Creating a simple report in Omniture - report

I have a simple site for which I want to create a report in Omniture.
I just have two links which I want to record that how many times they are clicked. Basically something like a completely novice report.
Any idea, how I can start it and how I can implement it?
I have an Omniture account.
Thanks a lot

You can do click tracking pretty simply with a link like this
<a href="#" onclick=",'o','INSERT LINK NAME',null)">
Those values you insert in the link name will show up under Site Content >> Links >> Custom Links
Search the help section for link tracking or read this

I never knew it'd be so hard to find a simple tutorial for SiteCatalyst (Omniture). One of the most to-the-point is here.
Please let me know if you found something better.

While searching for the tutorials, the only one which is bit helpful (although old) is:


Wordpress: Term links skip archive page and go straight to latest post

I am experience a strange occurrence on one of my client websites. As of last night the custom post type terms(categories) links seam to skip their natural behavior of going to their respective archive page(archive template) and instead go straight to their most recent post(single template). Does anybody know what could change the normal hierarchy behavior in such a way ? is more information is required please ask i and i will provide to the best of my ability. Thank you for taking time to look at this.
Sample of wrong behaviour:
Clicking the "Rogaland" link should bring you to a archive listing page, but instead shows you the most recent post of that category. Notice the URL.
Well as it turns out the issue was related to some new conditional statements in the functions file. If anybody is curious i will explain in more detail.

Change source in frame from an external link

Okay Internet, got a doosy here.
Let me try to explain this the best I can.
I have a website, and on one of its page it has an iframe.
the link to this website is
Here's what i need to do:
I need to create a link to but change the source in the side the iframe. I've read some things on stackoverflow but they didn't help explain what i need to do.

Set a tag to track links from a visual basic app in google analytics

I hope I can explain myself.
See. I have this little program where I put a link to my site, what I want to know if there's some way to add a tag into the URL so Google Analytics can count the amount of visitors coming from that program.
Like when you parse the GET in php.
something like http:\\\?something_to_google_analytics_to_read
If this is possible, I assume that I need also to configure that Tag into Analytic's, or?
As #SLaks pointed, I can find a step by step guide for create what I wanted in:
It is called Campaigns.

How do I Implement Globalization and Localization in ASP.NET

Suppose if someone opens my site from India it should show Indian time of if someone opens this site from US it should display their local time.
How can i do it.
Plz help me out
Thanks in advance
Your question should provide more detail and describe what you have already tried.
The best/easiest way is javascript - good option that leads to what I might guess is a middle ground for you here: How to get client date and time in ASP.NET?
If you don't want to use javascript you can try and determine it from the request headers, but this is less likely to consistently work. Found this in an answer that strangely also linked the first link above:

Google Calendar Gadget needs to know which event is currently being looked at

I am programming my first google calendar sidebar gadget right now. When the user is in Google Calendar, I plan to have them open up an event, and when they are in view/edit page, it will use that event's data to find other similar events.
The problem is, I can't figure out a way to know which event is currently being looked at. Once I can tell that, I don't think I'll have much trouble doing the rest.
So, I am wondering:
Does the Google Calendar API provide views information for sidebar gadgets? I think the answer is no but I'd like to be wrong.
Is there any other way I might get this information, like say by looking up info from the page's DOM?
Thanks in advance! I might post this question elsewhere, but I will be sure to post the answer here regardless.
Looks like it's subscribeToEvents that I need. It was right under my nose in the API docs...
