Sublime Text 2 - Changing the icon on Windows - icons

As the title says, how do you change Sublime Text 2 default icon on Windows(7 or 8)?
I've searched everywhere. I found the post by Jeffrey Way on Nettuts that explains how to change it on the Mac and it was as simple as putting the 'nameoftheicon.icns' file somewhere in the default folder.
Now I have two problems:
1) I can't find the folder where the icns file should be put in
2) on Git(or somewhere else) when I find the repo of an icon the things to do in order to change it, even on the Mac, are way longer than Jeff's post
I wish the Windows folder was specified in that post to but it isn't(as you know he works on Mac).
So basically what's the fastest way to change the icon, maybe just by putting the icns files somewhere and avoiding the download of external software(as some Git repos suggests)?

There is no way of changing the icon on Windows without editing either the sublime_text.exe file or one of the libraries with an external program. It's just one of the many, many differences between Windows and Mac. .icns files are specific for the Mac platform, and don't exist in the Windows versions of Sublime Text.

There is no easy/fast method to change an application icon once its been compiled, however you can use a tool like Resource Tuner to alter the resources embedded within it.
Its worth noting that if you do use Resource Tuner it only supports 32bit binaries which means you will need to modify the 32bit version of Sublime. You can adjust the four icons defined there (16,32,48 256), you will need to create your own individual ICO files for each 32bit resource, import them using resource tuner and then save our .exe
An altered 32bit version of the .exe and .ico resources are here : (nothing malicious however use at your own risk)

may help. BTW, it provide solution of changing icon in Win\Ubuntu\Mac


SVG icon is not showing up in a Qt, portable application under Ubuntu

For some reason, I want to publish my application as a portable one. That is, avoiding the pre-installed shared libraries and use my own ones, shipped together with the app.
Long story short. Following the advises on this helpful page, I found that the window icon, which is an svg, not showing up in the foreign computer. What did I miss?
Turns out a shared library it needs cannot be found.
In Windows, you have to put Qt5Svg.dll in the same folder of the exe. And in Linux, besides the, iconengines/ is also needed.

Can the GitHub Atom editor show properties and functions of classes?

Recently I moved from NetBeans to GitHub Atom editor. How can I access properties and functions of classes in the editor?
I use a mix with the symbol gen and symbols view packages. First one very good about generating ctag file for your project and second one for inspect code and jump to the definitions of tags. Also, it supports Show all symbols in current file future. It have to show for you the members and properties of your classes.
In short: after installation open a work directory with your project and try alt + cmd + g, wait several seconds, ctags file generating now for you and after that cmd + r and just start typing any part of a method or property in the input.
In addition to all the previous answers, I would recommend you to check Atom's package goto-definition, with its optional "performance mode" (which requires you to install ripgrep).
goto-definition will allow you to find and access properties and
functions/classes definitions even if they are not written in the same file. In combination with ripgrep, goto-definition is extremely fast, and you will not have to wait for file indexing within your project.
If you are referring to the members of a Java class (which I assume, since you've used NetBeans before), then this is currently not supported in Atom.
Atom is a (fairly simple) editor that allows you to edit text files, while full-blown IDEs (Integrated Development Environments) like Eclipse, NetBeans or IntelliJ IDEA have full language support including running, debugging and browsing Java class information. It might be better to stick with one of the IDEs I mentioned if you are looking for this kind of functionality.
Having said that, there's the package, which supposedly can show some meta information about classes you're working on. It's primarily for C++, although it might work for Java as well (I haven't tried).

Code completion is not working on Flash Builder 4.7 project

I have a project and added a library to it and none of the classes in the library are showing in auto complete / code hinting in MXML. I searched online and read that increasing the memory might help, allowing the type caching to be larger, but I can't find the eclipse.ini or flashbuilder.ini file that they all talk about. I'm using Mac OSX 10.8.
Also, if there is a way to force eclipse to recreate the type cache (classes list) I would rather try that first than mess with the ini file.
I had to select the FlashBuilder icon and choose "Expand or Show package contents" and then it showed more folders. In those folders was the FlashBuilder.ini.

Qt - QImage works on one computer and not on another [duplicate]

I set a background image(JPEG) on a Qt widget using setStyleSheet(). This is perfectly shown on my computer, but not on another computer.
I am not getting a link error on the other computer -- the feature just doesn't work. Is there something I am missing in the distribution or build of my app, something that the Qt dev tools installs or is otherwise available, that isn't present on other machines? How can I distribute a Qt app that uses JPEG functionality?
JPEG support in Qt comes as a plugin. Make sure you have also deployed the plugin to your non-development machine. If you haven't, it will simply silently fail and you'll end up not seeing any of the JPEG images. Have a look at the official documentation for more detailed information:
In short (and as a quick solution, but have a look at the documentation as well) you could create a directory named "imageformats" as a subdirectory of the folder containing your exe, into which you copy QJPEG4.dll.

QT/C++ on MAC - Application Icon doesn't set

Weird problem I'm struggling with. On the same folder as my "*.pro" QT project file I have a Resources/myIcon.png.
I am trying to set that as the Icon for my built application, running on OSX. I read the documentation and it suggests to put a "ICON = " in the .pro file. I did that, but for some reason, the icon IS copied over the the resources folder inside my app's content, but the .pfile's icon field remains empty. Even when I change it manually to "resources/myIcon.png" it will not work.
What am I doing wrong?
Manually delete the generated app bundle. Run QMake followed by Rebuild All is not sufficient!
Don't set the full pathname within the application bundle for the icon file in the Info.plist. Just set the filename. Mac OS knows to look in for it.
And yes, it must be an ICNS file as far as I'm aware. You can use the 'Icon Composer' utility that is part of the Mac OS development tools to create an .icns from a .png.
Are you referring to the icon which appears in the dock? I added a .ico to my application's resource file, then set it as my icon with the following call
QApplication::qApp()->setWindowIcon(QIcon(<resource path>));
