Using leftCorner/rightCorner in TabViewStyle in QML - qt

I am using Qt 5.1 – QML desktop components. For TabView, I want to have my tabs aligned right but the tabbar should start after a button at top-right corner. I am able to align tabs right using:
tabsAlignment: Qt.AlignRight
However, I am not able to place a button at right corner. Tried this but didn’t work.:
padding.right: 60
I saw that in TabViewStyle, we have rightCorner which is set to null. I tried to put in it rectangle or my own custiom button but it didn’t appear:
width: 60
height: 60
color: "red"
Please help on using rightCorner or solving this problem. Thanks!

After reading through the source code of QtQuick controls, it seems like the corners need to have an implicitWidth as well as an implicitHeight. It does not work with components that only have width and height.
TabView {
anchors.fill: parent
style: TabViewStyle {
rightCorner: Rectangle {
color: "red"
implicitWidth: 20
implicitHeight: 20
Tab { title: "Tabby" }
Tab { title: "Tabby" }
Tab { title: "Tabby" }

I'm having the same problem. All I noticed is that not all components work. A Text{} or an Item{} component work fine, but as you mentioned, a Rectangle{} component can't be added outright, you'd have to wrap it in an Item, like so:
rightCorner: Item{
width: 60
height: 60
color: "red"


qt QML tabviewstyle tab rectangle add x

I need to move the tab buttons in tabview to shift or padding right. When I add x position to the tabviewstyle rectangle, it moves to the right but the end tabs are getting cut off. How could I move the tabs without the cut off, Any idea how to fix this?
TabView {
id: frame
//anchors.fill: parent
y: 250
width: 400
anchors.margins: 4
Tab { title: "Tab 1" }
Tab { title: "Tab 2" }
Tab { title: "Tab 3" }
style: TabViewStyle {
frameOverlap: 1
tab: Rectangle {
x: 50
color: styleData.selected ? "steelblue" :"lightsteelblue"
border.color: "steelblue"
implicitWidth: Math.max(text.width + 4, 100)
implicitHeight: 20
radius: 2
Text {
id: text
anchors.centerIn: parent
text: styleData.title
color: styleData.selected ? "white" : "black"
frame: Rectangle { color: "steelblue" }
It's not completely clear from your description, but if you just want the buttons in the tab bar aligned right, this should do the trick for you:
TabViewStyle {
tabsAlignment: Qt.AlignRight
If that's not what you are looking for, can you clarify the question a little more?
EDIT: based on OP's comment below, here's another approach.
Source code for the TabView component is here:
You can see it uses a private TabBar component to place the tab buttons at the top of the Tabs stack and supports left, center and right alignment for them.
Perhaps you can achieve the effect you want by setting the anchors.leftMargin on the TabBar? Without it being an aliased property, you'll need to loop on the TabView's children to find it by objectName and then set the anchor margin on it.

Top round transparent window

I'm currently learning QML and I want to create a top round transparent window.
I've build something that looks like that, but it seems wrong for multiple reason.
Here's my code:
Window {
id: app
visible: true
width: 70
height: 70
flags: Qt.Window | Qt.FramelessWindowHint | Qt.WA_TranslucentBackground
Rectangle {
anchors.fill: parent
radius: parent.width / 2.0
color: "black"
MouseArea {
property point clickPos: "1,1"
anchors.fill: parent parent
onPressed: {
clickPos = Qt.point(mouse.x,mouse.y)
onPositionChanged: {
var delta = Qt.point(mouse.x-clickPos.x, mouse.y-clickPos.y)
app.x += delta.x;
app.y += delta.y;
onDoubleClicked: app.close()
using these flags in the main :
The main problem is that the background is not transparent.
I think it is because the 'round' rectangle is fully painted !?
I've tried multiple flags (Qt.Tool, Qt.Transparent, ...) but none works.
I was wondering if I started well to do what I want (I think I don't) and what is the best way to do it.
I've seen the clipping property for the qml item but I also see there's performance issues. I don't know if it's a good idea to use that property.
I'm running on Qt 5.10 and Win7 using MSVC as compiler.
Thank you
EDIT: Adding transparent background color to the window
Adding an answer, just so I can post an image to prove to you that all you need is to set the color:
Window {
id: app
visible: true
width: 70
height: 70
flags: Qt.Window | Qt.FramelessWindowHint
color: "#00000000"
Rectangle {
anchors.fill: parent
radius: parent.width / 2.0
color: ma.pressed ? "red" : "black"
MouseArea {
id: ma
property point clickPos: "1,1"
anchors.fill: parent parent
onPressed: {
clickPos = Qt.point(mouse.x,mouse.y)
onPositionChanged: {
var delta = Qt.point(mouse.x-clickPos.x, mouse.y-clickPos.y)
app.x += delta.x;
app.y += delta.y;
onDoubleClicked: app.close()
And the result:
I didn't use any of the flags you are setting from C++, maybe setDefaultAlphaBuffer() is breaking it for you.
I've figured it out.
Searching more deeply on the net and thx to #dtech, I found this article
It was the exact same problem as me. But without #dtech, I would never have thought about the graphic card problem, which led me to this solution.
It seems that you need to have the aero mode enable on windows in order to be able to use transparency on Qt.
I activated the aero mode and then retried the given solution (the one of #dtech), it works very nice.
EDIT: It's a well known "bug" on Qt
Now that I have the solution, it seems obvious but I didn't think about it before.
Thx everyone

QML Scroll View does not allow scrolling of its content

I need to create components dynamically add added to an area of the screen that, of course, needs to be scrollable. I found out that no matter how many of components I added with the scroll bar as its parent, the scroll bars would not appear and the element would not be scrollable.
I did a little fiddling and I think I came up with a minum working example of what I am talking about:
import QtQuick 2.9
import QtQuick.Window 2.2
import QtQuick.Controls 2.2
Window {
visible: true
width: 640
height: 480
title: qsTr("Hello World")
ScrollView {
width: 200
height: 200
clip: true
Label {
text: "ABC"
font.pixelSize: 224
// Rectangle {
// color: "#ff0000"
// width: 100
// height: 100
// }
This is a modified version of the example used int he official documentation. However when I uncomment the square the screen is no longer scrollable (scroll bars never appear).
If I remove the label and leave the rectangle (making it larger so that there is something to scroll to) it still doesn't work.
I am using Qt 5.10.
So the code below worked for me. I defined a rectangle as a backgroud to get border lines to a scrollable table that I need to create.
Rectangle {
id: tableBackground
color: "#ffffff"
border.width: 2
border.color: "#EDEDEE"
radius: 4 tableHeader.bottom
anchors.left: tableHeader.left
width: vmTableWidth
height: vmTableHeight - tableHeader.height
ScrollView {
id: tableArea
anchors.fill: parent
clip: true
ListView {
id: patientListView
anchors.fill: parent
model: patientList
delegate: VMPatientEntry {
onFetchReport: {
// This is a signal emitted by my VMPatientEntry.
onCurrentIndexChanged: {
// Do stuff when the current index changes.
So I hope this answer allows someone to fix their problem as well.

Qt/QML - Positioner property not attaching to model delegate

I'm using Qt Creator 4.6 on Linux. My problem can be reduced to the setup that is essentially the example provided in the documentation with some small changes:
If I run the below code it draws some boxes, and clicking on each box should output its index. The code below works correctly for me as written. However, if I comment out TEXT 1 and uncomment TEXT 2, then clicking on the boxes outputs -1 for every box.
It seems like I have to use the Positioner in some way before the MouseArea or it won't work correctly (it can be used in the Text item or you can use it at the Rectangle level). I'm guessing it has something to with the MouseArea not being fully resolved until the actual click, and maybe if the compiler feels like nothing uses the Positioner it doesn't create it?
Is this behavior expected, and if so is it documented anywhere? In my real use case the workaround is to just use the Positioner to assign an index to an unused property or variable at the parent level so it's not too big a deal, but I'd like to understand it.
Window {
visible: true
width: 640
height: 480
Grid {
Repeater {
model: 16
Rectangle {
id: rect
width: 30; height: 30
border.width: 1
//color: Positioner.isFirstItem ? "yellow" : "lightsteelblue"
color: "green"
Text {
text: rect.Positioner.index //TEXT 1
//text: "test" //TEXT 2
MouseArea {
id: dragArea
anchors.fill: parent
onPressed: {console.log(rect.Positioner.index)}

Building TabBar in QML - Loader doesn't show all the Rectangles

import QtQuick 2.4
import QtQuick.Window 2.2
visible: true
height: 500
width: 500
property VisualItemModel contentToBeShownOnTabClick : visualItemModelDemo
property variant tabLabels : ["Navigation", "Payload", "System Control"]
id: visualItemModelDemo
id: navigationTab
color: "green"
height: 200
width: 200
id: navigationTab1
color: "darkgreen"
height: 200
width: 200
id: navigationTab2
color: "lightgreen"
height: 200
width: 200
id: tabsOnBottomComponent
model: tabLabels
// The Tabs
id: tabsOnBottom
// This anchoring places the tabs on the outer top of the parent rectangle. parent.bottom
anchors.topMargin: 180
color: "lightsteelblue"
border.color: "steelblue"
border.width: 2
implicitWidth: Math.max ((labelTabsBottom.width + 4), 80)
implicitHeight: 20
radius: 2
// Tabs Text/Label
id: labelTabsBottom
anchors.centerIn: parent
color: "white"
rotation: 0
// With reference to mode: tabLabels
text: modelData
font.pointSize: 11
anchors.fill: parent
onClicked: bottomTabClicked (index);
// The things which get displayed on clicking of a tab will be shown in this rectangle.
id: areaForTabContents
border.color: "black"
border.width: 10
height: parent.height
width : parent.width
color : "pink"
// These are the tabs displayed in one row - horizontally.
id: horizontalTabs
anchors.fill: parent
sourceComponent: tabsOnBottomComponent
anchors.fill: parent
This gets shown as follows:
whereas I want it to see 3 rectangles there side by side.
Loader is not a transparent type w.r.t. the containing type, Row in this case. I think this is an issue related to creation context and the way Repeater works. From the documentation of the latter:
Items instantiated by the Repeater are inserted, in order, as children of the Repeater's parent. The insertion starts immediately after the Repeater's position in its parent stacking list. This allows a Repeater to be used inside a layout.
The Rectangles are indeed added to the parent which is the Loader, they stack up - Loader does not provide a positioning policy - then they are added to the Row resulting in just one Item (the last one) to be visible.
You can tackle the problem with few different approaches, depending on the properties you want to maintain or not. I would get rid of anchoring in the Component and move it to the containing Row. A too specific anchoring inside a Component could be a pain in the neck when it is instanced and used all over a (not so small) project.
As a first approach you can re-parent the Repeater to the Row, i.e. you can rewrite code as:
id: horizontalTabs
sourceComponent: tabsOnBottomComponent
onLoaded: item.parent = horizontalTabs
However this would result in warnings due to the Component anchoring references not working as expected any more.
If you still want to maintain the anchoring, as defined in the Component, and off-load the creation, you can go for the dynamic way (if the semantics fits in your use case), i.e. you can use createObject. This way you totally avoid the Loader and the related issue. For instance, you can create the Repeater once the Row has completed its creation:
id: horizontalTabs
Component.onCompleted: tabsOnBottomComponent.createObject(horizontalTabs)
Clearly, the creation code can be move anywhere else, depending on your needs.
