session in class file -

Hi I have a list called Event Source. In that am adding new item. Once i added , the background process takes this newly created id and start importing EventFields in the Specific List.In EventSource list item i have an ECB menu item called Sync and I should not click the Sync until the import completes in the EventField list. My Client not accepted creating a flag field in the "Event Source List". So wanna maintain some flag in session until the import finishes. for me oncei created EventSource and Clicked Sync first time the HttpContex.current is null but next time it is not.But i need to maintain the flag very first time. That import code is written in the class library.How to maintain.If i use static it s cleaing the value or another instances.,

You may be wording wrong your question but a Windows Service doesn't have an HttpContext, you simply can't do that.


What happens to the old state in redux on dispatch of action resulting in new state

In Redux once we dispatch an action we get a new state with the updated values . What happens to the previous old state ?
The old state is discarded. If you want to save it, you need to incorporate it as part of your state. One way to do that is explained here: Implementing Undo History.
Another option is to use an "Event Sourcing" model. Where your primary state is merely an array of all actions that have transpired and you have a derivative state that reduces the array in the primary state into a "current app state." Here's an explanation of the idea for Elm: Elm and Event Sourcing
Redux state is nothing but a javascript object in your memory. There is only one version of the state, which is your latest one.
When you dispatch an action, the action handler (reducer) is a pure function which will convert your old state to new state. state should be immutable, which means the action handler does not change the old state, but get the copy of it, and then change it depends on your action type, then return it. It will looks like ("--->" means dispatch):
initial state ---> state 1 ---> state 2 ---> state 3 ....
You can install the redux plugin in chrome, and you will see the whole history of the state.
So basically, redux does not save any old state, if you wanna trace the history, you have to do it yourself by using Stack or using some other libs.
I actually implement the event tracing using data structure stack, when state changes, you push to stack, when you wanna go back to previous state, you just pop the state and dispatch a special action to change the state, this special dispatch should not trigger push, very rough idea though.

ngrx/store subscribe being called multiple times. Best place to unsubscribe?

I have an angular component that contains a NgModal popup.
I am subscribing to the ngrx store in the component.
The component's ngOnDestroy is never called because a new route is never called.
The user add's new Users via the modal popup.
The subscription(select) to the store for the 'user' state never unsubscribes and is being called many times.
What is the best way to handle the unsubscribing from a when ngOnDestroy() is never called?
The easiest way around this issue is don't subscribe in your component, do it in the template through the async pipe.
From the Angular Docs:
The async pipe subscribes to an Observable or Promise and returns the latest value it has emitted. When a new value is emitted, the async pipe marks the component to be checked for changes. When the component gets destroyed, the async pipe unsubscribes automatically to avoid potential memory leaks (emphasis added).
Since you mentioned ngOnDestroy is not called, then most likely the component persists and is hidden/shown as needed, in which case you'll just get the single subscribe.
You can also prevent multiple subscribe calls in the template by using the "async as" pattern, as explained by Todd Motto here.. Basically, when encountering the need for multiple async pipes in a template, use *ngIf="data$ | async as data" at a higher element and reference the resolved data below.
Destroying the Subscription inside ngOnDestroy() is useful, if you don't want that subscription to be called in different components
However, if the subscription is getting called multiple time within the same component you can solve this by using RxJs Operators
It depends according to your need

ngrx, How to have a starting state from an api?

I have my reducer with a starting state of an empty array:
folderReducer(state:Array<Folder> = [], action: Action)
I'd like to populate the starting state, so when I do
store.subscribe(s => ..)
The first item I get comes from the database. I assume the way of doing this is with ngrx/effects, but I'm not sure how.
Your store always has the initial state, that you define in the reducer-function. The initial states main purpose is to ensure that the application is able to start up and not run into any null-pointer-exceptions. And also it sets up your application to start making the first api-calls ect. - so you can think of it as a technical initial state.
If you want to fill your store with api-data on the startup, you would do that on the same way that you add/modify data during any other action - just that the action of "initially loading data" is not triggered by some user-interaction but through:
either when your root-component loads
or as part of a service in the constructor
In case you want to prevent specific components from showing anything until your API-call is done, you would have to adjust the display-components to display or hide data based on your state (e.g. by implementing a flag in your satet initialDataLoaded).
A dynamic initial state is now supported, see:
Also see:
I would only do this if the database is local, otherwise the request will hold up loading of the application.

Why does Firebase observeEventType return a snapshot everytime in viewWillAppear?

I have a query that is observed on viewWillAppear on View Controller A
let query = FIRDatabase.database().reference().child("tags").
queryOrdered(byChild: "users/uid").queryEqual(toValue: userId)
In the same view controller, in viewDidDisappear I remove this observer.
So let's say I push into another view controller from View Controller A.
When I come back to View Controller A, the observer returns a snapshot, even though my data on the backend hasn't changed.
I only want a snapshot returning if there's been some actual change to my database. How do I solve this problem? Thanks.
One answer is to simply let the observer do it's job and update your data in the background.
So if the user is on controllerA the observer updates a datasource (an array) so then the UI is updated from that array.
When the user switches to controllerB, the observer can still update the array, but don't update the UI in controllerA since there's no need to.
When the user switches back to A you'll have current data available so just reload the tableView (assuming iOS here) from the array.
This solution reduces the 'polling' nature and let's Firebase do the heavy lifting to notify your app when it needs to. You're just reloading the tableViews from an array when that controller becomes active.
The idea here is to add the observer once - perhaps when the view loads the first time only (viewDidLoad) or maybe in your app delegate. Once you add the observer it will update your dataSource arrays when data changes so when you move from view to view the only action needed will be to reload the tableView from the updated array.
There are times when you may want to remove an observer but it doesn't sound like you need to do that from your question. So - attach the observers once and let them update the dataSource arrays as the data changes. Reload your tableViews when switching views.
You have put the query in viewWillAppear, which means every time you come to viewController A, this query will be executed irrespective of you have removed the observer or not.
Try putting the same query in viewDidLoad which means, the query will be called once and don't remove the observer anywhere. Now the query would be called only when data gets changed in firebase.

Avoid deletion of an object (using IObjectWillBeRemovedEvent) and do a redirect to a custom view/template?

I would like to abort the deletion of an object (A custom Content-Type), and redirect to a page (a view) that sets the workflow to a custom state named Unavailable, shows a message to the user "You succesfully deleted the object!". The object will still be on ZODB, but for some groups it'll simply not be seen, as if it was really deleted.
I can do a raise in a subscriber using IObjectWillBeRemovedEvent, but trying to use raise zExceptions.Redirect("url") doesn't work. The raise call avoids the deletion, but a message "The object could not be deleted" is shown instead of the redirection.
Anyone has a solution to this scenario?
As you can see Plone / Zope 2 object management is messy (yes, I am willing to burn karma just to say this). You need to override delete action in the user interface level, not on the object level.
Try to figure out how to customize delete actions in Plone user interface.
Make sure the default Delete actions is no longer visible and available (e.g. set higher needed permission for it e.g. cmf.ManagePortal)
Create another Delete action which goes according to your specialized workflow
I believe Delete can be configured from portal_actions, but there might be separate cases for deleting one object (Actions menu) and deleting multiple objects (folder_contents).
You need REQUEST.response.redirect("url"). I'm pretty sure that zExceptions.Redirect is the way that Zope internally handles response.redirect() calls. Be sure you still raise another exception after calling redirect() so that the transaction is aborte.
That said, this sure seems like the wrong way to accomplish this. For one thing, you'll do at least double indexing, which is done before the transaction aborts. Catalog indexing is the most expensive part of processing a request that modifies content so this creates wasteful load on your server.
Events are for doing additional stuff which is only tangentially related to the event. What you want is to fundamentally change what happens when someone deletes. Maybe you should patch/override the underlying deletion method on the container objects (folders?) to do your worklfow transition.
You could raise a OFS.ObjectManager.BeforeDeleteException in the event handler to stop the deletion. If you raise a LinkIntegrityNotificationException you get redirected to Plones nice Link intergrity page.
from OFS.interfaces import IObjectWillBeRemovedEvent
from import LinkIntegrityNotificationException
import grok
#grok.subscribe(ICSRDocument, IObjectWillBeRemovedEvent)
def document_willbemoved(doc, event):
raise LinkIntegrityNotificationException(doc)
