How do I make a contact form 7 in wordpress - wordpress

I want to Make a contact form in wordpress including input fields and some checkboxes , I want the form data to go to my email address.
How do I make one from scratch ?

Go to the wordpress dashboard and click "Contact" on the left hand side.
Click add new.
In this area you have two boxes, form and mail. Form is what is displayed on your website and mail generates what is sent to you (ie the e-mail address the form will be sent to and the default template of that e-mail).
Directing mail to your e-mail address is very simple - just change the "To" box to your e-mail.
The form box is completed by generating tags using the plugin. For example, to generate a file upload box you click generate tag -> file upload -> and change the options within (required field, etc) and then paste the given code to the form and the mail boxes where it directs you to.
Once this process is finished for all forms click save and copy the generated shortcode to the page you want to include this contact form in.
Hope this answers your question,

You can find all you need in their documentation.
Contact Form 7 Documentation


Advanced Forms (Free version) question notification email

I’m using the great Advanced Forms plugin (Version: 1.9.1) for Wordpress for a client.
Therefore I have a question. How can I send the current page/post title inside the notification email where the form is completed in? It's about the green "Demo aanvraag" button which will open in a pop-up.
I know that I can use {all_fields} for the filled fields. But can I somehow also retrieve the source page title? So that the client knows on which page the user was? I know that with another form plugin like WPForms it's possible with some special tags.
Thanks already!
I tried multiple tags like [url] [page_title] etc but nothing works.

How to pass form input values to another page in Wordpress with Elementor

I have searched the web for answer for almost a day and I couldn't find any answer about that.
Assuming that I'm having a Form created by the simple elementor form widget, and a client inserting a data there(name, email, number) and in another page I have some icon buttons(email, whatsapp, etc..) that should redirect the client to contact me
Like this one: (Whatsapp start a chat link)
What I want to accomplish is that the input value from "Phone field" will replace the "1XXXXXXX" in the URL after the form is submitted
Is there any way to accomplish that? or any guide?
You can use POST method of php.
All you have to do is to create a page (i.e. submit) and then create a file in your theme folder (rather use child theme) with the name page-submit.php and write down your php code in it (use cpanel/direct admin to edit the file). Also, you should send your form to submit page, use action attribute in your form tag.

Wordpress Two Steps Autoresponders Form Submition

Need some wordpress gurus insight here!
Basically, I've a plugin call Contact Form 7 to display a form on my site.
May I know how can I achieve these steps :-
User click submit, they will auto-receive a mail containing activation link.
User click the activation link, they will auto-receive another email to containing some text to ask them to upload a picture.
On my end, I'll only receive the lead only when the user completing the 2nd step.
Is it possible to do it with wordpress plugins? Or I need some external api or something?
You can get more information to set up the points for Autoresponders Form Submission
Go Through the link -

Is it possible to send woocommerce product url/price with contact form 7?

I am developing a tour site with woocommerce where in product page a button is set called "Availability Check". After clicking this button a popup form (contact7) will show with few fields " Name, email and others" and submit button
I can do this with contact form7 but problem is client want to receive product price and url with the same email. Is it possible to integrate with contact form7 if yes then how?
Or another solution there?
Thanks in advance.
You may do the following.
You may find a tab named CONTACT on the left side of our Wordpress admin dashboard.
Click on CONTACT to see the list of available forms.
Choose the form you want to edit and click EDIT.
On the right hand side column of edit page you will find a drop down menu called GENERATE TAG.
You will find options for url and text box there.
Hope this helps.

Email to node author in Drupal 7

Drupal 7:
I need a module to append a contact form to a node of a specific content type. The form should be configurable and permit to send an email with an attachment to the node author. The form should also have a captcha. The email must not be saved in the database.
Does such module exists or do i need to develop it ?
You should be able to achieve this through the combination of the webform module, CAPTCHA module and a custom module.
Webform defines it's own 'webform' content type, but it also allows you to make other content types webform enabled by visiting 'admin/config/content/webform' and selecting the appropriate content type.
The token module provides node tokens such as nid and title which can be included as a hidden form element, but annoyingly, doesn't include the author as a token.
On the email tab of your webform, it's possible to choose a form component as the email address to send the form results to. I would create a hidden field, leaving the default value blank and then it should be fairly easy to add the node author value to it in a custom module using hook_form_alter (form id can be found by viewing source and looking for the hidden input 'form_id'). You can then use this form component in the email tab to send the results to.
The only thing I can see causing an issue is that there isn't an easy way to stop webform recording the form result in the database - I would imagine this would be achievable in a custom module without too much hassle though.
Yop, there is such a module. It's called Webform. Using Webform you can add a block form under certain node type with predefined fields and let send email directly to the node author.
Download and enable Webform 4.x
Create new from, add desired fields
Under E-mails tab for Address use token [current-page:node:author:mail]
In Form settings tab check Available as block
Configure newly enabled block (show only under certain node type + set restricted pages to the node/*/*)
Do tests
You can find printcreens and more detailed instructions here.
