html image path incorrect - css

I'm somewhat perplexed by this.
The page im working on is located in
However, for the background image to show, instead of putting it in
I've had to put it in
Now, When I visit an additional page from the one im working on, (
That background image dissapears. I cant understand why, I use the same code on a vbulletin website and the background displays everywhere. If I firebug it, it tells me the image didnt load, meaning the path is incorrect. I'm not sure where to put it though.
For actual reference..
Code: <div id="background">
<img class="background" src="images/bgmain.jpg">

use absolute:
<div id="background"> <img class="background" src="/images/bgmain.jpg"> </div>
instead of relative one


Image fill grid - is it d-flex?

TL;DR how can I get the images to fill the grid squares on this page.
I am working on a site I inherited that has been through three different web designers so it's a bit of a mess on the back end. It also uses timber/twig/acf which were new to me so I spent last week trying to figure out how everything is configured. I was trying to replicate this archive page so was playing around with the CSS but when I left work Friday everything was fine...this morning suddenly the images don't fill the grid squares. I don't know if something I did changed it and it was delayed bc of caching or if there was an update or what but I would love to change it back before anyone notices. I actually have the old version of the page still open where the images do fill grid squares and have spent all day looking through the code to see what changed but can't find any difference.
It's this css rule that preventing it from taking 100% width:
.rtr-6-grid:not(.knowledge-cta) .p-absolute.p-center div {
width: 470px;
Change this :
<div class="d-flex d-flex--y-center d-flex--x-center p-absolute p-center rtr-fill">
<img src="..." width="1779" height="1779">
To this :
<div class="p-absolute">
<img src="..." width="auto">

ODOO - Add image field as background in CSS

Here's the issue, I want to pickup an image from my backend website.image_url(employee,'image_medium' )
It works when I use it with <img t-att-src="website.image_url(employee,'image_medium' )" />
But as soon as I try to use as CSS attibute, it doesn't work. How can I solve the issue?
<div style="background-image: url("website.image_url(employee, 'image_medium')");">
Try this:
<div style="background-image: url('"website.image_url(employee, 'image_medium')"');">
The single quotes withing you call to get the image I think are what is breaking the css as it thinks the first is ending the url.
url also doesn't actually need single quotes, so you can also try:
<div style="background-image: url("website.image_url(employee, 'image_medium')");">

Responsive class setting iFrame height to 0, resulting in no image displayed

While working on a project, I discovered some of my images on Tumblr are not displaying. The only clue I've found is that within the responsive-level-1 class (see below for html code), the height of the iFrame is set to 0. If I pop open a dev console in Chrome and set that to be, e.g., 1632 (not 0), the image appears. I'm using a theme (Brick theme/theme garden) , but am able to edit the html and css. Can I modify my css and/or HTML to fix this? The issue occurs across device platforms (desktop/phone/tablet).
Example of no image displayed-
corresponding css files:
(^ I can't post more than 2 links until my reputation is at least 10/add an https:// to the style.css).
<iframe id="photoset_iframe_149661412746" class="photoset" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" height="0" width="500" style="border:0px; background-color:transparent; overflow:hidden;" src="" name="photoset_iframe_149661412746"></iframe>
Try changing your photoset layout block to something like this (you may need to tweak this slightly):
<div class="content photoset">
<img src="{PhotoURL-500}"/>
<div class="description">{Caption}</div>
Keep a backup of your current theme.
This should output the photoset in the normal html template (not iframe). From there it should be much easier to control the height of the content, in fact by default it should just output the content and the height will be fixed automatically. But there might be other issues to investigate after this.

How do you reduce this image size?

I'm currently using DYI app builder platform and they have a <>source code page. So I put in
<img src="URL.png"/>
And it worked! But when I tried to shrink the image (original image is width=256 height 256)
<img src="URL.png" Width="100" Height="100"/>
Nothing happens to the size of the image.
So I tried
<div style="width:100px;height:100px;overflow:hidden;" >
<img src="URL.png" width="100px" height="auto">
Which I picked up on StackOverflow.. But it doesn't work.
Please help. BTW I have no knowledge of coding so please do not skip a step assuming I would know it.
(When I apply the code and go back to the source code page width and height disappeared from the source code page except the bare bone Img src="URL")
Something in your program is overriding it or disabling it (filtering it away). If it is another css rule that is overriding your css, then you could try:
width:100px !important;height:100px !important;
if this doesn't work then apparently the css gets filtered out, you might check the program's settings if this behavior can be changed
Try to save the page, in the DYI app builder you're using.

Basic CSS question regarding background images for divs

I'm a programmer trying to learn some css and I've already run into a stumbling block.
I have the following HTML:
<div class="container">
<div class="span-24 last">
<div class="span-4">
Left sidebar
<div class="span-16">
<div class="span-8">
<div class="span-4">
<div class="span-4 last">
<div class="span-16 last">
Main content
<div class="span-4 last">
Right sidebar
<div class="span-24 last">
In my css I have the following:
body {
div.container {
I just want to display an image for the background area for the container div but nothing shows up. If I remove the background section from the css and add background-color:#000000; then I see a black background for the container div.
What am I overlooking?
Most likely you are not specifying the correct path to the image:
Make sure that:
You are specifying the correct path
File name of the image is correct
The image file is present in the images folder
Note: As I answered a question today, see how to specify the path with ../.
Most likely the image path is wrong. Remember that the image must be specified relative to the location of your CSS file. Let us say that you have a folder named styles with your CSS files and you have a folder named images with your images. Then you may need to specify:
in order to access that image.
I find that using Firebug for Firefox, the Web Inspector for Safari, or the Developer tools for MSIE 8 helps me diagnose issues like this. Inspect your div.container element and see what path shows up for your image.
Of course, if you have access to your server logs you could also check those to find what image was requested.
I recently had a problem just like this in where a jpeg image refused to show, but only in MSIE. I had to open up the image in photoshop and use the "Save for Web" again then reupload it. I'm not certain what the glich was, perhaps it was saved in an incompatible jpeg variation or was corrupt in some way, but that worked for me.
