Declaration missing ; and , expected error - turbo-c++

I don't know whats going wrong with following code.
// header content goes here
typedef int Element_Type;
struct LinkNode;
typedef LinkNode * Node_Ptr;
struct LinkNode
Element_Type data_member;
Node_Ptr link_member;
I made a header file of above code and place that file in "include" directory. But whenever I am trying to compile code, it fires following two errors.
1. , expected
2. Declaration missing ;
Another approach I used is
typedef int Element_Type;
struct LinkNode
Element_Type data_member;
LinkNode * link_member;
}* node_Ptr;
This fires declaration expected ; at line LinkNode * link_member line
Any help would be greater pleasure.

struct LinkNode
Element_Type data_member;
struct LinkNode * link_member;
}* node_Ptr;
This should fix it. (NOTE: It's possible that TurboC++ is more restrictive on dealing with structs than other C++ compilers (like g++). It seems to be evaluating them more strictly.


How to set 2d CDT to alow interception of constraints?

I´m changing a 2D CDT terrain from constraints that don´t intercept to constraints that can intercept.
I changed:
typedef CGAL::Exact_predicates_inexact_constructions_kernel K;
typedef CGAL::Constrained_Delaunay_triangulation_2<K> CDT;
typedef CGAL::Exact_predicates_exact_constructions_kernel EK;
typedef CGAL::Constrained_Delaunay_triangulation_2<EK,TDS,Itag> CDT;
typedef CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2<CDT> CDTP;
and all:
typedef typedef CDT::<...>
typedef CDTP::<...>
When I use the class Point to get the coordinates of a point for example:
bool operator()(const Point & p1, const Point & p2) const
double x = p1.x(); //<--- Error on this line
The compiler is issuing the error:
there is no convertion from CGAL::Lazy_exact_ntboost::multiprecision::mpq_rational to double
I did a reserch on this issue but had no success to fix this error.
Can anyone tell me how to fix it?
thanks in advance
Itag is the parameter that is controlling the behavior of the code if constraints are intersecting (see the doc). So if you have a working code without intersection using EPICK, changing Itag to Exact_predicates_tag is the only change needed.

Accessing id of MPI_Datatype

I am trying to use PMPI wrapper to record some function parameters, e.g. MPI_Send's parameter. I need to record them and then I could use them to reconstruct content of all those parameters.
The wrapper for MPI_Send looks like this:
/* ================== C Wrappers for MPI_Send ================== */
_EXTERN_C_ int PMPI_Send(const void *buf, int count, MPI_Datatype datatype, int dest, int tag, MPI_Comm comm);
_EXTERN_C_ int MPI_Send(const void *buf, int count, MPI_Datatype datatype, int dest, int tag, MPI_Comm comm) {
int _wrap_py_return_val = 0;
do_wrap_send_series((char *)"MPI_Send", buf, count, datatype, dest, tag, comm);
_wrap_py_return_val = PMPI_Send(buf, count, datatype, dest, tag, comm);
return _wrap_py_return_val;
The problem is that I couldn't record pointer's value and use it later on. Pointer could differ across runs.
At least MPI_Datatype is pointer type, correct me if I am wrong.
How do I find out MPI_Datatype is pointer type: Compile this, mpicc warns (on x86_64):
warning: format ‘%d’ expects argument of type ‘int’, but argument 2 has type ‘struct ompi_datatype_t *’
The definition of struct ompi_datatype_t is:
struct ompi_datatype_t {
opal_datatype_t super; /**< Base opal_datatype_t superclass */
/* --- cacheline 5 boundary (320 bytes) was 32 bytes ago --- */
int32_t id; /**< OMPI-layers unique id of the type */
int32_t d_f_to_c_index; /**< Fortran index for this datatype */
struct opal_hash_table_t *d_keyhash; /**< Attribute fields */
void* args; /**< Data description for the user */
void* packed_description; /**< Packed description of the datatype */
uint64_t pml_data; /**< PML-specific information */
/* --- cacheline 6 boundary (384 bytes) --- */
char name[MPI_MAX_OBJECT_NAME];/**< Externally visible name */
/* --- cacheline 7 boundary (448 bytes) --- */
/* size: 448, cachelines: 7, members: 7 */
typedef struct ompi_datatype_t ompi_datatype_t;
So it looks like each MPI_Datatype has a unique id.
So I tried to access the id filed with here. I got error:
error: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type ‘struct ompi_datatype_t’
ompi should be internal data structure. Is there any way to achive my goal?
Tool to generate PMPI wrapper: here
Generally speaking, MPI_Datatype is an opaque handler, so you cannot make any assumption, especially if your wrappers should be portable.
MPI_Datatype is indeed a pointer in Open MPI, but it is a number in MPICH iirc.
(older) Fortran uses integer in order to refer a datatype, so one option is to use the following subroutines
MPI_Fint MPI_Type_c2f(MPI_Datatype datatype);
MPI_Datatype MPI_Type_f2c(MPI_Fint datatype);
in order to convert between a MPI_Datatype and a MPI_Fint (an int unless you built Open MPI with 8 bytes Fortran integers)
That being said, if you want to compare datatypes between runs, you might want to consider these subroutines
int MPI_Type_set_name(MPI_Datatype type, const char *type_name);
int MPI_Type_get_name(MPI_Datatype type, char *type_name, int *resultlen);
So you do not have to worry about race conditions nor changing the sequence in which derived datatypes are created by your app.

Necessity of declaration of function in c and cpp

From bruce eckel --" although u should always declare functions by including header file , functions declarations aren't' essential in c . Its possible in c but not cpp to call a function u havent declared. This is a dangerous practise because the c compiler may assume that a function that u call with an integer argument has an argument list containing integer even if it may actually contain float . This can produce bugs" my question is that even if a function is not declared , during its definition we have to mention the data type of arguments [ VOID FUNC( INT A)] , so how can a compiler assumes a float to be an integer??
The compiler makes assumption on supplied parameters if a function is not declared or defined prior to the point the assumption should be made. Try the following code and check the result (checked with gcc):
#include <stdio.h>
int main (int argc, char * argv[])
return 0;
void x(double y)
printf ("%f\n", y);

Casting void pointer

I have a struct
unsigned char number_of_points;
void *points;
struct GROUP_POINTS group_points;
The reason for points being a void pointer is that I want to keep the groups as general as possible, and setting the "link" to the correct struct at runtime.
One of the other structs is:
struct POINT_A
unsigned char something;
I can make another pointer that points to the *points to get access to the struct like :
struct POINT_A *point_a = (struct POINT_A *)group_points.points;
and then access the points by doing :
(*point_a).number_of_points = 5;
But I would really like to be able to use it like this:
So not needing the second pointer just to point to the void pointer. Is there any way to do this ?
Assuming the language is C++, you may want to consider template solution like that:
template <class T>
unsigned char number_of_points;
T *points;
typedef GROUP_POINTS<unsigned char> POINT_A;
//another typedefs for another points.
Also, you probably would be fine with just std::vector<T> instead of whole points structs, but just to illustrate general approach this is how it can be done.
Since all you need is to avoid using another pointer, you can use it like this:
((struct POINT_A *)group_points).points.number_of_points = 5;
Note that the type cast has a lower precedence than that of the . operator, the parenthesis is necessary.

add value to struct to pointer segmentation error in C

people, i've an issue now..
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
typedef struct a
int *aa;
int *bb;
struct b *wakata;
typedef struct b
int *you;
int *me;
int main()
a *aq;
aq = (a*)malloc(sizeof(a*));
*aq->wakata->you = 1;
*aq->wakata->me = 2;
return 0;
and compiled, then debugged :
gcc -o tes tes.c --debug
sapajabole#cintajangankaupergi:/tmp$ gdb -q ./tes
Reading symbols from /tmp/tes...done.
(gdb) r
Starting program: /tmp/tes
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x08048414 in main () at tes.c:22
22 *aq->wakata->you = 1;
well, the question is, how to set the value to variable inside struct 'b' through struct 'a' ?
anyone ?
The initial allocation of a is only allocating 4 bytes (in a 32-bit architecture). It should be:
aq = (a*)malloc(sizeof(a));
And wakata has not been initialized: Maybe this:
aq->wakata = (b*)malloc(sizeof(b));
And it will need a corresponding free as well prior to the free of aq.
And since you have pointers to the integers, those would also need to be allocated (you and me). But it is not clear if that is your goal. You probably should remove the * from the int declarations so that they are simply int members rather than the pointers to int.
Looks like you have a few mistakes here. See the code below.
In general a few things to keep in mind. You can't access memory before you malloc it. Also, there is a difference between memory and pointers e.g. int and int *
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
typedef struct a
int aa;
int bb;
struct b *wakata;
typedef struct b
int you;
int me;
int main()
a * aq = malloc(sizeof(a));
aq->wakata = malloc(sizeof(b))
aq->wakata->you = 1;
aq->wakata->me = 2;
return 0;
wakata isn't pointing to any valid memory. You have to malloc memory for it, and then also for wakata->you and wakata->me
Pointers do not contain data. They point at data. That is why they are called pointers.
When you malloc enough space to store an a instance named aq, you allocate space for the pointers contained in that structure. You do not cause them to point at anything, nor do you allocate space to contain the things that they would point at.
You're not allocating space for b in struct a. You have defined 'a' as holding pointers, not structs. Also, I think malloc(sizeof(a*)) should be malloc(sizeof(a))
aq = (a*)malloc(sizeof(a)); // You should probably use calloc here
aq->wakata = (b*)malloc(sizeof(b));
you and me don't seem to need to be pointers, just normal ints
You have some problems with your code.
When you allocate memory for the struct a, you should do
aq = (a*)malloc(sizeof(a));
You now allocated memory for the struct a, but not for the struct b pointed by the wakata member, so you need to do
aq->wakata = (b*)malloc(sizeof(b));
Finally, in the struct b there should not be int* members, but int members. This way, you'll be able to correctly assign a value to them.
Remember that you should check for the correct allocation of memory by checking if the malloc return value is not NULL.
