How to make recursive nested loops which use loop variables inside? - recursion

I need to make a nested loop with an arbitrary depth. Recursive loops seem the right way, but I don't know how to use the loop variables in side the loop. For example, once I specify the depth to 3, it should work like
count = 1
for i=1, Nmax-2
for j=i+1, Nmax-1
for k=j+1,Nmax
function(i,j,k,0,0,0,0....) // a function having Nmax arguments
count += 1
I want to make a subroutine which takes the depth of the loops as an argument.
I implemented the scheme proposed by Zoltan. I wrote it in python for simplicity.
count = 0;
def f(CurrentDepth, ArgSoFar, MaxDepth, Nmax):
global count;
if CurrentDepth > MaxDepth:
count += 1;
print count, ArgSoFar;
if CurrentDepth == 1:
for i in range(1, Nmax + 2 - MaxDepth):
NewArgs = ArgSoFar;
NewArgs[1-1] = i;
f(2, NewArgs, MaxDepth, Nmax);
for i in range(ArgSoFar[CurrentDepth-1-1] + 1, Nmax + CurrentDepth - MaxDepth +1):
NewArgs = ArgSoFar;
NewArgs[CurrentDepth-1] = i;
f(CurrentDepth + 1, NewArgs, MaxDepth, Nmax);
and the results are
1 [1, 2, 3, 0, 0]
2 [1, 2, 4, 0, 0]
3 [1, 2, 5, 0, 0]
4 [1, 3, 4, 0, 0]
5 [1, 3, 5, 0, 0]
6 [1, 4, 5, 0, 0]
7 [2, 3, 4, 0, 0]
8 [2, 3, 5, 0, 0]
9 [2, 4, 5, 0, 0]
10 [3, 4, 5, 0, 0]
There may be a better way to do this, but so far this one works fine. It seems easy to do this in fortran. Thank you so much for your help!!!

Here's one way you could do what you want. This is pseudo-code, I haven't written enough to compile and test it but you should get the picture.
Define a function, let's call it fun1 which takes inter alia an integer array argument, perhaps like this
<type> function fun1(indices, other_arguments)
integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: indices
which you might call like this
and the interpretation of this is that the function is to use a loop-nest 3 levels deep like this:
do ix = 1,4
do jx = 1,5
do kx = 1,6
Of course, you can't write a loop nest whose depth is determined at run-time (not in Fortran anyway) so you would flatten this into a single loop along the lines of
do ix = 1, product(indices)
If you need the values of the individual indices inside the loop you'll need to unflatten the linearised index. Note that all you are doing is writing the code to transform array indices from N-D into 1-D and vice versa; this is what the compiler does for you when you can specify the rank of an array at compile time. If the inner loops aren't to run over the whole range of the indices you'll have to do something more complicated, careful coding required but not difficult.
Depending on what you are actually trying to do this may or may not be either a good or even satisfactory approach. If you are trying to write a function to compute a value at each element in an array whose rank is not known when you write the function then the preceding suggestion is dead flat wrong, in this case you would want to write an elemental function. Update your question if you want further information.

you can define your function to have a List argument, which is initially empty
void f(int num,List argumentsSoFar){
// call f() for num+1..Nmax
for(i = num+1 ; i < Nmax ; i++){
List newArgs=argumentsSoFar.clone();
if (num+1==Nmax){
// do the work with your argument list...i think you wanted to arrive here ;)
caveat: the stack should be able to handle Nmax depth function calls

Yet another way to achieve what you desire is based on the answer by High Performance Mark, but can be made more general:
subroutine nestedLoop(indicesIn)
! Input indices, of arbitrary rank
integer,dimension(:),intent(in) :: indicesIn
! Internal indices, here set to length 5 for brevity, but set as many as you'd like
integer,dimension(5) :: indices = 0
integer :: i1,i2,i3,i4,i5
indices(1:size(indicesIn)) = indicesIn
do i1 = 0,indices(1)
do i2 = 0,indices(2)
do i3 = 0,indices(3)
do i4 = 0,indices(4)
do i5 = 0,indices(5)
! Do calculations here:
! myFunc(i1,i2,i3,i4,i5)
endsubroutine nestedLoop
You now have nested loops explicitly coded, but these are 1-trip loops unless otherwise desired. Note that if you intend to construct arrays of rank that depends on the nested loop depth, you can go up to rank of 7, or 15 if you have a compiler that supports it (Fortran 2008). You can now try:
call nestedLoop([1])
call nestedLoop([2,3])
call nestedLoop([1,2,3,2,1])
You can modify this routine to your liking and desired applicability, add exception handling etc.

From an OOP approach, each loop could be represented by a "Loop" object - this object would have the ability to be constructed while containing another instance of itself. You could then theoretically nest these as deep as you need to.
Loop1 would execute Loop2 would execute Loop3.. and onwards.


How to iterate over whole array when I need i, j, k?

Given A is a multi-dimensional array, can I collapse iteration through every element into one for statement if I need i,j,k,etc.? In other words, I am looking for a more compact version of the following:
for k in 1:size(A,3)
for j in 1:size(A,2)
for i in 1:size(A,1)
# Do something with A[i+1,j,k], A[i,j+1,k], A[i,j,k+1], etc.
I think the solution is with axes or CartesianIndices, but I can't get the syntax right. Failed attempts:
julia> for (i,j,k) in axes(A)
julia> for (i,j,k) in CartesianIndices(A)
ERROR: iteration is deliberately unsupported for CartesianIndex. Use `I` rather than `I...`, or use `Tuple(I)...`
It would be great if in addition to a solution which defines i,j,k, you could also provide a solution that works regardless of the number of dimensions in A.
You are almost there. Read the message carefully:
ERROR: iteration is deliberately unsupported for CartesianIndex.
It is the "pattern matching" in (i,j,k) in CartesianIndices(...) that fails, not the approach in general (I made the same mistake when reproducing the problem!). You have to convert the individual CartesianIndexes to tuples first:
julia> for ix in CartesianIndices(A)
(1, 1, 1)
(2, 1, 1)
(3, 1, 1)
(1, 2, 1)
(2, 2, 1)
(3, 2, 1)
or using axes:
for (i,j,k) in Iterators.product(axes(x)...)
println([i,j,k]) # or whatever else you want

Understand Function capturing through map and reduce

I 'am beginner in Elixir language , so In the blow example
iex> Enum.reduce([1, 2, 3], 0, &+/2)
iex>[1, 2, 3], &(&1 * 2))
[2, 4, 6]
In the reduce method I understand that we capture the second arg and we add to it the list values until we reach the end of the List .
but in the map method I can't understand how the capturing works?
map/2 and reduce/2 are two different functions.
map/2 takes some values and a function that takes a single value and applies that function to each element in the collection, effectively transforming it into a list.
reduce/2 takes some values and a function that takes 2 arguments. The first argument of that function is the element in your collection, while the second is an accumulator. So the function reduces your collection down to a single value.
Using the syntax &+/2, this does not capture the second argument. It calls the + function on the two arguments. The /2 is to denote that it has an arity of 2 (it takes 2 arguments). Take the following code as an example.
iex(1)> fun = &+/2
iex(2)> fun.(1,2)
Here, we set the + function to the variable fun. We can then apply that function to our arguments in order to get a value.
The other syntax &(&1 * 2) creates an anonymous function that takes our one and only argument (represented by &1) and multiplies it by 2. The initial & just means that it is an anonymous function.
iex(3)> fun2 = &(&1 * 2)
#Function<6.118419387/1 in :erl_eval.expr/5>
iex(4)> fun2.(5)
They are similar concepts, but slightly different.
map returns you new list as a result of applying function on each element of the list
reduce returns you result of the computation of applied function over the list - you reduced the whole collection into (most likely) one result eg. integer
In your example:
iex> Enum.reduce([1, 2, 3], 0, &+/2)
# it equals:
0 + 1 # first step, 1 is out of the list now
1 + 2 # second step, 2 is out of the list now
3 + 3 # last step, 3 is out of the list now, return 6
iex>[1, 2, 3], &(&1 * 2))
[2, 4, 6]
# apply for each element function fn(x) -> 2 * x end, but with syntactic sugar
There are three different ways to express an anonymous function, when passing it as an argument:
Enum.reduce([1, 2, 3], 0, fn p1, p2 -> p1 + p2 end)
or, using a shorthand and enumerated params:
Enum.reduce([1, 2, 3], 0, &(&1 + &2))
or, explicitly naming the function of the respective arity (2 for reduce, because reduce expects a function of arity 2):
Enum.reduce([1, 2, 3], 0, &+/2)
The latter, while looking cumbersome, is just a common way to write a function name with it’s arity. Kernel.+/2 is a function name here. If you were using your own function as the reducer:
defmodule My, do: def plus(p1, p2), do: p1 + p2
Enum.reduce([1, 2, 3], 0, &
All three ways described above are 100% equivalent.
JIC: For the mapper those three ways would be:[1, 2, 3], fn p -> p * 2 end)[1, 2, 3], &(&1 * 2))
The third notation is not available here, since there is no such a function, that takes a number and returns it’s doubled value. But one might declare her own:
defmodule Arith, do: def dbl(p1), do: p1 * 2[1, 2, 3], &Arith.dbl/1) # map expects arity 1
#⇒ [2, 4, 6]

How does recursion work in Elixir

Simple function in Elixir, returning a list of numbers from to:
defmodule MyList do
def span(_), do: raise "Should be 2 args"
def span(from, to) when from > to, do: [ to | span(to + 1, from) ]
def span(from, to) when from < to, do: [ from | span(from + 1, to) ]
def span(from, to) when from == to, do: [ from ]
I have no slightest clue, why this works and return a list of numbers.
#=> [1,2,3,4,5]
I just can't get my head around this:
[ from | span(from + 1, to) ]
Ok, first loop, I assume, would return the following:
[ 1 | span(2, 5) ]
What is next? [ 1, 2 | span(3, 5) ] ? Why?
How does it know, when to stop? Why is it even working?
Please, do not chase the points - don't bother answering, if you are not going to make an effort to make things clear(er) for functional programmer noob (OO programmer).
As a bonus to the answer you could provide me with a tips on how to start think recursively? Is there any panacea?
How does it keep track of the head? How does the function creates new list on each iteration keeping the values produced in the previous?
Ok, let's give this a shot.
Erlang evaluates function calls with a call-by-value strategy. From the linked wikipedia:
[call-by-value is a] family of evaluation strategies in which a function's argument is evaluated before being passed to the function.
What this means is that when Elixir (or rather Erlang) sees a function call with some arguments, it evaluates the arguments (which can obviously be expressions as well) before calling the function.
For example, let's take this function:
def add(a, b), do: a + b
If I call it with two expressions as arguments, those expressions will be evaluated before the the results are added up:
add(10 * 2, 5 - 3)
# becomes:
add(20, 2)
# kind of becomes:
20 + 2
# which results in:
Now that we get call-by-value, let's think of the | construct in list as a function for a moment. Think of it like if it would be used like this:
|(1, []) #=> [1]
|(29, [1, 2, 3]) #=> [29, 1, 2, 3]
As all functions, | evaluates its arguments before doing its work (which is creating a new list with the first argument as the first element and the second argument as the rest of the list).
When you call span(1, 5), it kind of expands (let's say it expands) to:
|(1, span(2, 5))
Now, since all arguments to | have to be evaluated before being able to actually prepend 1 to span(2, 5), we have to evaluate span(2, 5).
This goes on for a while:
|(1, |(2, span(3, 5)))
|(1, |(2, |(3, span(4, 5))))
|(1, |(2, |(3, |(4, span(5, 5)))))
|(1, |(2, |(3, |(4, [5]))))))
# now, it starts to "unwind" back:
|(1, |(2, |(3, [4, 5])))
|(1, |(2, [3, 4, 5]))
|(1, [2, 3, 4, 5])
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
(sorry if I'm using this |() syntax, remember I'm just using | as a function instead of an operator).
Nothing keeps track of the head and no function "keeps the values produced in the previous [iteration]". The first call (span(1, 5)) just expands to [1|span(2, 5)]. Now, in order for the span(1, 5) call to return, it needs to evaluate [1|span(2, 5)]: there you have it, recursion! It will need to evaluate span(2, 5) first and so on.
Technically, the values are kept somewhere, and it's on the stack: each function call is placed on the stack and popped off only when it's able to return. So the stack will look something like the series of calls I showed above:
# First call is pushed on the stack
span(1, 5)
# Second call is pushed on top of that
span(1, 5), span(2, 5)
# ...
span(1, 5), span(2, 5), ..., span(5, 5)
# hey! span(5, 5) is not recursive, we can return [5]. Let's pop span(5, 5) from the stack then
span(1, 5), ..., span(4, 5)
# Now span(4, 5) can return because we know the value of span(5, 5) (remember, span(4, 5) is expanded to [4|span(5, 5)]
This goes on until it goes back to span(1, 5) (which is now span(1, [2, 3, 4, 5])) and finally to [1, 2, 3, 4, 5].
Ok I wrote a lot and I'm not sure I made anything clearer to you :). Please, ask anything that's not clear. There are surely a lot of resources to learn recursion out there; just to name the first bunch I found:
The "Recursion" chapter of Learn You Some Erlang for Great Good, a great book on Erlang
Obligatory Wikipedia page on recursion
A nice page I just found about recursion on the khan academy website
Why not, a couple of Elixir-specific resources: the "Getting started" guide on Elixir's website, this blog post, this other blog post

How to fix this SML code to work as intended?

Right now I have an SML function:
val it = [[2,2,2],[3,3,3]] : int list list
but I need it to return:
val it = [[1,1,1,1],[2,2,2],[3,3,3]] : int list list
This is my current code:
- fun method2(L: int list) =
= if tl(L) = [] then [hd(L)] else
= if hd(tl(L)) = hd(L) then hd(L)::method(tl(L)) else [hd(L)];
- fun method(L: int list) =
= if tl(L) = [] then [] else
= if hd(tl(L)) = hd(L) then method(tl(L)) else
= method2(tl(L))::method(tl(L));
As you can see it misses the first method2 call. Any ideas on how I can fix this? I am completely stumped.
Your problem is here if hd(tl(L)) = hd(L) then method(tl(L)) else. This is saying if the head of the tail is equal to the head, then continue processing, but don't add it to the result list. this will skip the first contiguous chunk of equal values. I would suggest separating the duties of these functions a bit more. The way to do this is to have method2 strip off the next contiguous chunk of values, and return a pair, where the first element will have the contiguous chunk removed, and the second element will have the remaining list. For example, method2([1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3]) = ([1, 1, 1], [2, 2, 3, 3]) and method2([2, 2, 3, 3]) = ([2, 2], [3, 3]). Now, you can just keep calling method2 until the second part of the pair is nil.
I'm not quite sure what you are trying to do with your code. I would recommend creating a tail recursive helper function which is passed three arguments:
1) The list of lists you are trying to build up
2) The current list you are building up
3) The list you are processing
In your example, a typical call somewhere in the middle of the computation would look like:
helper([[1,1,1,1]], [2,2],[2,3,3,3])
The recursion would work by looking at the head of the last argument ([2,3,3,3]) as well as the head of the list which is currently being built up ([2,2]) and, since they are the same -- the 2 at the end of the last argument is shunted to the list being built up:
helper([[1,1,1,1]], [2,2,2],[3,3,3])
in the next step in the recursion the heads are then compared and found to be different (2 != 3), so the helper function will put the middle list at the front of the list of lists:
helper([[2,2,2], [1,1,1,1]], [3],[3,3])
the middle list is re-initialized to [3] so it will start growing
eventually you reach something like this:
helper([[2,2,2], [1,1,1,1]], [3,3,3],[])
the [3,3,3] is then tacked onto the list of lists and the reverse of this list is returned.
Once such a helper function is defined, the main method checks for an empty list and, if not empty, initializes the first call to the helper function. The following code fleshes out theses ideas -- using pattern-matching style rather than hd and tl (I am not a big fan of using those functions explicitly -- it makes the code too Lisp-like). If this is homework then you should probably thoroughly understand how it works and then translate it to code involving hd and tl since your professor would regard it as plagiarized if you use things you haven't yet studied and haven't made it your own work:
fun helper (xs, ys, []) = rev (ys::xs)
| helper (xs, y::ys, z::zs) =
if y = z
then helper(xs, z :: y :: ys, zs)
else helper((y::ys)::xs,[z],zs);
fun method [] = []
| method (x::xs) = helper([],[x],xs);

Indexing an array with a tuple

Suppose I have a tuple of (1, 2, 3) and want to index a multidimensional array with it such as:
index = (1, 2, 3)
table[index] = 42 # behaves like table[1][2][3]
index has an unknown number of dimensions, so I can't do:
I know I could do something like this:
functools.reduce(lambda x, y: x[y], index, table)
but it's utterly ugly (and maybe also inefficient), so I wonder if there's a better, more Pythonic choice.
EDIT: Maybe a simple loop is best choice:
elem = table
for i in index:
elem = elem[i]
EDIT2: Actually, there's a problem with both solutions: I can't assign a value to the indexed array :-(, back to ugly:
elem = table
for i in index[:-1]:
elem = elem[i]
elem[index[-1]] = 42
The question is very interesting and also your suggested solution looks good (havn't checked it, but this kind of problem requires a recursive treatment and you just did it in one line).
However, the pythonic way I use in my programs is to use dictionaries of tuples. The syntax is array-like, the performance - of a dictionary, and there was no problem in it for me.
For example:
a = {(1, 2, 3): 'A', (3, 4, 5): 'B', (5, 6, 7, 8): 'C'}
print a[1, 2, 3]
print a[5, 6, 7, 8]
Will output:
And assigning to an index is super easy:
a[1, 4, 5] = 42. (But you might want to first check that (1, 4, 5) is within the dict, or else it will be created by the assignment)
