Bootstrap carousel: start css animation after slide is complete - css

Can anyone help me with an example on how to start the animation when the carousel item is active.
I am using‎ his css and the animation starts right after the next item is fired. Now what i want is to let it start after the slide is done.
This is my HTML
<div class="item active">
<div class="row" style="position:relative;">
<div class="col-lg-6">
<h1 class="animated fadeInLeft">Bespaar kosten met een overstap naar LED!</h1>
<div class="lead">
<p class="animated fadeInLeft animation-delay-hs">
Met LED verlichting bespaard u al snel <strong>40 tot 60%</strong> op uw energy kosten. <strong>wat LED u?</strong>
Vraag een offerte op maat aan
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<div class="col-lg-6 hero-led" style="position:absolute; bottom:0; right: 0;">
<img src="img/hero-1.png" class="animated fadeInRightBig img-responsive hero-led-light" alt="">
<img src="img/hero-1-light.png" class="animation-delay-2s hero-light-delay animated fadeIn img-responsive" alt="">
<img src="img/hero-1-light-2.png" class="animation-delay-3s hero-light-delay animated fadeIn img-responsive" alt="">
<img src="img/hero-1-light-3.png" class="animation-delay-4s hero-light-delay animated fadeIn img-responsive" alt="">
The css is loaded from the animated.css from daneden.

When i read you question and see your html code. I do not understand why your transition classes are already in it.
For the transition you will have to start with the element hidden (opacity:0;). After this add the transition class which make it visible with some effect. shows how you can do this with jQuery.
I think you should do something like this. Create a carousel and transitions for some slide.
Run the carousal, stop it at your transition slide, play your transition and restart the carousel.
Example with transitions on the second slide (index = 1):
$(".carousel").on('', function(evt) {
if( $(this).find('.active').index() == 1)
/* run your transitions */
/*restart your carousel */
Find the index of the active slide:
Stop (and restart) your carousel:
Bootstrap came with transition.js you could use the th add some fall backs to your code. To prevent your code from running when a transition runs you will need to add it in a timeout. See: jQuery/Javascript - How to wait for manipulated DOM to update before proceeding with function
for example a create this function:
function transitions()
var j = 1;
for(var i=1; i<=4; i++)
if (!$.support.transition){$('#z'+i).removeClass('inactive')}
$('#z'+j).one($.support.transition.end, function(){$('#z'+i).removeClass('inactive')}).emulateTransitionEnd(2000);
This code add the transition classes for every z* element. The next transition starts 2 seconds (2000ms in the timeout) after the first.
<p class="inactive" id="z1">
Met LED verlichting bespaart u al snel <strong>40 tot 60%</strong> op uw energie kosten. <strong>wat LED u?</strong>
<p class="inactive" id="z2">
Met LED verlichting bespaart u al snel <strong>40 tot 60%</strong> op uw energie kosten. <strong>wat LED u?</strong>
<p class="inactive" id="z3">
Met LED verlichting bespaart u al snel <strong>40 tot 60%</strong> op uw energie kosten. <strong>wat LED u?</strong>
<div class="inactive" id="z4">
Vraag een offerte op maat aan
//hide the z* elements
Cause the above code preforms 4 transition of 2 second the carousel will be restart after 5 x 2 seconds:
var that = $(this);
/*restart your carousal */
/* hide transitions again */
$("#slide2 [id^='z']").removeClass().addClass('inactive');
Complete code:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Carousel with transitions</title>
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<div id="carousel-example-captions" class="carousel slide bs-docs-carousel-example">
<ol class="carousel-indicators">
<li data-target="#carousel-example-captions" data-slide-to="0" class="active"></li>
<li class="" data-target="#carousel-example-captions" data-slide-to="1"></li>
<li class="" data-target="#carousel-example-captions" data-slide-to="2"></li>
<div class="carousel-inner">
<div class="item active">
<div class="carousel-caption">
<h3>First slide label</h3>
<p>Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue mollis interdum.</p>
<div class="item" id="slide2">
<div class="carousel-caption">
<h3>Second slide label</h3>
<p class="inactive" id="z1">
Met LED verlichting bespaart u al snel <strong>40 tot 60%</strong> op uw energie kosten. <strong>wat LED u?</strong>
<p class="inactive" id="z2">
Met LED verlichting bespaart u al snel <strong>40 tot 60%</strong> op uw energie kosten. <strong>wat LED u?</strong>
<p class="inactive" id="z3">
Met LED verlichting bespaart u al snel <strong>40 tot 60%</strong> op uw energie kosten. <strong>wat LED u?</strong>
<div class="inactive" id="z4">
Vraag een offerte op maat aan
<div class="item">
<div class="carousel-caption">
<h3>Third slide label</h3>
<p>Praesent commodo cursus magna, vel scelerisque nisl consectetur.</p>
<a class="left carousel-control" href="#carousel-example-captions" data-slide="prev">
<span class="icon-prev"></span>
<a class="right carousel-control" href="#carousel-example-captions" data-slide="next">
<span class="icon-next"></span>
<script src="//"></script>
<script src="/bootstrap3/bootstrap-master/dist/js/bootstrap.js"></script>
function transitions()
var j = 1;
for(var i=1; i<=4; i++)
if (!$.support.transition){$('#z'+i).removeClass('inactive')}
$('#z'+j).one($.support.transition.end, function(){$('#z'+i).removeClass('inactive')}).emulateTransitionEnd(2000);
$(".carousel").on('', function(evt) {
if( $(this).find('.active').index() == 1)
/* run your transitions */
var that = $(this);
/*restart your carousal */
/* hide transitions again */
$("#slide2 [id^='z']").removeClass().addClass('inactive');


How to extract Amazon Reviews?

I want to extract amazon reviews and all its related data like: Name of reviewer, rating, content, and (if possible) comments in response to that review.
I am using python 3.7.
You can achieve that by two methods:
API (reliable fast)
Ask for API from Amazon
Tools like Headless chrome or Selenium
check this post
Find DOM element in the page like
<div id="R1IZDPP09RA69A" data-hook="review" class="a-section review">
<div id="customer_review-R1IZDPP09RA69A" class="a-section celwidget" data-cel-widget="customer_review-R1IZDPP09RA69A">
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<div class="a-profile-content"><span class="a-profile-name">Sana Khanam</span></div>
<div class="a-row"><a class="a-link-normal" title="4.0 out of 5 stars" href="/gp/customer-reviews/R1IZDPP09RA69A/ref=cm_cr_dp_d_rvw_ttl?ie=UTF8&ASIN=B079Q9VNWQ"><i data-hook="review-star-rating" class="a-icon a-icon-star a-star-4 review-rating"><span class="a-icon-alt">4.0 out of 5 stars</span></i></a><span class="a-letter-space"></span><a data-hook="review-title" class="a-size-base a-link-normal review-title a-color-base a-text-bold" href="/gp/customer-reviews/R1IZDPP09RA69A/ref=cm_cr_dp_d_rvw_ttl?ie=UTF8&ASIN=B079Q9VNWQ">Amazing service by VOLTAS !!Appreciated 🖒</a></div>
<span data-hook="review-date" class="a-size-base a-color-secondary review-date">17 May 2018</span>
<div class="a-row a-spacing-mini review-data review-format-strip"><span data-hook="avp-badge-linkless" class="a-size-mini a-color-state a-text-bold">Verified Purchase</span></div>
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<div data-hook="review-collapsed" aria-expanded="false" class="a-expander-content a-expander-partial-collapse-content" style="padding-bottom: 19px;">5 th day after having AC installed.<br>PROS:<br><br>-Cooling nice<br>-Looks good<br>-Good one in this price range<br>-Fast Installation within 24h<br>- Customer support response appriciated<br><br>CONS<br>-Started making weird little noises while decreasing temperature.<br><br>-I don't understand but some unpleasant smell being diffused after starting it at the 5th day of installation.<br><br>-Contacted seller, issue resolved!<br><br>Overall would RECOMMEND!! Go for it.</div>
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<div class="a-row a-spacing-small"><span data-hook="helpful-vote-statement" class="a-size-base a-color-tertiary cr-vote-text">5 people found this helpful</span></div>
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here you can find reviewer name rating and review under each div having attribute data-hook="review".
Name under <span class="a-profile-name">Sana Khanam</span>
Rating <span class="a-icon-alt">4.0 out of 5 stars</span>
Review <div data-hook="review-collapsed" aria-expanded="false" class="a-expander-content a-expander-partial-collapse-content" style="padding-bottom: 19px;">5 th day after...</div>

Drupal automaticly updates my custom source html content

I am writting an article on my Drupal 7 site directly with HTML source code.
When i save my content and want to modify it again, all my HTML source code has changed structure.
The display is what i want but the html source code is more complex then mine.
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All my links <a href="..." are splitted... what can i do to avoid this ?
As we can see in comments, there are no simple way to avoid Drupal from modifying custom HTML :
With a module hook into the core (thanks #headmax)
With Text format attribute put on "PHP Code"
I chose Text format because i have no time to spare on a new module.
Thanks for your answers
If you're using the WYSIWYG module, there's a setting called "Apply simple source formatting" (at /admin/config/content/wysiwyg/) that will reformat your code, even if you are editing the source directly.

Bootstrap container gets margin-top 0

Why does my .container main_container div hang on the header? (Its not because the 2 php error message, i tried)
If i give the div about 100px margin-top, it will be okay, but that isn't a good method.
After the header, I added a clearfix div, but it did nothing.
<nav class="navbar navbar-default navbar-fixed-top mainHeader">
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<a class="navbar-brand" href="<?php echo $host; ?>"><?php echo $siteName; ?></a>
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$top_menuDown = mysqli_query($kapcs, "SELECT * FROM top_menu WHERE top_menu_id IN (1,3,4,5,6,7) ORDER BY top_menu_sorrend ASC");
if(mysqli_num_rows($top_menuDown) > 0 )
while($top_nav = mysqli_fetch_assoc($top_menuDown))
echo '<li><a class="top_menu_to_link" href="'.$host.'/'.$top_nav['top_menu_seo'].'" title="'.$top_nav['top_menu_nev'].'">'.$top_nav['top_menu_nev'].'</a></li>';
<div class="clearfix"></div>
This is because you use navbar-fixed-top class in your navbar. That's a Bootstrap class which makes your navbar position: fixed in CSS. Therefore you have to add margin-top or padding-top to your main_container. Clearfix has nothing to do with your issue in this case. When you use position: fixed browser get this element out of the normal document flow.
position: absolute/fixed:
The element is removed from the flow of the document and other elements will behave as if it’s not even there whilst all the other positional properties will work on it.
You have to use padding-top/margin-top to the body element. The reason is explained by #makshh. So just try to customize it based on screen size using Javascript.
Updated Fiddle
Here is an example--
$(window).resize(function() {
if ($(".navbar.navbar-default.navbar-fixed-top.mainHeader").height() > 100) {
$("html, body").css("padding-top", "150px");
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<h3><strong>A megrendelés, árajánlatkérés menete</strong></h3>
<p>Amennyiben árajánlatot szeretne kérni, azt a termékeknél a "Még jobb árat szeretnék" gombra, vagy a menüben az "Ajánlatkérés" menüpontra
való kattintással teheti meg.</p>
<p>A megjelenő ajánlatkérő ablakban / oldalon kérjük töltse ki az összes mezőt, és küldje el részünkre.</p>
<p>Munkatársaink 2 munkanapon belül felveszik Önnel a kapcsolatot az Ön által megadott elérhetőségek valamelyikén.</p>
<p>Megrendelését előre utalással, vagy személyesen valamelyik telephelyünkön készpénzzel tudja fizetni. A budapesti telephelyünkön lehetőség van bankkártyás fizetésre
<p>A részletes szállítási információkat megtekintheti a "Szállítás" menüpontban.</p>
<p>A weboldalon feltüntetett árak gyári árak, tartalmazzák a 27% ÁFÁ-t, de nem tartalmazzák a raklapok díját, a szállítást, és a lerakást.</p>
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<h2 class="main_hir_title_list">Új korszakot nyit a most elkészült LLVM és a Clang 4.0</h2>
<span class="main_hir_box_date">HÍREK | 2017-03-15 16:24</span>
<p class="main_hir_box_desc">Az LLVM fejlesztői a napokban "final" jelöléssel látták el az LLVM és a Clang következő, 4-es verzióját. Bár a hivatalos bejelentés és a csomagok közzétételére vélhetően csak ezen a héten kerül majd sor, a fordító-infrastruktúra
és a hozzá kapcsolódó C/C++ fordító legújabb kiadása ezzel elkészültnek tekinthető.</p>
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Bootstrap scrollspy not working doesnt highlight at all

Can someone take a look at my html? Previously, my scrollspy was working but I dont know what happend and its not working anymore. I have been at this for 2 hours and I still can't get it to work. I dont recall doing any breaking changes.
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Nathaniel D Alcedo Jr,
<h2 >aspiring web developer</h2>
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<h1>Projects Finished</h1>
<p>Free Code Camp <u>Calculator</u></p>
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<h1>A little about me</h1>
Hello there! As the title suggests, I am an aspiring web developer.
I'm currently serving my time in the Singapore Armed Forces and in my free time, I like to muck
around on the computer. It ranges from making mock websites to thinking of my own implementations
of basic data structures. I find pleasure in breaking code and trying to fix them using stackoverflow.<br><br>
My first contact with a programming languges was in polytechnic during a module on c++. How I sucked terriby!
It wasn't until halfway through my time in national service did I take an interest in programming once again. I'm currently
doing Free Code Camp's course on web development in my free time. I turn operationally ready in may of 2017 and I intend to
look for a job in this wonderful field we call software development.
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// This script enalbes the smooth scrolling of pages when clicking links on the Navbar
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$('html, body').animate({
scrollTop: target.offset().top}, 1000);
return false;
You need to apply the .navbar-default class to the navbar as well as change your id of id="navigation" to reflect the data-target, currently it's data-target="#navbar".
**Currently there isn't enough content to actually scroll so a generic height is set for example purposes.
Working Example: Open to FullPage
$(function() {
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if (location.pathname.replace(/^\//, '') == this.pathname.replace(/^\//, '') && location.hostname == this.hostname) {
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$('html, body').animate({
scrollTop: target.offset().top
}, 1000);
return false;
.navbar.navbar-default {
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<h1>Nathaniel D Alcedo Jr,</h1>
<h2>aspiring web developer</h2>
<section class="text-center" id="portfolio">
<h1>Projects Finished</h1>
<p>Free Code Camp <u>Calculator</u>
<section id="about">
<h1>A little about me</h1>
Hello there! As the title suggests, I am an aspiring web developer. I'm currently serving my time in the Singapore Armed Forces and in my free time, I like to muck around on the computer. It ranges from making mock websites to thinking of my own implementations
of basic data structures. I find pleasure in breaking code and trying to fix them using stackoverflow.
<br>My first contact with a programming languges was in polytechnic during a module on c++. How I sucked terriby! It wasn't until halfway through my time in national service did I take an interest in programming once again. I'm currently doing Free
Code Camp's course on web development in my free time. I turn operationally ready in may of 2017 and I intend to look for a job in this wonderful field we call software development.
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<p>Something Nathaniel</p>
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CSS :before repeat issue

I set :before property on my footer but I'm facing a repeating issue. I mean my image from :before property is repeated a lot of and I don't know why :/
See on my website it will be easier to understand :)
Here is my code
/*Insertion image TDB footer*/
div.footer-container ::before{
/*Fin insertion image*/
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Thanks for helping :)
The problem may be in your selector. You are doing this way in your site:
.footer-container *::before
See that * in your selector? It means that you want all child elements of .footer-container to have that css applied. You probably don't want it to work like this, I think.
Maybe you can try .footer-container::before to apply just before the elements that contains the .footer-container class, which is just one element.
You should do a background-image and background-repeat properties in your footer
.footer-container ::before {
content: " ";
background-image: url("../../img/Tonnerre/img_tdb_footer.png");
background-repeat: no-repeat;
Do not forget to add height and width to your element in before:
.footer-container ::before {
content: " ";
background: url("../../img/Tonnerre/img_tdb_footer.png") no-repeat;
