I've been working on implementing Parsley.js into a Rails app that is using Bootstrap for CSS and JS classes. I have everything working, except some CSS that is giving me a headache. For some reason, if there are any validation error the addon's height gets resized to occupy the whole space. I tried using the max-height property without any luck, and I think is something that can be fixed with a clearfix. Can someone please help me? An example of my error can be found here: http://plnkr.co/edit/6i6yqSvNXQLCDNvvK5el?p=preview . Thanks is advanced.
Edit: Here is a mockup of my desired output:
I have try to solve this with js but unfortunately not getting the js so I have added position: absolute to the error messages.
I have added following styles
here is the updated code
hope this will hep you.
Ng-bootstrap when trying to add new line in tool-tip text. Its not displaying new line.
Tried <br/>, <p></p>,
, ... etc.
Can anybody please suggest
Please find below sample code link
Sample code link
Hi what ever you did is correct, you can use both
on top of that you need to write one css to it for class .tooltip-inner in style.css
.tooltip-inner {
white-space: pre-wrap;
i have tried in you stack blitz example its working for me.
Can anyone tell me how to tell Github, that I want to see code reviews on Pull Requests in full screen width. Code lines are often longer than the area provided by Github and there is a lot of unused screen real estate.
Is there a setting in Github or a Chrome extension or Tamper Monkey or something like that.
Use Stylebot chrome extension
I use my own style for my favourite websites, I love it.
Plus point is that you can use the styles created by other peoples also. Someone might have already done the things you need there. Or else you can modify on your own.
I have few CSS rules for you,
.repository-with-sidebar .repository-content {
width: calc(100% - 50px);
.container {
width: 90%;
Github's CSS has changed, so the new styles should be:
.container-lg {
max-width: inherit;
You can create a shortcut in your browser to automatically apply this style:
javascript:(function(){var a=document.getElementsByClassName("container-lg")[0];a.style.max-width="inherit";})();
There's a class on the body called full-width for that, so all that's needed currently is:
This can also be added as a bookmarklet:
Don't know why the OP said it's not a problem anymore, if you're doing a code review of your own work you won't be comparing it against another in side-by-side view.
Fix for full screen:
Inspect element on the white space to the left of the code
You'll be brought to a tag, expand this
Click on the 3rd div child of 'main'
Scroll down through the css on the right hand side until you find ".container-xl"
Untick this and you'll get the code full screen
If you want to you can write a console script or use one of the plugins mentions above but I find this method the simplest to remember and apply on anyones machine.
This is no longer an issue after GitHub introduced side-by-side code review. That really works well.
I'm having a weird bug in Chrome, I'm applying the following CSS rule to an element:
#element {
background-color: #0E0F10;
background-image: url(images/the_background.jpg);
Now the first time I open a new page containing "#element", the background image isn't shown until I refresh the page cache with ctrl+f5.
I tried adding Pragma, Expires and Cache-control meta tags and it don't make any difference.
The only way to make the image to be shown at the first time is to put the absolute url in this way:
#element {
background-color: #0E0F10;
background-image: url(http://site.com/images/the_background.jpg);
Now the problem is that I can't hardcode a site url, I need to use a relative or relative to the root path.
Looking around I found a dirty trick for fixing a related bug in Chrome that coincidentally also fixs this problem: http://blog.andrewcantino.com/blog/2012/02/15/fixing-the-chrome-background-refresh-bug/
Basically when I open the page the first time, all the background images are reloaded through JavaScript and from here on it works fine.
However I would like to implement a more elegant fix or find the real cause of the problem.
I'll appreciate any advice.
background: #0E0F10 url('http://site.com/images/the_background.jpg');
also, be sure to add a width and a height to your selector!
use relative path in style rule solve my problem. such as image url is "http://site.com/images/the_background.jpg", and your css file url is "http://site.com/stylesheet/style.css", use "../images/the_background.jpg" instead of "/images/the_background.jpg" in your style rule.
I happened to run into the same problem just before I believe.
Since you haven't accepted any of the answers. You might want to try, what worked for me:
Instead of:
background-image: url(images/the_background.jpg);
Change it to:
background-image: url('images/the_background.jpg');
With ticks... It seems odd, but it did the trick for me. Since all of my url's also had an underscore, it might be related to this, though I am not sure.
Anyway, putting the url in quotes, should make it work.
See that this is old question. But just faced the same problem. My problem was related with z-index. Increased value for example z-index:2000; and now as if all works. Just need to check z-index for other elements
If your file structure is like this
Main Folder
index file
then type this syntax:
background-image: url(../img/example.jpg);
Wrtie this code your bug will be solved.
I am trying to implement a js accordion I found and I'm having problems with it. The titles are supposed to cleanly slide up to the top of the page and drop the content below. That is not what is happening. There is some obvious jumpiness going on when you look at it. It's not smooth at all. I don't know much about js so please explain your answers carefully. Thanks so much!
After replacing the js with the default file from the site I got it from, nothing changed. Here is a jsfiddle for it
Check this: http://jsfiddle.net/luissanchezm86/ruwjn/4/
The problem wasn't the .js, and you don't have to write it all on jsfiddle, since it's JQuery UI, you can simple check it to include it, if it's another external .js, use it as a resource, check fiddle's documentation for that.
Besides that, the other problem was your CSS markup, you had a lot of duplicated classes in that fiddle, it was a bit of a mess.
The main problem with the jumping was the:
.st-accordion ul li.st-open > a{
margin-top: 70px;
I just commented that margin-top: 70px;, and it fixed 75% of the problem, I recommend you to use the css that I arrange on the jsfiddle.
Hope it helps you!
Now, if you want to scroll all the way up like http://jsfiddle.net/luissanchezm86/ruwjn/5/ you need to make the body higher on height:
body {
height: 2000px;
After looking at your code, you appear to be using this plugin:
If you go to that page, it has the javascript options you need to control the animation speeds, as well as a working example which is more smooth than yours.
GRRRR.... I've got this page at: http://winteradagency.com/Arvin/advantages/advantages.htm
It's not showing the #content div and it's not obeying the margin-top=20px on the container div. I've used a scalable background using a .bg class. It still works in IE^.
The main page is up and running and looks pretty good. Just take out everything after Arvin in the URL.
Any idears?
I won't be back for 3 hours so my response may be delayed.
Any help is GREATLY appreciated.
Short answer:
position: absolute;
to #content
Longer answer:
Install firebug like #dnagirl says. This will allow you to manipulate styles and even the DOM dynamically. There are a bunch of tutorials about how to use it, I would start with this screencast