Align two data.frames next to each other with knitr? - r

I'm new to knitr (and also quite new to R), so this might be a dumb question...
I have two data.frames, which both have two columns, but different numbers of rows. I want to show them in my knitr report, but having one narrow table below another narrow table when they could so easily sit next to each other doesn't look good.
Is there any way they could be displayed next to each other?
Ok, based on the suggestion below, here's what I did (I'm putting three tables together now):
```{r fig.height=13.5, fig.width=10, echo=FALSE, comment=""}
grid.arrange(textGrob("Visual Clusters", gp=gpar(fontsize=14, fontface="bold")),
textGrob("We have biofilm data for...", gp=gpar(fontsize=14, fontface="bold")),
textGrob("Left Over Isolates", gp=gpar(fontsize=14, fontface="bold")),
tableGrob(clusters, show.rownames=FALSE, gp=gpar(fontsize=10)),
tableGrob(clust_ab, show.rownames=FALSE, gp=gpar(fontsize=10)),
tableGrob(n_clust, show.rownames=FALSE, gp=gpar(fontsize=10)),
ncol=3, nrow=2, heights=c(1,30))
This looks already really good, with titles for the three tables and without the numbered rows.
The only issue I couldn't resolve so far is that the tables are all centred horizontally, so the shorter ones start below the longest one, if you know what I mean.

The development version of knitr (on Github; follow installation instructions there) has a kable() function, which can return the tables as character vectors. You can collect two tables and arrange them in the two cells of a parent table. Here is a simple example:
```{r two-tables, results='asis'}
t1 = kable(mtcars, format='html', output = FALSE)
t2 = kable(iris, format='html', output = FALSE)
cat(c('<table><tr valign="top"><td>', t1, '</td><td>', t2, '</td><tr></table>'),
sep = '')
You can also use CSS tricks like style="float: [left|right]" to float the tables to the left/right.
If you want to set cell padding and spacing, you can use the table attributes cellpadding / cellspacing as usual, e.g.
```{r two-tables, results='asis'}
t1 = kable(mtcars, format='html', table.attr='cellpadding="3"', output = FALSE)
t2 = kable(iris, format='html', table.attr='cellpadding="3"', output = FALSE)
cat(c('<table><tr valign="top"><td>', t1, '</td>', '<td>', t2, '</td></tr></table>'),
sep = '')
See the RPubs post for the above code in action.

Would you settle for "an image" of data.frames? Clearly my solution is crude, feel free to fiddle with the details (spacing between data.frames, for example).
Two data.frames, side by side
x <- data.frame(a = runif(5), b = runif(5))
y <- data.frame(a = runif(7), b = runif(7))
grid.arrange(tableGrob(x), tableGrob(y), ncol = 2)


Convert list of different length into data table for markdown for html format

This is what Im doing to generate a markdown so that all the things should be in one place.
How can i put these output into a datatable form which are more readable and easier to search.The list which is made are of different length. Each list has a series of table under it.
If there a way to convert these differing length list to data table format that would be really helpful
The table looks like this
## Prepare for analyses
```{r setup, include=FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = FALSE)
##Cytarabine cytogenetically normal aml adult clinical trial Randomized Controlled Trial. 828 records found, showing 10
b <-epmc_search(query = 'cytarabine cytogenetically normal aml adult clinical trial Randomized Controlled Trial OPEN_ACCESS:Y',limit = 10)
pmcids <- b$pmcid[b$isOpenAccess=="Y"]
docs <- map(pmcids, epmc_ftxt)
my_tables <- map(docs, pmc_table)
names(my_tables) <- pmcids
The code chunk input and output is then displayed as follows:
```{r basicconsole}
L1 <- flattenlist(my_tables)
l.f <- Filter(function(a) any(!, L1)
#n <- paste0("Valporic_", names(l.f), ".txt")
for (i in 1:length(l.f)) {
write.table(l.f[i], sep = "\t",row.names = FALSE,col.names = TRUE,file=paste0(names(l.f)[i], ".txt"))
I have manged to covert those tibble into dataframe
using this solution
abc <- mapply(cbind, l.f)
But when it is rendered in the markdown the column formatting is gone. Now i have now dataframe inside list.
But still im not sure how to put that into a data table
**UPDATE 2.0 **
The better approach is to read those saved output as list of files into data table and then use it as markdown but so far it is taking only one ID only. My code.
tbl_fread <-
list.files(pattern = "*.txt") %>%
knitr::kable(head(tbl_fread), "pipe")
Is it possible to put these files as such.
if a list of file are from one PMCID then those would be all in one column such as if PMCID one has 3 output then all of them should be one the same row. Then the next PMCID in the second one etc etc.
I have managed to align the output into more readable format. But It seems that by default all the files assigned to multiple columns which would be the case given that im reading all the files together since my idea of using the list to data table didn't work.
If i can push or stack each unique PMCID over one another instead of all in one after another that would be. Good
knitr::kable(tbl_fread, align = "lccrr")
This may be something you can adapt for R Markdown. I'm not sure what the rationale is to save and load the tables. Instead, you could obtain the tables and show in html directly.
As you are using HTML, make sure to have results='asis' in your chunk. You can use a for loop and seq_along to show each table. You can include information in your table caption, such as the PMCID as well as table number.
title: "test13121"
author: "Ben"
date: "1/31/2021"
output: html_document
```{r setup, include=FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)
# Libraries
# Get Articles
```{r, echo = FALSE}
b <-epmc_search(query = 'cytarabine aml OPEN_ACCESS:Y',limit = 6)
pmcids <- b$pmcid[b$isOpenAccess=="Y"]
docs <- map(pmcids, epmc_ftxt)
my_tables <- map(docs, pmc_table)
names(my_tables) <- pmcids
# Show Tables
```{r, echo=F, results='asis'}
for (i in seq_along(my_tables)) {
for (j in seq_along(my_tables[[i]])) {
print(kable(x = my_tables[[i]][[j]], caption = paste0(names(my_tables)[i], ": Table ", j)))

wrapping wide table in rmarkdown

I have a really wide table (300+ columns) and would like to display it by wrapping the columns. In the example I will just use 100 columns.
What I have in mind is repetitively using kable to display the subset of the table:
data = data.frame(matrix(rnorm(300, 10, 1), ncol = 100))
kable(data[, 1:5], 'latex', booktabs = T)
kable(data[, 6:10], 'latex', booktabs = T)
kable(data[, 11:15], 'latex', booktabs = T)
But this is apparently tedious... I know there are scaling down options but since I have so many columns, it won't be possible.
Is there any parameter I can twist in kable to make it happen?
#jay.sf 's answer seems working well, but it didn't yield the same result here. Instead I got some plain code - could you please have a second look and let me know where can I improve? Thanks!
my sessionInfo() is: R version 3.5.1 (2018-07-02) with rmarkdown::pandoc_version() of
This question is actually trickier than I thought at first glance. I used some tidyverse functions, specifically dplyr::select to get columns and purrr::map to move along groups of column indices.
My thinking with this was to make a list of vectors of column indices to choose, such that the first list item is 1:20, the second is 21:40, and so on, in order to break the data into 20 tables of 5 columns each (the number you use can be a different factor of ncol(data)). I underestimated the work to do that, but got ideas from an old SO post to rep the numbers 1 to 20 along the number of columns, sort it, and use that as the grouping then to split the columns.
Then each of those vectors becomes the column indices in select. The resulting list of data frames each gets passed to knitr::kable and kableExtra::kable_styling. Leaving things off there would get map's default of printing names as well, which isn't ideal, so I added a call to purrr::walk to print them neatly.
Note also that making the kable'd tables this way meant putting results="asis" in the chunk options.
title: "knitr chunked"
output: pdf_document
```{r include=FALSE}
data = data.frame(matrix(rnorm(300, 10, 1), ncol = 100))
```{r results='asis'}
split(1:ncol(data), sort(rep_len(1:20, ncol(data)))) %>%
map(~select(data, .)) %>%
map(kable, booktabs = T) %>%
map(kable_styling) %>%
Top of the PDF output:
You could use a matrix containing your columns numbers and give it into a for loop with the cat function inside.
output: pdf_document
```{r, results="asis", echo=FALSE}
dat <- data.frame(matrix(rnorm(300, 10, 1), ncol=100))
m <- matrix(1:ncol(dat), 5)
for (i in 1:ncol(m)) {
cat(kable(dat[, m[, i]], 'latex', booktabs=TRUE), "\\newline")

How to split kable over multiple columns?

I am trying to produce a "longitudinal" layout for long tables in RMarkdown with kable. For example, I would like a table to be split over two columns, like in the example below:
dd <- data.frame(, freq=1:50)
kable(list(state=dd[1:25,], state=dd[26:50,]))
However, this hack produces an output that looks a way worse than the normal kable output (for example the header is not in bold). Is there a "proper" way to do this using kable?
kable is a great tool, but has limits. For the type of table you're describing I would use one of two different tools depending on output wanted.
Hmisc::latex for .Rnw -> .tex -> .pdf
htmlTable::htmlTable for .Rmd -> .md -> .html
Here is an example of the latter:
dd <- data.frame(, freq=1:50)
dd2 <- cbind(dd[1:25, ], dd[26:50, ])
cgroup = c("Set 1:25", "Set 26:50"),
n.cgroup = c(2, 2),
rnames = FALSE)
You can still use Kable with a slight modification to your code.
dd <- data.frame(, freq=1:50)
list(dd[1:25,], dd[26:50,]),
caption = 'Two tables placed side by side.',
booktabs = TRUE
This code is a modification of this. You can also find more information about tables on that page

Rmarkdown side-by-side tables spacing

I'm trying to print two table side-by-side through Rmarkdown, output as PDF.
I can print the tables out fine, but they end up stuck really close together and I cannot find a way to create more space between them. The solutions I find in other posts returns strange output or errors, e.g. the second one from here just gives an 'error 43': Align multiple tables side by side
My code is this:
```{r, echo=FALSE}
Anyone know how to add some spacing between those two tables?
Incorporating the answer given here you could do it manually like this:
```{r, echo = FALSE, results = 'asis', warning = F}
library(knitr, quietly = T)
t1 <- kable(head(mtcars[,1:2]), format = 'latex')
t2 <- kable(head(mtcars[,3:4]), format = 'latex')
cat(c("\\begin{table}[h] \\centering ",
"\\hspace{1cm} \\centering ",
"\\caption{My tables} \\end{table}"))
The basic idea is to create the tables individually and align them with plain latex. The spacing is added by \\hspace{1cm}.

Combine tables in R Markdown

I am trying to combine two tables in R Markdown into a single table, one below the other & retaining the header. The figure below shows the desired output. After putting my markdown code I will show the actual output. I realize that the way I have structured the pander statements will not allow me to get the output I want but searching SO I was unsuccessful in finding the right way to do so.
I can do some post processing in Word to get the output exactly as I want but I am trying to avoid that overhead.
The testdat.RData file is here:
The R Markdown RMD file is here:
Desired Output
```{r,echo=FALSE,message = FALSE, tidy=TRUE}
pander::pander(t1,big.mark=',', justify=c('left','right','right','right'))
pander::pander(t2,big.mark=',', justify=c('left','right','right','right'))
Actual Output
Here's my attempt using the xtable package:
```{r,echo=FALSE, message = FALSE, results="asis"}
# Add thousands separator
t1[-1] = sapply(t1[-1], formatC, big.mark=",")
t2[-1] = sapply(t2[-1], formatC, big.mark=",")
t1$Mode = as.character(t1$Mode)
# Bind together t1, extra row of column names, and t2
t1t2 = rbind(t1, names(t1), t2)
# Render the table using xtable
print(xtable(t1t2, align="rrrrr"), # Right-align all columns (includes extra value for row names)
include.rownames=FALSE, # Don't print rownames
# Add midrules before/after each set column names = list(pos = list(-1,0,4,5),
command = rep("\\midrule \n",4)))
And here's the output:
Allow me to make a formal answer since my comment seemed to work for you.
