Raspberry pi Arduino Libraries folder - arduino

I've got a raspberry pi and arduino connected over serial port.
Everything works, except the Arduino IDE does not have an 'import library' section for adding new libraries.
I can only import libraries that come with the IDE.
I want to add more libraries to Arduino IDE on the pi and wanted to know where the libraries folder could be found.
So far I haven't found it anywhere.
Anyone got any experience with it?
Another heads up, running raspbian wheezy.

you can add your libraries in
then just include them with the include statement
#include <myAwesomeLib.h>
Hope it helps! :)


Create GATT Server with Micropython on Raspberry Pi Pico

I want to create a simple GATT Server on my Raspberry Pi Pico. The goal is to create a service that sends a simple set of data to the client. Im using the latest version of MicroPython. My Problem is, that I cant seem to figure out how I can use the MicroPython-specific bluetooth library (https://docs.micropython.org/en/latest/library/bluetooth.html), because it doesnt seem to be accesible on the Raspnerry Pi Pico. I also tried using standard python librarys like the bluez-peripheral (https://github.com/spacecheese/bluez_peripheral), but there were a lot of modules missing, that I wasnt able to install. Im open to using any other library. It would be great if someone would know how I can get these librarys running on my Pico or has any suggestions for other librarys.
Thanks in Advance

ESP8266 + Arduino Uno + ESP8266WIFI lib

I'm having a problem with ESP8266 in programming part.
I'm using Arduino Uno and have thousand times run programs.
It's has been my second day in completing my esp8266 simple fully function circuit
My current problem is :
ESPwifi library has many error even I download it from official github source code
So, I decided to use WIFIESP library and it stuck at TIMEOUT/NO WIFI/NO MAC ADDRESS
I cannot use pin 0 & 1 because a wire stuck in it.
I have search everywhere to solve my problem even tough needs alternative ways I will at least doesn't required NEW HARDWARE.
Reupdate : 08:18 PM 4.3.19
I just want steps without need AT firmware & able to post data to websites
I don't want extra boards EXCEPT:
Arduino UNO
ESP8266-01 (small one with 8 pin)
Windows 10 with arduino IDE latest version
I'm not sure what your real problem is, but here is my solutions:
In case you haven't install the esp8266 boards for the arduino IDE yet, then you should install it first. The installation instructions is documented on GitHub. Here is the snippet to install ESP8266 boards on Arduino IDE:
Start Arduino and open Preferences window.
Enter http://arduino.esp8266.com/stable/package_esp8266com_index.json into Additional Board Manager URLs field. You can add multiple URLs, separating them with commas.
Open Boards Manager from Tools > Board menu and install esp8266 platform (and don't forget to select your ESP8266 board from Tools > Board menu after installation).
ESP Libraries needs Arduino Core Library to work. If you haven't install the board yet, then you will get many errors.
hope this help.

Should I reinstall nodemcu firmware if I uploaded a arduino sketch?

I have a nodemcu v3 and I'm trying some basic stuff
I installed the esp8266 board in Arduino IDE and then I uploaded a blink example.
But now I'm trying to upload Lua code using ESPLorer but I doesn't work properly. I press in open and set the baud rate to 115200 but I just get some infinite Chinese letters.
Should I reinstall the firmare or something?
There is a very good answers at https://stackoverflow.com/a/43509569/131929 and https://stackoverflow.com/a/47510019/131929.
Should I reinstall the firmare or something?
First you should make up your mind whether you want to conveniently program in Lua or whether you want to stick with Arduino (running on the NodeMCU-clone board). It is an either-or question. Flashing on of them to the module will erase the respective other.
And no, in case you want to use the NodeMCU firmware, you should not use those outdates binaries from 2015. Build a recent version conveniently in the cloud: https://nodemcu.readthedocs.io/en/latest/en/build/.
P.S. if you're interested why I call yours a clone board you may want to read https://frightanic.com/iot/comparison-of-esp8266-nodemcu-development-boards/ from yours truly.
You must erase the flash of your NodeMCU before a new upload. If you ignore that, your software don't run appropriately. To do that, I'm using esptool:
python esptool.py --port COM9: erase_flash
In that example COM9: is the name of my USB/serial interface.
After that you can flash for example your ESP8266 with that line of code to add a boot part:
python esptool.py --port COM9: write_flash -fm dout 0x00000 boot_v1.5.bin
Use the preview line of code and adapt it to upload other parts of the map of the flash memory.

Arduino sketch example work OK, when export to Atmel Studio 7 solution, then get errors as: 'WDT' was not declared in this scope

I run a example of SSD1306 lirary in IDE Arduino, specifics:
I can build and run over Arduino Nano board using Arduino IDE.
But I like work with Atmel Studio 7, is the best IDE!, then I import the sketch ssd1306_demo.ino to Atmel Studio using File -> New Project -> Create Project from Arduino Sketch.
When I finalice the process, I try build the solution, and get severals erros:
Build Error
I realice the process with others Arduino examples Sketch and work fine all times, but for this specific project, not work.
Any idea to solve the issue?
Thanks Very much.

Arduino leonardo infinite uploading on windows 10

I'm trying to build a midi controller using an Adafruit Trellis and an arduino leonardo. When it comes to run the code, the uploading status freezes and doesn't complete. I've tried to run a hello world using both an arduinoleonardo and a uno but I still had the same problem. I've deleted the IDE, reinstalled it but nothing has changed. I think it's a driver problem but I actually don't know what to do.
Assuming your Uno is good (no defect), try to plug into a different USB port and try different COM #. Also make sure that you are selecting the correct type of Arduino.
