sqlite: dropping a table in a transaction? - sqlite

I have a simple, single table sqlite3 database file that has exactly one table. There are no keys, foreign or domestic. There are no triggers. I have the following workflow:
If the database file exixts open it.
Start exclusive transaction
Select all rows from the table in order.
Operate on each row.
Delete each operated-on row.
When done, count the number of remaining rows in the table, if 0 then DROP the table then unlink the database file
Commit or Rollback the transaction
The drop-table always fails with the message that the table is locked. I've seen a couple of other posts that suggest that there could be open statement handles or other cruft lying around. Since I am using "sqlite_exec()"s for all of this I do not have any open DB anything except the DB handle itself.
Is drop table not allowed in transactions?

When dropping a table, you get the "table is locked" message when there is still some active cursor on the table, i.e., when you did not finalize a statement (or did not close a query object in whatever language you're using).


Insert on constraint-less table, caused ora-02449 unique/primary keys in table referenced by foreign keys

We have an old batch file which does only such statement:
Insert into table_a select * from table_b;
table a is bulk table with no index and constraint
after few years, with increments in record counts, this batch became slow
but suddenly for few days, we got this error every time we try to run the batch:
Ora-00604 error occured at recursive sql level 1 ora-02449 unique/primary keys in table referenced by foreign keys
our only option is to make chunks of data, and insert them part by part, which fixes the batch output, but the problem still exists
we are not dropping and table or object here
can you help us find the cause of problem?
I've checked database level triggers but there is no trigger for insert at database level

Is there a way to efficiently test whether a newly inserted/updated row matches a SQLite query?

I have a SQLite table in my application that periodically has INSERT/UPDATE statements executed against it. I would like to display a view in my application that reflects some query that is run against that table, and keep it continually updated as the table contents change. Since the table could be large, I would like to avoid having to re-run the query each time the table is updated so that I can update the view.
One idea I had was to use SQLite's Data Change Notification Callbacks to be notified whenever an INSERT/UPDATE occurs against the table in question. In my callback, I have the rowid of the newly-updated row, and I would like to see whether it matches the query. Assuming I have the query available as a prepared sqlite3_stmt, what would be the most efficient way to test whether the row would be matched by the query?
Aside: I know that I can't do anything in the callback itself that would affect the state of the database connection, and that's fine. I can defer the actual work of checking the query until later to ensure safety; I'm just trying to determine what the best mechanism for checking the query against the new row contents would be.

truncate not always working: why?

I have defined this mapper method:
#Delete("truncate table MY_TABLE")
public void wipeAllData();
and it usually works...anyway sometimes it doesn't...is there any particular reason/known bug for that?
I'm using mybatis 3.3.0 with oracle 11g as DBMS.
Since you added the oracle11g tag. My previous answer is no longer valid, at least not the reason why it would not be working. So I edited it.
There are some reasons that I'm aware of why sometimes it is not working in ORACLE. According to the ORACLE docs
You cannot individually truncate a table that is part of a cluster. You must either truncate the cluster, delete all rows from the table, or drop and re-create the table.
You cannot truncate the parent table of an enabled foreign key constraint. You must disable the constraint before truncating the table. An exception is that you can truncate the table if the integrity constraint is self-referential.
You cannot truncate the parent table of a reference-partitioned table. You must first drop the reference-partitioned child table.
But you should be aware that the usage or a TRUNCATE command is not ideal in an application scope. It should be an operation executed on the database only. The reason lies in another indication of the docs:
If table is not empty, then the database marks UNUSABLE all nonpartitioned indexes and all partitions of global partitioned indexes on the table. However, when the table is truncated, the index is also truncated, and a new high water mark is calculated for the index segment. This operation is equivalent to creating a new segment for the index. Therefore, at the end of the truncate operation, the indexes are once again USABLE.
So it can be a painfully long operation depending on indexes and the size of the table.
Also, for tables that have constraints the truncate operation will not drop the table, it will delete registries one by one. If you have ON DELETE CASCADE on your constraints, if not, an error will be thrown. This is still true for oracle database
Another thing will should aware of is
Removing rows with the TRUNCATE TABLE statement can be faster than removing all rows with the DELETE statement, especially if the table has numerous triggers, indexes, and other dependencies.
So if by any means you have a trigger on that table it will do nothing.
The original DOC about TRUNCATE command is here:

Sqlite: Are updates to two tables within an insert trigger atomic?

I refactored a table that stored both metadata and data into two tables, one for metadata and one for data. This allows metadata to be queried efficiently.
I also created an updatable view with the original table's columns, using sqlite's insert, update and delete triggers. This allows calling code that needs both data and metadata to remain unchanged.
The insert and update triggers write each incoming row as two rows - one in the metadata table and one in the data table, like this:
// View
CREATE VIEW IF NOT EXISTS Item as select n.Id, n.Title, n.Author, c.Content
FROM ItemMetadata n, ItemData c where n.id = c.Id
// Trigger
INSTEAD OF UPDATE OF id, Title, Author, Content ON Item
UPDATE ItemMetadata
SET Title=NEW.Title, Author=NEW.Author
WHERE Id=old.Id;
UPDATE ItemData SET Content=NEW.Content
WHERE Id=old.Id;
Are the updates to the ItemMetadata and ItemData tables atomic? Is there a chance that a reader can see the result of the first update before the second update has completed?
Originally I had the WHERE clauses be WHERE rowid=old.rowid but that seemed to cause random problems so I changed them to WHERE Id=old.Id. The original version was based on tutorial code I found. But after thinking about it I wonder how sqlite even comes up with an old rowid - after all, this is a view across multiple tables. What rowid does sqlite pass to an update trigger, and is the WHERE clause the way I first coded it problematic?
The documentation says:
No changes can be made to the database except within a transaction. Any command that changes the database (basically, any SQL command other than SELECT) will automatically start a transaction if one is not already in effect.
Commands in a trigger are considered part of the command that triggered the trigger.
So all commands in a trigger are part of a transaction, and atomic.
Views do not have a (usable) rowid.

Is MLOAD executed in a single transaction?

I have an MLOAD job that inserts data from an Oracle database into a Teradata database. One of the things it does it drop the destination table and recreate it. Our production website populates a dropdown list based on what's in the destination table.
If the MLOAD script is not on a single transaction then it's possible that the dropdown list could fail to populate properly if the binding occurs during the MLOAD job. If it is transactional, however, it would be a seamless process because the changes would not show until the transaction is committed.
I checked the dbc.DBQLogTbl and dbc.DBQLQryLogsql views after running the MLOAD job and it appears there are several transactions occurring within the job, so it would seem that the entire job is not done in a single transaction. However, I wanted to verify that this is indeed the case before I make assumptions.
A transaction in Teradata cannot include multiple DDL statements, each DDL must be commited seperatly.
A MLoad is treated logically as a single transaction even if you see multiple transactions in DBQL, these are steps to prepare and cleanup.
When your application tries to select from the target table everything will be ok (unless it's doing a dirty read using LOCKING ROW FOR ACCESS).
Btw, there might be another error message "table doesn't exist" when the application tries to select. Why do you drop/recreate the table instead of a simple DELETE?
Another solution would be a loading a copy of the table and use view switching:
mload tab2;
replace view v as select * from tab2;
delete from tab1;
The next load will do:
mload tab1;
replace view v as select * from tab1;
delete from tab2;
And so on. Of course your load job needs to implement the switching logic.
