How to transfer remote files in Aptana Studio 3 when connected via Connections Manager? - aptana

How to connect to remote files from Aptana Studio 3 without connecting to FTP. On rt-click I only get "Run web deployment wizard" and no other options like "Transfer files and all other options". And I am connected in connections manager.

Apparently your project is not connected. If you follow through with the "Run Web Deployment Wizard" it will ask you for your ftp credentials, etc. After that, you should be able to edit the files in the project and transfer them without bothering with the ftp information again. I think that the wizard will come up one time for each project you connect to a remote server.
I have a remote project and when I right-click, I get options for transfer of files. Your connected project should have a subfolder called "Connections" which contains all the files in the project. I wanted to upload screenshots of my project view, but I don't have the permissions yet.


ASP.NET MVC project to push to a remote server

I have a ASP.NET MVC project locally, but want to push to a remote server so that others can use that website. I have login access to the remote server.
Is this what i need to do?
1) add a folder to IIS in the remote server
2) copy my files to the folder on remote server. If so, which files should i copy?
If you're using Visual Studio (not code) then right click on the project and select publish, then select the options to publish to a local folder. Copy all files in your published folder to your server.
If you're using ASP.NET Core then you can also navigate to the project folder and use the following command
dotnet publish -c Release -o PUBLISH_PATH_HERE
You will need to ensure that the server has your version of .NET runtime installed.
Create a release publish profile, publish, grab the files from the directory it published to. This is the simplest way. You can automate this process if you have many releases. For example publishing directly to the server or checking code into a source control of some kind and having it publish to the server.

How to setup Visual Studio project FTP to a remote IIS Server?

I have an ASP.Net project that I've been working on my local machine and I've successfully uploaded my application files from my local machine to the remote IIS server. My issue occurs when I make changes to my code through the IIS remote server, sometimes the changes that I have made do not appear or work. The way I fixed the problem was upload the updated project into the IIS server.
I've read a bunch of articles online and some people are mentioning the IIS cache or temp file that must be cleared.
Is there a way for me to establish an FTP connection from my local machine to the remote IIS server so that when I push changes it would automatically update the code?
You can publish your website by using visual studio publish tool. Which will automatically deploy code to your FTP location on publish. You just need to configure your FTP remote server. Right click your website project and click publish
Then select IIS,FTP from side nav and click publish
Then select FTP from Publish method drop down and start configuring your application and after that click on Validate Connection to test if it had connected to FTP properly and click next and complete configuration and your code will be deployed to that FTP remote server

Upload website to a hosting environment

I finish creating my website using Visual Studio 2010.. also I already have a domain name... My question is how do I publish/upload my website to my domain through the FTP server... I'm a total newbie at this and web tutorials are so complicated It makes my brain bleed...
I already tried using copy website but my website fails to appear on my domain... instead only my scripts/ ".aspx files" and resources appear on the page... in hyperlink format...
I also tried to publish the website but the same happened...
You are going to have 2 choices most likely. One is going to be some sort of ftp (or secure ftp). The other would be web deploy if the host offers it. What you want to do is publish your project to your local file system and then copy THAT output to the ftp (www) root (most likely). If you have web deploy you can also set that up in the publish settings in visual studio. Your web host should be able to provide the info you need in that case.
you need to publish your project to iis. make sure your iis is activated first in your machine, and initialize your asp framework with the iis. after all the setup are complete, then you can publish your project.

Opening web project set to IIS directory in machine without IIS, pointing to embedded server

I can open a web project in TFS; however, in my QA environment I have to change it to use IIS. In my local dev environment, I don't have IIS and can't install it.
New company rules deny access in QA to me and I can't open my web project to fix it in my machine.
When I open the project I receive "The Web Application Project ... is configured to use IIS. To access local IIS Web sites, you must run Visual Studio in the context of an administrator account." Then I open as administrator but VS asks for the virtual directory to be creatred on my IIS.
The NgM link can really help, but if you need a step-by-step way than go to your .csproj file property. Make it writable, open it in a text editor and search for <UseIIS>True</UseIIS> turn it to <UseIIS>False</UseIIS>. Open solution, get the latest version and when you receive a warning, keep the local version of your modified .csproj. You can too check-in your modified .csproj to stop troubles in the next latest version.

Setting Up A Website App On The Shared Network

How do I setup the project on the network instead of localhost? I want to setup a Remote Site, I think is the lingo
Go into visual studio
File, open website and put the website name in the box and a password to open the source.
Create a unique url name like
When I create a new website application in visual studio. When I am ready to debug Visual Studio sets all this up for me and it runs on local host automatically.
I guess in my scenario I gotta set it up manually. How do I accomplish this?
I created a new virtual directory, went through the permissions wizard and keep getting this error:
Failed to access IIS metabase.
If you are trying to deploy somewhere you can access via a windows share, it is often easier to just deploy to disk by publishing to the file system and setup the IIS bits manually. In that case, you'll need the name of the server and a share to push to.
Setting the url will be configured in IIS where you host the web app. When you are debugging in visual studio it is running a copy of the web app locally so you can test it. You shouldn't be trying to host the web app within the visual studio debugger.
To configure this you will need to set the host header for the website to This will tell IIS that incoming requests with this domain map to this website.
