ssrs total values for one column (tablix) -

I have the following tablix
which needs to produce something like this:
I can populate the Burger flipper and cashier and all their values easily with row grouping. What I cannot figure out is how to sum the Charged column. Thoughts?
I've tried adding the following to sum my charges but get an error saying I cannot nest aggregates:
=SUM(Round((Round(Sum((((Fields!Amt_Time_Min.Value) + (Fields!Amt_Time_Hrs.Value * 60))/60)),3) * Round(Fields!ServHrRate.Value)),2))

Assuming that Total row is the footer of row group insert into it's Charged cell function:
(substitute with a real dataset field). It should summarize all the values of the details row.


Remove total value for one column in PowerBI

I have a table visualisation in PowerBI that sums the top 10 products sold by sales quantity. I have a calculated column which shows the rate of sale, using other fields from the data source:
(quantity / # stores with product) / weeks on sale
The ROS calculates correctly, but it still sums and appears in the total row.. The number of stores and number of weeks are set to 'Don't Summarize', but they still add together and give some meaningless number in the total row. If i set ROS to 'Don't Summarize', to remove the total row, the summing of the rest of the table and therefore the filter I have on top N by quantity drops out.
It is very frustrating! Is there an option somewhere to simply not display total for a field?? I don't want to remove the total row completely as the other fields (e.g. Qty, Value, Margin) are useful to see a sum of.. It seems very strange that it is so difficult to do something so minor..
Additional info:
Qty is a SUM field.
Stores is not summarized and simply refers to the average number of stores that stock that product over the weeks of the trading season
Weeks is not summarized.
Weeks is not summarized and refers to the weeks that have passed in the trading season.
Example data:
Fields marked with a * are those where the sum is a meaningless figure unrelated to the data. I do not actually need Stores and Weeks to show in the table, so the fact that they sum does not matter. However, ROS is essential, but the sum part is totally irrelevant and I do not want it to show. Any ideas? I am open to the idea of using R to overcome the lack of flexibility in the standard tables although my knowledge in this area is fairly limited.
I suspect you've made a common mistake - using a Calculated Column for ROS where you should've used a Measure.
If you rebuild that calculation as a Measure, then you can wrap the HASONEVALUE function around it, with the objective of showing a blank when there are multiple Item values in context (the Total row).
Roughly the Measure formula would be:
ROS = IF ( HASONEVALUE ( Mytable[Item] ) , << calculation >> , BLANK() )
I would also replace your use of / with the DIVIDE function, to avoid divide by zero errors.
You can remove individual totals for columns in tables and matrix objects in a round-about way by using field formatting.
Click the object, go to formatting, click the field formatting accordion, select the column or columns you want to affect from the drop-down list, set the font color to white, set 'apply to values' to off, and set 'apply to totals' to on.
A bit tedious if you have many columns, but you will have, in affect, whited-out the column totals.
Heads up, you might still have a problem with exporting data, though.
Click on the table -> Fields -> expand the value field you don't want to include -> Select "Don't Summarize." This will exclude it from the "Total" row.
select do not summarise option for those metrics which you dont want total
Select the table you want to change
In the Visualizations pane:
Go to Format,
Find the Field Formatting option,
Choose the field you don't want to summarize.
Turn off 'apply to header',
Turn off 'apply to values',
Turn ON 'apply to total',
Change the font color to white.

Select one row in R, result is a new table

I try to select just one row in my data but the result come out in new data and I can't compute the mean of this, because the header is showing. But when I select the column, there is no problem and I can see the result as a value. You can see the result of the code in the photo that y is in data and X is in the value.
enter image description here
you should use rowMeans.
When you select a row you are selecting multiple variables and that results in giving you a dataframe.

Dax for % of columntotal

I've got a tablereport with on the rows product category and on the columns years. In the valuesection, I want to show the number of sales. This works fine. But now I also want to show the % of columntotal for the product categories.
I use dax:
Measure := count(factSales[salesnr])/calculate(count(factSales[salesnr]);all(factSales))
But this yields the percentage of grand total over all years. I want the percentage of columntotal for every seperate year.
The ALL(Table) function tells Power Pivot to ignore any filters applied over the whole table. Therefore, you're telling Power Pivot to count all the rows of the factsales table regarless of the Category or Year being filtered on the pivot table.
However, in your case, what you want is the sum for ALL the categories on each year. Since you want the sum of ALL the categories you must use `ALL(factsales[categories]). In this way, you're ignoring only the filters for the categories and not the filters for the years.
Based on the previous explanation the dax formula would be:
Measure :=
count(factSales[salesnr]) / calculate(count(factSales[salesnr]);all(factsales[categories]))

BIRT Designer: Determining Percentage of Total for Values in a Column

I have a data set in BIRT Designer with two columns, one with day of week abbreviation names (Su, M, Tu, etc.) and the other with numerical representations of those days of the week starting at 0 and going to 6 (0, 1, 2, etc.). I want to determine what percentage of the total number of rows that each day of week represents. For example, if I have 100 total rows and 12 of those rows correspond to Su/0, 12% of the total rows are made up of Su.
I would like to perform this same calculation within BIRT and graph (bar graph) those percentages that each day consists of out of the total. I'm just learning how to use BIRT and assume that I need to do some scripting either when making my data set or when specifying the rows when making the chart. Any tips would be greatly appreciated.
Use computed columns.
Edit Data set > Computed Columns
The simplest way is to put one column that counts every row, for each day of the week. You can have a separate column that adds a count if the day of the week is a specific values
if (row["Day"] == "Su"){
I should add: that you can use a 'data' element in your table to compute the percentage. A 'Dynamic Text' item could also be used, but the data item gives you a binded value that you can make better use of later if needed.
To get a total row count, us a computed column I name mine 'All'
For the Expression use the value "1"
With some inspiration from James Jenkins I think I found my answer. It was pretty simple in the end, but all I needed to do was make a new computed column and instead of adding an expression, I simply set the Aggregation to "COUNT". That counts all of the rows in your table and puts that total on each row. That way you can use that total in any calculations that you may need to do. I have added a screenshot for clarity.

How do I add a subtotal to a filtered RDLC tablix?

I have created a tablix which is filtered by dataset field which is not presented in tablix itself. Next I added a sum in footer row :
=Strings.FormatNumber(Sum(CDec(Fields!BillHours.Value)), 2)
However the produced sum is of all dataset BillHours and not filtered one. How can I fix it?
If you know the filter condition you could try the following,
=Strings.FormatNumber(Sum(IIF(FilterCondition, CDec(Fields!BillHours.Value)), 0), 2)
How are you doing the filtering?
