How to get live database change notifications in ASP.Net using MSSQL -

Im designing a logistics website in ASP.Net, customers are able to place order, orders will inserted to database.
I want, when a new order inserted into database, it automatically send a notification to employee for new order.
the question is , how to manipulate the following code to get live notifications ,when database changes?
public class FreightOrderList
int customerID = 0;
public int CustomerID
get { return customerID; }
set { customerID = value; }
string email = string.Empty;
public FreightOrderList()
//default Cons
public FreightOrderList(int _customerID)
this.customerID = _customerID;
public DataSet displayOrders()
string ConString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["LGDB"].ToString();
SqlConnection sqlConnectionObj = new SqlConnection(ConString);
SqlDataAdapter sqlDataAdapterObj = new SqlDataAdapter();
DataSet dataSetObj = new DataSet();
sqlDataAdapterObj.SelectCommand = new SqlCommand();
sqlDataAdapterObj.SelectCommand.Connection = sqlConnectionObj;
sqlDataAdapterObj.SelectCommand.CommandText = "customerShipOrderProc";
sqlDataAdapterObj.SelectCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
sqlDataAdapterObj.SelectCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("customerID", this.CustomerID);
return dataSetObj;

You can use sqldependency which updates you when a row is updated instead of hitting the database over and over again.
If you are skilled, you can go for Asynchronous Page or SignalR
AJAX Callbacks


How to add data to associative table in core

I am new to core. I am building a web application for book management. I have a table called Author and books. Being a many to many relationships I made an associative entity that consists of the bookId and authorId. When I try to create I am able to create author and book. I successfully added the author and book to the database.
My author class looks like this
public class Author
private int _ID
private string _Name;
public string ID {
get { return _ID; }
set { _ID = value; }
public string Name {
get { return _Name; }
set { _Name = value; }
My book class is
public class Author
private int _ID
private string _Name;
private string _Title;
public string ID {
get { return _ID; }
set { _ID = value; }
public string Title {
get { return _Name; }
set { _Name = value; }
public string Name {
get { return _Name; }
set { _Name = value; }
I have a data access called db.cs to help to create the book and author in database.
public static int AddAuthor(Author A)
int renum = -1;
SqlConnection conn = null;
conn = new SqlConnection(ConnectionString);
SqlCommand comm = new SqlCommand("sproc_AuthorAdd", conn);
comm.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure;
comm.Parameters.AddWithValue("#Name", A.Name);
comm.Parameters.AddWithValue("#Title", a.Title);
SqlParameter output = new SqlParameter();
output.ParameterName = "#AuthorID";
output.DbType = System.Data.DbType.Int32;
output.Direction = System.Data.ParameterDirection.Output;
int affect = comm.ExecuteNonQuery();
renum = affect;
c.ID = (int)output.Value;
I have done the same for books as well. I want to fill out the association table as well when the user filled out a book and author using their ID. I tried to do various things like using a cookie to pass data. But I cannot store data. Any kind of help is appreciated. Thanks in advance.
I'm not really sure I understand your last code snippet, but if you're having issues managing your many-to-many relationship between Books and Authors, have you considered just using Entity Framework Core?
Instead of writing a bunch of code that accesses your database, you just create models of your tables (similar to the classes you have defined above), and it handles the many-to-many relationship for you. The code to query for Authors and/or Books could then look as simple as:
using (var db = new dbContext())
var books = db.Books
.Where(b => b.ID > 1234)
.OrderBy(b => b.Title)
And creating a new Book or Author would be similarly simple:
using (var db = new dbContext())
var book = new Book { ID = 1234, Title = "Some Title", Name = "Some Name" };
You might have to reimplement a bunch of things to take advantage of Entity Framework Core in your app, but it sounds like it would save you time in the long run.

ASP.NET Core 2.1 API not taking parameter

I am trying to pass a parameter from my API, but it does not seem to be taking it. I have a lastName (eventually will be replaced with a unique id) that I want to pass, which will ultimately route to a profile view or that person.
Here is my API Controller:
public class GetInquiryController : BaseController
private GetInquiry manager;
public GetInquiryController(IConfiguration config) : base(config)
manager = new GetInquiry(config);
public IEnumerable<InquiryModel> Get(string lastName)
return manager.GetInquiriesByUser(lastName);
And my logic for my stored procedure that gets the last name
public class GetInquiry
private readonly IConfiguration configuration;
public GetInquiry(IConfiguration config)
configuration = config;
public IEnumerable<InquiryModel> GetInquiriesByUser(string lastName)
string ApplicationDB = configuration.GetConnectionString("ApplicationDB");
List<InquiryModel> lstinquiry = new List<InquiryModel>();
using (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(ApplicationDB))
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("spGetInquiriesByUser", con);
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
SqlParameter lastNameParameter = cmd.Parameters.Add("lastName", SqlDbType.Char, 10);
lastNameParameter.Value = lastName;
SqlDataReader rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader();
while (rdr.Read())
InquiryModel inquiry = new InquiryModel();
//inquiry.FormID = rdr["FormID"].ToString();
inquiry.firstName = rdr["firstName"].ToString();
inquiry.lastName = rdr["lastName"].ToString();
inquiry.SID = rdr["SID"].ToString(); = rdr["email"].ToString(); = rdr["phone"].ToString(); = rdr["email"].ToString();
inquiry.employer = rdr["street"].ToString(); = rdr["city"].ToString();
inquiry.state = rdr["state"].ToString(); = rdr["zip"].ToString(); = rdr["date"].ToString();
inquiry.comment = rdr["comment"].ToString();
return lstinquiry;
I am using VUE.js and calling my API
methods: {
editItem(lastName) {
let id = lastName
this.$http.get('http://localhost:61601/api/GetInquiry/', {
id: lastName
I have tried using my logic without IEnumerable, which i didn't think will make a difference in this case.
I guess the good thing is that I am getting,
"SqlException: Procedure or function 'spGetInquiriesByUser' expects parameter '#lastName', which was not supplied"
when type my API route into the browser, but when I add the lastName to the end of my route or Postman, I get a blank page.
Hope this makes sense, please let me know if i need to provide more detail and if someone can point me into the right direction!
You need to define from where your lastName parameter should be read.
If you want to read it from the route, use FromRoute attribute
[HttpGet("{lastName}")] //api/GetInquiry/yourlastname
public IEnumerable<InquiryModel> Get([FromRoute]string lastName)
return manager.GetInquiriesByUser(lastName);
If you want to read it from the querystring, use FromQuery attribute
[HttpGet] //api/GetInquiry?lastName=yourlastname
public IEnumerable<InquiryModel> Get([FromQuery]string lastName)
return manager.GetInquiriesByUser(lastName);
Note: Above solution works when moving the [Route("api/[controller]")] ontop of the GetInquiryController class.
When you added your vue.js api call it makes more sence why this is not working, you are actually calling the lastName parameter by the id name. Changing your id prop to lastName would work with above
methods: {
editItem(lastName) {
this.$http.get('http://localhost:61601/api/GetInquiry/', {
lastName: lastName

How to move Resultset curser via button click, and display data in textfields?

So, I'm creating a desktop banking application. It's nothing too serious, I'm just trying to practice and get better.
// Method I use to get a connection. I know this works.
public static Connection getConnection() throws SQLException {
String sCon = "jdbc:sqlite:banking.sqlite";
Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(sCon);
return connection;
.....Other code
Method I attempt to use to create and manipulate the data in the result set.
The problem I believe starts here. With this code, I am only able to return one row of the result set and only the last row.
public static Customers getAccounts(Customers c) {
String query = "select RowCount, Customers.Account_Number, "
+ "Customers.First_Name, Last_Name, Address, "
+ "Phone_Number, Accounts.Balance "
+ "from Customers "
+ "join Accounts ";
try (Connection connection = getConnection();
PreparedStatement ps = connection.prepareStatement(query);
ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery()) {
while ( {
String fName = rs.getString("First_Name");
String lName = rs.getString("Last_Name");
String address = rs.getString("Address");
String phone = rs.getString("Phone_Number");
String accNum = rs.getString("Account_Number");
String balance = rs.getString("Balance");
return c;
} catch (SQLException e) {
return null;
Here is the method that is linked to the button I use to perform what I'm trying to attempt. It's part of the Controller class. I believe this method is also a part of the problem. Any ideas? Thank for all you guys do. This website is a real benefit to the community.
public void next() {
Customers c = new Customers();
If you are expecting to get multiple Customers objects, then you definitely should return a list of that.
public static List<Customers> getAccounts() {
// Whatever you originally had...
final List<Customers> ret = new ArrayList<>();
while ( {
String fName = rs.getString("First_Name");
String lName = rs.getString("Last_Name");
String address = rs.getString("Address");
String phone = rs.getString("Phone_Number");
String accNum = rs.getString("Account_Number");
String balance = rs.getString("Balance");
final Customers cust = new Customers();
return ret;
I have removed the part about passing in the instance of Customers (which would have ended up as passing in List<Customers>. If you really need to do that, you can add back in and do all the necessary checks.

Datastructures problem in

I have a e-commerce web application which allows users to buy software components in my website. I'm retrieving the invoice number and the software component title that was bought by the user from UserTransactionHistory table in sql server. I'm storing them in arraylist with the help of a SoftwareTitles Class
public class SoftwareTitles
string softwareTitle;
string invoiceNumber;
public SoftwareTitles(string softwareTitle, string invoiceNumber)
this.softwareTitle = softwareTitle;
this.invoiceNumber = invoiceNumber;
string InvoiceNumber
return this.invoiceNumber;
string SoftwareTitle
return this.softwareTitle;
And I'm adding this class to arraylist in this manner.
ConnectionToSql con1 = new ConnectionToSql();
string connectionString = con1.ConnectionStringMethod();
SqlConnection sqlConnection = new SqlConnection(connectionString);
SqlCommand cmd2 = new SqlCommand("SelectionOfSoftwareTitles", sqlConnection);
cmd2.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
SqlDataReader dr2 = cmd2.ExecuteReader();
if (dr2.HasRows)
while (dr2.Read())
String softwareTitle = (String)dr2[0];
String invoiceNumber = (String)dr2[1];
softwareTitlesArray.Add(new SoftwareTitles(softwareTitle, invoiceNumber));
int i = 0;
But when I want to retrieve all the software titles that are associated with a certain Invoice number. I'm not able to do it.
Am i doing it properly ?? Is arraylist appropriate data structure for such operation ?? How should I do it ?
I would personally use a non-generic list object.
To declare:
List<Software> softwareTitles= New List<Software>();
And the object software:
if (dr.HasRows)
while (dr.Read())
string title = dr["TITLE_COLUMN"];
int invoice = dr["INVOICE_COLUMN"];
Software s = new Software();
s.Title = title;
s.Invoice = invoice;
and then you can traverse through the list using a simple loop and counter like, softwareTitles(i) or you can even use LINQ to accomplish whatever you want to do.
for (i=0; i<softwareTitles.Count;i++)
if (softwareTitles[i].Invoice==213)
Somthing like that. Sorry I am using VB.NET lately, so my C# has become rusty. But it seems correct
Use Generic List Collection to add the Objects and Linq to Query the Records.

calling oracle stored procedure from application

in my application, i am calling a stored procedure (oracle) to get some values from database.
Following is the sp:
create or replace PROCEDURE GetUserData(
open v_refcur for SELECT StaffId,
FROM UserData
WHERE UserName = UserName;
Can anyone help me how to call this sp from my code.
Using ODP, you'll can do something like the following:
make your stored procedure a function that takes the user name in parameter and returns a refcursor
create or replace FUNCTION GetUserData(UserName IN NVARCHAR2) RETURN SYS_REFCURSOR;
and then
using (var connection = new OracleConnection(connectionString))
using (var command = new OracleCommand("GetUserData", connection))
command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
command.BindByName = true;
// Return value parameter has to be added first !
var returnValueParameter = new OracleParameter();
returnValueParameter.Direction = ParameterDirection.ReturnValue;
returnValueParameter.OracleDbType = ParameterDirection.RefCursor;
var userNameParameter = command.Parameters.Add("UserName", userName);
returnValueParameter.Direction = ParameterDirection.In;
using (OracleDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader())
while (reader.Read())
// Read the current record's fields
The Microsoft Enterprise Library simplifies the discovery and binding of Oracle Stored Procedures. It is not too difficult to build a Data Access Layer between your Business Objects and the Oracle database. I am more a fan of ORM tools these days like DevExpress's XPO, which in the latest release supports calling stored procedures. However, the Microsoft Entlib is free whereas DevExpress is not.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.Common;
using Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Data;
using Your.BusinessObjects;
namespace DataAccess
public class UserDataDAL
public static Database dataBase = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase(); ///< Use default connection string configured in web.config
public static List<UserInfo> GetData(string userName)
List<UserInfo> listOfUserInfo = new List<UserInfo>();
UserInfo userInfo;
DbCommand cmd = dataBase.GetStoredProcCommand("SCHEMA.GETUSERDATA");
dataBase.SetParameterValue(cmd, "USERNAME", userName);
using (IDataReader dr = dataBase.ExecuteReader(cmd))
while (dr.Read())
userInfo = new UserInfo();
userInfo.StaffId = dr["STAFFID"] != DBNull.Value ? Convert.ToInt32(dr["STAFFID"]) : 0;
userInfo.UserName = dr["USERNAME"] != DBNull.Value ? Convert.ToString(dr["USERNAME"]) : String.Empty;
userInfo.Password = dr["PASSWORD"] != DBNull.Value ? Convert.ToString(dr["PASSWORD"]) : String.Empty;
userInfo.LastUpdateId = Convert.ToInt32(dr["LASTUPDATEID"]);
userInfo.LastUpdateDate = dr["LASTUPDATEDATE"] != null ? Convert.ToDateTime(dr["LASTUPDATEDATE"]) : new DateTime();
return listOfUserInfo;
If you only ever expect one row to be returned from the procedure, then you can return the first item in the list if present etc.
