Alfresco share:How to popup edit-metadata after upload - alfresco

I am currently using alfresco community Edition 4.0d.
I have added a new content model in alfresco share.
in this one of my requirement is either before or after uploading the document the Edit properites pop up form should be appear..
Means if i click on upload the docuemnt and upload the document is succesfully done ,then edit properties form should be pop up. What should i do for this.
I do't wont to use addons.
Please reply..

you'll have to have to tweak Share's JavaScript components:
add a custom flag to "metadataRefresh" event object that is fired in x-upload.js
tweak handling of "metadataRefresh" event in documentlist.js to call the relevant action, e.g. onActionDetails()

I am a bit confused about your question, but I am working on a project somewhat similar to yours. What I did was, I looked to see how the upload button works then I interjected my code in the upload button js code to bring up my dialog before the upload brings up its own dialog.
Please let me know if this helps.


Custom Google Form? Example of Google Form API?

I'm trying to make a google form look like my own site. I found examples of how to do this on How to style Google Forms and google-custom-form (GitHub project), but I tried both of the examples they give and they seem to fail now.
I had a look at Class Form - Google Apps Script which seems to be like an API, but I can't get my head around the documentation. Does anyone have an example of it working. Or has found another way of getting this to work? It would be really handy to do as embedded forms look really out of sync with the rest of the site.
The API you're linking to is an apps script API. This is needed if you want to create dynamic forms (dynamic amount of questions, dynamic answers,...) but not for custom styling. An intro to appscript can be found on this page:
You could just create a form manually on
You can change the styling and colors in the top-right of the page. When you are ready to embed the form on your own page you have to press "SEND", an select the embed icon <> at the top.
I've worked with this a ton, and still have issues with it. Been learning the new api v4 for sheets but still having trouble, it is still in beta too. For now I can recommend this solution though by heaversm on github.
The example fully works as long as you find the entry.xxxxxxx for each field and replace in the appropriate js. To avoid the embed issues, give your form submit on a click function that has the event as the input and then preventDefault on the event like so:
$('#submit-button').on('click', function(event){
// continue code from heaversm
Hope this works for you. Cheers

Spam in email form using .aspx language C# - how to add CAPTCHA

---- Final Solution ----
Since I am not familiar with asp - I decided to go with a jquery captcha ( thanks for all your help )
Edit New
I am using the reCaptcha with ASP.NET doc's found here:
Okay I added the code the the page see screen shot here.
I am now getting this error.
The first step of the docs asks me to:
Download and Add Recaptcha.dll to the root.. how do I link it without visual studio?
Let me know
Old Below
I need help with a client with aspx - I am only familiar with PHP.
He keeps getting spam with this old form the past web guy coded.
I am looking into ways to add reCAPTCHA or an easy method to stop spam... even just adding a simple validation for whats 5+6 or something.
I tried looking into the documentation for reCAPTCHA or some other free online CAPTCHA scripts but keep getting error - I am probably installing it wrong.
Whats the correct way to do this?
This is the fiddle of the linked code.
Thanks in advance.
I think you may have skipped step 1.
Add a reference on your website to library/bin/Release/Recaptcha.dll:
On the Visual Studio Website menu, choose Add Reference and then click
the .NET tab in the dialog box. Select the Recaptcha.dll component
from the list of .NET components and then click OK. If you don't see
the component, click the Browse tab and look for the assembly file on
your hard drive.

Adding a progress bar to an existing Symfony2 entity form

I've built a form which sends a video file to the server.
My client now wants a progress bar for some nicer UI.
Is it possible to drop in a JS script that can use the current form with no back end changes, or do I have to add some extra routes/methods for it to work?
This is what I've attempted.
Drop in the plugin. This looks great, but I can't bind the form's submit button to the plugin, so the form just submits 'normally' and the plugin is not run (although the plugin is initializing OK).
I think the plugin wants to send the file on its own, but I need the whole form to be submitted.
Thanks in advance.
Try this bundle. It give you integration with really good amount of plugins and you can choose one of them.
Anyway if you want progress bar, file must be send via ajax. You can upload file first and then submit form.

How to make a box with user options in facebook open graph

I have an online magazine with news articles and i want to make an open graph action that everytime a user reads an article a story to post in his timeline.
I have all the nececery open graph tags in my urls and a login button with publish_actions scope.
I'm one step away from submitting the action for approval but i still cant figure out one thing.
The facebook's documentation says that i need to give users an option to stop auto publishing or remove the app etc. something like the image in the middle of this page .
I saw it also on yahoo and its exacly the same.
How can i make something like this in my site? The code is ready somewhere or i have to write it myself?
Thanks in advance!
The permission remove, or just a switch to stop publish of action and the delete article functions will have to be developed by you.
I am working on the same things for my app.
creating user CP control panel containing, revoke perms buttons.
a user CP to swich publishing on and off, via true/false in mysql
an array of app activities with delete buttons.

How can I get Gmail-like file uploads for my web app?

I want to add gmail-like file upload functionality for one of my projects. Can anybody help me with this?
My application is built in
I would appreciate any kind of help or guidance.
Check out SWFUpload, which is essentially a javascript api to flash's absolutely superior file upload handling capabilities. Best thing out there until the browsers finally catch up.
From link:
Upload multiple files at once by ctrl/shift-selecting in dialog
Javascript callbacks on all events
Get file information before upload starts
Style upload elements with XHTML and css
Display information while files are uploading using HTML
No page reloads necessary
Works on all platforms/browsers that has Flash support.
Degrades gracefully to normal HTML upload form if Flash or
javascript is unavailable
Control filesize before upload starts
Only display chosen filetypes in dialog
Queue uploads, remove/add files before starting upload
----- iframe upload -----
To start, you want to have an iframe on your page. This is meant for server communication. You'll hide it later, but for now, keep it visible. Give that iframe a name attribute, like "uploader" or something.
Now, in your form, set the target to the iframe's name and the action to a script you have on the server that will accept a file upload (like a normal form with a file upload). Add a link inside that form with the text "Add File". Set that link to run a javascript function which will add a new input to the form. This can be done via the DOM, but I would recommend a javascript library like jquery.
Once the new file input is added to the form, set the blur event of that input to a javascript function that will submit the form and then check it periodically for output. Reading an iframe can be tricky, but it's possible.
Have your file upload script output a "Done." or a filename or something when the upload is complete.
Check it every second or so until there is content. Once you have content, kill your timer and replace the file input with the name of the file (or "File Uploaded") or whatever.
Hide your iframe with css.
From YUI! (Yahoo User Interface),
Multiple file selection in a single "Open File" dialog.
File extension filters to facilitate the user's selection.
Progress tracking for file uploads.
A range of file metadata: filename, size, date created, date modified, and author.
A set of events dispatched on various aspects of the file upload process: file selection, upload progress, upload completion, etc.
Inclusion of additional data in the file upload POST request.
Faster file upload on broadband connections due to the modified SEND buffer size.
Same-page server response upon completion of the file upload.
Totally Free
Here is the gmail uploader clone. This is the exact clone of gmail uploader with some extra facilities. You can see the thumbnails of images after uploading, Drag the thumbnails to change the order and replace any thumbnail. It is done using jQuery.
You can see the demo here. The source code is free to download in a single zip file.
I hope you can easily remove some code and get the desired thing. You may leave comments on the ABCoder blog if you need further help.
For a non-flash solution, you can use NeatUpload. I used it on an extensive project last year with a no-flash requirement. It's very easy to integrate into existing solutions. I thought it was a breeze to work with. Easier, in my limited experience, than working with SWFUpload in ASP.NET. Probably because NeatUpload is built just for ASP.NET.
You may use Flickr Uploader clone instead.
Are you talking about an upload without a full page postback? Take a look at, which creates a hidden iframe, copies the input control, and uses the iframe to perform the post to get the file on the server.
If you're looking for the behavior where when the user clicks "attach file" and the file browsing dialog automatically pops up, that can be done via Javascript but doesn't work in FireFox, which has the security precaution of requiring the user to invoke the "Browse" button directly (rather than programmatically through script).
For the "automatic" upload, use Javascript to attach to the "change" event for the "value" property of the the 'input' control so that the will perform when a file has been selected.
Now it has been 2 years, I used the uploadify in my legacy system and it works good. but you need to write some hack code (such like hold the session).
I recommend you use jquery upload, which is pure HTML, no swf, no session problems and really great!
== on 2013, what I wrote:
I am considering which to choose, SWFupload or uploadify .
but on SWFupload's official website , it says that it has not been under active development and the author is hoping someday the SWFupload could revive...
so ... I decided to try "uploadify", which seems supports many options, callbacks with lots of demos. (after checking its source code, I guess the author wraps the "SWFupload v1" and "SWFupload v2" in his "uploadify v3"...)
and there's a full list of this kind of uploaders.
I'd like a little more clarification of "Gmail-like" file uploading.
do you mean how if it sits for a little bit, it automatically attaches it to a draft?
Gmail's code is difficult to find your way around, but if I had to guess, this is how it works:
When you click "attach another file", it inserts a regular input type file control. On IE, it may also programmatically trigger the click event on the "browse" button so the file dialog opens immediately (it doesn't do this on firefox, and I don't have IE handy, but I believe IE allows for this)
After you select a file, it detects the change event of the input control, and starts a timer.
When the timer triggers, it detaches the input element from the form, and adds it to a different form in a hidden iframe, placing a simple link in the main (visible) form. The hidden iframe is then submitted to upload the file. (It may also clone the input element, but I haven't tried whether this works.)
You can use iFrames for this
