Best approach to wait untill all service calls returned values in Flex PureMVC - apache-flex

I am writing an Adobe AIR application using PureMVC.
Imagine that I have an page-based application view ( using ViewStack ), and user is navigating through this pages in some way ( like clicking the button or whatever ).
Now for example I have an Account Infromation page which when instantiated or showed again needs to load the data from WebService ( for example email, account balance and username ), and when the data is returned I want to show it on my Account Information page in the proper labels.
The problem is when I will execute this three Web Calls, each of them will return different resultEvent at different time. I am wondering what is the best way to get the information that ALL of the service calls returned results, so I know that I can finally show all the results at once ( and maybe before this happens play some loading screen ).

I really don't know much about PureMVC, but the as3commons-async library is great for managing async calls and should work just fine in any framework-setup
In your case, you could create 3 classes implementing IOperation or IAsyncCommand (depending on if you plan to execute the operations immediately or deferred) encapsulating your RPCs.
After that is done you simply create a new CompositeCommand and add the operations to its queue.
When all is done, CompositeCommand will fire an OperationEvent.COMPLETE
BTW, the library even includes some pre-implemented common Flex Operations, such as HTTPRequest, when you download the as3commons-asyc-flex package as well.

I would do it in this way:
Create a proxy for each of three information entities (EMailProxy, BalanceProxy, UsernameProxy);
Create a delegate class which handles the interaction with your WebService (something like "public class WSConnector implements IResponder{...}"), which is used by the proxies to call the end ws-methods;
Create a proxy which coordinates all the three results (CoordProxy);
Choose a mediator which will coordinate all the three calls (for example it could be done by your ApplicationMediator);
Create notification constants for all proxy results (GET_EMAIL_RESULT, GET_BALANCE_RESULT, GET_USERNAME_RESULT, COORD_RESULT);
Let the ApplicationMediator get all 4 notifications;
it is important that you should not only wait for all three results but also be ready for some errors and their interpretation. That is why a simple counter could be too weak.
The overall workflow could look like this:
The user initiates the process;
Some mediator gets an event from your GUI-component and sends a notification like DO_TRIPLECALL;
The ApplicationMediator catches this notification, drops the state of the CoordProxy and calls all 3 methods from your proxies (getEMail, getBalance, getUsername).
The responses are coming asynchronously. Each proxy gets its response from the delegate, changes its own data object and sends an appropriate notification.
The ApplicationMediator catches those notifications and changes the state of the CoordProxy. When all three responses are there (may be not all are successful) the CoordProxy sends a notification with the overall result.
I know it is not the best approach to do such an interaction through mediators. The initial idea was to use commands for all "business logic" decisions. But it can be too boring to create the bureaucracy.
I hope it can help you. I would be glad to know your solution and discuss it here.


something in ngrx (redux pattern) than I still dont get for large applications

I've been building data driven applications for about 18 years and for the past two, I've been successfuly using angular for my large forms/crud based apps. You know, the classic sql server db with hundreds of tables with millons of records. So far, so good.
Now I'm porting/re-engineering a desktop app with about 50 forms, all complex, all fully functional, "smart". My approach for the last couple years was to simply work tightly with the backend rest API to retrieve, insert or update data as needed and everything works fine.
Then I stumbled across ngrx and I understand exactly how it works, what it does and why it is good for a "reactive" app.
My problem is the following: In the usual lifecycle of the kind of systems i mentioned, you always have to deal with fresh data and always have to tell everything to the server. Almost no data in such apps can be safely "stored" localy since transactional systems rely on centralized data interactions. There's no such thing as "hey lets keep this employee's sales here for later use".
So why would it be so important to manage a local 'store' when most of my data is volatile? I understand why it would be useful for global app data like user-profile or general ui related state, but for the core data itself? I dont get it. You query for data, plug that data in the form, it gets processed by the user and sent back to the server. That data is no longer needed, and if you do need it, you ask for it again, as it could have changed its state since the last time you interacted with it.
I do not understand the great lengths i have to go to mantain a local store and all the boilerplate if that state is so volatile.
They say change detection does not scale but I've build some really large web apps with a simple "http service" pattern and it works just fine, cause most of the component-tree is destroyed anyway as you go somewhere else in the app, and any previous subscriptions become useless. Even with large-bulky-kinky forms, it's never that big of a problem the inner workings of a form as to require external "aid" fro a store. The way I see it, the "state" of a form is a concern of that form in that moment alone. Is it to keep the component tree in sync? never had problems with that before... even for complicated trees with lots of shared data, master detail is kind of a flat pattern in the end if al lthe data is there.
For other components, such as grids, charts, reporte, etc, same thing applyes. They get the data they need and then "puf", gone.
So now you see my mindset. I AM trying to change it to something better. Why am I missing out the redux pattern?
I have a bit of experience here! It's all subjective, so what I've done may not suit you. My system is a complex system that sounds like it's on a similar scale as yours. I battled at first with the same issues of "why build complex logic on the front end and back end", and "why bother keeping stuff in state".
A redux/NGRX approach works for me because there are multiple ways data can be changed - perhaps it's a single user using the front end, perhaps it's another user making a change and I want to respond to that change straight away to avoid concurrency issues down the track. Perhaps there are multiple parts within my front end that can manipulate the same data.
At the back end, I use a CQRS pattern instead of a traditional REST API. Typically, one might suggest to re-implement the commands/queries to "reduce" changes to the state, however I opted for a different approach. I don't just want to send a big object graph back to the server and have it blindly insert, and I don't want to re-implement logic on the client and server.
My basic "use case" life cycle looks a bit like:
Load a list of data (limited size, not all attributes).
User selects item from list
Client requests "full" object/view/dto from server
Client stores response in object entity state
User starts modifying data
These changes are stored as "in progress" changes in a different part of state. The system is now responding to the data in the "in progress" part
If another change comes in from server, it doesn't overwrite the "in progress" data, but it does replace what is in the object entity state.
If required, UI shows that the underlying data has changed / is different to what user has entered / whatever.
User clicks on the "perform action" button, or otherwise triggers a command to be sent to server
server performs command. Any errors are returned, or success
server notifies client that change was successful, the client clears the "in progress" information
server notifies client that Entity X has been updated, client re-requests entity X and puts it into the object entity state. This notification is sent to all connected clients, so they can all behave appropriately.

Intent scopes on Alexa skill

I'm implementing an Alexa search skill for a website. My question is that there is some kind of possibilities to give intents some kind of scopes, so built in Intents could be reused?
I mean, for ex. the AMAZON.YestIntent to have different functionalities on different situations.
You can handle this in your intent handler. You can save context information in the session or a database if you are using one. Then in the intent handler, test the session or DB data to determine which response to take.
For example, in the Who's On First? Baseball Skit skill, the dialog between the user and Alexa is about 85 lines long. The user can say "who?" at several different places in the dialog, and Alexa needs to respond differently depending upon which line of the dialog they are at. To handle this, I simply save the line number in the session. Then when an intent is called, the intent handler gets the line number session variable, uses it to select the appropriate response, and increments it and passes it along in the session for the next line.
It really depends on the complexity of your skill, the accepted answer is a perfectly correct implementation for a simple flow and it starts to address keeping state tied to the session.
If your skill is more complex and you're using Node.js, I would suggest using the official SDK which offers this functionality out of the box:
The state management allows you to define which intents should be handled in each state and the rest can be passed to a context-specific handler. More information is here:
The state management takes a little getting used to, but once you have used it, you won't go back because of the control it offers you over the experience.

How to manage stateful reducers in Redux?

I'm starting to read up on Redux and I like what I see so far. There is one area of concern that I have and it's async actions. I've seen how sagas, thunk, and others help in this area but I feel like I'm missing something.
I'm a fan of using FSMs to handle application logic and prevent things from getting out of sync, so coming to redux and not seeing something like this is a bit jarring to me.
I have an example in my mind that I keep coming back to that I want redux (or some plugin) to solve:
I have a login form. When the user presses login, an async call is made to a server. This is fine. But if the user presses login again, then another call is made to the server and the application state is now out of sync. I could add a state property that defines loggingIn, but this only works in this example.
Lets say I have a much bigger dependency. Lets say when a user logs in, an action is done to preload some data. And that data contains a preflight of more data to load. This now introduces a lot of if/else conditional logic and adds more information to the state. In a FSM, I would define multiple concurrent states for theses. Such as user:loggedIn, manifest:fetched, pageData:fetched. And each state would be a child of each other: user:loggedIn -> manifest:fetched -> pageData:fetched. So if a request was made to login, or refetch data, an error would be thrown because it's not a valid handler for the current state. How does one accomplish such complexity in Redux? Is it even possible?
Another example. Stemming off the Reddit API example. Lets say a user goes to a reddit post. I don't want the user to be able to submit a comment on the post before it's even loaded. I know this could be handled on the UI side with conditionals and such, but that seems really archaic.
I really appreciate any guidance.

How To Use Flux Stores

Most examples of Flux use a todo or chat example. In all those examples, the data set you are storing is somewhat small and and be kept locally so not exactly sure if my planned use of stores falls in line with the flux "way".
The way I intend to use stores are somewhat like ORM repositories. A way to access data in multiple ways and persist data to the data service, whatever that might be.
Lets say I am building a project management system. I would probably have methods like these for data retrieval:
I would also have methods like this for persisting data to the data service:
The one main thing I would not do is locally store any issue data (and for that matter most store data that related to a data store). Most of the data is important to have fresh because maybe the issue status has updated since I last retrieved that issue. All my data retrieval method would probably always make an API requests to the the latest data.
Is this against the flux "way"? Are there any issue with going about flux in this way?
I wouldn't get too hung up on the term "store". You need create application state in some way if you want your components to render something. If you need to clear that state every time a different request is made, no problem. Here's how things would flow with getIssueById(), as an example:
component calls store.getIssueById(id)
returns empty object since issue isn't in store's cache
the store calls action.fetchIssue(id)
component renders empty state
server responds with issue data and calls action.receiveIssue(data)
store caches that data and dispatches a change event
component responds to event by calling store.getIssueById(id)
the issue data is returned
component renders data
Persisting changes would be similar, with only the most recent server response being held in the store.
user interaction in component triggers action.updateIssue(modifiedIssue)
store handles action, sending changes to server
server responds with updated issue and calls action.receiveIssue(data)
...and so on with the last 4 steps from above.
As you can see, it's not really about modeling your data, just controlling how it comes and goes.

Flex PureMVC: Can proxy keep reference of a View component in following case?

I am learning pureMVC and trying to implement the framework into one of my application. I have follwing case:
My main application has Canvas which is used to add different kind of custom components. One of the custom component is a "Search Component" (multiple instances are created on page). My search component has a textfiled and a search button and initiate search in following steps:
1-Clicking search button dispatches a custom event, that custom event keeps reference of search component as a property.
2-My AppMediator listens the custom event and get the reference of current search component along with search text.
3-Mediator send a notification (sentNotification(AppConstants.SEARCH_CLICKED, component)).
4-I have registered a command with SEARCH_CLICKED notification.
5-Command retrieve a WebserviceProxy and invokes its Search(text) method.
6-WebserviceProxy talks to remote webservice and uses asyncToken to get results.
My Questions is:
My Command has the reference to the custom search component when it start search but search webservice takes some time and get the result. How can i handle the results back to custom search component that initiated the search. Since i have multiple instances of search component. What is the best place to keep the reference of that component, should i add a variables in WebserviceProxy to keep that reference and hand the results over to it, or i have to create a Global Proxy to keep references of such components?
I have been using PureMVC for some years and I like it!
I think you have not yet understood roles and collaboration of main components.
You should not have any dependencies between Commands and UI-elements. Your Mediator has to get the concrete value from your UI-component and send it through the Notification. In this case the Command and the Proxy will get only a text value and it is no matter, what is the source of it! Suppose you will change your UI after some time and you will have another components on the user side to determine the search value. In your case you would have to change the Proxy and the Command. It would be bad.
Proxy may not have any information about Commands and Mediators. It can only offer its functions to let another components interact with it AND it sends Notifications with new information after getting it without knowing who is interesting in it.
Read the description of the framework once more and write your questions.
I had some problems with understanding the stuff too, I see your problem.
Based on Anton's answer, i re-think and tried to separate dependencis. As a result, i tried to mediate each instance of Search Widget with "SearchMediator" separately by providing different ID to the constructor of Mediator. Now, when search widget intiates a new search, it's mediator invokes the Command, Command invokes a method of Proxy to do actual search and fetch results from DB and sends a Notification. SearchMediator takes care about that notification and hands over the results to appropriate UI.
