Async Page webforms threads -

I would like to solve a specific question I got, so this question is more likelly a discussion.
Basiclly, there is an project with a WebForm1.aspx, with a button on it. As soon as the clien press the button a thread is launch, and inmediatlly then, there is a Response.Redirect like this:
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
BL.Class1 cd = new BL.Class1();
cd.Run(); // or cd.AsyncRun();
Of course evrything should be nonstatic. Bussiness Logic class looks somthing like this:
public class Class1
public int Signal = 0;
// non blocking Run... the webserver continues with this process running backwards
public void RunAsync()
Signal = 0;
new System.Threading.Thread(() =>
System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(100000); // simulate heavy task!
Signal = 1;
// blocking Run...
public void Run()
Signal = 0;
System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(100000); // simulate heavy task!
Signal = 1;
With this in mind, here is the discussion:
- In WebForm2.aspx I would like to pool either from the client (javascript/ajax/nonstatic webservice) or the server to the client (registerscript with scriptmanager), in order to have the "Signal" variable set to "True" after the heavy process.. and tell the user (via a div with red background to green color) or something else.
- If so, how would be the best method if I do not want to use SignalR or Node.js or WebApi or WebSockets jet?
- Do you have any document, book where to explain such situation in an MVC project approach?
All communitty, really thanked on helping within this issue.

Sounds like a simple meta refresh would do the trick, or a JavaScript that reloads the page on a set interval - no need for anything fancy if you don't want to.
Simply render the page (server-side) either with a red or a green div depending on the completion status of the heavy job.


ViewModel event fires multiple times

I'm using MVVM Light for my application and I have also implemented the INavigationService for going back/for between pages.
So in a common scenario, it's like this
MainPage > Categories > Rounds > DataPage.
In the DataPage, I'm making a request to fetch the results and depending on the result returned from the callback I call the .GoBack() method to pop the current page from the stack and return to Rounds.
What I have noticed is that if I hit first the DataPage and the .GoBack() gets called and then tap on a different round the callback method will be fired twice, and if I go back and in again thrice, and continues like this.
Essentially this means that the .GoBack() will be called again and the navigation gets messed up.
I believe this has to do with not cleaning up the previous VM's, I tried changing this behavior with the UnRegister / Register class from SimpleIOC but no luck.
In the ViewModel class
public void UnsubscribeFromCallBack()
this.event -= method;
In the .xaml.cs page
protected override void OnDisappearing()
PageViewModel vm = (this.BindingContext as PageViewModel);

Call a method in application scope (.Net)

I have a UserControl(uc) in my master page, and a method(MyMethod) inside uc that make some calculations.
protected void Page_Load()
private void MyMethod()
Because my uc is in master page, i can see the uc in all my aspx pages. My aim is that as soon as a user login the application, run MyMethod() just once (in a thread) and do calculations in an infinite loop until the user logout or application (or browser) closed. Although the calculations are outside of the PostBack, MyMethod will be called more than one time.
Assume that I m in Page-1 and it s loaded first time, MyMethod() will bi called. After another page (Page-2) is loaded, MyMethod will be called again and I want to prevent it. Is there a way to do something like this:
if(LifeCycle of application resumes)
You can store a flag in application state and use it in a condition. Something like this, perhaps:
// in Application_Start in Global.asax
Application["IsRunning"] = false;
private void MyMethod()
if (!((bool)Application["IsRunning"]))
Application["IsRunning"] = true;
// your code
Note that the state of a web application isn't always stable or intuitive. It's really meant to be a request/response system and is at the mercy of the web server for managing resources. This may not be as reliable as you expect.
You might want to consider having a separate application, such as a Windows Service, for performing ongoing background tasks.

How to stop an Loading function on button click?

I have a problem, I have to stop one Loading class on button click. I already checked some forums related to this. But didn't find an exact solution.
For example:
Public Sub LoadDropDown()
Dim it As Integer
For it = 0 To 1000000
End Sub
I have to load the DropDown on Load button click and I have to cancel that on cancel button click.
Since populating the control happens on the server, I can't imagine way to interrupt your method from the client. The whole control is being populated, rendered, and only then sent to the client. You might interrupt the callback using ajax, but then the control wouldn't be returned at all.
An alternative could be to load the contents in chunks with ajax and append them to the control on the client-side.
There is no formal way to do what you're asking, but you should be able to achieve the same result if you refactor your code. If certain content shouldn't be loaded for certain users, do that logic in your code behind before it renders to the page.
Per your response to the other answers...
You could consider doing multiple my_ddl.items.add() calls on a timer. Would involve multiple, separate postbacks / ajax calls. For example:
1) add records for 2 seconds (instead of a fixed number of records at a time)
2) check for session("continue") = "true"
3) add more records for 2 more seconds
4) check session("continue")
At some point, user clicks cancel, which assigns "false" to session("continue"). Next time your loop checks session("continue"), it will see that it's false and exit.
This would give you a partially-loaded data control. You might want other code to wipe-out the partial update.
I think you could accomplish this with a Session Variable. Forgive me, but I'll have to provide the example in C#, but I'm sure you can get the general idea of this.
private bool CancelRequested
if (Session["CancelRequested"] == null)
return false;
return (bool)Session["CancelRequested"];
Session["CancelRequested"] = value;
public void LoadDropDown()
for (int it = 0; it <= 1000000; it++)
if (CancelRequested)
CancelRequested = false;
//Your logic here
protected void btnCancelRequest_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
CancelRequested = true;
The idea here is that the inital loop checks a Session variable to see if it should continue or break out of the loop. If you have a button on the page that will allow the user to set this Session variable to "true", they can essential communicate to the inital request and cause it to break out of the loop. I'm not sure if this would fully accomplish what you're looking to achieve, but hopefully it helps.

Include scheduling in web-application in

I wanted to run scheduling process in periodically in web application.
In brief,My database table is having date & deadline Hrs.I want to calculate expected dateTime from both then another table get updated (inserts 1000s of records) periodically & also want to run process of mail sending according to that calculation for the same.
This is expected scheduled process which should be executed periodically.
The Quartz.NET job scheduler library is excellent for this sort of thing.
You can use Window Service to work in backgroud or scheduling , please see below links:
Using Timers in a Windows Service
Here's what I did:
public class Email {
private static System.Threading.Timer threadingTimer;
public static void StartTimer()
if (threadingTimer == null)
threadingTimer = new Timer(new TimerCallback(Callback), HttpContext.Current, 0, 20000);
private static void Callback(object sender)
if (/* Your condition to send emails */)
using (var context = new MyEntities())
var users = from user in context.Usere
select user;
foreach (var user in users)
// Send an email to user
And you have to add this to Application_Start:
void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e)
Check out this old article from Jeff Atwood:
Easy Background Tasks in ASP.NET
Basically he suggests that you use the cache expiration mechanism to schedule a timed task. The problem is: your web application needs to be running. What if the website isn't called at all? Well, since IIS 7.5 there is the possibility to keep your web app running at all times: auto starting web apps. Jeff suggests in the comments that his approach served well until they outgrew it. His conclusion is that for small sites this is a good approach.

How to update value in textBox in ASP.NET from other threads?

I'm using ASP.NET 4.0 on IIS7.5 and WCF Callback technique. I have no problem with callback. The wcf service can fire callback method in web client but it seems it's on another thread with the UI thread.
public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page, IServiceCallback
private IService proxy = null;
private static TextBox _textBoxtest;
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
_textBoxtest = TextBox1;
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
//then server will call back to FireCallBackFromServer
proxy.CallService(type, "someObject");
#region IServiceCallback Members
public void FireCallBackFromServer(string txt)
TextBox1.Text = txt; <-- the value does not update on textBox
Please help me to think how to update my textBox from callback event.
Thank you.
It is how WCF callback works. Each callback call is served by its own thread. I think the reason why this happens is because you don't have SynchronizationContext which will point incomming request back to current thread (and hopefully current instance of your page). The contrary example are callbacks used in WPF or WinForm applications. UI thread in these applications by default has SynchronizationContext so if you open service proxy in UI thread, requests to callback are routed back to UI thread - it sometimes causes another problems so you can turn off usage of SynchronizationContext in ServiceBehaviorAttribute.
But even if you solve this problem you will deal with the same problem in ASP.NET. Each request to ASP.NET creates new instance of handler. So each request from your browser will create new instance of page.
I believe that if client is ASP.NET then WCF callback doesn't make sense because I still didn't see any working implementation.
I've run into this issue, where only the UI thread can perform UI updates, in a WPF application using WCF callbacks. I don't do much work in ASP.NET, so I'm not 100% sure the answer is the same but the problem looks very similar.
The way I solved the problem was to use the Dispatcher and lambdas to send the change to the UI thread. Put into the context of your code, it would look something like
public void FireCallBackFromServer(string txt)
Dispatcher.CurrentDispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action(() => TextBox1.Text = txt;));
This should update your textbox's content to the text provided in the callback. Give it a try and see how you go.
