Multiple actions within a controller -

Currently I have a controller which is named (Manage). I want it to have links such as
Where the action manageType can be (Settings, Username, Description).
What is the best way to structure this in my Manage Controller so I can have all these attributes? Is it possible for there to be multiple actions functions that was within other actions? For example
-> viewResult Users(int userID)
-> viewResult Pages(int pageID)
-> viewResult Type(string typeID)
Where the Users and Pages will point to the type after it gets the ID's from the link.

"Is it possible for there to be multiple actions functions that was within other actions?"
How would that work? Action methods are just regular .NET methods - actions within actions don't really make sense.
If you want it all in one controller, you will have to have something like this:
public ActionResult UserSettings(int userid) { /*...*/ }
public ActionResult UserName(int userid) { /*...*/ }
public ActionResult UserDescription(int userid) { /*...*/ }
public ActionResult PageSettings(int userid) { /*...*/ }
public ActionResult PageName(int userid) { /*...*/ }
public ActionResult PageDescription(int userid) { /*...*/ }
You could wire up routing like this:
name: "Default",
url: "Manage/Users/{userid}/Settings",
defaults: new { controller = "Manage", action = "UserSettings" },
constraints = new { userid = #"\d+" }


Return correct 201 when using controller actions attribute routing

Net core 3 web api. It uses attribute routing for controllers actions. Few separate controllers with post methods (e.g. CreatedContract) should return 201 where routeName related to : GetOperationsById. Example is very simplified comparing to actual app, so please lets not put to much attention to it style
How to set route name to CreatedAtRoute correctly:
public class OperationsController : ControllerBase
public async Task<IActionResult> GetOperationsById(int id)
var operation = _service.GetOperation(id);
return Ok(operation);
public class ContractsController : ControllerBase
public async Task<IActionResult> CreatedContract(string jsonData)
var newlyCreatedContract = _service.Create(jsonData);
//var route = this value should point out to OperationsController -> GetOperationsById
return CreatedAtRoute(route, new { newlyCreatedContract.Id }, newlyCreatedContract);
Thank you
According to your description, I suggest you could try to add a route name to the GetOperationsById route attribute and then use this attribute name as the parameter to the CreatedAtRoute method.
More details, you could refer to below example:
Other controller method:
[Route("contractsOperation/{id}", Name = nameof(GetOperationsById))]
public async Task<IActionResult> GetOperationsById(int id)
return Ok("aa");
Call it:
public IActionResult Index()
return CreatedAtRoute(nameof(FooController.GetOperationsById), new { id = 1 }, new { id=1});

Same Policy but different required parameter for each action method

In a .Net core Webapi 2.1 project, I have a tons of action methods.
All action methods should be authorized against the same policy (named FooPolicy) but with a different required argument.
Based on Microsoft's docs: Policy-based-Authorization
One way would be to declare a tons of policies based on different input argument:
services.AddAuthorization(options =>
options.AddPolicy("FooPolicy1", policy =>policy.Requirements.Add(new FooRequirement(1)));
options.AddPolicy("FooPolicy2", policy =>policy.Requirements.Add(new FooRequirement(2)));
options.AddPolicy("FooPolicy3", policy =>policy.Requirements.Add(new FooRequirement(3)));
//... May be 30 more same policies here ...
As i earlier mentioned, only different part is in new FooRequirement(diffArgs). The other challenge for this solution would be to add each FooPolicy on it's corresponding action method and you may miss a couple of theme:
[Authorize(Policy = "FooPolicy1")]
public IActionResult ActionMethodFoo1(...) {...}
[Authorize(Policy = "FooPolicy2")]
public IActionResult ActionMethodFoo2(...) {...}
[Authorize(Policy = "FooPolicy3")]
public IActionResult ActionMethodFoo3(...) {...}
...List still goes on...
Is there any solution like: declare a policy once but use it with different instance of FooRequirement (which is of type IAuthorizationHandler)? like so:
services.AddAuthorization(options =>
options.AddPolicy("FooPolicy", policy =>policy.Requirements.Add(?));
And on the action methods:
[Authorize(Policy = "FooPolicy", required = new FooRequirement(1))]
public IActionResult ActionMethodFoo1(...) {...}
[Authorize(Policy = "FooPolicy", required = new FooRequirement(2))]
public IActionResult ActionMethodFoo2(...) {...}
[Authorize(Policy = "FooPolicy", required = new FooRequirement(3))]
public IActionResult ActionMethodFoo3(...) {...}
The main idea is to declare policy once. Two recent code blocks are psudo-code, Does any body knows practical solution with similar concept?
You could implement your own IAuthorizationFilter
custom IAuthorizationFilter
public class CustomAuthorize : IAuthorizationFilter
private readonly int _input;
public CustomAuthorize(int input)
_input = input;
public void OnAuthorization(AuthorizationFilterContext context)
//custom validation rule
if (_input == 1)
context.Result = new ForbidResult();
Custom CustomAuthorizeAttribute
public class CustomAuthorizeAttribute : TypeFilterAttribute
public CustomAuthorizeAttribute(int input) : base(typeof(CustomAuthorize))
Arguments = new object[] { input };
public IActionResult About()

Registering Actions for ControllerModel in ASP.NET Core

I am trying to add a new ActionModel for a ControllerModel in an implementation of IControllerModelConvention, but I cannot find any documentation or examples of how this model system works or how to do this correctly. I am able to add a new ActionModel easily enough, but it is not routable once the application is running:
var action = new ActionModel(method, new object[] { new HttpGetAttribute("/test") })
Controller = controller,
ActionName = "test"
It seems I need to add a selector to the action, perhaps other properties as well, but I haven't been able to find one that exposes this action. Also unsure if my attributes are correct/redundant. Ultimately I would like to add multiple actions that do not map 1:1 to the methods in the controller.
I've made it work similiar to your approach. Maybe this can help you:
public class TestController : Controller
public IActionResult Index()
return Ok(new string[] { "Hello", "World" });
Model Convention
public class TestControllerModelConvention : IControllerModelConvention
public void Apply(ControllerModel controller)
Type controllerType = typeof(TestController);
MethodInfo indexAction = controllerType.GetMethod("Index");
var testAction = new ActionModel(indexAction, new[] { new HttpGetAttribute("/test") })
ActionName = "Index",
Controller = controller
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
// other initialitation stuff
services.AddMvc(options =>
options.Conventions.Add(new TestControllerModelConvention());
Now when I start the application and browse "/test" it will hit the controller action.

Can you have multiple get action methods in asp net web api controller according to RESTful API constraints?

I have the following interface in my business layer
public interface IUserService
void CreateUser(User user);
List<User> FindUsersByName(string searchedString);
User GetUserById(int userId);
User GetUserByCredentials(string login, string password);
void UpdateUser(User user);
void UpdateUserPassword(int userId, string oldPassword, string newPassword);
Now I want to provide web api for this interface. As you can see this interface has multiple get methods that return one item GetUserById and GetUserByCredentials, it also has multiple update methods UpdateUser and UpdateUserPassword, in future I might want to add aditional get method that returns a collection, like, GetAllUsers for instance.
The obvious solution was to encapsulate this functionality in one controller.
So what I did first, in WebApiConfig I changed routes configuration to
name: "DefaultApi",
//as you can see I added {action} to the path so that, it will be possible to differentiate between different get/put requests
routeTemplate: "api/{controller}/{action}/{id}",
defaults: new { id = RouteParameter.Optional }
Then I created a UsersController that looks like this
public class UsersController : ApiController
private readonly IUserService _userService;
public UsersController(IUserService userService)
_userService = userService;
// POST api/users/createuser
public IHttpActionResult CreateUser(User user)
//some code
// GET api/users/getuserbyid?id=1
public IHttpActionResult GetUserById(int id)
//some code
// GET api/users/getuserbycredentials?login=log&password=pass
public IHttpActionResult GetUserByCredentials(string login, string password)
//some code
// GET api/users/findusersbyname?searchedString=jack
public IHttpActionResult FindUsersByName(string searchedString)
//some code
// PUT api/users/updateuser
public IHttpActionResult UpdateUser(UserBase user)
//some code
// PUT api/users/updateuserpassword?userId=1&oldPassword=123&newPassword=1234
public IHttpActionResult UpdateUserPassword(int userId, string oldPassword, string newPassword)
//some code
As you can see from the code above I have different URIs for each action method, e.g., for GetUserById - api/users/getuserbyid?id=1, for GetUserByCredentials - api/users/getuserbycredentials?login=log&password=pass and so on. This solution works fine so far, but the problem is, as far as I know you cannot have multiple gets according to REST, so does this solution still comply with the constraints for a RESTful service? And if not how can I make it truly RESTful? The idea of splitting this interface into different controllers seems a little odd to me, because in the future I may want to add some new methods to my interface, like, GetUsersByGender, GetUsersByDateOfBirthday and so on (if I'm going to create a new controller each time, that doesn't sound right to me)

Asynchronous call to webservice in MVC 4 web application

I am building my first real MVC4 application and I have run into following issue.
I have a model for "User" class. Data for it are obtained through asynchronous call to webservice:
public sealed class AdminDMSEntities
public List<User> UserList { get; private set; }
public AdminDMSEntities()
this.UserList = new List<User>(0);
ServiceClient client = new ServiceClient();
client.GetUsersCompleted += (s, e) =>
if (e.Result == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("No users were retrieved");
UserList = new List<User>(0);
e.Result.ForEach(w => this.UserList.Add(new User(w.Guid, w.TrusteeType, w.Username, w.Email, w.LastLogin, w.PasswordChanged, w.IsUsingTempPassword)));
I intend to use this class as I would use class derived from DbContext (if I could use Entity Framework which I cant). So far I have only users in the class.
I am using tis class in UsersController like this:
public class UsersController : Controller
private AdminDMSEntities adminEntities = new AdminDMSEntities();
// GET: /User/
public ActionResult Index()
return View(adminEntities.UserList);
The problem is that I will end up with InvalidOperationException, because controller is not waiting for async call completion and passes UserList to the view before it is properly filled with users.
I can have the call synchronous for the time being, but it is very likely I will be forced to use asynchronous calls later, so I would like to know how to ensure, that controller will wait for async call to be completed before UserList is passed to view...
Thanks in advance
EDIT: I have tried the approach with AsyncController as listed below, currently I have added this to AdminDMS entities class:
public static async Task<AdminDMSEntities> AdminDMSEntitiesAsync()
AdminDMSEntities result = null;
Task<AdminDMSEntities> getUsersAsyncTask = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => new AdminDMSEntities());
await getUsersAsyncTask;
return result;
and this is the change to the controller:
public class UsersController : AsyncController
private AdminDMSEntities adminEntities = null;
// GET: /User/
public async Task<ActionResult> Index()
if (adminEntities == null)
adminEntities = await AdminDMSEntities.AdminDMSEntitiesAsync();
return View(adminEntities.UserList);
The result is that adminEntities are containing an instance of the class, but there are no users in the list (there should be 11).
EDIT2: Since i was told that creating new task is not the right thing to do, I went with the first suggested approach removin AdminDMSEntities class from the code. My thanks to Darin for helping me out :)
You could use an asynchronous controller. The idea is to have your controller derive from the AsyncController class instead of the Controller class. This class provides methods that allow you to perform asynchronous operations.
For example:
public class MyController: AsyncController
public void IndexAsync()
var client = new SomeClient();
client.GetUsersCompleted += (s, e) =>
UserList = new List<User>();
AsyncManager.Parameters["users"] = e.Result.Select(
w => new User(
public ActionResult IndexCompleted(IEnumerable<User> users)
return View(users);
and if you are using .NET 4.5 you could even take advantage of the new async keyword simplifying the asynchronous code even further. This is possible if you refactor your data access layer to the new pattern (i.e. return Tasks):
public class MyController: AsyncController
public async Task<ActionResult> Index()
var client = new SomeClient();
var users = await client.GetUsersAsync().Select(
w => new User(
return View(users);
