Why wait DIFS in order to sense if the channel is idle - networking

Station waits in order to sense if the channel is idle DIFS and then starts transmission. My question is why wait DIFS and not SIFS only.
What problems, issues it may cause (sense for SIFS instead of DIFS)?

Short answer: SIFS is not long enough to detect if the channel is indeed idle. The implication of waiting just SIFS instead of DIFS is that the MAC protocol shall no longer be able to detect busy channel, thus collisions may happen all the time, and thus poor channel efficiency.
Long answer:
What is SIFS? The standard defines that SIFS (Short Inter-Frame Space) is used to separate a DATA and ACK frames. A station (STA) receiving DATA will wait for SIFS before sending ACK. It should be as short as possible, basically just enough to decode the frame, MAC processing, and preparation time to send ACK. For 802.11n/ac, SIFS = 16 microseconds.
What is DIFS? DIFS = SIFS + 2*slot_time. Similar to SIFS, slot_time is PHY-dependent. For 802.11n/ac, slot_time = 9 microseconds. slot_time is defined to be long enough to account for, among others, propogation delays, thus enable neighbouring STAs to detect transmitting STA's preamble.
Having said that, if a STA just waits for SIFS before transmitting, there is no way it can detect possible ACK frame being sent by a neighbouring STA at the exact same time - that leads to collisions and poor channel efficiency.
If one slot_time is long enough to detect transmitting STA's preamble, why just not wait for SIFS + slot_time ? Well can be, but it is actually PIFS that is normally used by the AP only (to have higher access priority than normal STAs).
Why wait at least DIFS before sending ? Given that DIFS is enough to determine whether the channel is busy or not, why not just wait for DIFS ? That's because there can be multiple STAs that are possibly sending the channel at the same time. If every STA just waits for DIFS then send immediately - well then that's another collision. That's why the standard mandates that if a STA sending the channel idle for DIFS, it can transmit immediately. But if a STA sending channel busy, it must wait for DIFS plus a random backoff time to avoid collisions. What is random backoff time ?? Time to google on 802.11 CSMD/CA then..
For reference, there is a similar Q that deals with SIFS and touched a bit on other channel access timing.

The time used in sensing the channel by a station and then sends RTS, to the other station.This overall time is called DIFS(DCF, Interframe Space). The station first time sense the see the station is not used by the other stations and then sends RTS(Request To Send).
If the chanel is idle then, channel wakes up from power saving mode to accept the RTS from a station so some time also spent in this process.

Suppose three stations are sensing a busy medium. If the medium becomes idle at t , then all three stations will not be able to realise that medium is idle at time t. They will realise it only after time (t + DIFS).
So it means when medium becomes idle , all stations will realise it after DIFS duration. It is a kind of lag. It is not a waiting period.


Find out latency in a reliable way

Background: I am developing a small game and use the player's latency to do lag compensation. The game is open sourced, so at the moment it is a very easy task to reverse engineer the system and delay ones response time to artificially increment ones reported delay, resulting in possibly unfair advantages.
My current strategy for latency retrieval is:
Every fixed interval I send a message labeled as "ping" to a player. (This has nothing to do with ICMP)
This ping message consists of a special "ping" opcode and a payload with a sequence number
Once the client receives said message, he sends back one with a "pong" opcode and a payload with the same sequence number
When the server receives the message labeled as "pong", it calculates how much time passed in between sending and receiving. This is the round trip time
Our latency is the rtt / 2
In pseudo code
function now() {
return current UTC time in millis
i = 0
function nextSequence() {
return i++
sendingTimestamps = []
function onPingEvent() {
id = nextSequence()
sendingTimestamps[id] = now()
function onPongReceived(id) {
received = now()
sent = sendingTimestamps[id]
rtt = received - sent
latency = rtt / 2
function onPingReceived(id) {
As you can see, it's very easy for the client to just add a delay in his code to inflate his reported latency.
Is there a better way to get a clients latency in order to leave them less room for cheating?
Answer below is a summary of topics discussed in comments to have them all in one place.
Lag compensation should rely on precise time stamp of event rather than average packet delay
Transition time may drastically vary even for two successive packets. Suggested approach with measuring average latency and assuming, that each received packet was sent "latency" ms ago for lag compensation is way too inaccurate. The following scheme should be applied instead:
Server starts emulating world on its side and sends command START to all clients. Clients initiate emulating world and count ticks from its creation. Whenever any event occurs on client side, client sends it with timestamp to server. Like "user pressed fire at tick #183". Server's emulation of game is far ahead due to packet transition time, but server can "go back in time" to handle user's order and resolve consequences.
Time stamps and events still can be faked
AFAIU problem of verifying client input is generally unsolvable. Any algorithm implemented in client can be recreated to fake events/timestamps/packets. Closed code can be reversed, so it is not an answer. Even world wide spread games like Counter-Strike or OverWatch have cheaters, despite they are developed by large companies, which, I bet, have separate department focused solely on game security. Some companies develop antivirus like modules, which check game file integrity or hash of parts of RAM snapshot, but it still can be bypassed.
The question is amount of efforts required to fake algorithm. The more efforts needed the less fakers will be. Trivial timestamp verifycation is the following:
If you receive event#2 in TCP stream after event#1, but its time stamp is before event#1, then it's faked.
If time stamp is far behind server's time, then warn and kick player for enormously bad delay. If it's a real player, the game anyway is unplayable for him, otherwise you kicked hacker. CS servers do this if I'm not mistaken.

How does a device receiving data tell when data transmission stops?

I'm trying to understand asynchronous serial data transmission. I know that the transmitting device sends a start bit (e.g. 1) to the receiver to indicate that transmission has begun; then a stop bit (e.g. 0) afterwards to indicate that the transmission has ended.
What I don't understand: how does the receiving device know which bit is the stop bit? The stop bit is surely no different from the other bits of data. The only way I can think of is if the transmitting device stops sending bits for a significant gap, the receiving device would know that no more bits are forthcoming, and the last bit must have been a stop bit. But if that is the case, then why would a stop bit be required at all, rather than the receiving device simply waiting for a bit, and considering the transmission to be ended when the transmitting device doesn't send any more bits?
That becomes a question of protocol. start and stop bits only have meaning if the communicating devices agree on that meaning (e.g. a frame consists of a start bit, 8 data bits, and a stop bit). Similarly, how to denote when a particular communication is complete needs to be agreed between the participants (e.g. define one or more frames that denote message termination).So for a particular communication either a full frame is received and the listener keeps listening, a partial frame is received with no subsequent data transmission and the connection can be considered faulted after some duration, or a full frame is received and that frame denotes the end of the exchange.

Queue Length really affect Latency in DCTCP?

DCTCP is a variant of TCP for Data Center environment. The source is here
DCTCP using ECN feature in commodity switch to limit queue length of buffer in switch around the threshold K. Doing so, packet loss is rarely happen because K is much smaller than buffer's capacity so buffer isn't almost full.
DCTCP achieve low latency for small-flows while maintaining high throughput for big-flow. The reason is when queue length exceeds threshold K, a notification of congestion will be feedback to sender. At sender, a value for probability of congestion is computed over time, so sender will decrease sending rate correspondingly to the extent of congestion.
DCTCP states that small queue length will decrease the latency or the transmission time of flows. I doubted that. Because unless packet loss leading to re-transmission and so high latency. In DCTCP, packet loss rarely happens.
Small queue at switch forces senders to decrease sending rates so force packets to queue in TX buffer of senders.
Bigger queue at switch make senders have higher sending rates and packets instead queue in TX buffer of senders, it now queue in buffer of switch.
So I think that delay in both small and big queue is still the same.
What do you think?
The buffer in the switch does not increase the capacity of the network, it only helps to not loose too much packets if you have a traffic burst. But, TCP can deal with packet loss by sending slower, which is exactly what it needs to do in case the network capacity is reached.
If you continuously run the network at the limit, the queue of the switch will be full or nearly full all the time, so you still loose packets if the queue is full. But, you also increase the latency, because the packet needs some time to get from the end of the queue where it arrived to the beginning where it will be forwarded. This latency again causes the TCP stack to react slower to congestion, which again increases congestion, packet loss etc.
So the ideal switch behaves like a network cable, e.g. does not have any buffer at all.
You might read more about the problems caused by large buffers by searching for "bufferbloat", e.g. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bufferbloat.
And when in doubt benchmark yourself.
It depends on queue occupancy. DCTCP aims to maintain small queue occupancy, because the authors think that queueing delay is the reason of long latency.
So, it does not matter how maximum size of queue is. In 16Mb of maximum queue size or just 32kb of maximum queue size, if we can maintain queue occupancy always around 8kb or something small size, queueing delay will be the same.
Read a paper, HULL from NSDI 2012, of M. Alizadeh who is the first author of DCTCP. HULL also aims to maintain short queue occupancy.
What they talk about small buffer is, because trends of data center switches shift from 'store and forward' buffer to 'cut-through' buffer. Just google it, and you can find some documents from CISCO or somewhere related webpages.

What is the difference between the delay and the jitter in the context of real time applications?

According to Wikipedia Jitter is the undesired deviation from true periodicity of an assumed periodic signal, according to a papper on QoS that I am reading jitter is reffered to as delay variation. Are there any definition of the jitter in the context of real time applications? Are there applications that are sensitive to jitter but not sensitive to delay? If for example a streaming application use some kind of buffer to store packets before show them to the user, is it possible that this application is not sensitive to delay but is sensitive to jitter?
Delay: Is the amount of time data(signal) takes to reach the destination. Now a higher delay generally means congestion of some sort of breaking of the communication link.
Jitter: Is the variation of delay time. This happens when a system is not in deterministic state eg. Video Streaming suffers from jitter a lot because the size of data transferred is quite large and hence no way of saying how long it might take to transfer.
If your application is sensitive to jitter it is definitely sensitive to delay.
In Real-time Protocol (RTP, RFC3550), a header contains a timestamp field. The value of it usually comes from a monotonically incremented counter and the frequency of the increment is the clock-rate. This clock-rate must be the same all over the participant wants something with the timestamp field. The counters have different base offsets, because the start time may different or they contains it because of security reason, etc... All in all we say the clocks are not syncronized.
To show it in an example consider if we refer to snd_timestamp and rcv_timestamp the most recent packet sender timestamp from the RTP header field and receiver timestamp generated by the receiver using the same clock-rate.
The wrong conclusion is that
delay_in_timestamp_unit = rcv_timestamp - snd_timestamp
If the receiver and sender clock-rate has different base offset (and they have), this not gives you the delay, also it doesn't consider the wrap around the 32bit unsigned integer.
But monitoring the time for delivering packets is somehow necessary if we want a proper playout adaption algorithm or if we want to detect and avoid congestions.
Also note that if we have syncronized clocks delay_in_timestamp_unit might be not punctually represent the pure network delay, because of components at the sender or at the receiver side retaining these packets after and/or before the timestamp added and/or exemined. So if you calculate a 2seconds delay between the participant, but you know your network delay is around 100ms, then your packets suffer additional delays at the sender or/and at the receiver side. But that additional delay is somehow (or at least you hope that it is) constant, so the only delay changes in time is - hopefully - the network delay. So you should not say that if packet delay > 500ms then we have a congestion, because you have no idea what is the actual network delay if you use only one packet sender and receiver timestamp information.
But the difference between the delays of two consecutive packets might gives you some information about weather something wrong in the network or not.
diff_delay = delay_t0 - delay_t1
if diff_delay equals to 0 the delay is the same, if it greater than 0 the newly arrived packets needed more time then the previous one, and if it smaller than 0 it needed less time.
And from that relative information based on two consecutive delays you could say something.
How you determine the difference between two delay if the clocks are not syncronized?
Consider you stored the last timestamps in rcv_timestamp_t1 and snd_timestamp_t1
diff_delay = (rcv_timestamp_t0 - snd_timestamp_t0) - (rcv_timestamp_t1 - snd_timestamp_t1)
but that would be problem without maintaining the base offsets of the sender and the receiver, so reordering it:
diff_delay = (rcv_timestamp_t0 - rcv_timestamp_t1) - (snd_timestamp_t0 - snd_timestamp_t1)
and here you can subtract rcv timestamps from each other and it eliminates the offset rcv and snd contain, and then you can extract the rcv_diff from snd_diff and it gives you the information about the difference of the delays of two consecutive packets in the unit of the clock-rate.
Now, according to RFC3550 jitter is "An estimate of the statistical variance of the RTP data packet interarrival time".
In order to finally get to the point your question is
"What is the difference between the delay and the jitter in the context of real time applications?"
Tiny note, but real-time applications usually refer to systems processing data in a range of nanoseconds, so I think you refer to end-to-end systems.
Also despite of several altered definition of jitter, it all uses the difference of the delays of arrived packets and thus provide you information about the relative changes of the network delay, meanwhile delay itself is an absolute value of the time of delivery.

Arduino RF sensor network

I'm currently designing a sensor network that will have small ATtiny85 probes that each have a temperature sensor, a barometer, and a humidity sensor. I think I will use these (http://goo.gl/TqaDjl) to communicate as they are low cost and don't need much range. Im not sure though how I will get the probes to communicate with the main control, as the transmitter transmits digitally and I will have +20 probes that all need to send data without signals overlapping or getting messed up every minute. I think the easiest way would be to time the probes so that they don't overlap in transmission but I'm not sure.
-Is using RF the cheapest and best option for this system?
-How can I prevent communication overlapping?
-What is the easiest way to send data digitally from an arduino (or ATtiny85)?
I guess I'm late to the party, but I'll offer some insight into collision control with a ton of chattering transmitters on one link, a la 802.11. This is somewhat packetized.
If two transmitters try to transmit at the same time, you're bound to get a mangled mess of rotten bacon at the receivers.
A simplified version of WiFi-style collisions would be good. Basically, it uses preambles that can be detected, and for longer transmissions that have a higher chance of conflicting, it can use shorter request/clear to send packets.
While this is likely overkill, I'd go for preambles. Start by transmitting a steady stream of something recognizable, like in hex, 555533330f0f00ff which is basically alternating 1s and 0s but with changing frequency(0101, then 0011, then 00001111, and so on), a readily recognizable pattern that is unlikely to be given off by stray radiation or noise.
This pattern could undergo a shift so there's a finite set of other preambles that should be bitwise-shifted relative to the original.
If a transmitter detects this preamble, it should STOP and wait. If you limit all packets to a certain temporal length, collisions should not occur if you wait sufficient time between packets. If during the time of one packet, a preamble is heard, then your station should wait for the full length of the transmission(listening to its length and other header fields so it knows how long to wait). Once the packet is done, your station can transmit its preamble.
This is where the WiFi resemblance stops and simpler protocols take over.
Note that if 2 stations are waiting on a packet they can start their preambles almost simultaneously. To resolve this, each station should have a different zero bit flipped in its preamble. If it detects a 1 for that bit, it sees that there's another station preambling, and should back off.
Each station should wait a certain delay(up to you) after each packet so other stations can start their transmissions.
A few sketches of the communication patterns show that this is sufficient for your needs.
Now if it's a master-slave-style system as long as you only have one network it should be easier since there should only be one outstanding request that would involve a slave transmitting.
Those will be by far the cheapest method. As for the best method, there are a variety of choices much better, but more expensive. A network of Xbee modules comes to mind, but those are much more expensive than $1.25 a pair.
Using the RF modules is very do-able however. To prevent communication overlapping, put a RF transmitter and receiver on each sensor node and the main hub. The main hub can send "hey sensor1 give me your data", which gets broadcasted to all of the sensors. However, only sensor1 will realize "hey I am sensor 1, here is my data" which the hub will listen for. Then, the hub will go on and say "hey sensor2 send me your data" and so on and so forth.
I think your original approach may be best. The approach of putting a Tx and Rx on every device may be affordable, but I question if it will work. With 20 devices transmitting on the same frequency, which one will the receiver "hear". Most important, how will a device receive any remote transmitter's signal when its own transmitter is very close? Keep in mind: these are AM radios and will "send" a carrier even if not sending any data. Get a small number of transmitters before trying to go full scale.
To avoid the problem of receiving the one active transmitter among the soup of inactive transmitters, you want only 1 transmitter powered at 1 time. You would control Vcc to one transmitter, turn it on, send the burst of data, and then power it off.
-How can I prevent communication overlapping?
You can't -- you have to accept that there will be occasional overlaps. Add a CRC to the transmitted data so that the receiver can detect garbage.
The timing of the multiple transmitters is surely a project in itself. You surely don't want to run them all at the same transmission period. They may not collide at the beginning, but when two devices did drift together and start colliding, they would stay together and collide for a long time, until the clocks drifted apart.
I would start with something simple. For example with three devices, run the transmissions at 2000 ms, 2200 ms, 2400 ms period (use EEPROM to configure). That way, if a pair happens to collide at one data point, then next transmissions that pair will be 200 ms apart.
