Web Client Software Factory 2008 ASP.NET project migration to dotNET 4.5 64 bit possible? - asp.net

I have old Web Client Software Factory project built with VS2008, WCSF 2008 and MS Enterprise Library 3.1
I have to make changes to the project so I migrated the solution to Visual Studio 2012. It compiles fine with .NET 3.5 and runs on IIS 7.5 as 32bit web application (classic mode asp.net v2.0).
Is it possible to migrate such project to .NET 4.5 (64 bit)?
My guess is no. The last version of WCSF is 2010 and for the MS Enterprise Library is 5.0.
I think they both are built on .NET 3.5
Did anyone try such migration before?

I'm planning to do the same thing for couple of my applications.
I did checked out on MSDN and the WCSF project discussion on codeplex seems there's no future roadmap for this WCSF.
Web Client Software Factory
Roadmap for 2012 and beyond ?


Installing .Net framework 4.5 or 4.6 to MS visual studio community 2017

I installed MS visual studio community 2017 along with all the necessary plugins but when I am trying to create a web application in C# only the .net frameworks upto 3.5 are available and as a result I can not create MVC based C# web applications because only the option empty web application appears. I installed the .net framework 4.6.2 development pack separately but even that the issue could not be corrected. How can I solve this issue?

Running ASP.NET vNExt on .net 4.0

If I have a server running on .NET Framework 4.0.
Will it be possible to run ASP.NET vNext on top of that? Or will a higher framework version be required?
As stated on Asp.NET vNext's page on GitHub the minimum requirements for Windows as follows:
Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 R2.
.NET 4.5.1 for hosting in IIS
However, ASP.NET vNext will let you deploy different versions of the .NET Framework via NuGet packages for different apps on server as stated here. But it's not .NET Framework 4.0 anyway. So, you need the higher version.

How to update sharepoint project from .net 3.5 to 4.0

I need to change the .NET Framework Version of my Sharepoint Project from 3.5 to 4.0.
The project is generated with VisualStudio2010, Sharepoint version is also 2010. I already found this blogpost regarding this topic, but it doesnt work.
.NET 4.0 is installed on the development machine but I'm not able to select the framework in the target-framework tab at the project settings:
SharePoint 2010 does not support .NET 4.0.
If you really have to connect a .NET 4.0 application to SharePoint, you can use a web service to communicate. But you won't be able to write a .NET 4.0 WebPart or a similar SharePoint artifact.

Asp.net 3.0 or Asp.net 4.0? new Project

We are starting developing new web-based application in weeks times.
Which version of asp.net would you guys recommend. ASP.NET 3.0 or ASP.NET 4.0 (visual studio 2008 or Visual studio 2010)?
Previously we have worked on ASP.NET 2.0 using visual studio 2005
Same with sql server should we keep using sql server 2005 or migrate it to sql server 2008
If you are starting a new project and you don't intend to use third party libraries that are not compatible with .NET 4.0 then go for ASP.NET 4.0 (Choose Visual Studio 2010 as 2008 cannot target .NET 4.0). As far as SQL Server is concerned, because this is a migration you might need to first analyze what would be the possible impacts on your current infrastructure.
If you have the tools available, and you host the site yourself (not paying a 3rd party hoster) than there is no reason to not use VS2010 and .net 4. If you do have a 3rd party host the site, they may not yet support .net 4.
At the very least, you should use VS2010 and target .net 3.5. That way when you are ready to go to .net 4, it will be an easier switch.
Agreed. If you have the tools, definitely go with 4.0.
VS 2010 is great.
If you start a new project with moderately out-dated tools, you'll soon find that you are maintaining a project with very out-dated tools. Start with the latest stable tools and you push out your upgrade costs a little further.
I would say generally that the same goes for SQL Server. Assuming you have no licensing problems or existing infrastructure, go with the latest version. SQL Server 2008 was not nearly as big an upgrade as VS 2010. You won't have any trouble with a transition to the new tools, etc.

Does Server Core 2008 support asp.net?

Does Server Core 2008 support asp.net? I see references online saying that it isn't supported, but they are all old references from CTPs.
Server Core 2008 does not support ASP.NET. However, Windows 2008 R2 Server Core supports .NET up to 3.5 out of the box, and since 2011-02-21 it can also run .NET 4.0 apps. To enable .NET 4.0 support, you need to install Service Pack 1 and the .NET 4.0 Standalone Installer for Server Core.
Answer here:
"ASP.NET is not available with Server Core installation option in any edition"
The short answer, as others have said: no.
The longer answer: IIS is there, classic ASP is there, and other server-side languages such as PHP will work, too. What's missing is .NET Framework, and adding it to Server Core is in the works.
Currenly the .NET Framework is not on Server Core, which means ASP.NET is currently not available. This is something the .NET team wants to add and we're working on adding it as soon as possible.
With the new Server Core 2008 R2 you can run asp.net in IIS, but only up to version 3.5. 4.0 is not supported since you cant install .Net 4.0 on Server Core 2008 R2 at all.
