How to disable automatic appending X-Requested-With=XMLHttpRequest into uri? -

I use Ajax.BeginForm.. It loads me partial view. This view have links. After view is loaded via ajax each link has href that ends with X-Requested-With=XMLHttpRequest.
How can I disable automatic appending this parameter to my links?

This header is sent by jQuery everytime you perform an AJAX request. You could try disabling it by globally subscribing to the ajaxSend handler and overriding its value:
$(document).ajaxSend(function(event, jqXHR, ajaxOptions) {
jqXHR.setRequestHeader('X-Requested-With', {
toString: function() { return ''; }
Notice that this will only set the value of the header to an empty string. It won't remove it from the request. A bug has been filed in jQuery asking to have the possibility to completely remove this request header and apparently it was rejected as not a bug.


Fancybox 3 ajax type auto append query string fancybox=true to the actual url

Is there a way to avoid Fancybox 3 from automatically appending the query string "fancybox=true"?
There is an option ajax that you can use to customize your ajax requests, this is the default value:
ajax: {
// Object containing settings for ajax request
settings: {
// This helps to indicate that request comes from the modal
// Feel free to change naming
data: {
fancybox: true

grails controller/action/id automagically turning into controller/index

My problem is that the backend server (written in grails) is automatically converting my request URL to be a different URL. Specifically, it is changing it from /UXChallengeAwards/processSelectedNotifications to /UXChallengeAwards/index.
In a template gsp file, I have defined a button that makes a jQuery ajax call when clicked on:
<button class="blue-link"
url: '/ici/UXChallengeAwards/processSelectedNotifications/${}',
})" >
The method UXChallengeAwardsController.processSelectedNotifications exists. It performs some work and then redirects to another action in the controller. In fact, this used to work. But somehow in the process of adding a second button I made a change which seems to have broken things.
When the button is now clicked, the request URL gets switched to /ici/UXChallengeAwards/index and a 404 is returned because index does not exist as an action in this controller.
I've googled, and the most common answer for when this happens is that a controller must return some results for the view. But I've seen plenty of examples of redirects in controllers, and I do not see what I am doing wrong. (I did try variants of rendering results, but with no success.)
Here is what my controller action looks like:
def processSelectedNotifications = {
def challenge
def checkboxes = params.list('selectCheckbox');
for (checkbox in checkboxes) {
// the checkbox contains the id of a ChallangeAward that should be published
ChallengeAwards challengeAwards = ChallengeAwards.get(checkbox.toInteger())
if (challengeAwards) {
// grab a challenge for use in the redirect, they are all the same
if (challenge) {
redirect action: 'challengeAwardsRemote', id:
// render a failure message if we got here
render messageNS(code:"UX.ChallengeAwards.Publish.failure")
I would really appreciate any insights into what might be wrong, or how to go about tackling this issue. I've checked my UrlMappings, and this is the rule that should handle this controller/method request:
"/$controller/$action?/$id?"{ constraints {} }
Thank you very much!
I'm going to go ahead and answer my own question, in case it is helpful for other newbies.
It turns out that I was not getting an automatic redirect. Rather, I had an error in the button setup code, so that grails was using its default link behavior. (Which is to go to the controller that matches the view, and if no action is specified, use the index method.)
The code above was originally created using a remoteSubmit tag, but I found that the generated code did not support handling multiple forms on a single page very well. So, I copied that generated code and then tweaked it to handle the multiple forms. However, I wanted the styling to match up with what was already in place on the page, so I switched it to be a button. That's when things went awry.
Eventually, I ended up specifying an onClick function for the button, and then writing the ajax submit code in javascript. Which turned out to be much simpler.
Here is what the button specification ended up looking like:
<button type="submit" id="notifications" class="blue-link" >
<i class="fa fa-envelope-o"></i>
code="UX.DiscussionBoard.ChallengeAward.Button.notify" />
And the associated JavaScript:
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
var clkBtn = "";
jQuery('button[type="submit"]').click(function(evt) {
clkBtn =;
jQuery('.multiSelectForm').submit(function() {
var url = '/ici/UXChallengeAwards/processSelectedNotifications';
if (clkBtn == 'deletes') {
url ='/ici/UXChallengeAwards/processSelectedDeletes';
var errorTarget = jQuery(this).parents().find('.recipientMessage').val();
var requestData = jQuery(this).parents('.multiSelectForm').serialize();
var options = {
data : requestData,
type : 'POST',
url : url,
target : '#awardsTab',
error : function(data) {
jQuery('#' + errorTarget).html(data.responseText).show();
success : function(data) {
console.log("in success");
return false;

Framework7 starter page "pageInit" NOT WORKING

anyone using framework7 to create mobile website? I found it was great and tried to learn it by myself, now I meet this problem, after I create my App, I want to do something on the starter page initialization, here, my starter page is index.html, and I set data-page="index", now I write this below:
$$(document).on('pageInit', function (e) {
var page =;
// in my browser console, no "index page" logged
if ( === 'index') {
console.log("index page");
// but I changed to any other page other than index, it works
// my browser logged "another page"
if( === 'login') {
console.log('another page');
Anyone can help? Thank you so much.
I have also encountered with the same problem before.
PageInit event doesn't work for initial page, only for pages that you navigate to, it will only work for index page if you navigate to some other page and then go back to index page.
So I see two options here:
Just not use pageInit event for index page - make its initialization just once (just make sure you put this javascript after all its html is ready, or e.g. use jquery's on document ready event)
Leave index page empty initially and load it dynamically via Framework7's mainView.loadContent method, then pageInit event would work for it (that was a good option for me as I had different index page each time, and I already loaded all other pages dynamically from underscore templates)
I am facing same issue and tried all solutions in various forums.. nothing actually worked. But after lot of RnD i stumbled upon following solution ...
var $$ = Dom7;
$$(document).on('page:init', function (e) {
if( === "index"){
//do whatever.. remember "page" is now
$$('#latest').html("my html here..");
var me = new Framework7({material: true});
var mainview = me.addView('.view-main', {});
.... and whatever else JS here..
this works perfectly..
surprisingly you can use "me" before initializing it..
for using for first page u better use document ready event. and for reloading page event you better use Reinit event.
if jquery has used.
$(document).on('ready', function (e) {
// ... = "index"
$(document).on('pageReinit', function (e) {
//... this event occur on reloading anypage.

jQuery load() with callback function wont capture click()

I am having no luck in getting a jqueryui dialog to ajax load a form, which inturn submits via ajax.
Everything works upto the point of catching the form that is being submited and instead sending it through an ajax call. Thus the form action is triggered and the browser redirected. The ajax call is never made.
My code is as follows
$(document).ready(function() {
$('.viewOrder').click(function() {
$('#displayOrder').load(this.href, [], function() {
console.log("landed here");
$('#blah').click(function() {
console.log("submiting the form via ajax");
url: "/ajax/orderupdate",
type: "GET",
data: data,
cache: false,
success: function (data) {
return false;
return false;
.viewOrder is the a href that is ajax loaded. This works fine.
I have read many similar questions on here and it seems load() does not execute scripts that are embeded in the return html, but my return code is pure html no scripts. Any ideas?
IMHO you should try and capture the submit instead of the click, that way you prevent submits done by keyboard aswell, and it might even fix your problem.
The events are bound on page load. At page load the form you are binding the click event does not exist. I use the livequery plugin but they added Live to jquery 4 which you can also use(i had some issues with IE so i went back to livequery)
So load livequery with your scripts
and change
$('#orderUpdate').submit(function() {
$("#orderUpdate").livequery("submit", function() {

Calling WebMethods / WebService using jquery is blocking

I'm generating a file on the server which takes some time. For this, I have a hidden iframe which I then set the .src attribute to an aspx file i.e iframe.src = "/downloadFile.aspx"
While this is taking place, I'd like to have a call to a web service return the progress. To do this, I thought I could use window.setInterval or window.setTimeout but Javascript seems to be blocked as soon as I set the iframe src attribute.
Does anyone know how to get around this or perhaps try a different approach?
I have also tried handlers, but the request never gets to the server so I'm assuming is a browser/javascript issue.
//Function that gets the file
function GetFile() {
setTimeout(GetProgress, 1000);
var iframe = document.createElement("iframe");
iframe.src = "downloadFile.aspx";
/*DOES NOT WORK - Function that gets progress posts data but never recieves it until the iframe has finished and presents the file download dialog to the user. */
function GetProgress() {
$.post('progress.file', function(data) {
setTimeout(GetProgress, 1000);
Not sure exactly what you doing, but try putting your iframe.src=... code in window.setTimeout as well.
