Qt5 slot being called multiple times from a single emit statement - qt

I'm relatively new to Qt, but I have done a little searching around. I have a base class that handles UDP broadcasting, and does the connect statements in the constructor of the class like this:
NetworkConnection::NetworkConnection(QObject *parent)
: QObject(parent) // Based on QObject
, m_server_search( new QUdpSocket ) // Our UDP Broadcast socket
, m_waiting_for_server( false )
, m_found_server( false )
qDebug() << "NetworkConnection::constructor";
connect( m_server_search, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(serverResponse()), Qt::UniqueConnection );
if ( m_server_search->bind( QHostAddress::AnyIPv4, (quint16)PORT_MULTICAST, QUdpSocket::ShareAddress ) )
if ( m_server_search->joinMulticastGroup( QHostAddress( MULTICAST_GROUP ) ) )
connect( this, SIGNAL(broadcast(NetworkMessage)), this, SLOT(broadcast_message(NetworkMessage)), Qt::UniqueConnection );
this->m_ping_timer = this->startTimer(2000);
qDebug() << "Ping timer id=" << this->m_ping_timer;
} else qDebug() << "Couldn't start multicast listener";
} else qDebug() << "Couldn't bind multicast to port" << PORT_MULTICAST;
I set up a signal/slot interface for broadcasting:
void serverFound();
void serverNotFound();
void broadcast(NetworkMessage);
private slots:
void serverResponse();
void broadcast_message( NetworkMessage msg );
And broadcast_message looks like this:
void NetworkConnection::broadcast_message( NetworkMessage msg )
QByteArray raw = msg.toString();
qDebug() << "NetworkConnection::broadcast_message>" << raw;
if ( m_server_search->writeDatagram( raw.data(), raw.size(), QHostAddress(MULTICAST_GROUP), (quint16)PORT_MULTICAST ) < 1 ) qDebug() << "Failed broadcast last message";
My timer works well, and here is the code:
void NetworkConnection::timerEvent(QTimerEvent *event)
qDebug() << "NetworkConnection::timerEvent with id" << event->timerId() << "(ping timer=" << this->m_ping_timer << ")";
if ( event->timerId() == this->m_ping_timer )
qDebug() << "NetworkConnection::pingForServer";
if ( m_waiting_for_server && !m_found_server )
qDebug() << "Server not found!";
emit this->serverNotFound();
if ( !m_found_server )
qDebug() << "Sending a ping to the server";
NetworkMessage msg( m_software_guid, get_microseconds(), QString("whoisaserver") );
emit this->broadcast( msg );
m_waiting_for_server = true;
m_found_server = false;
I only get the text "Sending a pint to the server" once, but my broadcast_message outputs it's qDebug() multiple times.
I'm not explicitly using multiple threads, and as you can see I'm using Qt::UniqueConnection, which is apparently having no affect?
SO why would the slot be called multiple times? I've even tried debugging it a little and just calling this->broadcast( ... ) without using emit, and it still gets called multiple times.
Edit: I just added a counter to the broadcast_message slot, and it gets called 340 times. Is there any significance to that?


Connect and read data automatically from BLE weight scale in Qt application

I'm developing a Qt app which need to read data from weight scale model and can't quite understand how exactly the Bluetooth Low Energy works and how to implement it in Qt.
I have a UC-352BLE weight scale which uses BLE to send data. What I want to achieve is this:
After initial pairing the scale with my Raspberry Pi on which my app is running, when the scale sends data (it does it automatically when you take a measurement), my app receive it. For example I have a blood pressure monitor which uses normal Bluetooth and here it's easy. In my app, I create a QBluetoothServer and call its listen() method. Then when the (already paired) device sends a measurement, it connects with my app automatically, then I create QBluetoothSocket and read the data. But with the scale and it's BLE it seems that you can't do it that way. I tried to follow the Qt documentation on this and right now I just have to manually press the button which connects to the scale when it's sending the data. And every time it connects to the device it discovers it's characteristics and services etc. Don't know if I can do it so the app automatically receives a connection and reads a data when the scale sends a measurement. And even when I try to connects like that sometimes it connects and sometimes don't (I get Unknown error form QLowEnergyController::Error when connecting). Here is what I already have:
Bletest::Bletest(QWidget *parent)
: QMainWindow(parent)
, ui(new Ui::Bletest)
if (localDevice.isValid()) {
connect(&localDevice, &QBluetoothLocalDevice::deviceConnected, this, &Bletest::deviceConnected);
connect(&localDevice, &QBluetoothLocalDevice::deviceDisconnected, this, &Bletest::deviceDisconnected);
connect(&localDevice, &QBluetoothLocalDevice::pairingFinished, this, &Bletest::pairingFinished);
discoveryAgent = new QBluetoothDeviceDiscoveryAgent(this);
connect(discoveryAgent, &QBluetoothDeviceDiscoveryAgent::deviceDiscovered, this, &Bletest::addDevice);
connect(discoveryAgent, &QBluetoothDeviceDiscoveryAgent::finished, this, &Bletest::scanFinished);
connect(discoveryAgent, &QBluetoothDeviceDiscoveryAgent::canceled, this, &Bletest::scanFinished);
delete ui;
// Local device slots
void Bletest::deviceConnected(const QBluetoothAddress &address)
qDebug() << address.toString() << " connected";
void Bletest::deviceDisconnected(const QBluetoothAddress &address)
qDebug() << address.toString() << " disconnected";
void Bletest::pairingFinished(const QBluetoothAddress &address, QBluetoothLocalDevice::Pairing pairing)
// Agent slots
void Bletest::addDevice(const QBluetoothDeviceInfo &device)
if (device.coreConfigurations() & QBluetoothDeviceInfo::LowEnergyCoreConfiguration) {
if (device.name().contains("352")) {
bleDevice = device;
qDebug() << "Found: " + device.name() + "\t" + device.address().toString();
void Bletest::scanFinished()
qDebug() << "Devices scan finished";
void Bletest::on_connectButton_clicked()
controller = QLowEnergyController::createCentral(bleDevice, this);
connect(controller, &QLowEnergyController::serviceDiscovered, this, &Bletest::serviceDiscovered);
connect(controller, &QLowEnergyController::discoveryFinished, this, &Bletest::serviceScanFinished);
connect(controller, static_cast<void (QLowEnergyController::*)(QLowEnergyController::Error)>(&QLowEnergyController::error),
this, [this](QLowEnergyController::Error error) {
qDebug() << "Cannot connect to device: " + QString::number(error);
connect(controller, &QLowEnergyController::connected, this, [this]() {
qDebug() << "Connected to device";
connect(controller, &QLowEnergyController::disconnected, this, [this]() {
qDebug() << "Disconnected";
// Controller slots
void Bletest::serviceDiscovered(const QBluetoothUuid &gatt)
qDebug() << "Service discovered: " << gatt.toString();
if (gatt.toString().contains("0000181d-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb")) {
service = controller->createServiceObject(QBluetoothUuid(QBluetoothUuid::WeightScale));
if (service) {
qDebug() << "Found weight scale service";
connect(service, &QLowEnergyService::stateChanged, this, &Bletest::serviceStateChanged);
connect(service, &QLowEnergyService::characteristicChanged, this, &Bletest::updateWeight);
connect(service, &QLowEnergyService::characteristicRead, this, &Bletest::updateWeight);
void Bletest::serviceScanFinished()
qDebug() << "Service scan finished";
// Service slots
void Bletest::serviceStateChanged(QLowEnergyService::ServiceState newState)
if (controller->state() == QLowEnergyController::UnconnectedState)
if (newState == QLowEnergyService::DiscoveringServices) {
qDebug() << "Discovering services state";
} else if (QLowEnergyService::ServiceDiscovered) {
qDebug() << "Service discovered.";
const QLowEnergyCharacteristic weightChar = service->characteristic(QBluetoothUuid(QBluetoothUuid::WeightMeasurement));
if (!weightChar.isValid()) {
qDebug() << "Weight data not found";
qDebug() << "Weight data found";
desc = weightChar.descriptor(QBluetoothUuid::ClientCharacteristicConfiguration);
if (desc.isValid()) {
qDebug() << "Writing descriptor";
service->writeDescriptor(desc, QByteArray::fromHex("0100"));
void Bletest::updateWeight(const QLowEnergyCharacteristic &c, const QByteArray &value)
qDebug() << "Updating weight";
if (c.uuid() != QBluetoothUuid(QBluetoothUuid::WeightMeasurement))
double weight = qFromLittleEndian<qint16>(value.mid(1, 2).data()) * RESOLUTION;
qDebug() << "New weight: " << value.mid(1, 2);
qDebug() << "New weight: " + QString::number(weight, 'f', 2);
Can someone point me in the right direction with this? Is is even possible with BLE to automatically connects to my app and receive data?

QTcpSocket how to return QString

I have a service: GWT client calls QT QTcpSocket function that make a request to a device and gets responses(it cannot be only the one response. I should waiting for all of them).
According to the QT documentation I can't use waitForReadyRead() function because I use Windows platform.
Note: This function may fail randomly on Windows. Consider using the
event loop and the readyRead() signal if your software will run on
Windows. http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qabstractsocket.html#waitForReadyRead
I have only one decision now:
pseudo code:
QString MainQTFunc() {
create new thread;
while (!thread.isStopped()) {
return QString variable from thread to GWT client;
New Thread {
run() {
make a TcpRequest to the device...
boolean isStopped() {
if(we got the response!!!) {
return true;
Does it the best solution to do so? I can't understand how to send simply QString variable after I get the result. Is it really impossible to the powerful QT?
Now I have(without any threads):
// The function should to return QString to the GWT client
QString MainWindow::TcpConnect(QByteArray data) {
_pSocket = new QTcpSocket( this );
connect( _pSocket, SIGNAL(readyRead()), SLOT(readTcpData()) );
connect( _pSocket, SIGNAL(connected()), SLOT(connected()) );
connect( _pSocket, SIGNAL(disconnected()), SLOT(disconnected()) );
dataGlobal = data;
_pSocket->connectToHost("IP", port);
//waiting here for all responses and sendinig the last response
return responseHexGlobal;
void MainWindow::connected() {
qDebug() << "connected. " << QDateTime::currentDateTime();
_pSocket->write( dataGlobal );
void MainWindow::disconnected() {
qDebug() << "disconnected. " << QDateTime::currentDateTime();
void MainWindow::readTcpData()
QByteArray data = _pSocket->readAll();
QByteArray as_hex_string = data.toHex();
QString response = QString(as_hex_string);
if(some condition here...) {
responseHexGlobal = response;
It's the best solution I've found. It works, but I don't like it
QString JSPrinter::connectTcp(QByteArray data) {
QTimer timer;
QEventLoop loop;
_pSocket = new QTcpSocket( this ); // <-- needs to be a member variable: QTcpSocket * _pSocket;
connect( _pSocket, SIGNAL(readyRead()), SLOT(readTcpData()) );
connect( _pSocket, SIGNAL(connected()), SLOT(connected()) );
connect( _pSocket, SIGNAL(disconnected()), SLOT(disconnected()) );
connect( &timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), &loop, SLOT(quit()) );
loop.connect( this, SIGNAL(exitLoop()), SLOT(quit()) );
dataGlobal = data;
_pSocket->connectToHost(ip_, port_);
return responseHexGlobal;
void JSPrinter::connected() {
qDebug() << "connected. " << QDateTime::currentDateTime();
_pSocket->write( dataGlobal );
void JSPrinter::disconnected() {
qDebug() << "disconnected. " << QDateTime::currentDateTime();
void JSPrinter::readTcpData() {
QByteArray data = _pSocket->readAll();
QByteArray as_hex_string = data.toHex();
std::string stdString(as_hex_string.constData(), as_hex_string.length());
qDebug() << "readTcpData response " << QDateTime::currentDateTime() << QString::fromStdString(stdString);
// doing something...
if(condition) {
responseHexGlobal = received;
qDebug() << "responseHexGlobal " << responseHexGlobal;
emit exitLoop();
} else {
emit exitLoop();

QTcpSocket data arrives late

I am using QTCPSockets to talk to a program I've written in Qt for Raspberry Pi. The same software runs on my Mac (or Windows, whatever). The Pi is running a QTCPServer.
I send JSON data to it and most of the time this goes ok.
But sometimes, the Pi is not responding, the data does not seem to arrive. But then, when I send some more data, that data is not being handled, but the previous Json message is! And this stays like this. All the messages are now off by 1. Sending a new messages, triggers the previous one.
It feels a bit connected to this bugreport: https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-58262
But I'm not sure if it is the same.
I've tried waitForBytesWritten and flush and it seemed to work at first, but later I saw the issue again.
I expect that the TCP buffer on the Pi is not being flushed, but I do now know how to make sure that all data is handled right away.
As asked, here is some sourcecode:
This is the client software:
Client::Client() : tcpSocket(new QTcpSocket(this)), in(tcpSocket)
connect(tcpSocket, &QIODevice::readyRead, this, &Client::readData);
connect(tcpSocket, &QTcpSocket::connected, this, &Client::connected);
connect(tcpSocket, &QTcpSocket::stateChanged, this, &Client::onConnectionStateChanged);
void (QAbstractSocket:: *sig)(QAbstractSocket::SocketError) = &QAbstractSocket::error;
connect(tcpSocket, sig, this, &Client::error);
void Client::connectTo(QString ip, int port) {
this->ip = ip;
this->port = port;
tcpSocket->connectToHost(ip, port);
void Client::reconnect() {
connectTo(ip, port);
void Client::disconnect()
void Client::connected()
qDebug() << TAG << "connected!";
void Client::error(QAbstractSocket::SocketError error)
qDebug() << TAG << error;
void Client::sendData(const QString& data)
bool connected = (tcpSocket->state() == QTcpSocket::ConnectedState);
if (!connected) {
qDebug() << TAG << "NOT CONNECTED!";
QByteArray block;
QDataStream out(&block, QIODevice::WriteOnly);
out << data;
void Client::sendData(const QByteArray& data) {
bool connected = (tcpSocket->state() == QTcpSocket::ConnectedState);
if (!connected) {
qDebug() << TAG << " is NOT connected!";
void Client::readData()
QString data;
in >> data;
if (!in.commitTransaction())
emit dataReceived(data);
void Client::onConnectionStateChanged(QAbstractSocket::SocketState state)
switch (state) {
case QAbstractSocket::UnconnectedState:
connectionState = "Not connected";
case QAbstractSocket::ConnectingState:
connectionState = "connecting";
case QAbstractSocket::ConnectedState:
connectionState = "connected";
connectionState = QString::number(state);
qDebug() << TAG << " connecting state: " << state;
emit connectionStateChanged(connectionState);
if (state == QAbstractSocket::UnconnectedState) {
QTimer::singleShot(1000, this, &Client::reconnect);
and here the server part:
tcpServer = new QTcpServer(this);
connect(tcpServer, &QTcpServer::newConnection, this, &Server::handleConnection);
tcpServer->listen(QHostAddress::Any, 59723);
QString ipAddress;
QList<QHostAddress> ipAddressesList = QNetworkInterface::allAddresses();
// use the first non-localhost IPv4 address
for (int i = 0; i < ipAddressesList.size(); ++i) {
if (ipAddressesList.at(i) != QHostAddress::LocalHost &&
ipAddressesList.at(i).toIPv4Address()) {
ipAddress = ipAddressesList.at(i).toString();
// if we did not find one, use IPv4 localhost
if (ipAddress.isEmpty())
ipAddress = QHostAddress(QHostAddress::LocalHost).toString();
qDebug() << TAG << "ip " << ipAddress << " serverport: " << tcpServer->serverPort();
void Server::clientDisconnected()
QTcpSocket *client = qobject_cast<QTcpSocket *>(QObject::sender());
int idx = clients.indexOf(client);
if (idx != -1) {
qDebug() << TAG << "client disconnected: " << client;
void Server::handleConnection()
qDebug() << TAG << "incoming!";
QTcpSocket* clientConnection = tcpServer->nextPendingConnection();
connect(clientConnection, &QAbstractSocket::disconnected, this, &Server::clientDisconnected);
connect(clientConnection, &QIODevice::readyRead, this, &Server::readData);
void Server::readData()
QTcpSocket *client = qobject_cast<QTcpSocket *>(QObject::sender());
QDataStream in(client);
QString data;
in >> data;
if (!in.commitTransaction())
// here I do something with the data. I removed that code as it is
// not necessary for this issue
void Server::broadcastUpdate(const QString& data)
QByteArray block;
QDataStream out(&block, QIODevice::WriteOnly);
out << data;
foreach(QTcpSocket* client, clients) {
bool connected = (client->state() == QTcpSocket::ConnectedState);
if (!connected) {
qDebug() << TAG << client << " is NOT connected!";
I think the problem is with your void Client::readData(): you have to write it in such a way that you read all available data from the socket inside it (usually it's written with while (socket->bytesAvailable() > 0) { ... } loop).
It is because of the way the readyRead() signal is emitted: the remote peer may send any non-zero number of packets to you, and your socket will emit any non-zero number of readyRead() signals. In your case, it seems that the server sends two messages but they only cause one readyRead() signal to be emitted on the client.

QDialog show is does not happen immediately

I have a sever client application and in the beginning client loads data from server. I have a dialog showing status of getting data from server (has progress bar). But when I call the function the dialog appears with no contents in it with white background and suddenly changes to completed status.
void SystemScreen::loadServerData()
qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Invoked";
if (NULL != mpDataManagerDlg)
qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "show progres screen";
qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Exits";
void SystemScreen::loadData()
qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Invoked";
if (NULL != mpDataManager)
qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Exits";
I feel that dialog is displayed only after loadData() function is completed. Is there any alternative to do this?
I used a timer to start
QTimer::singleShot(100, this, SLOT(loadData()));
But then I have some trouble in getting data. ie data is empty if I read suddenly.
void DataManagerDialog::setDefault()
qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Invoked";
qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Exits";
void DataManagerDialog::alignCenter()
qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Invoked";
QWidget *par = parentWidget();
if (par)
int x = width()/2;
int y = height()/2;
QPoint mid(mapToGlobal(QPoint(x, y)));
int px = par->width()/2;
int py = par->height()/2;
QPoint parMid(mapToGlobal(QPoint(px, py)));
move(parMid.x()-mid.x(), parMid.y()-mid.y());
qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Exits";
void DataManagerDialog::showScreen()
You probably do not enter the event loop.
Try to call QCoreApplication::processEvents() from time to time in mpDataManager->loadDataFromServer() to update the GUI.
From the processEvents documentation :
You can call this function occasionally when your program is busy performing a long operation (e.g. copying a file).
Edit added after getting feedback from the comments
A better approach would be to send signals in your loadDataFromServer() method with the status information and have a slot listen to the signal and update the GUI.
Here a prototype illustrating the idea :
void mpDataManagerDlg::loadDataFromServer() {
while(true) {
// do some work
int progress = // some value
emit updateDialogSignal(progress);
// in your dialog class
public slots:
void DataManagerDialog::updateDialog(int progress) {
// update gui
More about signals and slots can be found here.

unable to establish two way communication using qt

I have used QTcpSocket and QTcpServer class of qt to establish two way communication. I am able to send data from client to server. But am not getting the response back from server i.e my client.cpp never fires readyRead() signal. I have checked using Wireshark that my data from the server is available in specifed port.
I am posting my client.cpp code( Please help) :
Client::Client(QObject* parent): QObject(parent)
socket = new QTcpSocket(this);
connect(socket, SIGNAL(connected()),
this, SLOT(startTransfer()));
connect(socket, SIGNAL(readyRead()),this, SLOT(startRead()));
connect(socket, SIGNAL(error(QAbstractSocket::SocketError)),
this, SLOT(socketError(QAbstractSocket::SocketError)) );
void Client::start(QString address, quint16 port)
void Client::startTransfer()
printf("Connection established.\n");
char buffer[1024];
printf(">> ");
int len = strlen(buffer);
buffer[len] = '\n';
buffer[len+1] = '\0';
void Client::startRead()
cout<<"inside startRead()<<endl";
QByteArray ba = socket->readLine();
if(strcmp(ba.constData(), "!exit\n") == 0)
printf(">> %s", ba.constData());
void Client::socketError(QAbstractSocket::SocketError )
qDebug()<<"error" ;
Looks like you have forever loop here. This means that your Qt main eventloop never gets the control back after you call startTransfer(). How do you suppose the Qt should run the startRead() code if you block your execution thread with infinite loop?
For Amartel adding the server code:
Server::Server(QObject* parent): QObject(parent)
// cout << "Before connect" << endl;
connect(&server, SIGNAL(newConnection()),
this, SLOT(acceptConnection()));
cout << "Listening.." << endl;
server.listen(QHostAddress::Any, 9999);
// cout << "Server started.." << endl;
void Server::acceptConnection()
// cout << "In acceptConnection" << endl;
client = server.nextPendingConnection();
connect(client, SIGNAL(readyRead()),
this, SLOT(startRead()));
void Server::startRead()
QByteArray ba = client->readLine();
if(strcmp(ba.constData(), "!exit\n") == 0)
printf(">> %s", ba.constData());
int result = 0;
bool ack = true;
result = client->write("I Reached");
if(result <= 0)
qDebug("Ack NOT sent to client!!!");
qDebug("Ack sent to client.");
// client->write("I Reached");
