How to make product description in Magento Go Not Italicized - css

I recently changed Magento Go templates, but there is one issue with the template I'm currently using. The entire product description is italicized, and I cannot figure out how to remove this 'feature'. I've tried searching here and on the Magento forums for an answer.
So far, I've tried italicizing the text to see if it would negate the native italicization, to no avail. I've looked at this solution:
But it's only applicable to Magento CE, it looks like.
I've added this:
p.normal {font-style:normal;}
to the custom CSS for the template, and to the "Custom Layout Update" field on the individual product, to no avail.
OK, I think I've figured out how to do this, but I have no idea how to properly format the CSS to work. I've got this far: { p.normal {font-style:normal !important}}
but it's not working. I'm sure the formatting is wrong; would someone be so kind as to point me in the right direction as to how to fix this? Thanks.

Try adding the !important rule to your CSS.
p.normal {font-style:normal !important;}

Got it! I had to learn a couple of things (which is always nice) to come up with this. Hope it helps someone else. Just add this to the custom CSS box of the theme that you're using:
.tab-content {font-style:normal !important;}


WooCommerce product-short-description getting renderred TWICE if any class specified

This is an odd one, and I'm REALLY hoping someone else has seen this before.
We want a list in our product short descriptions.
As long as we don't add any class names to the description, everything is fine.
But, as soon as I try to give any part of it a class name, the whole thing starts breaking.
Specifically, it renders a broken second copy of the short-desc directly following the opening BODY tag for the page/document.
In that broken instance, it truncates the short-desc before the first CLASS declaration and guts the closing UL tag.
It does also still display where/how it's supposed to the product summary.
See an example here: < link removed >
BTW, I'm currently on the Avada theme, but I tested with the Twenty-Seventeen theme as well and the problem persisted.
Also, I tested with paragraph and span tags as well and that yielded the same broken results.
Has anyone seen anything like this before?
Any suggestions/ideas?
Found it!
I went through all the plugins, and turns out there is one responsible:
TG Facebook Meta Tags
All plugins other than that one have now been reactivated, and the problem is resolved.

wordpress site/home url has /#all tag suffix

i've tried this solution but to no avail, even on the function.php file:
need to get rid of the #all tag on the home/site url on this site:
I tried switching out your Javascript, and it looks like the problem could be somewhere in the file /wp-content/themes/juiced/js/acad.min.js. Unfortunately for you this is a massive gob of minimized Javascript and it's not easy to figure out what's going on in there.
You should really try contacting the author of this theme to find out what the problem is. All I can suggest is that you try changing the value of includeAll to false in this bit near the top of the file.
(Or perhaps change categories to false?)

Where can I customize the appearance of Disqus in my Octopress blog?

I am using Octopress for my blog. I set up Disqus and it shows up on every article. However, I really need to customize the look because right now there is literally no space between the whole disqus comment box and the right border of the browser window.
I already tried to find the correct SCSS file but I couldn't find it. Can anyone help me?
I don't think there are custom styles for disqus anywhere in the default octopress theme.
I would add a new partial undess sass/partials say _disqus.scss and then import the file in _partials.scss
#import "partials/disqus";
for anyone searching for a good answer (I am sure #Vassilis works just fine): Just go to
In that file go to
section.comments {}
and add something like this (this align the comments with your blog text)
max-width: 500px;

How to format text to looks like code in wordpress like stackoverflow {} tool?

I need to format text in posts using WordPress to look like a code. Like here in stackoverflow we use { } to separate the code from the text. I need to do the same when I write my blogs in Wordpress
Example ....
code will look like that !
Do you like the one used here: ?
It's the syntaxhighlighter wp plugin, , a very customisable one and finally you are using simple tags like [html] html code [/html] or [css] css code [/css]
Good luck! :)
Wordpress has a preformatted paragraph style that works OK without any plugins. Just select the text and then select the Preformatted style on the left side of the formatting bar:
I had installed a plugin, but then found this simpler and it works fine for my purposes.
This might be helpful to you
Please do vote if it worth

Drupal module to format code

Can anyone recommend a module or other Drupal add-on that can be used to format code nicely like I see on a lot of blogs and websites? Ideally something that would integrate with CKeditor, but that's not critical, I can make do with HTML tags if need be. Thanks.
The two most popular Drupal modules seem to be Code Filter and GeSHi Filter for syntax highlighting. For getting GeSHi to work with CKeditor, check out the WYSIWYG - GeSHi bridge module.
Well, there's which is javascript. It gets applied at view time.
To see your code highlighted in the actual editor, you're probably going to have to work a bit harder. If it were me, I'd start with , which is an editor that grew out of Mozilla's constantly-renamed in-browser IDE project.
Maybe it's to much but check this
Quick follow up: as per this post, the WYSIWYG-GeSHi bridge development has been put on hold because of some problems integrating GeSHi buttons into CKeditor's toolbar (they make all the other buttons disappear). I can confirm that this is the case.
However, if I use GeSHi tags in HTML source, they do format things correctly. The really key thing left out of the GeSHi module documentation is that you need to enable it as an input format in Drupal.
Next I'm going to try this method for integrating GeSHi formatting directly into CKeditor without using the WISYWIG module or any bridges. Thanks again for everyone's help.
There's the Prettify module that implements Google Code Prettify as JS library. It works out of the box but it appears to duplicate the pre tags, that is, one pre tag appears as container for the other one:
<pre class="prettyprint prettyprinted">
<pre class="prettyprint">
.myClass {
float: left;
That's only annoying because you can't really style the pre tag if there's two of them because all your styles are duplicated leading to double margins, padding, borders. etc.
Still, it works out of the box if you can deal with using the default styles provided with the module, and there are a number of them, i.e. Google Code, Stackoverflow etc.enter link description here
