Anything that can be rendered by a browser can be streamed via DOMPDF.

Serving files via symfony2 - path to uploads directory

I have a problem setting a correct path to symfony2 uploads directory.
I am trying to provide user with files that they previously uploaded.
Firstly I tried the following code:
$response = new Response();
$d = $response->headers->makeDisposition(
$response->headers->set('Content-Disposition', $d);
as advised in the cookbook and How to get web directory path from inside Entity?.
This however resulted in the following error:
The filename and the fallback cannot contain the "/" and "\" characters.
Therefore I decided to switch to:
$filename = $this->get('kernel')->getRootDir() . '/../web' . $document->getWebPath();
return new Response(file_get_contents($filename), 200, $headers);
this however results in:
Warning: file_get_contents(/***.pl/app/../web/uploads/documents/2.pdf) [<a href='function.file-get-contents'>function.file-get-contents</a>]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory
My file that I want to serve is located in
What code should I use to provide this file to end users?
In order to serve binary files, it's better to use the BinaryFileResponse, which accepts the absolute file path as its argument. The setContentDisposition() doesn't accept file paths but file names ... and that argument is optional (you should only use it in case you want to change the name of the file being served to end-users):
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\BinaryFileResponse;
$response = new BinaryFileResponse($filePath);
ResponseHeaderBag::DISPOSITION_ATTACHMENT, $fileName
); // This line is optional to modify file name
Regarding the file path, you can keep using the code you showed, but slightly changed:
$filePath = $this->container->getParameter('kernel.root_dir')

How to Implement Resumable Download in Silex

In silex I can do this to force-download a file:
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\ResponseHeaderBag;
$app = new Silex\Application();
// Url can be http://pathtomysilexapp.com/download
$app->get('/download', function (Request $request) use ($app) {
$file = '/path/to/download.zip';
if( !file_exists($file) ){
return new Response('File not found.', 404);
return $app->sendFile($file)->setContentDisposition(ResponseHeaderBag::DISPOSITION_ATTACHMENT, 'download.zip');
This works well for smaller files. However my use case requires downloading a big that can be paused/resumed by a download manager.
There is an example about file streaming but it doesn't seem to be what I am looking for. Has somebody done this before? I could just use the answer from here and be done with it. But it would be nice if there is a silexy way of doing this.
Implementing it is quite trivial if you have a the file on the drive. It is like paginating records from a table.
Read the headers, open the file, seek to the desired position and read the the size requested.
You only need to know a little bit about the headers from the request & response.
Does the server accept ranges:
HTTP 206 status for content ranges:
Info about the content range headers:

SQLite database path not working

This is my source code in which I used SQLite database in my PHP source code. When I run the script it give me this error
Warning: sqlite_query() [function.sqlite-query]: no such table:
books in D:\wamp\www\sqllite\index.php on line 13
Error in query: SQL logic error or missing database
I think the error is at the path of database
$db = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."umer.db";
$handle = sqlite_open($db) or die("Could not open database".sqlite_error_string(sqlite_last_error($handle)));
$query = "SELECT * FROM books";
$result = sqlite_query($handle, $query) or die("Error in query: ".sqlite_error_string(sqlite_last_error($handle)));
if (sqlite_num_rows($result) > 0) {
echo "<table cellpadding=10 border=1>";
while($row = sqlite_fetch_array($result)) {
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td>".$row[0]."</td>";
echo "<td>".$row[1]."</td>";
echo "<td>".$row[2]."</td>";
echo "</tr>";
echo "</table>";
The error is probably the path, which is determined by this line:
$db = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."umer.db";
To troubleshoot this you should try an
echo $db;
And then compare that to your actual path - from there you should be able to adjust your string.
If the path is still correct, double check your file permissions and make sure it is readable by the user that is running the php process.
Good luck!
php will start looking for the database file relative to the directory where the currently running file came from so constructs like("../../databases/mydb.sq3") are usually more portable than using an absolute path or a path relative to DOCUMENT_ROOT as these can be changed at a whim.
Your program is almost certainly not finding the database file, in these circumstances sqlite will create a new empty file, and, causes great confusion by raising a "table not found" error when you try to use the database.
Look for an empty "umber.db" appearing somewhere unexpected and this will give you some indication of where you are going wrong.
