How to specify multiple forms with Mesosphere in Meteorite? - meteor

I have multiple forms I'd like to declare but it appears you can only do one at a time:
name: "signupForm",
method: "signup",
fields: {
username: {
required: true
email: {
required: true,
format: "email",
password: {
required: true,
name: "loginForm",
method: "login",
fields: {
usernameOrEmail: {
required: true,
password: {
required: true,
It doesnt appear that it possible to pass in an array or multiple objects.

No, it currently does not support specifying multiple forms at once. If you would like to swing by github and file an issue as a feature request to remind me. I'd be more than happy to include this in a future release.


Validation error with simple-schema

I'm trying to insert an array into an object and I'm not having any luck. I think the schema is rejecting it based on validation but I'm not sure why. If I console.log(this.state.typeOfWork) and check typeof it states its an Object which contains:
(2) ["Audit - internal", "Audit - external"]
0: "Audit - internal"
1: "Audit - external"
My collection after an update contains:
"roleAndSkills": {
"typeOfWork": []
Example: Schema
roleAndSkills: { type: Object, optional: true },
'roleAndSkills.typeOfWork': { type: Array, optional: true },
'roleAndSkills.typeOfWork.$': { type: String, optional: true }
Example: update
ProfileCandidate.update(this.state.profileCandidateCollectionId, {
$set: {
roleAndSkills: {
typeOfWork: [this.state.typeOfWork]
Simple schema has some problems with validation on Objects or Arrays, i had the same problem in a recent app i developed.
What can you do?
well, what i did, on the Collections.js file, when you are saying:
type: Array
Try adding the property blackbox:true, like this:
blackbox: true,
type: Array
This will tell your Schema that this field is taking an Array, but ignore further validation.
The validation i made was on main.js, just to be sure i had no empty array and the data was plain text.
As requested here is my update method, im my case i used objects not arrays but it works the same way.
editUser: function (editedUserVars, uid) {
return Utilizadores.update(
{_id: uid},
username: editedUserVars.username,
usernim: editedUserVars.usernim,
userrank: {short: editedUserVars.userrank.short,
long: editedUserVars.userrank.long},
userspec: {short: editedUserVars.userspec.short,
long: editedUserVars.userspec.long},
usertype: editedUserVars.usertype}},
{upsert: true})
here it the collection schema
UtilizadoresSchema = new SimpleSchema({
type: String
type: String
blackbox: true,
type: Object
blackbox: true,
type: Object
type: String
Hope it helps
typeOfWork is an Array. You should push your value in it :
$push: {
"roleAndSkills.typeOfWork": this.state.typeOfWork
for multiple values :
$push: {
"roleAndSkills.typeOfWork": { $each: [ "val1", "val2" ] }
mongo $push operator
mongo dot notation
You state that this.state.typeOfWork is an array (of strings) but then when you .update() your document you are enclosing it in square brackets:
ProfileCandidate.update(this.state.profileCandidateCollectionId, {
$set: {
roleAndSkills: {
typeOfWork: [this.state.typeOfWork]
Simply remove the redundant square brackets:
ProfileCandidate.update(this.state.profileCandidateCollectionId, {
$set: {
roleAndSkills: {
typeOfWork: this.state.typeOfWork
Also since your array is just an array of strings you can simplify your schema a bit by declaring it as such with [String] for the type:
'roleAndSkills.typeOfWork': { type: [String] }
Note furthermore that objects and arrays are by default optional so you can even omit the optional flag.

Meteor aldeed/meteor-collection2 autoValue throwing error

I am trying to use autoValue in my schema
Posts.schema = new SimpleSchema({
title: { type: String },
description: { type: String },
posted: { type: Date,
autoValue: function (){
return new Date;
likes: { type: Number, defaultValue: 0, optional: true },
dislikes: { type: Number, defaultValue: 0, optional: true, },
author: { type: AuthorSchema },
votes: { type: [AuthorSchema], optional: true }
I am using this schema for validations here:
export const addPost = new ValidatedMethod({
name: 'Posts.addPost',
validate: Posts.schema.validator(),
run(post) {
if (!this.userId)
throw new Meteor.Error('403', 'You must be logged-in to reply');
title: post.title,
description: post.description,
author: {
userId: this.userId,
vote: 0
It does not work. I get an error message
Posted is required [validation-error]
Am i doing something wrong? Do i need to make Posted field optional?
I tried to change the insert method by providing default value for posted: new Date(). Did not work either. Please help.
Fixed it by calling validator with { clean : true, filter : false }

datepicker value is getting clear when addon button is clicked

Here is code used in simpleschema definition.I tried to use the similar one in my project but as you can see it is not working.
type: Array,
optional: true,
minCount: 0,
maxCount: 5
"items.$": {
type: Object,
optional: true
"items.$.name": {
type: Date,
optional: true,
autoform: {
afFieldInput: {
type: "bootstrap-datetimepicker"
I was facing the issue because of some bug in autoform-datetimepicker Api.
I added the following line of code under autoform-bs-datepicker.js
this.autorun(function () {
var data = Template.currentData();

Meteor using alanning roles and aldeed collection2 together

I'm having an issue setting up roles in my project that uses meteor-collection2. I assume this is the roles package noted in the collection2 docs.
I'm using accounts-password and ian:accounts-ui-bootstrap-3 as my accounts solution. Here's my config for it:
requestPermissions: {},
extraSignupFields: [{
fieldName: 'first-name',
fieldLabel: 'First name',
inputType: 'text',
visible: true,
validate: function(value, errorFunction) {
if (!value) {
errorFunction("Please write your first name");
return false;
} else {
return true;
}, {
fieldName: 'last-name',
fieldLabel: 'Last name',
inputType: 'text',
visible: true,
}, {
fieldName: 'terms',
fieldLabel: 'I accept the terms and conditions',
inputType: 'checkbox',
visible: true,
saveToProfile: false,
validate: function(value, errorFunction) {
if (value) {
return true;
} else {
errorFunction('You must accept the terms and conditions.');
return false;
I added the roles field to my Users Schema:
Schemas.User = new SimpleSchema({
username: {
type: String,
// For accounts-password, either emails or username is required, but not both. It is OK to make this
// optional here because the accounts-password package does its own validation.
// Third-party login packages may not require either. Adjust this schema as necessary for your usage.
optional: true
emails: {
type: [Object],
optional: true
"emails.$.address": {
type: String,
regEx: SimpleSchema.RegEx.Email
"emails.$.verified": {
type: Boolean
createdAt: {
type: Date
services: {
type: Object,
optional: true,
blackbox: true
profile: {
type: Object,
optional: true,
blackbox: true
"first-name": {
type: String
"last-name": {
type: String
// Add `roles` to your schema if you use the meteor-roles package.
// Option 1: Object type
// If you specify that type as Object, you must also specify the
// `Roles.GLOBAL_GROUP` group whenever you add a user to a role.
// Example:
// Roles.addUsersToRoles(userId, ["admin"], Roles.GLOBAL_GROUP);
// You can't mix and match adding with and without a group since
// you will fail validation in some cases.
roles: {
type: Object,
optional: true,
blackbox: true
And now I want to immediately create one user on the first time I run my project with an admin role and stop any others from being created afterwards:
/*----------------------------------------------- #2 Create admin user ----------------------------------------------*/
/*Notes: Create an admin-type user if no users exist yet.*/
if (Meteor.users.find().count() === 0) { /*------------------------------------ If there are no users created yet*/
var users = [{
username: "admin",
name: "admin",
email: "",
roles: ['admin']
_.each(users, function(user) {
var id = Accounts.createUser({
username: user.username,
password: "mypassword123",
profile: {
first-name: Me,
last-name: MeName
if (user.roles.length > 0) {
// Need _id of existing user record so this call must come
// after `Accounts.createUser` or `Accounts.onCreate`
Roles.addUsersToRoles(id, user.roles);
/*Prevent non-authorized users from creating new users*/
Accounts.validateNewUser(function(user) {
var loggedInUser = Meteor.user();
if (Roles.userIsInRole(loggedInUser, ['admin'])) {
return true;
throw new Meteor.Error(403, "Not authorized to create new users");
So far apparently so good: I get the new user.
The problem is when I use spacebars to hide admin features in html the created user isn't recognized as an admin and they are hidden from me...
{{#if isInRole 'admin'}}
<p>Exclusive to admin stuff</p>
If using Roles as an Object (option #1) you must specify a group and permission for all users (I believe with Roles 2.0 which is coming out soon this will no longer be the case), so for something like an admin user you could use Roles.GLOBAL_GROUP which is used to apply blanket permissions across all groups.
For this, you would need to make the follow change:
Roles.addUsersToRoles(id, user.roles);
To this:
Roles.addUsersToRoles(id, user.roles, Roles.GLOBAL_GROUP);
You will also need to specify the group inside of your isInRole helper, here's an example of how that would look:
Roles.addUsersToRoles(joesUserId, ['manage-team'], '')
// is the group
For your isInRole helper on the client, you would use this:
{{#if isInRole 'manage-team' ''}}
<h3>Manage Team things go here!</h3>
You are currently using it as a String (Option #2, without groups). If you are planning on using groups for any users then you will need to make the changes I explained above (you can then remove option #2 as well), but if you don't plan on using groups for any users then you can remove Option #1 and simply use it as a String.
There is a helpful tutorial on the Roles package here, and the package docs are great too.

selectize does not work in meteor

Can any one tell me why this work in meteor:
"landTenancyType" : {
type: String,
optional: true,
autoform: {
type: "selectize",
options: function(){
return [
{label: "Joint", value: "Joint"},
{label: "Tenancy In Common", value: "Tenancy In Common"}
but this does not work:
"landTenancyType" : {
type: String,
optional: true,
autoform: {
type: "selectize",
options: function(){
return Categories.find().map(function(obj) {
return { label:, value: };
All the necessary publish and subscribe are working. Console does also show that values are coming from the collection. However a blank selectize ui is killing me. If i change type: "selectize", to type: "select", the select list is populated but i do not have the selectize goodness i need. Any ideas what I am doing wrong?
By the way I am using meteor with autoform 5.0 and comerc:autoform-selectize.
I think the problem is in this line:
find returns a cursor, you could do find().fetch() to get an array. Then map would work on that array.
Can you return object wittin another objects from a function ? A function will always return a single entity (either single value or single object). Please re-check your code's following section:
options: function(){
return Categories.find().map(function(obj) {
return { label:, value: };
