How can I change style of PushButton in Installshield? - button

I created custom Dialog in my Basic MSI project and placed 3-4 pushbuttons on it. Now I want to change pushbutton style - for example I want to have oval buttons instead of rectangular, I want to have possibility of changing their color, I want to add small image on it etc... Set of push button properties is limited as I can see - there are Height, Width, Visible, TabStop TextStyle and some other simple properties.
How can I do it in InstallShield Professional Edition?

The UI available to Windows Installer is not capable of that. We're moving that direction in our Advanced UI project's UI, but currently offer only relatively standard buttons at this point.


Qt sidebar comes up too wide

I use Qt designer (as opposed to building controls via the program) to lay out my sidebar and floating dialogs. When first launching the application, the sidebar is WAY too wide and bears no resemblance to how I saved it. The user can shrink it to a reasonable width, and that is 'remembered' after closing and re-opening the application. But it doesn't create a good first impression of our application, and not all our users are savvy enough to realize that the sidebar width can be changed.
The sidebar is quite complex, with multiple forms (QStackedWidget) and each with multiple controls. Any suggestions for forcing it to come up at the minimum width with the first use? Thanks!
You should be able to achieve the wanted behavior by setting "Horizontal Stretch" property in Qt Designer, for each of the widgets in your splitter or layout, whichever you are using to layout your components. See QSizePolicy documentation for more info.
The "Horizontal Stretch" & "Vertical Stretch" properties are located in Qt Designers Property Editor, under the sizePolicy.See the image for exact location of properties

How to change QIcon color?

I am working on a custom control box (that min,max/restore/close button in the top right of your Windows titlebar) for my new application. I use closeIcon = style.standardIcon(QStyle.SP_TitleBarCloseButton) to get the correct icon for them. See the full code here in my other SO question. What I got is a black icon. In which I need the white version when it's in hover state.
Can we .. I don't know, inverse it? Or should I get another icon from QStyle?
This question (and several others) are from the intention of creating a chrome like tab in PyQt application, by hiding the titlebar and reimplementing control box. But it didn't gives the best result. Right now this is my solution to create a chrome like tab in PyQt application. Therefore, I close this question.

How to enhance User Experience of Qt list item widget as of MS office tools?

I'm making a widget for some reordering purpose. I want to make it much like this Outlook Dialog Box :
For the menu list items, I'm using Qt List Widget and adding an icon with a text.
The UI doesn't look very pleasing.
Is there any way in Qt to make the icon panel different in color as shown in this Outlook dialog box?
Also how can I add icons on right side also, as in case of multi level menus have right arrow.

How to have detachable tool windows in Qt

I am developing a tool which will have some variable sized windows. I am able to achieve this using the QSplitter horizontal & vertical. Please see attached image.
Now, how to make these individual windows detachable/maximize/close? How can I add cross markers at the top-right-corner of each window so that they can be closed maximized or detached from there? Just like this link :--
You're looking for the QDockWidget class:
The QDockWidget class provides a widget that can be docked inside a
QMainWindow or floated as a top-level window on the desktop.
QDockWidget provides the concept of dock widgets, also know as tool
palettes or utility windows. Dock windows are secondary windows placed
in the dock widget area around the central widget in a QMainWindow.
Check out this example
In 2021, there is KDQDockWidget, an apparently much better Qt docking framework with both commercial and open source licenses.
The site lists the following advantages:
It provides advanced docking that QDockWidgets doesn’t support.
The layouting engine honors min/max size constraints and some size policies.
Supports PySide2 bindings.
Clean codebase.
Supports lazy separator resize.
You can reorder tabs with the mouse.
Supports partial layout save/restore, affecting only a chosen sub-set.
Allows double clicking on title bar to maximize.
Allows double clicking on separator to distribute equally.
Shows close button on tabs.
Allows you to make a dock widget non-closable and/or non-dockable.
Provides an optional maximize button on the title bar.
FloatingWindows can be utility windows or full native.

QT how to get rid of spaces between widgets and their parents

I love designing my userinterfaces in qtdesigner because its just so damn simple. However, there is always space in between widgets and their parents which i want to eliminate.
Example of problem
I create a simple dialog and add a webview to it. Then layout horizontally.To make the parent more obvious I modify its css to make its background color green
Voila, I want to get rid of the green sections because in my view they make the program look ugly.
Link to my ui file.
Download ui file from my dropbox
or get it from pastebin
In Qt Designer, select your top level widget (in this case Dialog), then look at the Property Editor on the right-hand sidebar. Scroll all the way down and you'll see a section referring to the layout assigned to that widget. You want to change the layoutLeftMargin, layoutRightMargin, etc. properties.
