external CSS sheet not loading to hosting - css

I'm having trouble making my CSS external stylesheet work in my actual hosting. It all works fine when I open the files from my Finder (I'm using a mac), but the stylesheet does not seem to load to my server properly. All other html files load fine and are visible when you visit my website in any browser,this is my website and the File Manager on my cPanel indicates that the CSS folder and external stylesheet file have been successfully uploaded for enough time that the style features should display. I tried clearing my browsing history and reopening my browser.
My link tag is and I have tried it using aswell as with just "css/socialpolarities.css". I've checked to make sure the spelling is right on the path and corresponds to the actual file.
Is the answer to just put all the style files in the public_html folder and then just change the path on all my html files? Or am I missing something?
I'm also using LiquidWeb if that means anything

The file css/socialpolarities.css seems to exist, but is void of content.
try looking at your local file to make sure it is indeed the one with the css code, then upload it to the same folder and override the original one.
You may have had an upload error.

I got it! The problem was actually that I needed to put the css file in the home directory, for some strange reason. My path from my html files definitely specified that the css files were in a css directory so I'm not sure if it's something I did wrong or whether the cPanel just sucks. Regardless, it works so I won't mess with it. Now time to copy all of my webfont files into my home directory...this is going to be messy lol.

Check your permission. They should be 755. You can search about permissions on internet. I changed the permissions and it worked fine.


Can't change the css in SuiteCRM

I am working on SuiteCRM, and i want to change the CSS of my website in order to personalize it but there is an issue.
When i am changing the "style.css" of the SuiteP Theme, the pages aren't changing at all. Here is my question:
Does someone know how to change the css of this CRM and can help me to fix it ?
Thanks a lot
Make sure that your active theme is "SuiteP".
You need to know that SuiteCRM store things inside "cache" folder and you are doing changes without refreshing cache files. Cache files location will be cache/themes/SuiteP/css/style.css. So for quick changes, you can use browser developer tools.
Moreover, if you change core style.css then empty cache directory and (hard)refresh your browser. If cache files don't exist then Suite will build new using core file.
Like Star previously mentioned, Suite does cache the CSS.
Though, if you're not updating the SASS file, and just updating the CSS directly, your changes will be temporary for when the CRM next re-builds the CSS (I believe this is part of the Repair and Rebuild process in the admin section), your changes will be lost as the CSS file constructed from the style.scss file.
I'd recommend installing sass (via a gem or other means, however you choose), making changes to the scss then recompiling the css (or watching for changes if working locally, which I hope you are for working with Suite) when you've applied your changes.
If you still don't experience changes, try a repair and re-build or delete the cache directory and let it recompile on the next page load.
there are 2 options:
change core file and then delete cache contents. Refresh your page twice.
made changes in cache file. Make sure developer mood is off. Once you are done then copy it core file.
Create a new subfolder CUSTOM, copy the CSS files that are under suiteP (or the current theme) into the new custom. copy the whole path with folders, even if the folders are empty.
So the new path for the sytle.css with be /costum/theme/....../css/sytle.css
Change the file under the custom folder. The previous answers are not correct. This is well documented under the suite CRM docs.
Sometimes it doesn't work. Try next steps:
SuiteCRM better to use in development mode.
Not always the cache files deleting works for me. Better to use the tool in Admin panel - Quick Repair.
Sometimes good to clear browser cache (in dev mode reload a page by right clicking the refresh button).

Insert css files to localhost

For some reason, I could not get my files to load in my localhost. Trying different path solution but my error is still same. You can see from pictures my file-tree, where is index.file and css.folder with files. Any sugestions what to type in to get my css files load. Thanks

How To Recover CSS Rules From A Corrupted CSS File

My .css file was working fine but today I noticed the website is not acting based on CSS rules so I tried to inspect the rues on browser and surprisingly I noticed the CSS file is empty!
I tried to open the style.css file in Notepad++ and this is how it looks like
I also tried to open the file in Bracket editor which I got this message
Can you please let me know if there is a way to fix this issue and retrieve the CSS rules from these NULs?
If your file is indeed corrupted, and you have site backups as part of your hosting plan, restore your website to a point where your file worked. (Many web hosts that offer backups will store 30 days' worth, depending on your hosting plan.)
If you don't have such a hosting plan, go to Wayback Machine and search for your URL. Pick a snapshot date when your site was working. Look in your source code and find a link to Wayback's cached version of your CSS file. Copy your CSS from there.
Alternatively, try searching for your website in Google. Unless you have noarchive tags on your site, there should be a link right in your search results to access a cached version of your site. If Google last crawled your site before your file got corrupted, you should be able to access your cached CSS file through the source code (or a link in Dev Tools).
Finally, check out this thread:
You may be able to open the file in a third code editor and save it as UTF-8.

importing CSS <link> property is not working on server

I kept all my .css files in a folder . I am importing it on my aspx page
when I am running it on localhost it is working fine but when i am hosting it on server it is not working . When I am declaring on each aspx page and rewriting the same css file it working fine . Now the question why it is not importing the file on server on localhost it is working fine .
To solve problems like this, we should use relative paths while specifying the url. We have faced the similar issues and it was because of not having relative paths. This link may help you. Please post your code snippet to help me understand further.
To understand relative paths click here.
I had a problem with my hosting server not reaching the proper files even though they are imported successfully. What I did was backed up the files, deleted them and replaced them with the backup. I added ../ before all the folders in the links to get to the root folder, then I navigated to the css folder from there, and it worked. It may have something to do with the root dir being different. If it works great, if not oh well.
Its a mismatch of the url, somehow it's not getting the file in the place it should. Try Rewriting the code again, sometimes it helps.
If it doesn't work send the code.

WordPress : Media Library broken images

When I upload image to WordPress, they randomly appear as broken links.
I can drop the files on the Media Library or Select the files and some files are always shown as broken.
I can delete the files and re-upload the same group and different images in the group can show as broken.
I'm sure it's nothing to with the images as they sometimes appear as broken and then sometimes don't.
Locally the upload works fine, this problem started happening on the live hosting - I thought it could be something to do with permissions but then wouldn't it show all the images as broken and not show random images as broken.
I don't get an error but a broken image icon. If I click the broken link it case me to the Attachment Details page. Sometimes the image does appear here sometimes it doesn't.
Some things to look for:
1) check if there is an .htaccess file in the wp-content/uploads folder or wherever you keep your images (make sure you have the option to see hidden files--I think they're available by default when you're using an FTP client but if you're in the File Manager of your CPanel then you have to enable this option, either before entering file manager or from settings when you're in the file manager depending on your host). If there is an htaccess file, you'll want to back it up and then research more about this before you make any changes to it. https://codex.wordpress.org/htaccess_for_subdirectories
2) if you had tried to move your default image directory using wp-config.php make sure that has been set up properly
3) check folder and file permissions settings. it's best to do this in an FTP client because if you need to change the permissions, it can do it recursively and include all subdirectories and files within them instead of having to go through into each folder and change the permissions.
