ff package dim error (selection) - r

i search a solution to work with big data. So i tried "ff package". In my normal script i used following code for a selection in a 66896 x 362 data.frame:
bf <- read.table("G_BANKFULL_km3month.csv",header=T, sep=",",dec=".")
## read river discharge global, monthly vlaues 1971-2000##
memory.limit(size=16000) # increase RAM
dis <- read.table('RIVER_AVAIL_7100_WG22.txt', header=T, sep="\t", dec=".")
## return only grid cells where bankfull is exceeded at least once during the time
## period
test <- cbind(dis,bf$VALUE)
test2 <- test[(test[,-c(1:3)] > test[,length(test)]), ]
It works, if i use enough RAM.
But i dont have always enough RAM for such a operation so i tried the "ff package".
## read Bankfull flow##
bf <- read.csv.ffdf(file="G_BANKFULL_km3month.csv",header=TRUE)
## read river discharge global, monthly vlaues 1971-2000##
memory.limit(size=16000) # increase working memory
dis <- read.table.ffdf(file='RIVER_AVAIL_7100_WG22.txt', header=T, sep="\t", dec=".")
##read bankfull values as ff object##
bfvalues <- ff(bf[,2])
##combination of bf and dis ( see test <- cbind(dis,bf$VALUE))
dis_bf <- do.call('ffdf', c(physical(dis), list(bfvalues=bfvalues)))
dis_bf_test <- dis_bf[(dis_bf[,-c(1:3)] > dis_bf[,length(dis_bf)]),]
The ffdf and the normal data.frame have the same structure etc. but if i try to this last selection it doesn't work and i get following error:
Error in as.hi.matrix(i, maxindex = nvw$n, vw = nvw$vw, pack = FALSE, :
argument "dim" is missing, with no default
Perhaps someone of you have worked with ff package and has an idea why it doesn't work. I am also happy about some ideas or information to other packages and solutions for working with big data.

Why don't you replace your code
dis_bf_test <- dis_bf[(dis_bf[,-c(1:3)] > dis_bf[,length(dis_bf)]),]
dis_bf_test <- subset(dis_bf_test, yourcolumnname > youothercolumnname)
where yourcolumnname represents the column you indicated by dis_bf[,-c(1:3)] and yourothercolumnname with the column you indicated with dis_bf[,length(dis_bf)]


Recursive / Expanding Window forecasts

I am having a small issue with my Rstudio code. I will try to replicate my code but unfortunately there is no easy data for me to show. This is about the package forecast. What I am looking for is somehwat simpler for what is in the manual. But unfortunately, I am not able to work round it.
so the issue is with an expanding window forecast. So I have a dependent variable Y and 3 regressors (X). I am trying to build a recursive one steap ahead forecast for each X.
Here is my code.
## Load data
data = Dataset[,2:ncol(Dataset)]
st <- as.Date("1990-1-1")
en <- as.Date("2020-12-1")
tt <- seq(st, en, by = "1 month")
data = xts(data, order.by=tt)
RECFORECAST=function (Y,X,h,window){
st <- as.Date("1990-1-1")
en <- as.Date("2020-12-1")
tt <- seq(st, en, by = "1 month")
datas= cbind(Y,X)
newfcast= matrix(0,nrow(datas),h)
for (k in 1:nrow(datas)){
sample =datas[1:(window+k-1),]
# print(sample)
v= window+k
# print(v)
# fit = Arima(sample[,1], order=c(0,0,0),xreg=sample[,2])
fit = lm(sample[,1]~sample[,2], data = sample)
# fcast=forecast(fit,xreg=rep(sample[v,2],h))$mean
fcast = forecast.lm(fit,sample[v,2],h=1)$mean
# print(fcast)
# newfcast[k+window+1,]=fcast
## Code to send the loop into forecasts
StoreMatrix = data$growth ## This is the first column data[,1]
for (i in 2:4)
RecModel=RECFORECAST(Y,X,h=1,window=60) ##Here the initial window is 60 obs
}, silent=T)
The bits # were different ways I tried to crosscheck my data and they may not be useful. I have tried so many things but I don't seem to be able to get my head through it. At the end I want to have a matrix (StoreMatrix) with the first variable being the realization, and each of the columns with the corresponding 1 step ahead forecast.
The main lines where there seems to be an issue are these ones:
# fcast=forecast(fit,xreg=rep(sample[v,2],h))$mean
fcast = forecast.lm(fit,sample[v,2],h=1)$mean
Note sure how to solve this. Thank you very much.

Valuation of a Vanilla Interest Rate Swap using the "RQuantLib" Package

I am modelling a Vanilla Interest Rate Swap using the "RQuantLib" Package. I am following the example given in the Cran Paper "RQuantLib". For the Fixed Leg of the Interest Rate Swap, the given R code in the example is;
bond <- list(faceAmount=100,
dateparams <- list(settlementDays=1,
calendar="us", dayCounter = 'Thirty360', period=2,
businessDayConvention = 4, terminationDateConvention=4,
dateGeneration=1, endOfMonth=1)
coupon.rate <- c(0.02875)
params <- list(tradeDate=as.Date('2002-2-15'),
discountCurve.flat <- DiscountCurve(params, list(flat=0.05))
FixedRateBond(bond, coupon.rate, discountCurve.flat, dateparams)
#Same bond with a discount curve constructed from market quotes
tsQuotes <- list(d1w =0.0382,
d1m =0.0372,
s3y =0.0398,
s5y =0.0443,
s10y =0.05165,
s15y =0.055175)
discountCurve <- DiscountCurve(params, tsQuotes)
FixedRateBond(bond, coupon.rate, discountCurve, dateparams)
#example with default dateparams
FixedRateBond(bond, coupon.rate, discountCurve)
##exampe with defaul bond parameter and dateparams
bond <- list(issueDate=as.Date("2004-11-30"),
dateparams <- list(calendar="us",
dayCounter = "ActualActual",
FixedRateBond(bond, coupon.rate, discountCurve, dateparams)
However, in this R Code the following transcripts are showing errors;
discountCurve.flat <- DiscountCurve(params, list(flat=0.05))
and the errors are as below;
> setEvaluationDate(as.Date("2004-11-22"))
Error: could not find function "setEvaluationDate"
> discountCurve.flat <- DiscountCurve(params, list(flat=0.05))
Error: could not find function "DiscountCurve"
I have tried to investigate why the R Code is failing to compile but I failed. Can anyone assist please?
Maybe you didn't load the package :
R> library(RQuantLib)
R> setEvaluationDate(Sys.Date())
[1] TRUE

SMA using R & TTR Package

Afternoon! I'm just starting out with R and learning about data frames, packages, etc... read a lot of the messages here but couldn't find an answer.
I have a table I'm accessing with R that has the following fields:
And, I'm calculating SMAs on the close prices:
sqlQuery <- "Select * from [dbo].[Stock_Data]"
conn <- odbcDriverConnect(connectionString)
dfSMA <- sqlQuery(conn, sqlQuery)
sma20 <- SMA(dfSMA$Close, n = 20)
dfSMA["SMA20"] <- sma20
When I look at the output, it appears to be calculating the SMA without any regard for what the symbol is. I haven't tried to replicate the calculation, but I would suspect it's just doing it by 20 moving rows, regardless of date/symbol.
How do I restrict the calculation to a given symbol?
Any help is appreciated - just need to be pointed in the right direction.
You're far more likely to get answers if you provide reproducible examples. First, let's replicate your data:
symbols <- c("GS", "MS")
# Create example data:
dGS <- data.frame("Symbol" = "GS", "Date" = index(GS), coredata(OHLCV(GS)))
names(dGS) <- str_replace(names(dGS), "GS\\.", "")
dMS <- data.frame("Symbol" = "MS", "Date" = index(MS), coredata(OHLCV(MS)))
names(dMS) <- str_replace(names(dMS), "MS\\.", "")
dfSMA <- rbind(dGS, dMS)
> head(dfSMA)
Symbol Date Open High Low Close Volume Adjusted
1 GS 2007-01-03 200.60 203.32 197.82 200.72 6494900 178.6391
2 GS 2007-01-04 200.22 200.67 198.07 198.85 6460200 176.9748
3 GS 2007-01-05 198.43 200.00 197.90 199.05 5892900 177.1528
4 GS 2007-01-08 199.05 203.95 198.10 203.73 7851000 181.3180
5 GS 2007-01-09 203.54 204.90 202.00 204.08 7147100 181.6295
6 GS 2007-01-10 203.40 208.44 201.50 208.11 8025700 185.2161
What you want to do is subset your long data object, and then apply technical indicators on each symbol in isolation. Here is one approach to guide you toward acheiving your desired result.
You could do this using a list, and build the indicators on xts data objects for each symbol, not on a data.frame like you do in your example (You can apply the TTR functions to columns in a data.frame but it is ugly -- work with xts objects is much more ideal). This is template for how you could do it. The final output l.data should be intuitive to work with. Keep each symbol in a separate "Container" (element of the list) rather than combining all the symbols in one data.frame which isn't easy to work with.
make_xts_from_long_df <- function(x) {
# Subset the symbol you desire
res <- dfSMA[dfSMA$Symbol == x, ]
#Create xts, then allow easy merge of technical indicators
x_res <- xts(OHLCV(res), order.by = res$Date)
merge(x_res, SMA(Cl(x_res), n = 20))
l.data <- setNames(lapply(symbols, make_xts_from_long_df), symbols)

Scrape number of articles on a topic per year from NYT and WSJ?

I would like to create a data frame that scrapes the NYT and WSJ and has the number of articles on a given topic per year. That is:
2011 2 3
2012 10 7
I found this tutorial for the NYT but is not working for me :_(. When I get to line 30 I get this error:
> cts <- as.data.frame(table(dat))
Error in provideDimnames(x) :
length of 'dimnames' [1] not equal to array extent
Any help would be much appreciated.
PS: This is my code that is not working (A NYT api key is needed http://developer.nytimes.com/apps/register)
# Need to install from source http://www.omegahat.org/RJSONIO/RJSONIO_0.2-3.tar.gz
# then load:
### set parameters ###
api <- "API key goes here" ###### <<<API key goes here!!
q <- "MOOCs" # Query string, use + instead of space
records <- 500 # total number of records to return, note limitations above
# calculate parameter for offset
os <- 0:(records/10-1)
# read first set of data in
uri <- paste ("http://api.nytimes.com/svc/search/v1/article?format=json&query=", q, "&offset=", os[1], "&fields=date&api-key=", api, sep="")
raw.data <- readLines(uri, warn="F") # get them
res <- fromJSON(raw.data) # tokenize
dat <- unlist(res$results) # convert the dates to a vector
# read in the rest via loop
for (i in 2:length(os)) {
# concatenate URL for each offset
uri <- paste ("http://api.nytimes.com/svc/search/v1/article?format=json&query=", q, "&offset=", os[i], "&fields=date&api-key=", api, sep="")
raw.data <- readLines(uri, warn="F")
res <- fromJSON(raw.data)
dat <- append(dat, unlist(res$results)) # append
# aggregate counts for dates and coerce into a data frame
cts <- as.data.frame(table(dat))
# establish date range
dat.conv <- strptime(dat, format="%Y%m%d") # need to convert dat into POSIX format for this
daterange <- c(min(dat.conv), max(dat.conv))
dat.all <- seq(daterange[1], daterange[2], by="day") # all possible days
# compare dates from counts dataframe with the whole data range
# assign 0 where there is no count, otherwise take count
# (take out PSD at the end to make it comparable)
dat.all <- strptime(dat.all, format="%Y-%m-%d")
# cant' seem to be able to compare Posix objects with %in%, so coerce them to character for this:
freqs <- ifelse(as.character(dat.all) %in% as.character(strptime(cts$dat, format="%Y%m%d")), cts$Freq, 0)
plot (freqs, type="l", xaxt="n", main=paste("Search term(s):",q), ylab="# of articles", xlab="date")
axis(1, 1:length(freqs), dat.all)
lines(lowess(freqs, f=.2), col = 2)
UPDATE: the repo is now at https://github.com/rOpenGov/rtimes
There is a RNYTimes package created by Duncan Temple-Lang https://github.com/omegahat/RNYTimes - but it is outdated because the NYTimes API is on v2 now. I've been working on one for political endpoints only, but not relevant for you.
I'm rewiring RNYTimes right now...Install from github. You need to install devtools first to get install_github
Then try your search with that, e.g,
library(RNYTimes); library(plyr)
moocs <- searchArticles("MOOCs", key = "<yourkey>")
This gives you number of articles found
[1] 121
You could get word counts for each article by
as.numeric(sapply(moocs$response$docs, "[[", 'word_count'))
[1] 157 362 1316 312 2936 2973 355 1364 16 880

Reading sdmx-xml files into a dataframe in R

I was wondering if anyone has managed to read SDMX-XML files into a dataframe. The file I’d like to read is https://www.ecb.europa.eu/stats/sdmx/icpf/1/data/pension_funds.xml (1mb).
I saved the file as “pensions_funds.xml” to the pwd and tried to use the XML package to read it:
fileName <- system.file("pensions", "pensions_funds.xml", package="XML")
tmp = xmlSApply(r, function(x) xmlSApply(x, xmlValue))
The few lines above basically follow the example here http://www.omegahat.org/RSXML/gettingStarted.html
but I think I would first need to somehow ignore the header (I have pasted below the first couple of pages of the file I’m trying to read). So I think the above might work but it starts from the wrong node for my purposes. I would like to grab the obs_values, indexed by their time_period and ref_area.
The first thing would be to find the right node and start there however I suspect I might be on a fool’s errand since I have limited knowledge of data formats and I’m not sure the XML package can be used for SDMX-XML files. Smarter people appear to have tried to do this
I can’t find this package for download on its homepage here
(I can’t see any link/download section but maybe I’m blind) and it seems to be early stages. The existence of the rsdmx suggests using the xml package to read sdmx might not be easy so I’m ready to give up at this stage unless anyone has had success with this. Actually I’m mainly interested in reading this file
But this is a 10mb file so I was starting smaller.
attempting sgibb's answer on large file using changes in Mischa's comment
url <- "http://www.ecb.europa.eu/stats/sdmx/bsi/1/data/outstanding_amounts.xml"
sdmxHandler <- function() {
## data.frame which stores results
data <- data.frame(stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
## counter to store current row
i <- 1
## temp value to store current REF_AREA
## temp value to store current REF_AREA
refArea <- NA
bsItem <- NA
bsCountSector <- NA
## handler subroutine for Obs tag
Obs <- function(name, attr) {
## found an Obs tag and now fill data.frame
data[i, "refArea"] <<- refArea
data[i, "timePeriod"] <<- as.numeric(attr["TIME_PERIOD"])
data[i, "obsValue"] <<- as.numeric(attr["OBS_VALUE"])
data[i, "bsItem"] <<- bsItem
data[i, "bsCountSector"] <<- bsCountSector
i <<- i + 1
## handler subroutine for Series tag
Series <- function(name, attr) {
refArea <<- attr["REF_AREA"]
bsItem <<- as.character(attr["BS_ITEM"])
bsCountSector <<- as.numeric(attr["BS_ITEM"])
return(list(getData=function() {return(data)},
Obs=Obs, Series=Series))
## run parser
df <- xmlEventParse(file(url), handlers=sdmxHandler())$getData()
Specification mandate value for attribute OBS_VALUE
attributes construct error
Couldn't find end of Start Tag Obs line 15108
Premature end of data in tag Series line 15041
Premature end of data in tag DataSet line 91
Premature end of data in tag CompactData line 2
Error: 1: Specification mandate value for attribute OBS_VALUE
2: attributes construct error
3: Couldn't find end of Start Tag Obs line 15108
4: Premature end of data in tag Series line 15041
5: Premature end of data in tag DataSet line 91
6: Premature end of data in tag CompactData line 2
In addition: There were 50 or more warnings (use warnings() to see the first 50)
the answer from sgibb looks ideal and works perfectly on the smaller file. I tried to run it on
url <- http://www.ecb.europa.eu/stats/sdmx/bsi/1/data/outstanding_amounts.xml
(the 10mb file, original link corrected), with the only modification being the addition of two lines:
data[i, "bsItem"] <<- as.character(attr["BS_ITEM"])
data[i, "bsCountSector"] <<- as.numeric(attr["BS_COUNT_SECTOR"])
(these are additional id variables which are needed to identify a row in this larger dataset).
It ran for a few minutes then finished with this error:
Error: 1: Specification mandate value for attribute TIME_PE
2: attributes construct error
3: Couldn't find end of Start Tag Obs line 20743
4: Premature end of data in tag Series line 20689
5: Premature end of data in tag DataSet line 91
6: Premature end of data in tag CompactData line 2
In addition: There were 50 or more warnings (use warnings() to see the first 50)
The basic format of the data seems very similar so I thought this might work. The basic format of the 10mb file is as below:
<Obs TIME_PERIOD="1997-09" OBS_VALUE="275.3" OBS_STATUS="A" OBS_CONF="F"/>
<Obs TIME_PERIOD="1997-10" OBS_VALUE="275.9" OBS_STATUS="A" OBS_CONF="F"/>
<Obs TIME_PERIOD="1997-11" OBS_VALUE="276.6" OBS_STATUS="A" OBS_CONF="F"/>
desired data format:
Ref_area time_period obs_value
At 2006 118
At 2007 119
Be 2006 101
Here’s the first bit of the data.
DataSet xsi:schemaLocation="https://www.ecb.europa.eu/vocabulary/stats/icpf/1 https://www.ecb.europa.eu/stats/sdmx/icpf/1/structure/2011-08-11/sdmx-compact.xsd" xmlns="https://www.ecb.europa.eu/vocabulary/stats/icpf/1">
<Group DECIMALS="0" TITLE_COMPL="Austria, reporting institutional sector Insurance corporations and pension funds - Closing balance sheet - All financial assets and liabilities - counterpart area World (all entities), counterpart institutional sector Total economy including Rest of the World (all sectors) - Credit (resources/liabilities) - Non-consolidated, Current prices - Euro, Neither seasonally nor working day adjusted - ESA95 TP table Not applicable" UNIT_MULT="9" UNIT="EUR" ESA95TP_SUFFIX="Z" ESA95TP_DENOM="E" ESA95TP_CONS="N" ESA95TP_DC_AL="2" ESA95TP_CPSECTOR="S" ESA95TP_CPAREA="A1" ESA95TP_SECTOR="S125" ESA95TP_ASSET="F" ESA95TP_TRANS="LE" ESA95TP_PRICE="V" ADJUSTMENT="N" REF_AREA="AT"/><Series ESA95TP_SUFFIX="Z" ESA95TP_DENOM="E" ESA95TP_CONS="N" ESA95TP_DC_AL="2" ESA95TP_CPSECTOR="S" ESA95TP_CPAREA="A1" ESA95TP_SECTOR="S125" ESA95TP_ASSET="F" ESA95TP_TRANS="LE" ESA95TP_PRICE="V" ADJUSTMENT="N" REF_AREA="AT" COLLECTION="E" TIME_FORMAT="P1Y" FREQ="A"><Obs OBS_CONF="F" OBS_STATUS="E" OBS_VALUE="112" TIME_PERIOD="2008"/><Obs OBS_CONF="F" OBS_STATUS="E" OBS_VALUE="119" TIME_PERIOD="2009"/><Obs OBS_CONF="F" OBS_STATUS="E" OBS_VALUE="125" TIME_PERIOD="2010"/><Obs OBS_CONF="F" OBS_STATUS="E" OBS_VALUE="127" TIME_PERIOD="2011"/></Series><Group D
RSDMX seems to be in an early development state. IMHO there is no package available yet. But you could easily implement it on your own using the XML package. I would suggest to use xmlEventParse (see ?xmlEventParse for details):
EDIT: adapt example to changed requirements of outstanding_amounts.xml
EDIT2: add download.file
#url <- "http://www.ecb.europa.eu/stats/sdmx/icpf/1/data/pension_funds.xml"
url <- "http://www.ecb.europa.eu/stats/sdmx/bsi/1/data/outstanding_amounts.xml"
## download xml file to avoid download errors disturbing xmlEventParse
tmp <- tempfile()
download.file(url, tmp)
sdmxHandler <- function() {
## data.frame which stores results
data <- data.frame(stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
## counter to store current row
i <- 1
## temp value to store current REF_AREA, BS_ITEM and BS_COUNT_SECTOR
refArea <- NA
bsItem <- NA
bsCountSector <- NA
## handler subroutine for Obs tag
Obs <- function(name, attr) {
## found an Obs tag and now fill data.frame
data[i, "refArea"] <<- refArea
data[i, "bsItem"] <<- bsItem
data[i, "bsCountSector"] <<- bsCountSector
data[i, "timePeriod"] <<- as.Date(paste(attr["TIME_PERIOD"], "-01", sep=""), format="%Y-%m-%d")
data[i, "obsValue"] <<- as.double(attr["OBS_VALUE"])
## update current row
i <<- i + 1
## handler subroutine for Series tag
Series <- function(name, attr) {
refArea <<- attr["REF_AREA"]
bsItem <<- attr["BS_ITEM"]
bsCountSector <<- as.numeric(attr["BS_COUNT_SECTOR"])
return(list(getData=function() {return(data)},
Obs=Obs, Series=Series))
## run parser
df <- xmlEventParse(tmp, handlers=sdmxHandler())$getData()
# refArea bsItem bsCountSector timePeriod obsValue
#1 DE A20 2210 12053 39.6
#2 DE A20 2210 12084 46.1
#3 DE A20 2210 12112 50.2
#4 DE A20 2210 12143 52.0
#5 DE A20 2210 12173 52.3
#6 DE A20 2210 12204 47.3
The package rsdmx allows you to read SDMX-ML files and coerce them as data.frame. It is now hosted at Github, and currently available in CRAN, but in case you can install easily it from GitHub with the following:
install_github("rsdmx", "opensdmx")
Applying to your data, you can do the following:
sdmx <- readSDMX("http://www.ecb.europa.eu/stats/sdmx/bsi/1/data/outstanding_amounts.xml")
df <- as.data.frame(sdmx)
More examples are given in the rsdmx wiki
Note that its functionalities currently load the xml object into R, as a slot part of the SDMX R objects instantiated by rsdmx. In the future, we would like to investigate how rsdmx can use xmlEventParse (as suggested above by #sgibb) to read very large datasets.
xmlparsed <- xmlParse(file(url))
## obtain dataset node::
series_data <- getNodeSet(xmlparsed, "//Series")
datasetnode <- xmlChildren( xmlChildren(xmlparsed)[[1]])[[2]]
series_data<-xmlChildren(datasetnode)[ names(xmlChildren(datasetnode))=="Series"]
## prepare dataset
dataset.frame <- data.frame(matrix(ncol=3))
colnames(dataset.frame) <- c('REF_AREA', 'TIME_PERIOD', 'OBS_VALUE')
## loop over data
for (i in 1: length(series_data)){
if('Obs'%in%names(xmlChildren(series_data[[i]])) ){ ## To ignore empty //Series nodes
for (j in 1: length(xmlChildren(series_data[[i]]))){
dataset.frame[counter,1] <- xmlAttrs(series_data[[i]])['REF_AREA']
dataset.frame[counter,2] <- xmlAttrs(series_data[[i]][[j]])['TIME_PERIOD']
dataset.frame[counter,3] <- xmlAttrs(series_data[[i]][[j]])['OBS_VALUE']
