I'm using eventSources method to initialize FullCalendar jQuery plugin.
eventSources: [
initEvents(visibleStartDate, visibleEndDate)
where initEvents is and ajax call to jsp page that returns json object representing events to be rendered. It works great but now I'd like to fetch the event only for the dates visible on calendar. I read in documentation that I could use visStart and visEnd on View object to get the start and end day of the calendar, however I don't know how to get that information at the time I initialize my eventSources. Is there a way? Thank you in advance for your responses.
It turns out that fullcalendar plugin will add start and end HTTP parameters when calendar sources are fetched externally. Full details are described in documentation here: http://arshaw.com/fullcalendar/docs/event_data/events_json_feed/
My code (mix of javascript, JSP, JSF):
FullCalendal initialization:
eventSources: [
2. My javascript function:
var page = {
control : {
initEventSources : function(calConfId, status) {
return {
url: '/oceportal/tom/data/bookings.jsp',
type: 'POST',
data: { calConfId: calConfId, bookingStatus: status, loggedInId: "#{sessionBean.loggedInId}", },
success: function(data) { },
error: function() { alert('there was an error while fetching events!'); },
color: 'none',
textColor: page.colorConfig[status]
My JSP snippet (to retrieve first and last visible day):
String start = request.getParameter("start");
Date startDt = new Date(Long.parseLong(start)*1000);
String end = request.getParameter("end");
Date endDt = new Date(Long.parseLong(end)*1000);
Hope it helps someone.
i use fullcalendar and want to send the year of the selected view (not the current view) to the page "ajax_load_projektkalender.php".
The following try results in an error:
events: {
url: 'ajax_load_projektkalender.php',
type: 'POST',
data: function() { // a function that returns an object
return {
projekte_key: $('#projekte_key').val(),
aufgaben_key: $('#aufgaben_key').val(),
sel_year: $('#calendar').fullCalendar('getView').start.format('Y'),
urlaub_key: $('#urlaub_key').val(),
termine_key: $('#termine_key').val()+'',
gruppiert_key: $('#gruppiert_key').val(),
bdauer_key: $('#bdauer_key').val()
error: function() {
alert('there was an error while fetching events!');
color: 'yellow', // a non-ajax option
textColor: 'black' // a non-ajax option
Error: TypeError: $(...).fullCalendar(...).start is null
[Weitere Informationen]
I' m helpless... can anybody give me advice ?
You have a bootstrap problem: you define the events of your calendar by referencing the current view, but that will be empty until you have defined the events of your calendar... To break the loop, assuming that initially you want to display the current year, you could write something like:
data: function() {
var current = $('#calendar').fullCalendar('getView').intervalStart
var y = (current?current:moment()).format('Y')
return {
sel_year: y,
I am not sure what you are trying to do, but actually I suspect you don't need that at all, as fullcalendar automatically adds to the ajax request to your php server a parameter "start" holding the start date of the period to display in ISO format (and similarly an "end" parameter). You can even give an alternative names to your parameters using e.g.
startParam: 'Anfang'
in your calendar objet.
Try intervalStart instead of start. That should fix the error, but I am not sure it solves your problem.
I am using fullCalendar plugin to display events from ASP.NET ASMX web service. JSON data is fetched correct and displayed ok in the console. But events are not rendered on the calendar view. What am I missing?
defaultDate: '2018-03-12',
editable: true,
eventLimit: true, // allow "more" link when too many events
events: function (start, end, timezone,callback) {
type: "POST",
url: 'Webservice.asmx/ListEvents',
cache: false,
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
dataType: "json",
success: function (data) {
var event = [];
$(data.d).each(function () {
title: this.Title,
start: this.Start,
end: this.End
error: function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
alert('There was an error');
public CalendarEvent[] ListEvents()
DateTime epoc = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1);
return new CalendarEvent[]
new CalendarEvent { Title = "Event 1", Start = new DateTime(2018,3,9,16,0,0).Subtract(epoc).TotalSeconds, End = new DateTime(2018,3,9,17,0,0).Subtract(epoc).TotalSeconds},
new CalendarEvent { Title = "Event 2", Start = new DateTime(2018,3,12,12,0,0).Subtract(epoc).TotalSeconds, End = new DateTime(2018,3,12,13,0,0).Subtract(epoc).TotalSeconds}
Console output from webservice
{"d":[{"__type":"CalendarEvent","End":1520614800,"Start":1520611200,"Title":"Event 1"},{"__type":"CalendarEvent","End":1520859600,"Start":1520856000,"Title":"Event 2"}]}
I think your dates are being entered into the calendar, but not in the place you intended.
Although you haven't mentioned it explicitly, I would strongly suspect that the timestamps you're outputting for your start and end dates are specified in seconds.
Now, fullCalendar uses momentJS to parse any date strings or timestamps supplied to it. Alternatively it can accept ready-made momentJS or JS Date objects.
momentJS can parse timestamps automatically through the momentJS constructor (which fullCalendar is calling when it receives your timestamp value), but it assumes the value is given in milliseconds, not seconds.
Therefore when you supply it with, for instance, 1520611200 (the start date of your first event), it interprets that in milliseconds and the resulting date is 1970-01-18 14:23:31.
If you want to specify the date in seconds you have to use the moment.unix() method instead. Using this method, your timestamp is instead interpreted as 2018-03-09 16:00:00, which I assume is what you intended.
See http://jsfiddle.net/Loccoxds/1/ for a demo to see the difference in how momentJS parses one of your values.
To get your code working, the simplest way is to do this:
success: function (data) {
var event = [];
$(data.d).each(function () {
title: this.Title,
start: moment.unix(this.Start),
end: moment.unix(this.End)
This way, you supply a ready-made momentJS object to fullCalendar, having correctly parsed the timestamp.
See http://momentjs.com/docs/#/parsing/unix-timestamp-milliseconds/ for more details about parsing timestamps in momentJS
P.S. Alternatively of course you could change your asmx service to output the dates in a format momentJS can parse automatically, such as a timestamp in milliseconds, or an ISO8601-formatted date string - see http://momentjs.com/docs/#/parsing/string/ for details of that.
P.P.S. ASMX is pretty much a legacy technology within .NET now. You should consider using WCF or Web API instead. Microsoft recommends not to create new code using ASMX.
Is there a way to filter events based on a drop down?
I tried :
events: '/Controller/action?id='+id,
$("#drop").change(function () {
id = $('#drop').val();
But the controller does not see the new id.
Any suggestions on passing a paremter to the events() method?
You gave the result of '/Controller/action?id='+id to the calendar as the events feed when the calendar was initialised. e.g. you passed in /Controller/action?id=3, for example. That code has run and does not run again. fullCalendar stores that static string as the URL of the events feed. It doesn't pay any attention to the value of "id" later.
The simplest way to solve this is probably using a custom event feed, as per https://fullcalendar.io/docs/event_data/events_function/ :
//declare the calendar with a custom "events" functions
//..all your calendar options, and then the events:
events: function( start, end, timezone, callback ) {
//whatever ajax parameters you need, but make sure:
url: /Controller/action,
data: { "id": $('#drop').val(), "start": start.format("YYYY-MM-DD"), "end": end.format("YYYY-MM-DD") }
$("#drop").change(function () {
That way, when "refetchEvents" is called, it runs the function that you passed as the "events" parameter, which can look up the value of the dropdown dynamically at that moment in time.
Note I've also added "start" and "end" parameters to your data, because your event source is supposed to filter the events returned by the dates actually being displayed on the calendar, otherwise you end up returning all events every time the view or date changes.
I'm using a Kendo Grid pointed to an ASP.NET Web API OData controller. I'm wondering if it's possible to customize/overwrite the generated OData URL that Kendo's DataSource generates? My issue is my date fields are DateTimeOffset and I'm trying to sort by those fields, however Kendo's model fields only support string/bool/number/date, nothing for DateTimeOffset. The URL it generates for date fields is:
http://localhost/api/odata/customers?%24inlinecount=allpages&%24top=10&%24filter=(CreatedDate+ge+datetime%272015-01-01T00%3A00%3A00%27) which fails.
It should be:
Is it possible to force it to use datetimeoffset instead?
You are probably not using the right "odata" transport. Try with "odata-v4". More info is available here.
For my ASP.NET Web API 2's OData V4 controllers, I actually need this URL format:
http://localhost:XX/odata/Things?$filter=DteTmOfsField eq 2012-12-03T07:16:23Z
And this javascript is working pretty good for me:
$(document).ready(function () {
dataSource: {
type: "odata-v4",
transport: {
read: {
url: "/odata/Things/",
dataType: "json"
parameterMap: function (options,type) {
var paramMap = kendo.data.transports.odata.parameterMap(options, type);
if (paramMap.$filter) {
paramMap.$filter = paramMap.$filter.replace(/datetime'([-0-9T:]{19})'/gi, "$1Z");
paramMap.$count = true;
delete paramMap.$inlinecount; // <-- remove inlinecount parameter
delete paramMap.$format; // <-- remove format parameter
return paramMap;
How can I get JSON array from Ext.data.Store outside the function?
The code:
var store = new Ext.data.Store({
model: 'nested' + type,
proxy: {
type: 'ajax',
url: '/Grid/GetDetailed?InvoiceId=' + $(row).attr('id'),
reader: {
type: 'json',
root: 'items',
totalProperty: 'totalCount'
And I want to use something like this:
but it's undefined.
someone said it beacaouse of the ajax which is asynchronic.
If you use store.getAt(0) immediately after the store.load() is called then yes, the problem is that the load is asynchronic so you should use the callback method of the load to fix this.
scope : this,
callback: function(records, operation, success) {
//here the store has been loaded so you can use what functions you like
Use Ext.create instead of new keyword when creating the store, and define a storeId for the store. Then you can use Ext.getStore() method to retrieve the store.
You can also make it work by doing the following:
//This function will be called only after the store has been loaded successfully.
store.on('load',function(this, records, successful, eOpts){
}, this);