Can Crucial Micron SSD call home for news? - solid-state-drive

Not sure if this is a valid question for Stack Overflow, but I noticed something interesting in the S.M.A.R.T data for my Crucial Micron SSD. Inside the SMART data it embedded URLS warning me that my firmware was out of date:
Model Family: Crucial/Micron RealSSD m4/C400
Device Model: M4-CT512M4SSD2
Serial Number: 0000000012330912E777
LU WWN Device Id: 5 00a075 10912e777
Firmware Version: 000F
User Capacity: 512,110,190,592 bytes [512 GB]
Sector Size: 512 bytes logical/physical
Rotation Rate: Solid State Device
Device is: In smartctl database [for details use: -P show]
ATA Version is: ACS-2, ATA8-ACS T13/1699-D revision 6
SATA Version is: SATA 3.0, 6.0 Gb/s (current: 3.0 Gb/s)
Local Time is: Wed Jul 31 14:28:10 2013 PDT
==> WARNING: This drive may hang after 5184 hours of power-on time:,14544.html
See the following web pages for firmware updates:
As you can see, somehow the SSD knew that the firmware is out of date, and even was able to point me to a Tom's Hardware article about the problem.
My question is... how was the SSD able to gather these URLs? Does it have a built-in call-home feature?

That's actually hard-coded in the smartctl utility itself. See drivedb.h:
{ "Crucial/Micron RealSSD m4/C400", // Marvell 9176, buggy or unknown firmware
"C400-MTFDDA[ACK](064|128|256|512)MAM|" // tested with C400-MTFDDAC256MAM/0002
"M4-CT(064|128|256|512)M4SSD[23]", // tested with M4-CT064M4SSD2/0002,
// M4-CT064M4SSD2/0009, M4-CT256M4SSD3/000F
"This drive may hang after 5184 hours of power-on time:\n"
"See the following web pages for firmware updates:\n"
"-v 170,raw48,Grown_Failing_Block_Ct "
"-v 171,raw48,Program_Fail_Count "
"-v 172,raw48,Erase_Fail_Count "
"-v 173,raw48,Wear_Leveling_Count "
"-v 174,raw48,Unexpect_Power_Loss_Ct "
"-v 181,raw16,Non4k_Aligned_Access "
"-v 183,raw48,SATA_Iface_Downshift "
"-v 189,raw48,Factory_Bad_Block_Ct "
"-v 202,raw48,Perc_Rated_Life_Used "
"-v 206,raw48,Write_Error_Rate"

I would say that those were just hard-coded into the firmware, because they don't specifically say that yours is out of date - they just give the location of firmware updates. It wouldn't be too hard for them to include the URLs to their firmware sites when they produce the drive. Still interesting though, and "calling home" is definitely a possibility. I just don't think it's the case here, personally.
Also, the Tom's Hardware article is over a year and a half old, so they could've definitely still added that when they created one of the more recent batches of firmware for the drive. Your version (Firmware Version: 000F) came out in April 2012, based on a few Google searches.


Sending Bittorrent HTTP request to Ubuntu tracker

I downloaded the torrent file of ubuntu 17.10 from here:
Here is what inside:
TorrentInfo{Created By: null
Main tracker:
Comment: Ubuntu CD
Info_hash: f07e0b0584745b7bcb35e98097488d34e68623d0
Name: ubuntu-17.10.1-desktop-amd64.iso
Piece Length: 524288
Pieces: 2866
Total Size: 1502576640
Is Single File Torrent: true
File List:
Tracker List:
What I have tried:
I sent: (Only torrent info-hash)
and received:
you sent me garbage - id not of length 20
I sent: (torrent info-hash and my peer-id)
and received:
you sent me garbage - invalid literal for long() with base 10: ''
What am I missing? The spec doesn't specify any example.
The announce misses the obligatory keys port, uploaded, downloaded and left.
These keys plus info_hash and peer_id, MUST be in every announce.
Further, while the event key isn't obligatory in every announce,
the first announce to the tracker MUST include 'event=started'.
and the tracker responses with:
your client is outdated, please upgrade
oh well, more to fix...
From my answer here: Why does tracker server NOT understand my request? (Bittorrent protocol)
It is because the request string don't have compact=1 in it.
Most tracker require that nowadays. The legacy way is too ineffective.
So, adding compact=1 to the announce:
and the tracker responses with:
d8:completei2134e10:incompletei100e8:intervali1800e5:peers300:[ binary data ... ]e

Changing MAC address for wifi interface in OpenWrt Chaos Calmer 15.05.1

I have configured one OpenWrt (lets call it child) to boot from sd card which has the firmware and software re-imaged from another OpenWrt (lets call it maker) as per following:
Everything works fine except for the issue where wlan interface of child and maker are showing the same MAC address, the one of maker. Due to this I can connect to only one of them if they both are in AP mode.
I have tried giving 'macaddr' option in 'wifi-device', 'wifi-iface' but nothing works. I have also tried setting hardware address using command:
ifconfig ra0 hw ether 'XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX'
but this gives me error
ifconfig: SIOCSIFHWADDR: Operation not supported
I can see that the mac address is picked from
where ra0 is the interface name but its a read only file and is not there on sd card (atleast with the given path)
The mac address of the parent has to be on the sd card but can't find it using grep atleast.
So I would appreciate any help here, either in changing the address on sd card post imaging or override it in system startup.
You can take a look on the calibration data in the "art" partition.If your MAC address is stored in it then you can change it.
root#OpenWrt:/# cat /proc/mtd
dev: size erasesize name
mtd0: 00030000 00010000 "u-boot"
mtd1: 00fc0000 00010000 "firmware"
mtd2: 00120000 00010000 "kernel"
mtd3: 00ea0000 00010000 "rootfs"
mtd4: 00c60000 00010000 "rootfs_data"
mtd5: 00010000 00010000 "art"
So my one is /dev/mtd5 . Now I will check the calibration data inside
cat /dev/mtd5 > art.img
hexdump art.img
My wifi MAC address is 04:F0:21:07:7C:EC .After running hexdump art.img it shows
0001000 0202 04f0 2107 7cec 0020 2020 0030 6530
I need to use a software application to modify art.img ,change "04f0 2107 7cec" to new MAC address
Then the final step is :copy the edited art.img to /dev/mtd5
cat art.img > /dev/mtd5
Thanks for the help.
It seems that for mediatek linkit 7688, the MAC is stored in /dev/mtd2. Ideally this is a ROM partition and should not be affected on booting from SD card or raw flash.
But I found that upon boot it caches the same under /lib/firmware/mt7628.eeprom file which also gets copied on preparing sd card from a linkit.
So when I boot second linkit from sd card it considers the first linkit cache as its own /dev/mtd2 cache and thus the problem.
To solve this, after the sd card image is prepared, remove the file /mnt/upper/lib/firmware/mt7628.eeprom and make a symlink to /overlay-boot/upper/lib/firmware/mt7628.eeprom where /mnt is sd card mount location and overlay-boot is raw flash mount location

"X Error" BadAlloc GLX BadContext on IntelSandyBridge (Intel HD Graphics 3000)

I'm running a debian stable ThinkPad X1 (1294-3QG) with exactly three packages from squeeze-backports needed for the GraphicsModi:
initramfs-tools 0.99~bpo60+1
linux-base 3.4~bpo60+1
linux-image-3.2.0-0.bpo.2-amd64 3.2.9-1~bpo60
While running that kernel, starting for example paraview results in those errors:
Unrecognized deviceID 126
X Error: BadAlloc (insufficient resources for operation) 11
Extension: 154 (Uknown extension)
Minor opcode: 3 (Unknown request)
Resource id: 0x3200273
X Error: GLXBadContext 169
Extension: 154 (Uknown extension)
Minor opcode: 5 (Unknown request)
Resource id: 0x32002b0
paraview: ../../src/xcb_io.c:183: process_responses: Zusicherung »!(req && current_request && !(((long) (req->sequence) - (long) (current_request)) <= 0))« nicht erfüllt.
Somewhere on the net, I found the hint to offer the memory settings in the xorg.conf, but that did not solve my problem.
Starting within the current stable kernel works fine.
Running glxgearsresults similar:
Unrecognized deviceID 126
X Error of failed request: BadAlloc (insufficient resources for operation)
Major opcode of failed request: 154 (GLX)
Minor opcode of failed request: 3 (X_GLXCreateContext)
Serial number of failed request: 27
Current serial number in output stream: 29
I further tried, to solve the problem by updating xserver-xorg-video-intel (and all dependencies libdrm-intel1 libxfont1, xserver-common, xserver-xorg, xserver-xorg-core, xserver-xorg-input-evdev, xserver-xorg-video-fbdev and xserver-xorg-video-vesa) to backports, but that was not prosperous.
Additional, I found the entry
[drm] MTRR allocation failed. Graphics performance may suffer.
in the output of dmesg.
I had the same issue on self-made server station with Intel i7 2700k (which has Intel HD 3000) running Debian Stable 6.0.4 (squeeze) x64. Basically I knew that this platform has loads of problems with unix systems (as always intel GPU does), but it purpose is server, so on-board graphic is fair enough for that. Anyways I wanted someday to run just a move (on TV connected via HDMI*/VGA), so I installed gnome-core with gdm3 to run manually.
With kernel 2.6.32-5-amd64 everything was excellent, besides few things, which forced me to upgrade kernel:
SSD support (added & improved from linux-image-2.6.33)
HDMI - no devices was recognized, couldn't add & change resolution (cvt xrandr).
So I added squeeze-backports to sources.list and upgraded only kernel (same what you did).
After that HDMI connection works great, but I noticed slow refresh rate - tearing during loading gdm3 login screen and after. I checked dmesg and kernel messages for some infos
cat dmesg | grep failed && cat dmesg | grep drm && cat /var/log/messages | grep failed && cat /var/log/messages | grep drm - found same. Than I run glxgears and found same error.
I was digging net for few days after some solutions and ideas.
Found many useless things about allocating RAM (enable_mtrr_cleanup) etc.
Basically for my hardly ever cinematic needs it wasn't tragedy, but I like when everything is perfect, so I still was working around to fix it.
And at last! Got it solved! Problem was not with the RAM or new kernel itself.
I have to mention here, that I compiled Debian kernel myself - 3.2 based on settings from previous install.
I removed also all unneeded libs for my architecture (i.e. libdrm for nvidia radeon and others - even VESA!!!)
I added just for a moment wheezy (testing) repositories, upgraded and installed new packages with dependences as root (only this ones):
echo deb testing main contrib non-free >> /etc/apt/sources.list
apt-get update
apt-get install --reinstall -t testing libdrm2 libdrm-intel1 xserver-xorg-video-intel xserver-xorg-core libgl1-mesa-glx libgl1-mesa-dri mesa-utils
dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg
That fixed all problems with rendering and allocation on Intel GPU :)
Think it should works for you and everyone with Intel GPU-s. Don't forget to remove wheeze (testing) from sources.list when you are done.
Regards, T_Send.
I solved it now on my own by updating some mesa concerning packages. I'm running debian stable with those following packages from backports:
initramfs-tools, libdrm-intel1, libgl1-mesa-dev, libgl1-mesa-dri,
libgl1-mesa-glx, linux-base, linux-headers-3.2.0-0.bpo.1-all-amd64,
linux-headers-3.2.0-0.bpo.1-amd64, linux-headers-3.2.0-0.bpo.1-common,
linux-headers-3.2.0-0.bpo.2-amd64, linux-headers-3.2.0-0.bpo.2-common,
linux-headers-3.2.0-0.bpo.2-rt-amd64, linux-image-3.2.0-0.bpo.2-amd64,
linux-kbuild-3.2, mesa-common-dev
Hoping this info will help other, too.

Tcl Serial Port fconfigure portability issue

I've got a Tcl/Expect program that reads and writes data to the serial port.
I did all of my development and testing on a Fedora 7 machine, but I'm now trying to run the same code in Ubuntu 8.10, and I'm getting the following error:
spawn: returns {0}
bad option "-mode": should be one of -blocking, -buffering, -buffersize, -encoding, -eofchar, or -translation
while executing
"fconfigure $port -mode 19200,n,8,1"
(file "./scan1.tcl" line 31)
I have no issues in Fedora, just Ubuntu. It would seem that it doesn't like the serial options being given to fconfigure, but I don't know of an alternate way of doing this.
Both machines have Tcl 8.4.
Here's the relevant code snippet:
#Open serial port
set portname "/dev/ttyS0"
spawn -open [set port [open $portname "r+"]];#This is a beast!
fconfigure $port -mode 19200,n,8,1
Does anyone know what's wrong? Thanks for your help!
Some research seems to indicate that the [fconfigure] command doesn't offer the -mode switch when it doesn't recognize the channel in question as being a true serial port (though I don't see this mentioned in the docs). Ultimately, that decision seems to rely on an "isatty()" system call, which is apparently failing to report the channel as a TTY. More info can be found here:
According to the above thread, this could be due to a misconfigured Tcl.
Update... I see the serial configuration options (including -mode) are documented with the [open] command. There, it mentions that [fconfigure] can be used to query or set the additional options specific to serial ports. The [fconfigure] docs should probably be updated to reflect that fact also.
Bottom line, Tcl doesn't think your port really is a serial port under Ubuntu, though I don't know why...
Could be a bug. It has been in the past.

Flex profiler gives "Socket timeout " error. Why for?

When trying to run the Flex Builder 3 profiler on any I don't get the profiler dialog window and then after a few seconds I get "Socket timeout" in the console window. Any ideas why it can't connect?
I've got the latest debug version of Flash player and have tried shutting off my firewall.
I'm running it on XP from the local drive, ie. not through localhost.
It looks like the browser (Firefox in my case) has to be shutdown before the profiler is started. Step 1. in the livedocs even says this -- wish I had read it earlier. :)
Make sure that your firewall does not block port 9999, you can customize the port number too: Open Preferences->Flex->Profiler->Connections.
Check /etc/hosts (C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts), and see if it contains a line: localhost
In my case, it was somehow changed to ::1 localhost, and that's why it stopped working.
Thanks to Ziv for the (poorly formatted) answer.
While I try to run my Flex Profiler I got this error message:
In the flash application I got the following exception:
Error #2044: Unhandled securityError:. text=Error #2048: Security sandbox violation:
cannot load data from localhost:9999.
at ProfilerAgent()[C:\SVN\branches\3.2.0\modules\profiler3\as\]
And in the flex Profiler console (at the eclipse) I got : Socket timeout.
I am run on windows vista,
Flex builder: 3.2
Flash debugger: 10,0,22,87
Things that I have done to resolve this issue:
Switch the connection port of the profiler to 9998 (and back)
Remove and reinstall the flash debugger player.
Install flex builder 3.2 (instead of 3.0)
Delete all the enters in the mm.cfg file
Add enter to the mm.cfg:
or with spaces:
PreloadSwf=C: \ work \ labsense \ Sources \ ui \ .metadata \ .plugins \ com.adobe.flash.profiler \ ProfilerAgent.swf?host=localhost&port=9999
or add all or some of the enters:
TraceOutputFileName=C:\Users\zivo\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia\Flash Player\Logs\flashlog.txt
Turn on and off the vista firewall
Add exception for port 9999 in the vista firewall
Try to run the profiler SWF separately
Same result.
Try one last thing:
Because I have expreins problem little bit similar before with the flash debugger, the resolution then was:
Right click on flash player (debugger),
choose “Debugger”,
choose “other machine”
add “”
click ok
then, it solve the issue (but apparently he connect to the debugger with host instead of localhost (which is a same)
I now add to the mm.cfg file, the follow entry:
Then, after saving, I run the profiler, and its work!!
And the reasons for all this was:
Some program change the file C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts to:
# Copyright (c) 1993-2006 Microsoft Corp.
# This is a sample HOSTS file used by Microsoft TCP/IP for Windows.
# This file contains the mappings of IP addresses to host names. Each
# entry should be kept on an individual line. The IP address should
# be placed in the first column followed by the corresponding host name.
# The IP address and the host name should be separated by at least one
# space.
# Additionally, comments (such as these) may be inserted on individual
# lines or following the machine name denoted by a '#' symbol.
# For example:
# # source server
# # x client host
::1 localhost iDBO # LMS GENERATED LINE
This means that localhost is not lead to!!!
Fixing is easy:
# ::1 localhost
Instead (remark the problem and fix the problem
After trying all the other suggestions here, this post on Adobe's forum clued me in.
Adobe forum
When the Flash debug player launches, it looks for mm.cfg in %HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%. On this particular computer that path is not my home directory on C: but on the file server mapped to I:. So once I created I:\mm.cfg with the contents
everything magically started working!
Browser tabs, make sure you have latest debug as you said you did, also make sure that the port is correct, for some reason the port sometimes changes(1001 or 20957) from the default 9999, be sure that your mm.cfg has ProfilingFileOutputEnable=1 and that bittorrent isn't on.
