How to nest views in Drupal 7 - drupal

I have a view that displays teasers of content type X (across all topics). Under each teaser, I would like to display links to instances of content type Y that share the topic (taxonomy) of that teaser. This seems like it should be relatively simple, but I'm having a hard time relating the filter criteria to the taxonomy of each line of the View's output rather than the taxonomy of the whole View page.

You can use the Views Field View module to do the trick:


Drupal 7 - Add a wrapper around related nodes on Taxonomy term page

On a taxonomy term page, the taxonomy term info is shown first, followed by related nodes. I want to add a wrapper div around the related nodes (ex. class="related-nodes").
taxonomy-terms.tpl.php controls the display of the taxonomy term's fields, but I'm not sure how the nodes show up. I was thinking about making a node template for the taxonomy and doing something like render($content['nodes']). However, I'm not sure what the $content key would be for the related nodes.
One approach is to enable the Taxonomy term view display (is disabled by default).
In the view config, you can add classes by clicking in Settings of Format option.
Hope it helps.

Best way to create content type and taxonomy on Drupal 7

I'm going to try to explain my project.
I have one section to create on my drupal's site called "Press Room" in this section the users access it via menu item called "Shows". The mainly idea is that the second level of this menu will be created with taxonomy vocabulary called shows and the terms of this are for example:
-Bulloch Family(term)
And now the next step is create for each one of the terms the next structure:
-Press Materials
To be more specific I've attach two piece of wireframes of these.
What is the best way to do that?
[The menu show like that][1]
![The content once you click in the menu][2]
I can propose a solution although there are too many options here.
1) Heartland(term) -Bulloch Family(term): there is no need to use taxonomy terms, they can be node types (let's call it "Show" content type).
2) About, Press Materials, Video, Photos and Contact will be 5 node types too. But these will have a reference field to the node types above (Shows).
3) The display page of each Show will be a views that will display the node Show and the content that are referencing this node.
4) Menu can be created by hand (if shows are not too many) or by a views that will show a list of node links.

Taxonomy image in Drupal 7

I've set up taxonomy in Drupal 7 called Colours. I've added some terms (red, blue etc) and added a colour image to each term.
In a content type I have added a term reference field, so my client can choose colours (the colours in which that product is available).
In Views, rather than listing the taxonomy terms on the node page, I would like instead to output the image associated with the taxonomy term.
Any ideas on how to do this? I've tried endless "output this field as" in Views but just can't get it to work. The only way I've actually got it to work is to upload images when adding content, but that's not ideal obviously.
In Drupal 7 you have to add the taxonomy under "relationships". Then the taxonomy images will appear as fields in the view.
I had the same issue, all I did was adding a new field called "image" to the taxonomy and inside the view I just called that field. its working well.
Your best bet is to create a View Template, and in the template you can look at the value in that field and load the appropriate image in its place.
Here's a guide on doing this in Views 2:
Couldn't find one for Views 3

how to get content type nodes in drupal 7?

is there a way to get content type node in drupal 7 ?
lets say i have a content type (news) and i want last 5 or 10 node with their fields and image to show them in a block in front page.
so what is the specific functions to do that
like wordpress :
and what if the site is multilingual and I'm using i18n module
is there a functions to get last 5 by English and other for other language ?
The easiest way to do that is to use the Views module
You need Views if
You like the default front page view, but you find you want to sort it
You like the default taxonomy/term view, but you find you want to sort it
differently; for example,
You use /tracker, but you want to restrict it to posts of a certain
You like the idea of the 'article' module, but it doesn't display
articles the way you like.
You want a way to display a block with the 5 most recent posts of
some particular type.
You want to provide 'unread forum posts'.
You want a monthly archive similar to the typical Movable Type/Wordpress
archives that displays a link to the
in the form of "Month, YYYY (X)" where
X is the number of posts that month,
and displays them in a block. The
links lead to a simple list of posts
for that month.
Views is also able to handle multilingual issues.

drupal taxonomy

I have several different content type nodes (videos, image galleries, stories...) that I would like to categorize and create a top-level page that aggregates these nodes. So for example, the top-level page would have teaser thumbnails very similar to the front page view but of course filtered for that topic (like for instance automobiles, and motorcycles would have its own page, etc...).
What is the best way to accomplish this? Taxonomy? Views?
You would use both Taxonomy and Views.
Taxonomy would categorize the content, and Views would allow you to configure the display however you like.
One possibility is having an Argument of a taxonomy term, (example, /path/path/taxonomy-term/index.htm) where taxonomy term is a passed URL argument. This would filter all content to that term.
You could also just rely on the taxonomy system, where content resides at /taxonomy/tid, but I don't think you get much control of the output that way.
You may also want to look into a module like Taxonomy VTN for a drill down list of taxonomy:
There are lots of ways to approach this. Personally, I would use Views.
