How do pointers increase execution speed? - pointers

How does using a pointer in a program increase the execution speed?
When I use a pointer to access a variable while running the program first it has to go to the pointer's address to find the address of the variable and then go to the variable to use it(that's what I know).
It is obvious that using a variable is faster here.
So how does a pointer increase the speed?

Passing a pointer to 4KB of data, is faster (and uses less memory) than copying that 4KB to pass it "by value".
You are correct that, for a simple 'integer', passing it directly is faster than passing a pointer to it & de-referencing (looking up) the pointer.
Pointers are typically used for larger data-structures than that, however.
The other use of pointers is to enable modifiability -- the function can modify the original data or data-structure via the pointer received, rather than just having a copy which is independent of the caller's & to which the caller would not see changes.
For example a FILE * -- a pointer to a file-handle. I/O functions take this & update internal pointers to keep track of where you are, in the file.


Rust Global.dealloc vs ptr::drop_in_place vs ManuallyDrop

I'm relatively new to Rust. I was working on some lock-free algorithms, and started playing around with manually managing memory, something similar to C++ new/delete. I noticed a couple different ways that do this throughout the standard library components, but I want to really understand the differences and use cases of each. Here's what it seems like to me:
ManuallyDrop<Box<T>> will prevent Box's destructor from running. I can save a raw pointer to the ManuallyDrop element, and have the actual element go out of scope (what would normally be dropped in Rust) without being dropped. I can later call ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut *ptr) to drop this value manually.
I can also dereference the ManuallyDrop<Box<T>> element, save a raw pointer to just the Box<T>, and later call std::ptr::drop_in_place(box_ptr). This is supposed to destroy the Boxitself and drop the heap-allocated T.
Looking at the ManuallyDrop::drop implementation, it looks those are literally doing the exact same thing. Since ManuallyDrop is zero cost and just stores a value in it's struct, is there any difference in the above two approaches?
I can also call std::alloc::Global.dealloc(...), which looks like it will deallocate the memory block without calling drop. So if I call this on a pointer to Box<T>, it'll deallocate the heap pointer, but won't call drop, so T will still be lying around on the heap. I could call it on a pointer to T itself, which will remove T.
From exploring the standard library, it looks like Global.dealloc gets called in the raw_vec implementation to actually remove the heap-allocated array that Vec points to. This makes sense, since it's literally trying to remove a block of memory.
Rc has a drop implementation that looks roughly like this:
// destroy the contained object
// remove the implicit "strong weak" pointer now that we've
// destroyed the contents.
if self.weak() == 0 {
Global.dealloc(self.ptr.cast(), Layout::for_value(self.ptr.as_ref()));
I don't really understand why it needs both the dealloc and the drop_in_place. What does the dealloc add that the drop_in_place doesn't do?
Also, if I just save a raw pointer to a heap-allocated value by doing something like Box::new(5).into_raw(), does my pointer now control that memory allocation. As in, will it remain alive until I explicitly call ptr::drop_in_place()?
Finally, when I was playing with all this, I ran into a strange issue. After running ManuallyDrop::drop or ptr::drop_in_place on my raw pointer, I then tried running println! on the pointer's dereferenced value. Sometimes I get a scary heap error and my test fails, which is what I would expect. Other times, it just prints the same value, as if no drops happened. I also tried running ManuallyDrop::drop multiple times on the exact same value, and same thing. Sometimes a heap error, sometimes totally fine, and the same value prints out.
What is happening here?
If you come from C++, you can think of drop_in_place as calling the destructor manually, and dealloc as calling old C free.
They serve different purposes:
drop_in_place just calls Drop::drop, that releases the resources held by your type.
dealloc frees the memory pointed to by a pointer, previously allocated with alloc.
You seem to think that drop_in_place also frees the memory, but that is not the case. I think your confusion arises because Box<T> contains a dynamically allocated object, so its Box::drop implementation does release the memory used by that object, after calling its drop_in_place, of course.
That is what you see in the Rc implementation, first it calls the drop_in_place (destructor) of the inner object, then it releases the memory.
About what happens if you call drop_in_place several times in a row... well, the function is unsafe for a reason: you most likely get Uundefined Behavior. From the docs:
...if T is not Copy, using the pointed-to value after calling drop_in_place can cause undefined behavior.
Note the can cause. I think it is perfectly possible to write a type that allows calling drop several times, but it doesn't sound like such a good idea.

the suggested way to use clEnqueueMapBuffer and clEnqueueUnmapMemObject when implementing zero copy

I am playing deep learning with opencl, the output size of the tensor is fixed.
In cuda, I can use zero copy via cudaMallocHost, this can be called in the initialization. And I can read the output of the tensor from the host without explicitly calling cudaMemcpy.
It's very efficient since it's called only one time over the entire execution of my program. I don't need to call cudaMallocHost every time after forwarding.
And when I try to implement zero copy in opencl, in some implementations they call clEnqueueMapBuffer and clEnqueueUnmapMemObject every time after forwarding when you want to read the output of the tensor.
Here is the example (
But I find that the overhead of clEnqueueMapBuffer can not be neglected, sometimes the latency is quite large.
Is this really suggested way to do so? Can I call clEnqueueMapBuffer only one time in the lifetime of my program and call clEnqueueUnmapMemObject one time when the end of my program? is there any issue to do so?
If your OpenCL implementation supports Shared Virtual Memory (introduced in 2.0), that feature allows you to do something similar, and much more.
For OpenCL 1.x, unless your OpenCL implementation makes any guarantees above and beyond the standard (which I'd expect it to do via an extension), you must unmap a buffer before a kernel gets write access to it, and likewise, you must not allow a kernel to read from it while it is mapped for writing.
This is explained in the clEnqueueMapBuffer specification:
Reads and writes by a kernel executing on a device to a memory region(s) mapped for writing are undefined.
The behavior of writes by a kernel executing on a device to a mapped region of a memory object is undefined.
In version 1.2, this was expanded, but the gist is the same:
If a memory object is currently mapped for writing, the application must ensure that the memory
object is unmapped before any enqueued kernels or commands that read from or write to this
memory object or any of its associated memory objects (sub-buffer or 1D image buffer objects)
or its parent object (if the memory object is a sub-buffer or 1D image buffer object) begin
execution; otherwise the behavior is undefined.
If a memory object is currently mapped for reading, the application must ensure that the memory
object is unmapped before any enqueued kernels or commands that write to this memory object
or any of its associated memory objects (sub-buffer or 1D image buffer objects) or its parent
object (if the memory object is a sub-buffer or 1D image buffer object) begin execution;
otherwise the behavior is undefined.
If you find that map/unmap has a high overhead, you are probably not hitting a zero-copy code path in your OpenCL implementation, and the driver is actually copying the memory contents. If in doubt, check with your implementation vendor to see how they recommend you implement zero-copy buffers in OpenCL. Zero-copy buffers are not guaranteed by the standard.

In terms of design and when writing a library, when should I use a pointer as an argument, and when should I not?

Sorry if my question seems stupid. My background is in PHP, Ruby, Python, Lua and similar languages, and I have no understanding of pointers in real-life scenarios.
From what I've read on the Internet and what I've got as responses in a question I asked (When is a pointer idiomatic?), I have understood that:
Pointers should be used when copying large data. Instead of getting the whole object hierarchy, receive its address and access it.
Pointers have to be used when you have a function on a struct that modifies it.
So, pointers seem like a great thing: I should just always get them as function arguments because they are so lightweight, and it's okay if I somehow end up not needing to modify anything on the struct.
However, looking at that statement intuitively, I can feel that it sounds very creepy, and yet I don't know why.
So, as someone who is designing a struct and its related functions, or just functions, when should I receive a pointer? When should I receive a value, and why?
In other words, when should my NewAuthor method return &Author{ ... }, and when should it return Author{ ... }? When should my function get a pointer to an author as an argument, and when should it just get the value (a copy) of type Author?
There's tradeoffs for both pointers and values.
Generally speaking, pointers will point to some other region of memory in the system. Be it the stack of the function that wants to pass a pointer to a local variable or some place on the heap.
func A() {
i := 25
B(&i) // A sets up stack frame to call B,
// it copies the address of i so B can look it up later.
// At this point, i is equal to 30
func B(i *int){
// Here, i points to A's stack frame.
// For this to execute, I look at my variable "i",
// see the memory address it points to, then look at that to get the value of 25.
// That address may be on another page of memory,
// causing me to have to look it up from main memory (which is slow).
println(10 + (*i))
// Since I have the address to A's local variable, I can modify it.
*i = 30
Pointers require me to de-reference them constantly whenever I was to see the data it points to. Sometimes you don't care. Other times it matters a lot. It really depends on the application.
If that pointer has to be de-referenced a lot (ie: you pass in a number to use in a bunch of different calcs), then you keep paying the cost.
Compared to using values:
func A() {
i := 25
B(i) // A sets up the stack frame to call B, copying in the value 25
// i is still 25, because A gave B a copy of the value, and not the address.
func B(i int){
// Here, i is simply on the stack. I don't have to do anything to use it.
println(10 + i)
// Since i here is a value on B's stack, modifications are not visible outside B's scpe
i = 30
Since there's nothing to dereference, it's basically free to use the local variable.
The down side of passing values happens if those values are large because copying data to the stack isn't free.
For an int it's a wash because pointers are "int" sized. For a struct, or an array, you are copying all the data.
Also, large objects on the stack can make the stack extra big. Go handles this well with stack re-allocation, but in high performance scenarios, it may be too much of an impact to performance.
There's a data safety aspect as well (can't modify something I pass by value), but I don't feel that is usually an issue in most code bases.
Basically, if your problem was already solvable by ruby, python or other language without value types, then these performance nuances don't super-matter.
In general, passing structs as pointers will usually do "the right thing" while learning the language.
For all other types, or things that you want to keep as read-only, pass values.
There are exceptions to that rule, but it's best that you learn those as needs arise rather than try to redefine your world all at once. If that makes sense.
Simply you can use pointers anywhere you want, sometimes you don't want to change your data. It may stand for abstract data, and you don't want to explicitly copy the data. Just pass by value and let compiler do its job.

Proper way to inform OpenCL kernels of many memory objects?

In my OpenCL program, I am going to end up with 60+ global memory buffers that each kernel is going to need to be able to access. What's the recommended way to for letting each kernel know the location of each of these buffers?
The buffers themselves are stable throughout the life of the application -- that is, we will allocate the buffers at application start, call multiple kernels, then only deallocate the buffers at application end. Their contents, however, may change as the kernels read/write from them.
In CUDA, the way I did this was to create 60+ program scope global variables in my CUDA code. I would then, on the host, write the address of the device buffers I allocated into these global variables. Then kernels would simply use these global variables to find the buffer it needed to work with.
What would be the best way to do this in OpenCL? It seems that CL's global variables are a bit different than CUDA's, but I can't find a clear answer on if my CUDA method will work, and if so, how to go about transferring the buffer pointers into global variables. If that wont work, what's the best way otherwise?
60 global variables sure is a lot! Are you sure there isn't a way to refactor your algorithm a bit to use smaller data chunks? Remember, each kernel should be a minimum work unit, not something colossal!
However, there is one possible solution. Assuming your 60 arrays are of known size, you could store them all into one big buffer, and then use offsets to access various parts of that large array. Here's a very simple example with three arrays:
A is 100 elements
B is 200 elements
C is 100 elements
big_array = A[0:100] B[0:200] C[0:100]
offsets = [0, 100, 300]
Then, you only need to pass big_array and offsets to your kernel, and you can access each array. For example:
A[50] = big_array[offsets[0] + 50]
B[20] = big_array[offsets[1] + 20]
C[0] = big_array[offsets[2] + 0]
I'm not sure how this would affect caching on your particular device, but my initial guess is "not well." This kind of array access is a little nasty, as well. I'm not sure if it would be valid, but you could start each of your kernels with some code that extracts each offset and adds it to a copy of the original pointer.
On the host side, in order to keep your arrays more accessible, you can use clCreateSubBuffer: which would also allow you to pass references to specific arrays without the offsets array.
I don't think this solution will be any better than passing the 60 kernel arguments, but depending on your OpenCL implementation's clSetKernelArgs, it might be faster. It will certainly reduce the length of your argument list.
You need to do two things. First, each kernel that uses each global memory buffer should declare an argument for each one, something like this:
kernel void awesome_parallel_stuff(global float* buf1, ..., global float* buf60)
so that each utilized buffer for that kernel is listed. And then, on the host side, you need to create each buffer and use clSetKernelArg to attach a given memory buffer to a given kernel argument before calling clEnqueueNDRangeKernel to get the party started.
Note that if the kernels will keep using the same buffer with each kernel execution, you only need to setup the kernel arguments one time. A common mistake I see, which can bleed host-side performance, is to repeatedly call clSetKernelArg in situations where it is completely unnecessary.

Memory (sbrk) 16-byte aligned shifting on pointer access

I wrote a reasonably basic memory allocator using sbrk. I ask for a chunk of memory, say 65k and carve it up as needed for variables requesting dynamic memory. I free the memory by adding it back to the 65k block. The 65k block is derived from a union sizeof(16-bytes). Then I align the block along an even 16-byte boundary. But I'm getting unusual behavior.
Accessing the memory appears fine as I allocate and begin to populate my data structures accept that on one of my function calls, I pass a pointer to a member variable in a global structure but the address of the pointer argument doesn't map directly to the address of that member.
For example, the real address of this particular member happens to be: 0x100313d50 but when executing a particular function (nothing special) the address of the member is being represented as 0x100313d70. Inside the debugger I can query the real address and it appears correct when inside the function where this manifests. This isn't the first member being accessed either, it's the third so two prior memory accesses are fine, but during the third access I'm seeing this unusual shifting.
Is it possible that I'm accessing this memory via a misaligned block? It's possible but I'd expect the get a SIGBUS exception thrown (SPARC chip). I'm compiling using -memalign=16s so it ought to SIGBUS instead of trapping and fixing the misalignment.
All of my structures are padded on a multiple of 16-bytes: sizeof(structure)%16 = 0. Has anyone had experience with this type of behavior? Generally speaking, what type of things/stuff/etc. might cause a pointer to misrepresent a memory address?
Solaris 10, SunStudio-12, C language on modern SPARC processor (in case this helps).
I figure I should answer my own question in the event someone else out there has a similar problem.
The reason why the memory address was shifting is because a prior call to a utility function accidentally overwrote the meta-address of the global structure thusly rewriting the meta-address of that block so lookups on that block were shifted even though the actual data still resided in the original block.
In simple words, I wrote past my buffer. Since I hand out memory from the tail, overwriting would blow away my much needed meta-address for my global structure (or whatever). Now I know what undefined behavior looks like.
