Does JSON always have to match a POJO/Bean and vice versa in spring-mvc Rest? - http

Every time I call my REST API sending a JSON through PUT, for instance, and there is some different property on it, I got 400 (Bad Request) as a result.
Is there any way to configure spring-mvc to ignore no existent properties when JSON and my Class do not perfectly match?
Here is a sample of a method on my controller:
#RequestMapping(method=RequestMethod.PUT, value="/include",
public #ResponseBody ResponseEntity<Client>
inserirClienteSemRedeSocial(#RequestBody Client client) {
return new ResponseEntity<Client>(client, HttpStatus.OK);

you can add to your Pojo:
which will ignore unknown fields


Http failure response for http://localhost:5000/api/users/siteUsers/[object%20Object],[object%20Object],[object%20Object]: 400 Bad Request

I am trying to add a multi-select dropdown in angular 11 and .netcore 3.1 web api.
when i submit the dropdown, errors occur like this.
"Http failure response for http://localhost:5000/api/users/siteUsers/[object%20Object],[object%20Object],[object%20Object]: 400 Bad Request"
How can i pass the from frontend the data.
Angular service.ts file
CreateSiteUsersAsync(data: FormData, id: number) {
return`${this.baseUrl}/${this.basePath}/siteUsers/${id}`, data);
.ts file
async onSubmitHandler() {
const data = { ...this.userForm.value};
await this.userService.CreateSiteUsersAsync(data,data.siteCode).toPromise();
A few things that is wrong with your function.
First Route is being specified, but the not the Http method. Meaning the default method is Get. You cannot pass form data to a Get method. It should be, Postor Put. So first thing is add a http method:
or more elegantly:
Next is the receival attributes where you get the data from. There are four options [FromRoute], [FromForm], [FromQuery] and [FromBody].
By default C# uses [FromQuery]. So for both the id and the data you will need to specify where you search this data. See code below:
public IActionResult MyEndpoint([FromRoute] id, [FromForm] data)
return Ok();
You can also use [FromBody] instead of the [FromForm] tag since technically both are are from the body.

WebTestClient cannot post body to MVC controller

The RestTemplate javadoc recommends migrating to WebClient, even for traditional (non-reactive) applications. So it's logical that I would also like to use WebTestClient in my controller tests, to use a consistent API.
This works fine for GET requests for example. But when I POST with a body, the body data does not arrive at the controller. Why not?
I can test my controllers like this:
WebTestClient webTestClient = WebTestClient.bindToController(TokenController()).build"/post2")
The controller code:
path = ["/post2"],
ResponseEntity<Any> post2(#RequestParam(GRANT_TYPE) String grantType) {
return ResponseEntity.ok("{\"a\": 33}")
In this example, grantType is null. If I start the application and send a standard HTTP request, then grantType contains the value "authorization_code" as expected.
(I manually translated the code from Kotlin to Java for this question, there may be syntax errors)
You are not actually parsing the body at all in your controller, you are only looking for a URL parameter.
#RequestParam("grant_type") will map a parameter like /someUrl?grant_type=something
But you are sending the data in the body of the request, so you should use
#RequestBody String grantType in your controller instead. Note that the input will be the whole String "grant_type=authorization_code".

Passing in a date to WebAPI - No HTTP resource was found that matches the request URI

I have a GET request that I make in Chrome Postman. It looks like the following:
Can anybody see why I would get this response in Postman?
"Message": "No HTTP resource was found that matches the request URI 'http://localhost/WCAPI/Lookup/WCClassDesc/State/AL/Class/7230/DescCode/00/EffDate/2016-04-13'.",
"MessageDetail": "No action was found on the controller 'WCClassDesc' that matches the request."
My code is:
using System;
using System.Web.Http;
/// <summary>
/// API for loading WCClassDescription which is shown on the PremByClass page.
namespace WCAPI.Controllers.Lookup {
public class WCClassDescController : ApiController {
public Models.Lookup.WCClassDesc Get(string ClassState, string ClassCode, string DescCode, DateTime EffDate) {
var desc = (new Premium.BLL.WCClassDesc()).GetCurrentWCClassDesc(ClassState, ClassCode, DescCode, EffDate);
var WC = AutoMapper.Mapper.Map<Models.Lookup.WCClassDesc>(desc);
return WC;
Any help or direction would be greatly appreciated.
There are multiple problems with your code, let's start from the URI:
Assuming you are testing your application using the root path of your host (localhost) and following your definition of RoutePrefix and Route attributes, the correct URI for your resource is the following:
That's because there is no WCAPI defined in your RoutePrefix attribute.
The other problem is related to the route parameter mapping, you defined you parameters as {State} and {Class}, but then you are asking for ClassState and ClassCode inside your method.
Rename those parameters to match the ones defined in your route, or else Web API will not map them to your method parameters.

Spring-boot return json and xml from controllers

I have a spring-boot 1.1.7 application that uses Thymeleaf for much of the UI, so the response from my controllers hasn't really been a concern. However, now I need to provide a XML response when a user submits a request via URL.
Here is a typical Request:
http://localhost:9001/remote/search?sdnName=Victoria&address=123 Maple Ave
Here is most of my gradle configuration:
project.ext {
springBootVersion = '1.1.7.RELEASE'
dependencies {
And here is my controller:
public class RemoteSearchController {
private SdnSearchService sdnSearchService;
#RequestMapping(value = "/remote/search", method = RequestMethod.GET, produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_XML_VALUE)
public List<Sdn> search(#ModelAttribute SdnSearch sdnSearch) {
List<Sdn> foundSdns = sdnSearchService.find( sdnSearch );
return foundSdns;
Here is my Object to be returned:
public class Sdn {
private long entNum;
private String sdnName;
//getters & setters here
I am able to receive the request via REST client (such as CocoaREST) and handle it. But When I return the list of SDN i get the following exception, even though I do have Jackson & jackson-dataformat-xml on my classpath:
org.springframework.web.HttpMediaTypeNotAcceptableException: Could not find acceptable representation
at org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.method.RequestMappingInfoHandlerMapping.handleNoMatch(
at org.springframework.web.servlet.handler.AbstractHandlerMethodMapping.lookupHandlerMethod(
at org.springframework.web.servlet.handler.AbstractHandlerMethodMapping.getHandlerInternal(
at org.springframework.web.servlet.handler.AbstractHandlerMethodMapping.getHandlerInternal(
at org.springframework.web.servlet.handler.AbstractHandlerMapping.getHandler(
My REST Client is including a Accept Header of "text/xml" (but in all honesty I would rather them not have to set this. Ideally any call to this Controller would always get XML, regardless of header being present).
Is there a way to handle this? I thought the Media Converters were included and just returned whatever the controller told them to?
See below for the answer I posted.
I had the exact same problem and I found the solution on Spring documentation website : here
In synthesis, I added the following dependency to the pom.xml of my project :
Then I added the following code block to the class that the service had to return :
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlRootElement;
public class Greeting {...}
And it worked.
SOLUTION: I used a combination of both answers below (thank you very much!). I am posting here in case anyone else needs help.
My modified controller:
public class RemoteSearchController {
private SdnSearchService sdnSearchService;
#RequestMapping(value = "/remote/search", method = RequestMethod.GET, produces = { "application/xml", "text/xml" }, consumes = MediaType.ALL_VALUE )
public SdnSearchResults search(#ModelAttribute SdnSearch sdnSearch) {
List<Sdn> foundSdns = sdnSearchService.find( sdnSearch );
SdnSearchResults results = new SdnSearchResults();
results.setSdns( foundSdns );
return results;
And on my client, I set the request headers:
Content-type: application/text
Accept: text/xml
I think ultimately the problem was that my client headers were not being set correctly, so I may not have had to make some of these changes. But I liked the idea of a SearchResults class containing a list of results:
public class SdnSearchResults {
private List<Sdn> sdns;
It may be better to create a new class:
public class SdnSearchResult {
private List<Sdn> sdns;
Then, a slight change will be required to the existing classes as follows:
public interface SdnSearchService {
SdnSearchResult find(SdnSearch sdnSearch);
public class UISearchController {
private SdnSearchService sdnSearchService;
public ModelAndView search(#ModelAttribute SdnSearch sdnSearch) {
return new ModelAndView("pages/search/results", "sdns", sdnSearchService.find(sdnSearch).getSdns());
Once this is done, the other controller must be coded as:
public class RemoteSearchController {
private SdnSearchService sdnSearchService;
public SdnSearchResult search(#RequestBody SdnSearch sdnSearch) {
return sdnSearchService.find(sdnSearch);
A quick explanation of the changes from your code:
#RequestBody will automatically deserialize the entire HTTP request body to an SdnSearch instance. External applications will typically submit the request data as HTTP body, so #RequestBody will ensure that the deserialization to Java object happens automatically.
#ResponseBody will automatically serialize the return value according to the external client's capabilities and the libraries available on the classpath. If Jackson is available on the classpath and the client has indicated that they can accept JSON, the return value will be automatically sent as JSON. If the JRE is 1.7 or higher (which means that JAXB is included with the JRE) and the client has indicated that they can accept XML, the return value will be automatically sent as XML.
List<Sdn> needs to be changed to SdnSearchResult to ensure that the application can exchange JSON, XML, RSS and ATOM formats with a single controller method, since XML (and XML based formats) require a root-tag on the output, which a List<Sdn> cannot be translated to.
Once these changes are done, fire up a REST client such as the Postman extension for Chrome and submit a request to /remote/search with the following information:
Request header Accepts set to application/json.
Request header Content-Type set to application/json.
Request body set to the JSON string { "sdnName" : "Victoria", "address" : "123 Maple Ave" }.
This will give you a JSON response.
You've marked the controller method as producing application/xml responses (produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_XML_VALUE). The request's accept header (Accept: text/xml) doesn't match so Spring determines that your search method cannot handle the request.
There are a few different ways to fix this on the server, depending on your exact requirements:
You could remove the produces attribute entirely
You could specify multiple media types: produces = { "application/xml", "text/xml" }
I am not sure about your version of Spring Boot (1.1.7.RELEASE) but I am on version 1.5.2.RELEASE and this xml conversion / serialization happens automatically without usage of any jackson dependencies as mentioned in few of the answers.
I guess that is happening because org.springframework.http.converter.xml.Jaxb2RootElementHttpMessageConverter is automatically configured since Spring Boot version 1.5.1.RELEASE & that converter uses default JAXB implementation of JRE ( so no explicit xml conversion dependency needed ) .
Second, Accept header set by clients in request decides which format the output is expected so a request mapping like below ( i.e. a single end point ) ,
#RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET, value = "/remote/search", produces = {
can be used to produce an xml as well as a JSON response ( if Accept header is set as text/xml or application/xml & application/json respectively.
Note 1 : javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlRootElement needs to be specified on root class if xml response is expected for a Java class. This is mandatory.
Note 2 : Jackson for json is already included in Spring Boot so that is not to be explicitly included for json outputs
Note 3 : Accept header - Output match off happens automatically by framework & developer doesn't have to code anything specific for that.
So in my opinion, if you only add XmlRootElement to your base class & upgrade your Spring Boot version, your server side is all set. Responsibility to set correct Accept header lies with the clients.
In addition to what Michael told in his answer, I added the following dependencies as well to pom.xml
For some reason, the jackson-dataformat-xml alone was not helping.
I also made sure that ResponseEntity is returned in the get call and removed the produces=MediaType from the RequestMapping annotation.
With these changes, I was able to get the correct data but I had to give the extension of mime type to the REST URL during get call. ie, specify explicitly like: http://localhost:8080/hello.xml or http://localhost:8080/hello.json in browser
In my case I wanted to return a formatted XML string and it was all combined into one line.
Adding produces = { "application/xml", "text/xml" } to the request mapping was enough to return the string as formatted XML (with indentation).
#RequestMapping(method= RequestMethod.GET, value="/generate/{blabla}", produces = { "application/xml", "text/xml" })
public String getBlaBla(#PathVariable("param") String param) throws IOException {

Spring MVC binding request parameters

I wrote a spring-mvc controller method to get an array of values in the request parameter.The method looks like below
Trying to get the value for request param foo which passes multiple values
public void performActionXX(HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response,
#RequestParam("foo") String[] foo) {
The above method works fine when the request url is in below format
However when the request url is in below format the server returns 400 error
Any idea how to fix the method to cater to the second format request url?
This is not possible with #RequestParam. What you can do is implement and register your own HandlerMethodArgumentResolver to perform to resolve request parameters like
into an array. You can always checkout the code of RequestParamMethodArgumentResolver to see how Spring does it.
Note that I recommend you change how the client creates the URL.
The server is supposed to define an API and the client is meant to follow it, that's why we have the 400 Bad Request status code.
I resolved this issue using the request.getParameterMap().Below is code.
Map<String,String> parameterMap= request.getParameterMap();
for(String key :parameterMap.keySet()){
