How to echo a permalink in a conditional statement - wordpress

Hi I hope you can help me with some advice.
I set up a website with a blog. The excerpts are shown on category.php
If there is content the excerpt is followed by a 'read more' link to the post. If there is nothing in content. It does not show 'read more'
To show this link I've written the following piece of code.
global $post;
if ( empty( $post->post_content ) ) {
echo '';
} else {
echo '<p class="laes-mere">Læs mere... </p>';
The 'read more' (Læs mere...) shows up if there is content. This works exactly as I want it to. The problem is that the permalink does not work. I get this error
Not Found
The requested URL /< was not found on this server.
This is the page
Any advice would be great. Thank you.

You have opened the php tags when php tags are already opened try this
echo '<p class="laes-mere">Læs mere... </p>';
You can also get the post link by using get_permalink
echo '<p class="laes-mere">Læs mere... </p>';


How to change "Read more" button text on Wordpress posts

After updating plugins, my "Read more" button on posts changed it's name. In Latvian language it was "Lasīt vairāk", while in Russian "Читать дальше". It's just in plain English. The image of how it looks now is via this link. Plugin updates basically wiped out the padding and the name of the button.
Tried modifying functions.php with
// Replaces the excerpt "Read More" text by a link
function modify_read_more_link() {
return '<a class="read-article" href="' . get_permalink() . '">Your Read
More Link Text</a>';
add_filter( 'the_content_more_link', 'modify_read_more_link' );
// Replaces the excerpt "Read More" text by a link
function new_excerpt_more($more) {
global $post;
return '<a class="read-article" href="'. get_permalink($post->ID) . '">
Read the full article...</a>';
add_filter('excerpt_more', 'new_excerpt_more');
Tried loco translate and modifying internal translations of Elementor-related plugins. The closest I could get is that the elements is named "eael-post-elements-readmore-btn". Styling the element with CSS doesn't do anything. Padding or margin do not work. It's locked. Can anyone provide a hint?
The button should be in Latvian and Russian language, not in English.
PS. Figured that it is Elementor posts plugin related overriding functions.php and translators as well. At this moment, can't figure how to CSS this thing. Stays static.
Add this in functions.php:
function develop_custom_excerpt_more($more) {
global $post;
// edit here if you like
return '... <a class="excerpt-read-more" href="'. get_permalink( $post->ID ) . '" title="'. __( 'Read ', 'domain_name' ) . esc_attr( get_the_title( $post->ID ) ).'">'. __( 'Show more »', 'domain_name' ) .'</a>';
add_filter( 'excerpt_more', 'develop_custom_excerpt_more' );
Figured that it is Elementor posts plugin related overriding functions.php and translators as well. The eael-post-elements-readmore-btn was not changing in padding nor in margin because line-height which by default is set to 1 could not allow space for expansion.

Wordpress not showing thumbnails

I am using the Plugin Auto Featured Image to set thumbnails automatically. And in the database it shows updated meta thumbnail key.
But for some reason it is not showing the featured image. It doesn't show a "placeholder" neither. It just shows nothing at all.
Also, when I try to view the attachment on a single page, it does not show it.
How can I proceed to find the problem? If you need more screenshots of different tables on my database, please ask. I really appreciate your time.
$meta_values = get_post_meta( $POST_ID, '_thumbnail_id');
error_log(var_dump($meta_values)) //Prints nothing on error log
//Note: $POST_ID is fine, it contains the right id. Problem not there.
if ( has_post_thumbnail($post_parent_id) ){
error_log("THUMB EXISTS". get_post_thumbnail_id($post_parent_id));
Really weird result:
THUMB EXISTS: "Blank space, No id or string at all"....
1) get post thumbnail with post id full description
<?php echo get_the_post_thumbnail( $page->ID, 'thumbnail' ); ?>
2) In a loop full description
if ( has_post_thumbnail() ) { // check if the post has a Post Thumbnail assigned to it.
3 want to get the thumb url ?? . Use this
$url = wp_get_attachment_url( get_post_thumbnail_id($post->ID) );
<img src="<?php echo $url; ?>" longdesc="URL_2" alt="Text_2" />

Adding media support to a timeline plugin (Wordpress)

I have installed this plugin -> .
With this plugin you can create a post and it displays in a timeline. My problem is that images don't show when inserted in the post box.
I tried modifying the plugin code and put some get_attachment code inside the loop there but unfortunately didn't work.. I can get all images to show, but not by ID of the post.
Youtube support would be nice too, but maybe that gets clear if this question is answered.
Current state ->
// Edit
I have tried alot of code with wp_get_attachment stuff.
wp_get_attachment_image( $attachment_id, $size, $icon );
<?php $uri = wp_get_attachment_image_src( $post->ID, 'medium' );
echo $uri[0];?>
But cant get it to work..
Thanks in advance.
The plugin is stripping HTML tags when building the content:
function timeline_text($limit){
$str = get_the_content('', true, '');
$str = strip_tags($str);
// etc...
You have to add <img> (and others) as an allowed tag on strip_tags():
$str = strip_tags($str, '<img>');

Wordpress Shortcode in custom field within custom post type

Hi Guys Need help with this very badly.
Need to add shortcode to output in the area circled in white in the picture below.
And the input area is under video description. And from my understanding ive have confirmed that the name for that text area is description_value.
I have looked through every documentation and tried all filters and do_shortcode variations to no avail. Please help i have spent 3 days non stop doing this. Puting the codes in my function.php and so many others. It still does not parse [shortcodes] it just displays text "[shortcodes]". please refer to picture below
Thank you.
This is outputing on the page. I have
<div class="describe-feat">[postexpirator]</div>
This is in a file called grid-gallery.js
<h2><%= item.title %></h2></div><div class="view-gallery">\
<div class="describe-feat"><%=item.desc%></div>\
<% if(item.imgnum){ %><span class="item-num"><%= item.imgnum %></span><% } %>\
This is in custom post editor in wordpress admin area
<textarea name="description_value" class="option-textarea">[postexpirator]</textarea>
It's because, you are missing do_shortcode function for parsing shortcode.
Assuming you just want to target a single value, you could just do this inside the loop.
<?php echo ( do_shortcode( get_post_meta( $post->ID , 'Your textarea Key Name' , true ) ) ); ?>
If your post has multiple values for that custom field, then you can set the above to false.. and loop over the array...
<?php $values = do_shortcode( get_post_meta( $post->ID , 'Your textarea Key Name' , false ) ); ?>
<?php if($values && is_array($values)) : ?>
<?php foreach( $values as $meta) : ?>
<p><?php echo $meta ?></p>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
Just want to add that if you won't use the_post() no shortcode will work,
I had this issue when trying to enable shortcode on CutomFields on a new page type, and nothing worked until activating WP loop with the_post() .

Delete post from front end of wordpress

Here's the code I have:
global $wp_query;
$postid = $wp_query->post->ID;
$url = get_bloginfo('url');
if (current_user_can('edit_post', $post->ID)){
echo '<a href="';
echo wp_nonce_url("$url/wp-admin/post.php?post=$postid&action=delete", 'delete-post_' . $post->ID);
echo '">Delete your listing</a>';
I'm trying to delete the post outside the wordpress loop.
When I click the link, I get:
"Your attempt to delete this post: “post-name” has failed.
Please try again."
Does anyone know why that would be?
Looking at the reference, it looks like current_user_can() only takes one argument.
Perhaps the root cause here is a permissions issue for the user. You should be checking if a user has the delete_posts capability as seen below. Note that delete_posts checks if the user can delete their own posts. To check if the user can delete the posts of other users, you can use delete_other_posts instead.
if (current_user_can('delete_posts')){
echo '<a href="';
echo wp_nonce_url("$url/wp-admin/post.php?post=$postid&action=delete", 'delete-post_' . $post->ID);
echo '">Delete your listing</a>';
(Assuming you are using WP version 2.1 or later)
