css not loading on postback - asp.net

On one of my asp.net page, when I access it, It loads and fetches data properly on default criteria. All styles for menu, search criteria controls and gridView controls displays perfectly.
When I click one of the buttons that postback the form and loads data, styles are gone. All styles vanished.
Looking through developer tools and going to CSS tab, all my stylesheets under App_theme are loaded properly on first time access but on postback, when I check through developer tools, No CSS loaded :(
Any idea?
I am using a masterpage that contains the html form.
I tested on IE version 10 and 8.
First time loading loads all CSS perfectly.

Try using Firebug tool in FF to check if there are any 404 error while loading CSS after form postbacks.
If yes, check the path of CSS that is showing 404 error.


Prevent jQuery mobile link caching

I have a asp.net website with some header links in master page. For some of them I added link to jQuery mobile script to format those specific pages (forms) to look good on phones/tablets.
But after I load one of those pages and then click on some other page, it somehow caches the current page and although I can see the correct page being loaded for split second, it then reloads previous page. I don't know why this happens, but I know that culprit is the jQm link, because if I remove it, it works like expected (without the mobile design though).
I don't use data-role="page" attribute or anything, just classic asp.net page.
jQuery Mobile uses it's own kind of navigation model by default. It injects multiple specifically formatted pages into current page using AJAX. You probably need to disable it using code snippet below:
$( document ).on( "mobileinit", function() {
$.mobile.ajaxEnabled = false;
For more information check jQuery Mobile documentation navigation model and global configuration pages.

CSS stylesheet not loading on linked page

I have a site that has multiple pages. The first page is just a listview with icons and links to the other pages. CSS stylesheets work fine on the first page, but when I go to one of the linked pages, my custom css stylesheet (and js for that matter), related to that page, is being ignored. If I look in the FF inspector I see that it has dropped the associated lines that tell it about my stylesheet. If I directly go to the desired page or if I hit refresh, the styles look fine, but whenever I come from a link off the first page, the styles are gone. I see no errors when loading the page. Is this a know issue? How can I force it to not ignore my stylesheets.
I am using jquery mobile 1.4.5 in addition to my own.
Looking further. It looks like hitting the link is appending the body of the 2nd page at the end of the first and not simply loading the 2nd page.
It turns out that by default links behave a little different than normal when using jQuery Mobile. The don't do a full page load, but instead only inject the part contained in a div marked with data-role="page". I did not know this.

Won't apply style until refresh HTML

I have index.html and guide.html, I link to the guide.html in the index page. however when i go to the guide one through the link the page won't have the design until I refresh. What am I doint wrong? Each page has its own css.
Here's an image right after I click:
And here's another one right after I refresh:
Could be cached css/html. If it looks right after pressing ctrl+F5 on the page in question, it is working correctly.
Web browsers cache CSS files. I see you're using Chrome for Windows - CTRL + F5 will fully refresh the page, CSS and all.
If this problem appears on a live site for some reason, you could re-name your CSS file to avoid the browser using a cached version. For instance custom.css would become custom-2.css.

Css cache issue

I got a problem with my css cache,I got a page which loads transcations of that particular user.I used jquery table sorter to sort the table which inplace creates a arrow icons on the end of .It works fine for most of the time but some times the arrows doesnt show up.i need to do a manual CSS clear cache ctrl+r or cntrl+F5 to get the icons back.Is there any alternative to clear the css cache on succesfull page load.so that we do not need to manually refresh the page to get the icons.It happens both on IE and mozilla.
I just started using this bookmarklet to refresh CSS while I was working on a page that responded wonky to page reloads. If you take that logic, you can call it on page load and it should update your style sheets.

IE CSS issue when hitting the browsers back button

I am having an issue with IE (9 in this case) where I have uploaded a new CSS file for a page and it works just fine when I go to the page. The problem I am having is when I browse to any another page, if I then hit the back button it renders my page using a previous version of the CSS file. I verified this using the F12 tool to see that the css file only had the entries from the previous version. In this case, i was styling 'ol' and 'li' elements if that matters.
Is there anything I can do to make IE load the most current version of a css file when the browsers back button is used?
Again, the page loads perfectly if I browse to it in any "forward" manner, I also have my browser set to check for new versions every visit. Its when I hit the back button it has problems. Also every other browser ive tested has no problem using the back button.
you could add a parameter when calling the stylsheet...
...after you .css extension
If you are clicking back to return to a page that you have previously visited with the old stylesheet, then yes, it will load the old stylesheet. A simple refresh should fix this.
The reason is that the back button is not meant to reload old pages, but to preserve the pages exact state and return the user back to that page.
If indeed you have loaded the new stylesheet on page A and then move forward to page B, then click back to go to page A and an old version of the style has been loaded, there might be something going seriously wrong with IE's cache. It might be a bug. Maybe changing the filename or adding something to the query string will force it to recognise your stylesheet as a newer version eg:
will make sure the browser treats your style as a completely new file and disregard any old cached versions.
