Is it possible to have versioned many_many relations? - silverstripe

I already used versioning on DataObjects when they contain a lot of content, now I'm wondering if it's possible to apply versioning to a many_many relation?
Assuming I have the following:
class Page extends SiteTree
private static $many_many = array(
'Images' => 'Image'
Then the ORM will create a Page_Images table for me to store the relations. In order to have a versioned relation, more tables would be required (eg. Page_Images_Live).
Is there any way to tell the ORM to create versioned relations? When looking at the above example with a Page * – * Images relation, I don't want the Image class to be versioned, but rather the relation. Eg. something like this:
Version Stage:
Images ( ImageA, ImageB, ImageC )
Version Live:
Images ( ImageA, ImageC, ImageD, ImageE )
Is that even possible out of the box?

I've spent a lot of time looking into this and without fundamentally modifying ManyManyList (as it doesn't expose the necessary hooks through the extension system), there isn't many choices.
I am a dessert-first kind of person, how CAN we do it?
My only suggestion to accomplish this feat is essentially a many-to-many bridge object (ie. a separate entity joining Page and Image) via $has_many though it still requires quite a bit of modification.
This is partially discussed on the forum where a solution about subverting the actual relationship by storing the versioned items against the actual object rather than in a joining table. That would work but I think we can still do better than that.
I am personally leaning towards tying the version of the relationship to the Page itself and my partial solution below covers this. Read below the fold for more info trying this as an update to ManyManyList.
Something like this is a start:
class PageImageVersion extends DataObject
private static $db = array(
'Version' => 'Int'
private static $has_one = array(
'Page' => 'Page',
'Image' => 'Image'
This contains our 2-way relationship plus we have our version number stored. You will want to specify the getCMSFields function to add the right fields required allowing you to relate it to an existing image or upload a new one. I am avoiding covering this as it should be relatively straight forward compared to the actual version handling part.
Now, we have a has_many on Page like so:
private static $has_many = array(
'Images' => 'PageImageVersion'
In my tests, I also added an extension for Image adding the matching $has_many onto it as well like so:
class ImageExtension extends DataExtension
private static $has_many = array(
'Pages' => 'PageImageVersion'
Honestly, not sure if this is necessary beyond adding the Pages
function on the Image side of the relationship. As far as I can see, it won't really matter for this particular usecase.
Unfortunately, because of this way of versioning, we can't use the standard way of calling the Images, we will need to be a bit creative. Something like this:
public function getVersionedImages($Version = null)
if ($Version == null)
$Version = $this->Version;
else if ($Version < 0)
$Version = max($this->Version - $Version, 1);
return $this->Images()->filter(array('Version' => $Version));
When you call getVersionedImages(), it will return all images that have the Version set on it aligning with the version of the current page. Also supports getting previous versions via getVersionedImages(-1) for the last version or even gets images for a specific version of the page by passing any position number.
OK, so far so good. We now need to make sure that every page write we are getting a duplicate list of images for this new version of the page.
With an onAfterWrite function on Page, we can do this:
public function onAfterWrite()
$lastVersionImages = $this->getVersionedImages(-1);
foreach ($lastVersionImages as $image)
$duplicate = $image->duplicate(false);
$duplicate->Version = $this->Version;
For those playing at home, this is where things get a bit iffy relating to how restoring previous versions of Page would affect this.
Because we would be editing this in GridField, we will need to do a few things. First is make sure our code can handle the Add New function.
My idea is an onAfterWrite on the PageImageVersion object:
public function onAfterWrite()
//Make sure the version is actually saved
if ($this->Version == 0)
$this->Version = $this->Page()->Version;
To get your versioned items displaying in GridField, you would have it set up similar to this:
$gridFieldConfig = GridFieldConfig_RecordEditor::create();
$gridField = new GridField("Images", "Images", $this->getVersionedImages(), $gridFieldConfig);
$fields->addFieldToTab("Root.Images", $gridField);
You might want to link to images directly from the GridField via GridFieldConfig_RelationEditor however this is when things get sour.
Time for the veggies...
One of the big difficulties is GridField, for both linking and unlinking these entities. Using the standard GridFieldDeleteAction will directly update the relationship without the right version.
You will need to extend GridFieldDeleteAction and override the handleAction to write your Page object (to trigger another version), duplicate every version of our versioned image object for the last version while making it skip the one you don't want in the new version.
I'll admit, this last bit is just guesswork by me. From my understanding and debugging, it should work but simply there is a lot of fiddling to get it right.
Your extension of GridFieldDeleteAction then needs to be added to your specific GridField.
This would essentially be your last step away from making this solution work. Once you have the adding, removing, duplicating, version updating part down, it really is a matter of just using getVersionedImages() to get the right images.
Avoid. I get why you want to do this but I really don't see a clean way of being able to handle this without a decent sized update to how many_many relationships are handled in Silverstripe.
But I really want it as a ManyManyList!
The changes I see required for ManyManyList are having a 3-way key (Foreign Key, Local Key, Version Key) and the various methods for adding/removing/fetching etc updated.
If there were hooks in the add and remove functions, you might be able to sneak in the functionality as an extension (via Silverstripe's extension system) and add the needed data to the extra fields that many_many relationships allow.
While I could get this happening by extending ManyManyList directly and then forcing ManyManyList to be replaced with my custom class via Object::useCustomClass, it would be even more of a messy solution.
It is simply too long/complex for me to give a full answer for a pure ManyManyList solution at this stage (though I may get back to this later and give it a shot).
Disclaimer: I am not a Silverstripe Core dev, there may be a neater solution to this entire thing but I simply can't see how.

You can define second relation with "_Live" suffix and update it when the page is published. Note: This solution stores only two versions (live and stage).
Bellow is my implementation which automatically detects whether many-many relation is versioned or not. It then handles publishing and data retrieval. All what is needed is to define one extra many-many relation with "_Live" suffix.
$page->Images() returns items according to the current stage (stage/live).
class Page extends SiteTree
private static $many_many = array(
'Images' => 'Image',
'Images_Live' => 'Image'
public function publish($fromStage, $toStage, $createNewVersion = false)
if ($toStage == 'Live')
parent::publish($fromStage, $toStage, $createNewVersion);
protected function publishManyToManyComponents()
foreach (static::getVersionedManyManyComponentNames() as $component_name)
protected function publishManyToManyComponent($component_name)
$stage = $this->getManyManyComponents($component_name);
$live = $this->getManyManyComponents("{$component_name}_Live");
$live_table = $live->getJoinTable();
$live_fk = $live->getForeignKey();
$live_lk = $live->getLocalKey();
$stage_table = $stage->getJoinTable();
$stage_fk = $live->getForeignKey();
$stage_lk = $live->getLocalKey();
// update or add items from stage to live
foreach ($stage as $item)
$live->add($item, $stage->getExtraData(null, $item->ID));
// delete remaining items from live table
DB::query("DELETE l FROM $live_table AS l LEFT JOIN $stage_table AS s ON l.$live_fk = s.$stage_fk AND l.$live_lk = s.$stage_lk WHERE s.ID IS NULL");
// update new items IDs in live table (IDs are incremental so the new records can only have higher IDs than items in ID => should not cause duplicate IDs)
DB::query("UPDATE $live_table AS l INNER JOIN $stage_table AS s ON l.$live_fk = s.$stage_fk AND l.$live_lk = s.$stage_lk SET l.ID = s.ID WHERE l.ID != s.ID;");
public function manyManyComponent($component_name)
if (Versioned::current_stage() == 'Live' && static::isVersionedManyManyComponent($component_name))
return parent::manyManyComponent("{$component_name}_Live");
return parent::manyManyComponent($component_name);
protected static function isVersionedManyManyComponent($component_name)
$many_many_components = (array) Config::inst()->get(static::class, 'many_many', Config::INHERITED);
return isset($many_many_components[$component_name]) && isset($many_many_components["{$component_name}_Live"]);
protected static function getVersionedManyManyComponentNames()
$many_many_components = (array) Config::inst()->get(static::class, 'many_many', Config::INHERITED);
foreach ($many_many_components as $component_name => $dummy)
$is_live = 0;
$stage_component_name = preg_replace('/_Live$/', '', $component_name, -1, $is_live);
if ($is_live > 0 && isset($many_many_components[$stage_component_name]))
yield $stage_component_name;


CakePHP3: Adding an association in a behavior

I'm having a table called settings, which contains typcial setting information, like isactive, activationdate,... which should be associated to a lot of other entities. Now I was wondering if I could put that in a SettingsBehavior, so that I just have to load the Behavior in all Table Objects I need it.
I thought about adding something like this in SettingsBehavior::beforeFind():
->setConditions(['Settings.parenttype' => $event->getSubject()->getTable()]);
But the Query is already created. At least I'm able to add a setting entity to the entity using the SettingsBehavior.
In the Behaviors initialize() as far as I know I don't have a reference to the subject.
I then tried to do this in SettingsBehavior::beforeFind():
$query->leftJoin('Settings', [
$event->getSubject()->getAlias() . '.id = Settings.parent_id',
'Settings.parenttype' => 'users'
But it also didn't add a setting to my found entity. Does anyone have tried something similiar, or has an idea how to do this? Maybe I'm even wrong trying to do something like this, through a behavior?
Thank you!
The table (subject as you called it) that a behavior is being attached to, is injected via the behaviors constructor, and stored in the _table property, which you can use in the initialize() method.
public function initialize(array $config)
// ...
$this->_table->hasOne('Settings', /* ... */);
You can then contain or join the association in the behaviors beforeFind() callback.
public function beforeFind(Event $event, Query $query, \ArrayObject $options)
// ...

Dynamically eager loading deep relationships with Doctrine

I'm currently working on an API using the following stack;
Symfony (3)
I'm wanting to integrate the ability to specify, via query parameter, which relationships to include when retrieving an entity/collection, e.g;
[GET] /users?include=friends.addresses
Fractal comes with the ability to handle includes however, as this happens around the serialization point of the response building, each related entity is retrieved via lazy loading, thus triggering additional queries.
Is there a way to tell Doctrine, when retrieving a collection, to dynamically also retrieve relationships specified? Ive seen the following from the Doctrine docs which shows how to dynamically change the fetch mode however this only seems to work with associations on the target entity (friends in the example above) and not deeper relations (addresses of friends in the example).
If I remember correctly you can "preload" relations by joining them in rather than letting the lazy loading mechanism handle it. An idea could be to create a service that creates a query builder based on your criteria. This is a crude snippet of what I mean:
class EagerService
protected $em;
public function __construct(EntityManager $em)
$this->em = $em;
public function resolveIncludes($class, $alias, $includes)
// Parse includes into an array
if (strpos($includes, '.') !== false) {
$relations = explode('.', $includes);
} else {
$relations = [$includes];
// The next relation is owned by the previous one, so we keep track of the previous relation
$previousRelation = $alias;
$qb = $em->getRepository($class)->getQueryBuilder($previousRelation);
foreach ($relations as $relation) {
// Add inner joins to the query builder referencing the new relation
$qb->innerJoin("{$previousRelation}.{$relation}", $relation);
$previousRelation = $relation;
// Return query builder or the result of the query
return $qb;

Drupal - Importing a taxonomy with migrate module from a table and creating/updating existing terms

I need to import a list of terms into my taxonomy from a source I loaded in the database.
The problem is I allready have this taxonomy on my site (loaded wihtout migrate) with terms that are used by reference in other content, so I got to keep existing term and update them or create the new ones.
To link my taxonomy source and the existing taxonomy I have an unique code for each term, so I added a code field to my vocabulary and filled it for each existing term.
I am currently able to create and update terms with my current Migration class, but if the name of my term on the site and the name of the term in my source is different, the import will create a new term instead of updating its name even if the code is the same.
Here my Migration Class :
class TotoMigration extends Migration {
private $list_term = array();
public function __construct($arguments) {
$this->softDependencies = array('TotoParent');
// get data from the custom table containing the new terms to create or update
$query = db_select('toto', 'f')
->fields('f', array(
'CODE', // code
'LIBLONG', // name
'PARENT', // parent
$this->source = new MigrateSourceSQL($query);
$this->destination = new MigrateDestinationTerm('toto_tax');
$this->map = new MigrateSQLMap($this->machineName,
'CODE' => array('type' => 'varchar',
'length' => 5,
'not null' => TRUE,
'description' => 'Code',
$this->addFieldMapping('name', 'LIBLONG');
$this->addFieldMapping('field_code', 'CODE');
$this->addFieldMapping('parent', 'PARENT')
->arguments(array('source_type' => 'tid'))
// create a list of existing toto terms with code => tid
$list_term = db_query("select fc.field_code_value, ttd.tid
from taxonomy_term_data ttd
left join taxonomy_term_hierarchy tth on tth.tid=ttd.tid
left join field_data_field_code fc on fc.entity_id = ttd.tid
where ttd.vid=10
and tth.parent!=0;")->fetchAllKeyed();
public function prepareRow($row) {
// Always include this fragment at the beginning of every prepareRow()
// implementation, so parent classes can ignore rows.
if (parent::prepareRow($row) === FALSE) {
return FALSE;
// if the destination is not mapped in migrate we tell him where to go
if (!isset($row->migrate_map_destid1) && isset($list_term[$row->CODE])) {
$row->migrate_map_destid1 = $list_term[$row->CODE];
I then load the import with drush (and --update option).
I must be missing something, if anyone got a clue it will be welcome.
After many tries, the problem reside in the fact the module Migrate does not support Creating content and Updating content in the same migration class (I even read it will sometime claim to update content and just do nothing).
So the solution is pretty simple, create 2 classes :
One for Creating content
One for Updating content
Your Creating class will be the same.
Your Updating class will need to have a systemeOfRecord set to DESTINATION :
$this->systemOfRecord = Migration::DESTINATION;
So it knows to only update and not recreate the content, it will keep current fields not mapped and update fields mapped that are not part of the MigrateSQLMap :
$this->map = new MigrateSQLMap($this->machineName,array(...));
The tricky part will be to find corresponding nid/tid of your content so you can map it to your imported data and then to separate data used to update or create content.

Duplicating extbase repository object

In my extbase/fluid project,in addition to standard actions such as create,delete,list etc, I want to create a duplicate of a model class object which are stored in a repository. Using findall(), all objects are displayed in a list and corresponding actions such as delete,edit are displayed next to each. For duplicating an object, I have created a duplicate action in the corresponding controller and here is the code:
public function dupcliateAction(Tx_CcCompanylogin_Domain_Model_MyObject $testObject)
$this->redirect('list');//Lists the objects again from the repository
Seems straitforward enough but no new object is added to the repository and I am not getting an error.I have checked the documentation and there is no explicit method available for duplicating.
For those who may concern:
You don't need to call the reflection-api at this point.
You only need to implement a method called e.g. resetUid() in your model like this:
public function resetUid() {
$this->uid = NULL;
then you can use the magic clone method to clone the object in your controller. after that you have to call the new resetUid() method and then you are able to persist the new object with the old properties.
Note : When an object is cloned, PHP 5 will perform a shallow copy of all of the object's properties. Any properties that are references to other variables, will remain references.
Alternative you can use reflection to create a (deep) copy of your object.
$productClone = $this->objectManager->create('Tx_Theext_Domain_Model_Product');
// $product = source object
$productProperties = Tx_Extbase_Reflection_ObjectAccess::getAccessibleProperties($product);
foreach ($productProperties as $propertyName => $propertyValue) {
Tx_Extbase_Reflection_ObjectAccess::setProperty($productClone, $propertyName, $propertyValue);
// $productAdditions = ObjectStorage property
$productAdditions = $product->getProductAddition();
$newStorage = $this->objectManager->get('Tx_Extbase_Persistence_ObjectStorage');
foreach ($productAdditions as $productAddition) {
$productAdditionClone = $this->objectManager->create('Tx_Theext_Domain_Model_ProductAddition');
$productAdditionProperties = Tx_Extbase_Reflection_ObjectAccess::getAccessibleProperties($productAddition);
foreach ($productAdditionProperties as $propertyName => $propertyValue) {
Tx_Extbase_Reflection_ObjectAccess::setProperty($productAdditionClone, $propertyName, $propertyValue);
// This have to be repeat for every ObjectStorage property, or write a service.
For me, the Solution "Clone $Object and resetUid() in the Modell" does not work .. maybe this solution had worked in older TYPO3 Versions but in 7.6. LTS it throws an exception
#1222871239: The uid "61" has been modified, that is simply too much.
so maybe someone can find my solution helpful as it is much less code than the other reflection Solution: (and you do not have to think about to set all single properties .. )
Given: an Object called $registrant with all Data.
Wanted Result: a copy of that Object with same Data, but new Uid ..
/** #var \JVE\JvEvents\Domain\Model\Registrant $newregistrant */
$newregistrant = $this->objectManager->get( "JVE\\JvEvents\\Domain\\Model\\Registrant") ;
$properties = $registrant->_getProperties() ;
unset($properties['uid']) ;
foreach ($properties as $key => $value ) {
$newregistrant->_setProperty( $key , $value ) ;
I think the add command ignores objects that already exist.
You could try to clone the object and then add the clone to the repository $copy_of_object = clone $object;. Or maybe create a new Object with all the same properties.

How to remove all items in a magento product collection?

Seems doesn't works:
$collection = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->getCollection();
foreach($collection->getItems() as $key => $_product){
$collection is still populated
If you'd like to work with an empty collection, the best approach would be to load it with a filter that would always produce an empty set. Here's an example:
$collection = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->getCollection()
->addFieldToFilter('entity_id', 0);
Because Magento product ids start at 1, this collection would remain empty, until you add items to it with the addItem() method.
clear() and removeItemByKey(), on the other hand, will only trigger a second run to the database to refetch the data you don't want in there.
You question doesn't make sense. Running the following code
$c = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->getCollection();
foreach($c->getItems() as $key=>$item)
foreach($c->getItems() as $key=>$item)
var_dump( "Done" );
results in only the word "done" being output (Magento 1.6.1).
My guess it something about your installation of Magento is making the call to $c->getItems(); trigger a reload of the collection. So, you remove all the items, but then when you call your second getItems, the collection is refetched.
There's clear() method in Varien_Data_Collection class which clears the collection.
I'm not sure if the method exists in the time the question was asked, but it exists in Magento 1.7
There's also a possibility to remove all the items without "fake loading" (in opposite to Shay Acrich's answer):
class MyCollection extends SomeCollection {
// ...
public function setEmpty()
$this->_totalRecords = 0;
return $this;
// ...
Setting _totalRecords to 0 is required in order not to allow getSize() method to reload the collection.
Nevertheless, one needs to extend / modify a collection's code, because both the field _totalRecords and the method _setIsLoaded() are protected.
There should be noted, that if a particular collection ignores flags like _totalRecords and _isCollectionLoaded the above solution may not work as expected.
should do the work.
