I am converting some R code to Rcpp code and need to calculate the likelihood for a vector of observations given a vector of means and vector of standard deviations. If I assume the means are 0 and the standard deviations 1, I can write this function (running this requires the 'inline' and 'Rcpp' packages to be loaded),
dtest1 = cxxfunction(signature( x = "numeric"),
'Rcpp::NumericVector xx(x);
return::wrap(dnorm(xx, 0.0, 1.0));',
and the result is as expected.
> dtest1(1:3)
[1] 0.241970725 0.053990967 0.004431848
However, if I try to make a function
dtest2 = cxxfunction(signature( x = "numeric", y="numeric", z="numeric" ),
'Rcpp::NumericVector xx(x);
Rcpp::NumericVector yy(y);
Rcpp::NumericVector zz(z);
return::wrap(dnorm(xx, yy, zz));',
which would allow me to pass in different means and standard deviations results in an error, shown below. Is there a way to make the function I am trying to make, or I do need to program the normal density manually?
Error in compileCode(f, code, language = language, verbose = verbose) :
Compilation ERROR, function(s)/method(s) not created! file31c82bff9d7c.cpp: In function ‘SEXPREC* file31c82bff9d7c(SEXP, SEXP, SEXP)’:
file31c82bff9d7c.cpp:33:53: error: no matching function for call to
‘dnorm4(Rcpp::NumericVector&, Rcpp::NumericVector&, Rcpp::NumericVector&)’
file31c82bff9d7c.cpp:33:53: note: candidates are:
note: template<int RTYPE, bool NA, class T> Rcpp::stats::D0<RTYPE, NA, T> Rcpp::dnorm4(const Rcpp::VectorBase<RTYPE, NA, VECTOR>&, bool)
note: template<int RTYPE, bool NA, class T> Rcpp::stats::D1<RTYPE, NA, T> Rcpp::dnorm4(const Rcpp::VectorBase<RTYPE, NA, VECTOR>&, double, bool)
note: template<int RTYPE, bool NA, class T> Rcpp::stats::D2<RTYPE, NA, T> Rcpp::dnorm4(const Rcpp::VectorBase<RTYPE, NA,
In addition: Warning message:
running command '/usr/lib/R/bin/R CMD SHLIB file31c82bff9d7c.cpp 2> file31c82bff9d7c.cpp.err.txt' had status 1
The sugar dnorm is only vectorized in terms of the first argument.
To simplify (it is slightly more involved, but we don't need to concern ourselves with this yet here), the call
dnorm(xx, 0.0, 1.0)
uses the overload
NumericVector dnorm( NumericVector, double, double )
And the second call tries to use something like
NumericVector dnorm( NumericVector, NumericVector, NumericVector )
which is not implemented. We could implement it, it would have to go high enough in our priority list.
In the meantime, it is easy enough to write a small wrapper, like (this does not handle argument lengths, etc ...) :
NumericVector my_dnorm( NumericVector x, NumericVector means, NumericVector sds){
int n = x.size() ;
NumericVector res(n) ;
for( int i=0; i<n; i++) res[i] = R::dnorm( x[i], means[i], sds[i] ) ;
return res ;
Recently I am trying to add a Fortran function into an existing R package that contains C++ code and is build under Rcpp package. I have successfully added the Fortran function and build the R package. But when I try to run an example for the R package for different times, each time the function returns a different value, which a bit confusing since the Fortran function I added has no undeterministic parameter or contains self iteration. Also sometimes when I try to run the function, R crashes.
This is a part of the Fortran function that are in the file "src/k2s.f95"
REAL*8 FUNCTION k2(n1,n2,n3,vec1,length1,a1,vec2,length2,a2)
integer :: n1,n2,n3,length1,length2
integer, dimension(length1) :: vec1
double precision :: a1,a2
double precision, dimension(length2):: vec2
double precision :: P(n1+2)
k2 = -1.0
IF ((n1<1) .OR. (n2<1) .OR. (length2 .NE. n1+n2-1) .OR. (n3<1) .OR. (n3 > 3)) RETURN
k2 = -2.0
IF(SUM(vec1).NE.(n1+n2)) RETURN
And I have used this answer Integrate Fortran, C++ with R to construct the package. Therefore I have written the following C++ file under src dictionary. This is the content of C++ file "k2s2.cpp"
#include "Rcpp.h"
extern "C" {
double k2_(int *n1, int *n2, int *n3, int vec1[], int *length1, double *a1, double vec2[], int *length2, double *a2);
// [[Rcpp::export]]
double K2_fortran(int n1, int n2, int n3, Rcpp::IntegerVector vec1, double a1, Rcpp::NumericVector vec2, double a2)
int length1 = vec1.size();
int length2 = vec2.size();
double q = 0;
pval = k2_(&n1,&n2,&n3,vec1.begin(),&length1,&a1,vec2.begin(),&length2,&a2);
return q;
I think it should be fine. Then I build the package (with Rcpp automatically generates the file "src/RcppExports.cpp" and "R/RcppExports.R" to link the cpp function K2_fortran to R) and load all the functions, then I get the R function K2_fortran. And I run the following example.
K2_fortran(120, 150, 1, c(80,70,40,80), 0.1, rep(1,269), 1e-6)
And the result is -2. Then I rerun the code for the second time, I got the expected result 0.175. For the third time, I got 1(some other returned value when there is an error). Then I run it again, a fatal error occurs in R and closes the R.
If I reopen it and run this example 4 times again. The result will be again -2, 0.175, 1 and a fatal error. I am not sure what has happened.
I want to use the R stats::optimize function in Rcpp because I haven't been able to find an Rcpp equivalent. The code below is my attempt at a simple example based on the Example in the optimize help, but fails.
Here's the R function and results
f <- function (x) (x - .33)^2
xmin <- optimize(f, c(0, 1), tol = 0.0001)
This returns
[1] 0.333
[1] 0
Here's the Rcpp code that fails when sourcing it.
#include <Rcpp.h>
const double tolerance = 1e-0;
// [[Rcpp::export]]
Rcpp::NumericVector f(Rcpp::NumericVector x) {
return pow(x-0.33, 2);
Rcpp::List fTg_opt(const double optmin, const double optmax) {
Rcpp::Environment base("package:stats");
Rcpp::Function optimize_r = base["optimize"];
Rcpp::NumericVector interval = {optmin,optmax};
return optimize_r(f, interval, tolerance);
The Rstudio console has the following error messages.
> Rcpp::sourceCpp("R/cpp/testopt.cpp")
In file included from testopt.cpp:1:
In file included from /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.1/Resources/library/Rcpp/include/Rcpp.h:27:
In file included from /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.1/Resources/library/Rcpp/include/RcppCommon.h:157:
In file included from /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.1/Resources/library/Rcpp/include/Rcpp/traits/traits.h:45:
/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.1/Resources/library/Rcpp/include/Rcpp/traits/is_convertible.h:35:10: error: function cannot return function type 'Rcpp::Vector<14> (Rcpp::Vector<14>)'
static T MakeT() ;
/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.1/Resources/library/Rcpp/include/Rcpp/internal/wrap.h:770:75: note: in instantiation of template class 'Rcpp::traits::is_convertible<Rcpp::Vector<14> (Rcpp::Vector<14>), SEXPREC *>' requested here
return wrap_dispatch_unknown(object, typename ::Rcpp::traits::is_convertible<T,SEXP>::type());
/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.1/Resources/library/Rcpp/include/Rcpp/internal/wrap.h:787:20: note: in instantiation of function template specialization 'Rcpp::internal::wrap_dispatch_eigen<Rcpp::Vector<14> (Rcpp::Vector<14>)>' requested here
return wrap_dispatch_eigen(object, typename traits::is_eigen_base<T>::type());
/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.1/Resources/library/Rcpp/include/Rcpp/internal/wrap.h:807:20: note: in instantiation of function template specialization 'Rcpp::internal::wrap_dispatch_unknown_importable<Rcpp::Vector<14> (Rcpp::Vector<14>)>' requested here
return wrap_dispatch_unknown_importable(object, typename ::Rcpp::traits::is_importer<T>::type());
/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.1/Resources/library/Rcpp/include/Rcpp/internal/wrap_end.h:30:25: note: in instantiation of function template specialization 'Rcpp::internal::wrap_dispatch<Rcpp::Vector<14> (Rcpp::Vector<14>)>' requested here
return internal::wrap_dispatch( object, typename ::Rcpp::traits::wrap_type_traits<T>::wrap_category() ) ;
/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.1/Resources/library/Rcpp/include/Rcpp/grow.h:44:26: note: in instantiation of function template specialization 'Rcpp::wrap<Rcpp::Vector<14> (Rcpp::Vector<14>)>' requested here
return grow( wrap(head), tail ) ;
/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.1/Resources/library/Rcpp/include/Rcpp/grow.h:65:26: note: in instantiation of function template specialization 'Rcpp::internal::grow__dispatch<Rcpp::Vector<14> (Rcpp::Vector<14>)>' requested here
return internal::grow__dispatch(typename traits::is_named<T>::type(), head, y);
/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.1/Resources/library/Rcpp/include/Rcpp/generated/grow__pairlist.h:45:9: note: in instantiation of function template specialization 'Rcpp::grow<Rcpp::Vector<14> (Rcpp::Vector<14>)>' requested here
return grow( t1, grow( t2, grow( t3, R_NilValue ) ) ) ;
/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.1/Resources/library/Rcpp/include/Rcpp/generated/Function__operator.h:45:20: note: in instantiation of function template specialization 'Rcpp::pairlist<Rcpp::Vector<14> (Rcpp::Vector<14>), Rcpp::Vector<14>, double>' requested here
return invoke(pairlist(t1, t2, t3), R_GlobalEnv);
testopt.cpp:13:20: note: in instantiation of function template specialization 'Rcpp::Function_Impl<PreserveStorage>::operator()<Rcpp::Vector<14> (Rcpp::Vector<14>), Rcpp::Vector<14>, double>' requested here
return optimize_r(f, interval, tolerance);
1 error generated.
make: *** [testopt.o] Error 1
clang++ -mmacosx-version-min=10.13 -std=gnu++14 -I"/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Resources/include" -DNDEBUG -I"/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.1/Resources/library/Rcpp/include" -I"/Users/gcn/Documents/workspace/ISIMIPData/R/cpp" -I/usr/local/include -fPIC -Wall -g -O2 -c testopt.cpp -o testopt.o
Error in Rcpp::sourceCpp("R/cpp/testopt.cpp") :
Error 1 occurred building shared library.
One of your problems here is that you assume that becomes a function you submit to compilation under Rcpp::sourceCpp() is callable under its exported name.
It is not. Try Rcpp::sourceCpp(..., verbose=TRUE), i.e. add that arguments, to see what is really called. Those you could pass around (using SEXP argunments and results, but they are unwieldy).
To prove, here is a 'working but useless' version of your code. If we pass f() from R too, everything is callable.
Morale: The interface still is SEXP .Call("name", SEXP a, SEXP b, ...) even if Rcpp hides that. No Free Lunch (TM). But as my comment hinted, there are optimization packages you can use with Rcpp.
#include <Rcpp.h>
// [[Rcpp::export]]
Rcpp::List fTg_opt(Rcpp::Function f, const double optmin, const double optmax) {
Rcpp::Environment base("package:stats");
Rcpp::Function optimize_r = base["optimize"];
Rcpp::NumericVector interval = {optmin,optmax};
Rcpp::List res = optimize_r(f, interval);
return res;
/*** R
f <- function (x) (x - .33)^2
xmin <- optimize(f, c(0, 1), tol = 0.0001)
fTg_opt(f, 0, 1)
> Rcpp::sourceCpp("~/git/stackoverflow/68674076/question.cpp")
> f <- function (x) (x - .33)^2
> xmin <- optimize(f, c(0, 1), tol = 0.0001)
> xmin
[1] 0.33
[1] 0
> fTg_opt(f, 0, 1)
[1] 0.33
[1] 0
I have a cpp function which has an R function as one of its arguments like below:
void mycppfunction(SEXP x, Rcpp::Function func)
func can be a function, or it can be NULL. How can I implement this? If I do this:
void mycppfunction(SEXP x, Rcpp::Nullable<Rcpp::Function> func)
then, the line:
gives me the error:
error: no match for call to ‘(Rcpp::Nullable<Rcpp::Function_Impl<Rcpp::PreserveStorage> >) (SEXP)’
On the other hand, if I just define mycppfunction as:
void mycppfunction(SEXP x, Rcpp::Function func)
then running the code with a NULL value for func results in a segfault: "memory not mapped".
Yes you can do this but I would advise that you are careful about verifying the compatibility of the function passed in and the argument. Here's a small example, with minimal defensive code to ensure that f is a valid function:
#include <Rcpp.h>
typedef Rcpp::Nullable<Rcpp::Function> nullable_t;
// [[Rcpp::export]]
SEXP null_fun(Rcpp::NumericVector x, nullable_t f = R_NilValue) {
if (f.isNotNull()) {
return Rcpp::as<Rcpp::Function>(f)(x);
return Rcpp::wrap((double)Rcpp::sum(x));
/*** R
#[1] 15
null_fun(1:5, mean)
#[1] 3
null_fun(1:5, min)
#[1] 1
null_fun(1:5, max)
#[1] 5
Note that the use of SEXP as a return type and the Rcpp::wrap((double)...) was just to quiet the compiler in this specific example, and won't necessarily apply to your use case(s).
I need to find the source code of the nlm function.
When I use
below code appears
function (f, p, ..., hessian = FALSE, typsize = rep(1, length(p)),
fscale = 1, print.level = 0, ndigit = 12, gradtol = 1e-06,
stepmax = max(1000 * sqrt(sum((p/typsize)^2)), 1000), steptol = 1e-06,
iterlim = 100, check.analyticals = TRUE)
print.level <- as.integer(print.level)
if (print.level < 0 || print.level > 2)
stop("'print.level' must be in {0,1,2}")
msg <- (1 + c(8, 0, 16))[1 + print.level]
if (!check.analyticals)
msg <- msg + (2 + 4)
.External2(C_nlm, function(x) f(x, ...), p, hessian, typsize,
fscale, msg, ndigit, gradtol, stepmax, steptol, iterlim)
now when I want to see what is insode C_nlm
I tried
and I get
[1] "nlm"
<pointer: 0x0000000004a83920>
[1] "RegisteredNativeSymbol"
DLL name: stats
Filename: C:/Program Files/R/R-3.1.2/library/stats/libs/x64/stats.dll
Dynamic lookup: FALSE
[1] 11
[1] "ExternalRoutine" "NativeSymbolInfo"
After some web search I found out that I need to use grep after this.
But I am not getting how to use it.
I tried these references
How to locate code called by .External2()?
How can I view the source code for a function?
Can anyone please tell me how to proceed further?
You can browse the R source code at this GitHub repo: r-source.
Search it for the term "SEXP nlm" since stats:::C_nlm points to a function with the name "nlm" and all functions returning data to R use a datatype called SEXP (S expression).
You'll get two hits in the files statsR.h and optimize.c. The c-file is what you are looking for, so go down to the line starting with SEXP nlm and you got it.
SEXP nlm(SEXP call, SEXP op, SEXP args, SEXP rho)
SEXP value, names, v, R_gradientSymbol, R_hessianSymbol;
double *x, *typsiz, fscale, gradtl, stepmx,
steptol, *xpls, *gpls, fpls, *a, *wrk, dlt;
int code, i, j, k, itnlim, method, iexp, omsg, msg,
n, ndigit, iagflg, iahflg, want_hessian, itncnt;
/* .Internal(
* nlm(function(x) f(x, ...), p, hessian, typsize, fscale,
* msg, ndigit, gradtol, stepmax, steptol, iterlim)
function_info *state;
Imagine we're using the following code:
v <- sample(1:10, 100, T)
v <- sort(v)
unique.v <- unique(v)
Can I be sure that unique.v is already sorted?
In a more general setting, is that true that unique() returns a vector, ordered according to the first entry?
The documentation does not imply this, looking to the source with
is not of a much help.
Related questions: one, two.
Here's what I found.
This guide leads us to names.c, where we see
{"unique", do_duplicated, 1, 11, 4, {PP_FUNCALL, PREC_FN, 0}},
After that we move to unique.c and find an entry
SEXP attribute_hidden do_duplicated(SEXP call, SEXP op, SEXP args, SEXP env)
Browsing the code, we stumble upon
dup = duplicated3(x, incomp, fL, nmax);
which is a reference to
static SEXP duplicated3(SEXP x, SEXP incomp, Rboolean from_last, int nmax)
Finally, the main loop here is
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
// if ((i+1) % NINTERRUPT == 0) R_CheckUserInterrupt();
v[i] = isDuplicated(x, i, &data);
So the answer to my question is yes.