Dojo GridX with 100% width and adaptable column widths? [duplicate] - css

According to documentation:
Never forget to call grid.startup(), since the column width
calculation and layout rendering need to access the geometry
information of grid DOM nodes.
If I have the grid with columns, that have no width specified, and autoWidth is set to false, startup() calculates the size of columns so, that they fill the whole viewport horizontally. However, if viewport is expanded, and extra empty space is inserted after the last column. If the viewport is narrowed, the last columns are not more visible (and no scroll is rendered).
So I think the best workaround is to launch the recalculation of columns sizes manually, after the viewport was resized. But I can't find an API method to do that.
How to call column width recalculation and layout rendering on existing grid?

What I've done for this situation is setup an event handler to watch for window resize events, then set the width to the current grid width. When creating the grid:
function _resizeToWindow(grid, gridId) {
grid.resize({w: dom.byId(gridId).offsetWidth, h: undefined});
on(window, "resize", function() {
_resizeToWindow(grid, gridId);
It looks a little odd to resize the grid to the current width of the grid, but calling that function will cause the grid to be rendered again with appropriate column widths for the new grid width.


Button auto width per content but in steps aligned to page grid

I would like to implement page grid-dependant width buttons so that they have quasi-auto width depending on the content, but with certain width steps so that button width always takes N number of page grid columns. When button content becomes too wide to render button in a single grid column, it would then become 2 columns wide (or even more if required)...
This image shows an example how buttons should be sized according to grid:
First row displays the second button that exceeds single column width (actually it exceeds two columns) and should therefore span 3 columns in the page grid. Second row shows the button correctly sized so it takes 3 full page grid columns.
How can this be done using only CSS (if at all)?
Note: I know this can be accomplished using Javascript, but I'm looking for a CSS-only solution if possible which may use flex, grid or whatever else layout that CSS3 provides.
You can use the CSS3 property auto-fill and auto-fit. See the Below Link

Is it possible to have Dojo/Dijit DataGrid autoheight functionality based on the parent div size instead of a number of rows?

I have a datagrid that is updated periodically and the number of rows inside it grows steadily over time. It is inside of a parent div with a height of 60% of the screen.
If I set autoheight to, say, 5 rows, the table works properly. When a sixth row is added, a scrollbar appears within the datagrid and I can scroll up/down and the headers remain fixed at the top and visible. Unfortunately, once I have a lot of data, this is a waste of space -- I have 60% of the screen's height to work with, but only 5 rows are being shown at a time.
If I set autoheight to false, the scrollbar that appears is attached to the parent div. Scrolling up/down allows me to see the data, but the headers at the top of the grid scroll out of view.
Is there a way to ask the datagrid to show as many rows as it can fit and provide a scrollbar for the rest?
---- EDIT ----
Setting autoheight to false would be exactly what I want if the datagrid would resize itself along with the parent when I resize my browser. Is there a good way to achieve that?
I think you're looking for grid.resize(); If you look at the file "Grid.js.uncompressed.js" in the dojox nightly files here: You can see exactly what it does. The dataGrid should inherit this method, if you're using it. One way to use it is to resize the containing div based on the window's height, and then resize the grid inside:
function changeHeight() {
document.getElementById("div Id in which the dojo grid is there").style.height ="your desired height";
dijit.byId('Id of the dojo grid').resize();
dijit.byId('Id of the dojo grid').update();
Another option method is do do something like this:
function resizeGrid() {
// do whatever you need here, e.g.:
dojo.addOnLoad(function() {
dojo.connect(window, "onresize", resizeGrid);

form Panel layout issue in extjs2

I am new to extjs layouts.
I have a Form panel with default layout.I am adding a fieldset which contains a grid and two buttons. I am rendering a form Panel to div.
Div in JSP
<div id="mydiv"></div>
FormPanel in JS
var fp = new Ext.FormPanel(
standardSubmit :true,
id :'panel',
autoHeight :true,
layout: 'border',
bodyCfg: { cls: 'template' },
bodyPadding :10,
margin :'0 0 20',
frame :'true',
renderTo :'mydiv',
items : [topPanel , fieldset ]
I want the form and grid to be resized as per window size (resizing of the window shold resize the element) Right now If try I to resize the window, fieldset is getting resized as per window but grid is not.
I have given a fixed height and width to grid for now. As without that grid just expand horizontally.
I dont want to give any height width to panel , grid. How can it be achieved? As I searched if we render panel to viewport , it will take care of resizing. If this is so , then should I create a viewport in extjs and reneder that to div? If yes then how to do that?
Edit: Or I have to use css with div?
Any pointers are appreciated.
You can create a viewport and this will as you say, take care of the resizing.
Within the viewport, you can then add your panel the 'items' collection. If you want the panel to fit the viewport, you should use the 'fit' layout.
Something along these lines would be the right type of idea:
var viewPort = new Ext.Viewport({
id: "blaa",
items: [fp],
layout: "fit"
I've not checked the syntax here, but you get the idea.
Use anchor property. E.g.: anchor: '-10'on whichever components you want this feature on. This will automatically adjust the width of the component according to it's parents width.
So if your formpanel is of width 100px, any child component which has anchor : '-10px' set, will have width widthOfParent - anchorWidth
You can also set the layout to fit. This will automatically expand all child components to width of their parents.

Resize DataGrid When Shown

I'm trying to write my flex application so that it restores the user's settings when it starts up. The application has 3 data grids (only one is visible [on screen] at any time) and I simply save the state of the grids if the user ever does any resize events.
Saving the state works perfectly, the problem comes when restoring. It seems that only the visible data grid gets restored properly. On all the other grids, the widths are all wrong and do not match the settings I restored from.
The problem is that, when the application starts, the data grids are not sized correctly. Each data grid takes up the full screen, but initially they are only given a very small size (ie. 200 width)
Is there some way to force the data grid to resize properly when it is created? Or is it possible to know when the data grid is "maximized" I don't want to hook up to the resize event - if possible - because I would get that quite frequently, and I only want to restore the settings once.
Here's the code I'm using to restore the column widths:
var grid:DataGrid = ...;
... for each column ...
... parse width into width (ie. width is now "320")
// If it's in the config, it's visible
col.visible = true;
col.width = width;
... After loop ...
Here's the info you guys requested:
The settings are saved into a database (the flex proejct is connected to JBoss). I simply save a CSV type thing with the column's name and it's width. I know this works because the one data grid that is visible when the application starts gets sized correctly.
Yes, the grids use relative sizes (ie. 100%) -- I can't really change that because I want the grid to take up all available space in its container -- and I want the user to be able to resize their browser and still have it look right.
Each grid is contained in its own Hbox
The data grids are created when the application starts -- you can only see one of them though. They are in a tab navigator type thing, but it's creation policy is set to "all" so they can be populated with data (the population takes some time, and typically the user sits on the front grid for a little while.)
I can't put my resize stuff in the creationComplete handler because I end up with the same problem. The grid's size is like 50 right after it's created (it should be like 1000, 100% of the page width) -- and then I go to set the sizes of the columns (which are obviously > 50) and the resize does nothing
A couple thoughts:
Resize during CreationComplete(): When are your datagrids being created? Can you declare a method like resizeDataGrid() when the creationComplete() event fires for the datagrid? If you are using datagrids in, say, a TabNavigator, the default creation policy is to delay component creation until the user uses the component (e.g. makes the tab active).
Fixed Sizes: Are your datagrids using a fixed size, or a relative size? Relative sizing (e.g. width='50%') of a datagrid or datagrid columns is buggy in Flex, and the best workaround is to set a pixel width of both the datagrid and the datagrid columns
Storing User Preferences: How are you storing your user preferences? Using a SharedObject to store datagrid widths is probably the best option.
Spark Containers: How are the datagrids contained? For example, do they each sit within a VGroup, or are they not contained at all? I've found that using Spark layout tools (like a VGroup) to contain your datagrids improves datagrid layout issues.
What we did was saved off the column width on initialization and then reset the widths on rerender of the grid, this will occur on the first draw of the grid and subsequent resizes.
the only problem with this was that it requires columns to be resizable but does not allow the user to resize
// saves column width - this is intended to save width percent which
// will only be available on initialization, after that I beleive widths
// will be fixed size
private function saveOffColumnWidths(columns:ArrayCollection):void
for each(var column:TDMSEDataGridColumn in columns)
// resets the column widths - the saved widths are assumed to be width percentages
private function resetColumnWidths():void
dataGrid.columns[0].width=20; // set the check col seperately
for (var pos:int=0; pos<dataGrid.columnCount-1;pos++ )
dataGrid.columns[pos+1].width = (dataGrid.width - 20) * originalColWidths[pos];
protected function dataGrid_renderHandler(event:Event):void

Can I make Grid Layout stretch like an HTML table does?

I have use the mx:Grid layout component to layout some form elements in a manner very similar to an HTML table. However, the result does not stretch out horizontally when you resize the app like an HTML table would. How can I make it do that?
Try setting the width and height of the Grid element to a percentage value.
I'm using a Grid on one of my main applications, and I've set the width/height to 100% and it resizes just fine.
You'll likely need to set the width and height of the rows and items (GridRow and GridItem) as well, depending on how you want the rows/columns to resize.
Edit if you're creating the Grid programmatically (e.g. in a .as file), you'll need to set these values as percentages as follows:
var grid:Grid = new Grid();
grid.percentWidth = 100;
grid.percentHeight = 100;
