AWS Connecting to instance in public subnet - networking

I'm trying to SSH into a known good instance inside a new AWS VPN
Set up so far
Elastic IP connected to VPC instance inside public subnet
IGW associated with subnet with CIDR
Security Groups set up
Does anyone have any debug tips? Does the configuration matter?
Mostly want to know how to debug and isolate issues like this

Check your security group make sure your allowing the SSH port and also the CIDR for the inbound traffic to bind to that port.


Unable to SSH/Ping to VMs on Private Network of Openstack/packstack

We are using a setup of Openstack-Train through a Packstack installation and Openvswitch as the backend of neutron.
We have created an external network (, which is an internal network of our org. and an private network ( linked via a router.
Our org. network is connected with a Pfsense firewall which has been given permission to connect the network to of openstack and vice versa.
In the security group of openstack, we have added the egress and ingress rule to allow traffic between the two networks.
However, we are unable to ping or SSH any VMs that are built on the private network ( from our org. network (
VMs on the private network have internet connectivity and can ping google and ssh into our org. machines that are on the ip range.
The only way to SSH into private network VMs seem to via a floating IP.
Is there a way to directly SSH into the private network VMs without using the floating IP?
Or is this part of openstack design?
Thank you
Do you have any physical network hardware like Switches that are configured to only allow a specific VLAN or subnet traffic?
Can you also share how your subnet is configured "openstack subnet show"
Security does isolate traffic outside a subnet so floating IP is alternative way in, but it's possible to have multiple ports on a vm with different subnets and access.

Unable to SSH into VM instance on Google Cloud Platform

I have created a firewall rule in VPC network for port 22 by assigning an IP with the port e.g (192.168.xx.yy) instead of in the rules. Now, when I create a compute engine VM instance in Google Cloud Platform and SSH into it, it states that "cannot connect to port 22".
I don't want the port tcp:22 to have ip range but only have a single ip as stated above? How can I solve this issue?
The 192.168.x.x is an internal IP address, and in your situation would apply to a VM instance within the same network as the instance you want to connect to.
If you want to connect from outside that network, you'll need to set the source of the firewall rule to the external IP of the instance/machine you want to connect from. You can get your external IP by going to for example.
The firewall rule setting would be something like this:
Direction of traffic: Ingress
Action on match: Allow
Targets: Specified target tags (for example)
Source filter: IP ranges
Source IP ranges: x.x.x.x/32 (your external IP)
If you would not like to have your GCE instance's port 22 open to internet, but you would like to connect to it, I propose you 2 different solutions:
Create a bastion host. This VM is a proxy to access to your GCE instances. You log into the bastion and then you can perform a ssh hop to your GCE instance. Only the bastion host is opened to internet on port 22. And you can start this Bastion VM only when you need to connect to your others GCE instances, that increase the security and decrease the risk of attack on this "backdoor" instance.
For both the bastion and for directly reaching your VM on port 22, you can limit the source IP of your firewall rule to your current IP.
But remember, the IP is not a source of truth.

openstack instance can not access internet

An instance created in the OpenStack can not access the internet. I have created an instance from the ubuntu cloud image.
In the security groups, I allowed all the ports for ingress and egress request of ICMP, TCP and UDP. I can ssh the instance and ping the floating IP of the instance and all the other instances on the private network but I can not ping any other IP address outside the network. In the network topology, the router is connecting the public and private network but the instance can not access the internet and i can not ping
Does anyone know how to resolve this issue?
check you ml2 and linuxbridge or ovs agent. this is because of miss-configuration. presumably type-driver and mechanism-driver mismatch, or provider network is not set correctly.
please post your config here, so we can find the problem.
Thanks for your answer. I was able to resolve this issue by allowing ICMP ingress requests because of port 22 in the security groups.

How can I open my local TCP port to public?

I have a TCP Server for a my personal chat, I want to expand my connection beyond my local network and I want to open my port: 28752 to my IP public of pc to enter wherever I want only when my computer is on.
I have seen different solutions for example DMZ to associate my local IP to public IP, but i want to do this without modifying to router's setting I wanted to do it from a program. Is it possible?
It is possible to open up ports. But it depends on the OS in which you are trying to accomplish it. You can use the linux iptables to manipulate the ports opened and closed to any linux machine. IptablesSome examples . The ports should also be opened on the firewall layer outside the VM. eg: It could be AWS access policy, Security group, MAC's security firewall. Your laptop, when connected to the internet, will have a public IP address, you can share that public IP. But these IP address will change when you get connected to a different router. You can use AWS cli commands to assign a static IP address for your machine and expose it publicly. At the least minimum, you would need a public DNS server to expose your IP publicly. Easy way to achieve this is by putting in web server on cloud. Without a domain , you cant expose your IP. Once you have finalized on the domain (eg: AWS Route 53, Ingree IP from K8 etc), you can change/manipulate them from your program. It need not be language specific.

OpenStack neutron subnet - create port with ip address after network address

I have this neutron private subnet
when I created a port using this subnet, it should give me as I expected since nobody uses this .1 ip yet.
Instead it gave me
Note this subnet had been used previously and deleted all ports/ip that used by other instances. I am 100% that this ip is not in-used.
DHCP is disabled.
Can we actually reset the old info from this subnet in OpenStack DB backend?
Once you start using a subnet, Neutron DB will keep track of used IP addresses and doesn't reassign until all the addresses are used once.
Easiest way to reset is to remove the subnet and recreate it again.
