Can I use history.js on IE9 - history.js

Thought of using the plugin to maintain browser state in IE9 . Is it supported. I get the following error when I try to use it
0x800a01b6 - Microsoft JScript runtime error: Object doesn't support property or method 'pushState'
If it is not supported please suggest something that will work.
Any help is appreciated.

Yes, history.js is supported in IE9 according the gituhb repository you linked to.
The browsers supported (currently) are:
Firefox 4+
Chrome 8+
Opera 11.5+
Safari 5.0+
Safari iOS 4.3+
IE 6, 7, 8, 9, (10)
Firefox 3
Opera 10, 11.0
Safari 4
Safari iOS 4.2, 4.1, 4.0, 3.2


border-image slicing differences between browsers

I'm seeing some significant differences in how browsers are repeating sliced border images. It's easily demonstrated on
MacOS 10.14.6 Safari 12.1.2
MacOS 10.14.6 Firefox 91.0.1
MacOS 10.14.6 Chrome 92.0.4515.159
So it appears that Safari on MacOS Mojave has an issue. Simple enough if that were the case. But mobile browsers on iOS are also behaving differently.
iOS 14.6 Safari
iOS 14.6 Firefox
iOS 14.6 Chrome
Does anyone have any insight into why these browsers behave differently? Does anyone have insight into how to get the un-stretched results in all browsers that MacOS Firefox and Chrome have?
Essentially, what you are seeing here is Safari behavior vs. the behavior of all other browsers, which sadly is a common frustration of many developers— Safari functioning differently and usually unexpectedly.
What you are seeing on iOS (mobile) is to be expected, because although there are different browser apps, all of them, even Chrome and Firefox are actually Safari (using the Safari browser engine, WebKit), simply reskinned with a different UI. There is only one iOS browser in actuality.
Supporting source #1:
As we all know Apple forces all third party browsers on iOS to use WebKit, essentially making them just re skinned versions of Safari; This puts Gecko Based Firefox and other Third party Browsers at a performance disadvantage.
Supporting source #2:
Google wasn't just being lazy using Safari's rendering engine. Apple requires people making browsers to use the UIWebView object. [This] means “exactly the same rendering engine”.
To be clear, this is a bug in WebKit/Safari. I have opened an official bug report to resolve this:
This github link I encountered last time shows that border-image in safari is seems to be not solved.

Is -moz-box-shadow property still supported in firefox?

Im not able to use the hack -moz-box-shadow.Im using windows 64 bit laptop.Is it got deprecated or not supported anymore.
The -moz- prefix is no longer required as box-shadow itself is now widely supported and has been for a while.
The last time the -moz- prefix was required was back in version 3.6. It was finally removed from use in version 13. The current latest version of FireFox is 40.
The last time the -webkit- was needed was back in version 9. The current latest version of Chrome is 44.
You can view the browser support here: CanIUse
-moz-box-shadow is for support Firefox 3.5 or less. We are in Firefox 40. Use box-shadow standard.
I don't say that's removed. I said that is for support old browsers.
Yes! I think it was removed :

Layout not working in IE 11, works well in most browsers

I have a pretty complex layout for my calendar script at and i used this IE Tester. It works like it should in all IE version exerpt 5.5 and that's really impressive. If i use my IE 11 on Win7/64bit the hover effect is bugged. Works fine in Chrome and Firefox. Any suggestions to improve this to make it work in IE 11?

Sencha Touch CSS3 -webkit browser prefixes etc

I realise that Sencha Touch 2 states that they only support webkit browsers but was looking at just enabling it on a friend's Windows Phone 7.5 to see what it looked like.
I realise that alot of the CSS etc uses -webkit browser prefix like:
instead of
I understand that if I remove the -webkit- value that older versions of webkit will stop working but Chrome is set to auto update and I'm wondering if there's a list anywhere on the internet that shows the version of webkit for each version of Android/RIM etc.
Something like:
Android 2.0.3 - Webkit 504
Android 2.3.1 - Webkit 634
I guess a solution would be to just to add the one without the browser prefix as well

What browsers support CSS #parent > .direct-child notation? (no jQuery)

As far as I know, the > (#test>div) means that the div is required to be a direct child of #test.
Where a space (#test div) means that it can be a descendant/ancestor relationship. So #test p div would be affected by simply a reference to #test div
What browsers support the first one mentioned?
You can find information for all selectors at
For your questions the supported browsers are the following:
IE 7, IE8, IE9 pr3, FF 3.0, FF 3.5, FF 3.6, FF 4b1, Saf 4.0 Win, Saf 5.0 Win, Chrome 4, Chrome 5, Opera 10.10, Opera 10.53 and Opera 10.60
Edit: Since it's 2015 I would suggest to have as reference for such questions the can I use? website. For example you can find more info for child selector.
FF2+, IE7+, Opera/Safari/Chrome ( any modern version of the latter ) should support the child selector.
It works great on IE7 (at least) unless you use #div > *, as I've just found out.
