Using object Helper Methods to implement authorization rules -

I have the following:-
I am working on an asset management system using MVC4 with windows authentication enabled.
The system allow to specify what actions a group of users can do(for example certain group can have the authority to add new physical asset , while they can only read certain logical asset, and so on).
So I found that using the build-in role management, will not allow me to have the level of flexibility I want. So I decided to do the following:-
I have created a table named “group” representing the user groups. Where users are stored in active directory.
I have created a table named ”Security Role” which indicate what are the permission levels each group have on each asset type(edit, add, delete or view)per asset type.
Then on each action methods , I will use Helper methods to implement and check if certain users are within the related group that have the required permission ,, something such as
On the Car model object I will create a new helper method
Public bool HaveReadPermison(string userName) {
//check if this user is within a group than have Read permission on CARS, //OR is within a GROUP THAT HAVE HIGHER PERMISON SUCH AS EDIT OR ADD OR //DELETE.
Next, On the Action method, I will check if the user has the Read permission or not by calling the action method:-
public ActionResult ViewDetails(int id) { // to view transportation asset type
Car car = repository.GetCar(id);
if (!car.HaveReadPermision(User.Identity.Name)) {
if (car == null)
return View("NotFound");
return View(car);
return view (“Not Authorized”);
So can anyone advice if my approach will be valid or it will cause problem I am unaware about.

In my opinion, once you have decided to use the ASP membership and role providers you can keep leveraging them also for authorization, simply using the Authorize attribute. This will also allow to restrict access by user names and roles.
What the attribute won't do is Action-based authorization. In that case there are a few options but in my opinion this could be brilliantly resolved by a Custom Action Filter based loosely on the following code:
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Method, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = true)]
public class CheckUserPermissionsAttribute : ActionFilterAttribute
public string Model { get; set; }
public string Action { get; set; }
public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)
var user = filterContext.HttpContext.User.Identity.Name; // or get from DB
if (!Can(user, Action, Model)) // implement this method based on your tables and logic
filterContext.Result = new HttpUnauthorizedResult("You cannot access this page");
Yes, it is vaguely inspired to CanCan, which is a nice Ruby gem for this kind of things.
Returning Unauthorized (401) will also instruct your server to redirect to the login page if one is specified. You may want to work on that logic if you want to redirect somewhere else. In that case you should do:
filterContext.Result = new RedirectToRouteResult(new System.Web.Routing.RouteValueDictionary { { "Controller", "Home" }, { "Action", "Index" } });
and choose the appropriate controller/action pair.
You can use the attribute like this:
[CheckUserPermissions(Action = "edit", Model = "car")]
public ActionResult Edit(int id = 0)
Let me know if that works nicely for you.

The approach you took looks reasonable, but I would add few changes:
What if you forgot to call HaveReadPermision method? And checking authotization from Actions is not the cleanest solution either, that is not an Action reponsibility.
It is better to keep authorization logic separately. For instance you can create a decorator over you repository which will check the permissions of the current User:
public class AuthorizationDecorator: IRepository
public AuthorizationDecorator(IRepository realRepository, IUserProvider userProvider)
this.realRepository = realRepository;
this.userProvider = userProvider;
public Car GetCar(int id)
if(this.UserHaveReadPermission(this.userProvider.GetUserName(), Id))
return this.realRepository.GetCar(id);
throw new UserIsNotAuthorizedException();
private bool UserHaveReadPermission(string username, int id)
//do your authorization logic here
IUserProvider will return curent user name from httpRequest.
After doing the change you don't need to warry about authorization when writing Actions


Implement multiple roles on the same data in MVC (ASP)

We have two user types.
They both interface with basically the same data, but in general FactoryUsers can edit much more of this information than the SupplierUser.
Using ASP.NET 4.5, I am implementing all of this using MVC.
Some summarized use cases: (Assume logged in)
Editable messages page, which shows suppliers their latest announcements.
Order confirmation page, and order view page.
Supplier edit page (for updating addresses etc of multiple suppliers)
- Can see messages from specific Factory.
- Can create orders, send and view.
- Can edit their own information
As you can see this is just a lot of editing of information with various permission. My question is, Where should I be starting the separations?
With regards to:
Models - I think this one stays as one with the database
ViewModels - Do I write different views for each role? If so, 2 files/classes?
Controllers - Same, do I write different functions?? Classes? If so then what is the point is having [Authorize role], just to protect from unauthorized access & not intended to split?
Views - Do I try to use the same views for most parts and just somehow include logic about if they have "edit" buttons or not?
Partial Views - Can they be used for the "edit" buttons that may or may not be on the view?
View Layouts - ?
Filters - I can do some fancy logic and put everything in entirely 2 different folders (the whole MVC) and then split it at route/authorize level
Routing - ?
At each one of the above, I can see a possibility to split the logic depending on the type of user. But of course, I want to do this in the simplest and most sane way possible.
Is there some document somewhere which specifies how this should be done, or otherwise any wise people out there who have done this before and encountered all the issues?
(first question!)
One way to do this is to create features. e.g View Orders, Create Order, Update Order, Delete Order
These features will then be assigned to a Role - and the Role can be assigned to a User
So the DB will look something like this:
Now when the user logs in, you read all the features assigned to the user and save them in the session (Create a SessionHandler Class).
// Login Function - You can call from Controller
public UserDTO Login(string username, string password)
var user = dbContext.Users.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Username == username && s.Password == password);
if(user == null) return null; // login failed
var model = new UserDTO()
UserId = user.UserId,
Features = user.Role.Features.Select(s => s.FeatureName).ToList()
return model;
Sample of UserDTO class
public class UserDTO
public int UserId {get;set;}
public List<string> Features {get;set;}
Sample of SessionHandler
public class SessionHandler
private const string SessionKey = "UserSession";
public static UserDTO UserSession
return HttpContext.Current.Session[SessionKey] != null
? (UserDTO)HttpContext.Current.Session[SessionKey]
: null;
set { HttpContext.Current.Session[SessionKey] = value; }
So in your controller call the Login Function and assign to UserSession in SessionHandler
public ActionResult Login(LoginModel model)
var user = Login(model.username, model.password);
if(user == null) return View(model);
SessionHandler.UserSession = user;
// TODO: redirect to Home Page - after login
return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home");
Then what you can do in your views is check if the user can perform a certain action, so e.g. if you are on the View Orders page - you can hide the Create Order Button if user does NOT have permission:
#model WhateverDTO
// Check if user has Create Order Feature in Role
#if (SessionHandler.UserSession.Features.Contains("Create Order"))
// Yes, User has permission - then Render the Button
<button> Create Order </button>
Also you can add checks in the Controller(Server side) - Which will provide extra security to your application, using the Authorise Attribute:
public class CustomAuthorizeAttribute : AuthorizeAttribute
protected override bool AuthorizeCore(HttpContextBase httpContext)
if (httpContext == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("httpContext");
if (httpContext.Session == null)
return false;
// Checking Authenticaiton
var userSettings = SessionHandler.UserSession;
if (userSettings == null)
return true;
//Checking Authorization
if (Roles.Length == 0)
return true;
var actionFeatures = Roles.Split(',');
if (!actionFeatures.Any(s => userSettings.Features.Contains(s)))
throw new UnauthorizedAccessException("You do not have permission to perform this action.");
return true;
and then decorate your Actions,
[CustomAuthorize(Roles = "Create Order")]
// Pass feature name for Roles - if user doesn't have permission to Create Order - the "You do not have permission to perform this action." exception will get thrown
public ActionResult CreateOrder()
return View(new CreateOrderDTO());
[CustomAuthorize(Roles = "Create Order")]
// Pass feature name for Roles - if user doesn't have permission to Create Order - the "You do not have permission to perform this action." exception will get thrown
public ActionResult CreateOrder(CreateOrderDTO model)
return View(model);
The good thing about the above method - is that you can add as many user Roles as you need - without changing the Code.
Models - I think this one stays as one with the database
Models are same - same DB same models
ViewModels - Do I write different views for each role? If so, 2 files/classes?
No, don't complicate things - use same ViewModel / DTO
Controllers - Same, do I write different functions?? Classes? If so then what is the point is having [Authorize role], just to protect from unauthorized access & not intended to split?
No need for separate actions/views or controllers
Views - Do I try to use the same views for most parts and just somehow include logic about if they have "edit" buttons or not?
Yes, use same views - Hide/Show actions based on User Role/ Feature
Partial Views - Can they be used for the "edit" buttons that may or may not be on the view?
No need for Partial Views for buttons
View Layouts - ?
Filters - I can do some fancy logic and put everything in entirely 2 different folders (the whole MVC) and then split it at route/authorize level
Routing - ?

Custom WebApi Authorization Database Call

I'm trying to decide if the custom Authorization attribute I wrote is really a good idea.
Say we have a collection of stores, each Store has an owner. Only the owner of the store can do CRUD operations on the store. EXCEPT for users with a Claim that basically overrides the ownership requirement and says they can do CRUD operations on ANY store.
Sidenote: I'm using Thinktecture and ADFS
So I made a StoreOwnerAuthorize attribute who's parameters ("Manage", "Stores") are used to check if the user has the appropriate claim to "override" not being an owner but still able to pass the authorization check.
I'm not sure how I feel about having a claim like "ManageStores" and making the database call inside the attribute. It makes me think I'm going down the wrong road, even though it does accomplish exactly what I need.
API Routes
API Method
[StoreOwnerAuthorize("Manage", "Stores")]
[ResourceAuthorize("View", "Store")]
public IHttpActionResult GetStoreEmployees(int storeId)
return Ok(collectionOfStoreEmployees);
public class StoreOwnerAuthorizeAttribute : ResourceAuthorizeAttribute
private readonly DbContext _context = new DbContext();
public StoreOwnerAuthorizeAttribute(){ }
public StoreOwnerAuthorizeAttribute(string action, params string[] resources)
: base(action, resources) { }
protected override bool IsAuthorized(HttpActionContext actionContext)
//If the user has the Claim that overrides the requirement that the user
//is the Owner of the Store, skip checking if they are the owner
if (base.IsAuthorized(actionContext))
return true;
//Get route parameter to lookup Store and determine if the user is the owner
object storeId;
actionContext.ControllerContext.RouteData.Values.TryGetValue("storeId", out storeId);
var isOwner = false;
if (storeId != null)
isOwner =
.Any(x => x.OwnerId == theUser.Id());
return isOwner;

Adding extra step to ASP.NET MVC authentication

I have an MVC 5 website running using standard forms authentication.
However I need to add an extra step to the user's login process. Once the user has been authenticated we look up whether or not they have access to multiple offices. If they do we need to show them a list of offices and they must choose one.
This is a mandatory step and they cannot be considered logged on until they do it.
Do we need to create our own authentication or should I add a check to a BaseController?
You can extend the implementation of the built-in authentication:
public class OfficeSelectionAuthorizeAttribute : AuthorizeAttribute
protected override bool AuthorizeCore(HttpContextBase httpContext)
var result = base.AuthorizeCore(httpContext);
if (result)
if (IsOfficeSelected())
return true;
httpContext.Response.RedirectToRoute("OfficeSelection Route");
return false;
private bool IsOfficeSelected()
//office selection check
Then you need to use this filter instead of the default one:
public class AccountController : Controller
//action methods

Dynamic role providing in mvc (Roles are not fixed It is keep updating)

I am aware simple role provider in which if i need to restrict particular action i have to simply write Authorize(Roles = "Admin") or if i need to restrict particular part of view i nned to write #if(User.IsInRole("Admin")).
But my question is that what if my roles are not fixed and it is stored in database and my super admin can able to edit and delete them.
My requirement is that superadmin can add,update,delete roles and also create different users and maintain the roles of those users.
I have done lot of googling and found something as follows
[AttributeUsage (AttributeTargets.Method|AttributeTargets.Class,Inherited = true,AllowMultiple=true) ]
public class CustomRole : AuthorizeAttribute
protected override bool AuthorizeCore(HttpContextBase context)
Respository db = new Respository();
if (db.UserMasters.Where(x => x.user_name == context.User.Identity.Name).Count() > 0)
return true;
else { return false; }
Here i can use this code to authorize action method as follows
public ActionResult Details(int id = 0)
Employee employee = db.Employees.Find(id);
if (employee == null)
return HttpNotFound();
return View(employee);
Here my this action method is protected but what if i want to protect some part of view by this custom method. How to use this functionality to achieve functionality as User.IsInRole("Admin")?
your requirement will get in 3 steps
1- Create all default roles, store it in database.i.e- roleid,rolename
2- When creating new user map userid with roleid.
3- also make one table for all permission which you have to give.
4- make seperate ui for admin to change the roles of each user.
database will be like below image.
and ui will be like this.
try this yousrelf..
Fully answering your question might be out of scope for StackOverflow, since it would basically require writing most of an application for you, but here's the general idea.
Write a helper class similar to this:
public class ModuleHelper
public static bool UserCanAccessModule(string moduleIdentifier)
bool canAccess = false;
Call into your service with current User.Name and module identifier (integer, GUID, whatever).
Return result of whether user has the required role for the specified module
canAccess = service.CanUserAccessModule(User.Identity.Name, moduleIdentifier);
// catching all exceptions, since this is a UI helper
return canAccess;
// etcetera...
I'd suggest wrapping it in the root namespace of your application; otherwise, add a reference to this class's namespace in the system.web.webPages.razor section of the web.config in the Views folder. Then, you can do something like:
<div class="col-sm-3 col-md-2 sidebar">
#if (ModuleHelper.UserCanAccessModule("moduleXYZ"))
This obviously assumes a lot, but the idea isn't new or all that complicated in practice. The logic of the service is relatively simple:
Look up the user
Look up the "action" or "module"
Look for intersection (if any) between the roles assigned to each.
No intersection means user doesn't have the required role.
Tieson T. has a great answer to your question already, so what I'll provide here is an alternative method if you wanted to keep all of your authorization steps all in controllers.
Consider separating the different aspects (or restricted parts) of your main view into a partial view (or views) that perform the restricted functionality. Then, instead of using: #Html.RenderPartial("ViewName", Model) you can set up your partials to be returned from controller actions decorated with the ChildActionOnly Attribute by using the RenderAction Html Helper.
For example:
<div class="col-sm-3 col-md-2 sidebar">
Then in your controller class
public class RestrictedController : Controller {
public RestrictedController() : base() {
public ActionResult RestrictedContent() {
return PartialView("RestrictedPartial");
} // end action RestrictedContent
} // end class
The only consideration with this approach will be in your custom attribute to interrogate the the IsChildAction property to avoid rendering a redirect or whatever your attribute does in the case the user is not authorized since you'll probably want to just not render anything.
For Example (in your custom attribute class):
public override void OnAuthorization(AuthorizationContext filterContext) {
if(filterContext.IsChildAction) {
filterContext.Result = new EmptyResult(); // return an empty result instead of performing a redirect.
} else {
base.OnAuthorization(filterContext); // continue with custom authorization if it is not a child action
} // end if/else
} // end method OnAuthorization
Phil Haack has an article describing the usage of the RenderAction method here:
Also, see here for an interesting discussion on the differences between Action and RenderAction. The difference between Html.Action and Html.RenderAction

Asp.Net MVC5 How to ensure that a cookie exists?

I'm new to MVC (5). In order to add localization support to my website I added a "Language" field to my ApplicationUser : IdentityUser
What's the best approach to now store this information in the browser and ensure that it gets re-created even if the user manually deletes it?
TL; but I've got time
What I've tried until now:
I started creating a cookie in my method private async Task SignInAsync(ApplicationUser user, bool isPersistent) but I notice that:
This method is not used if the user is already authenticated and automatically logs in using the .Aspnet.Applicationcookie and my language cookie could be meanwhile expired (or been deleted).
A user could manually delete the cookie, just for fun.
I thought about checking its existence in the controller (querying the logged user and getting it from the db) and it works but I'd need to do it in EVERY controller. I'm not sure is the correct way to do this.
Any suggestion about how to approach this problem and guarantee that the application has a valid "language cookie" on every request?
It sounds to me like what you want here is a Custom Action Filter. You can override the OnActionExecuting method which means the logic is run before any action is called
public class EnsureLanguagePreferenceAttribute : ActionFilterAttribute
public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)
var langCookie = filterContext.HttpContext.Request.Cookies["LanguagePref"];
if (langCookie == null)
// cookie doesn't exist, either pull preferred lang from user profile
// or just setup a cookie with the default language
langCookie = new HttpCookie("LanguagePref", "en-gb");
// do something with langCookie
Then register your attribute globally so it just becomes the default behaviour on every controller action
public static void RegisterGlobalFilters(GlobalFilterCollection filters)
filters.Add(new HandleErrorAttribute());
filters.Add(new EnsureLanguagePreferenceAttribute());
To me, the easiest way would be to create your own Authorize attribute (since your language options are tied to an authenticated user account). Inside of your new authorize attribute, simply perform the check if the cookie exists. If it does, then life is good. Else, query the user's database profile and reissue the cookie with the stored value
public class MyAuthorization : AuthorizeAttribute
protected override bool AuthorizeCore(HttpContextBase httpContext)
//no point in cookie checking if they are not authorized
if(!base.AuthorizeCore(httpContext)) return false;
var cookie = httpContext.Request.Cookies["LanguageCookie"];
if (cookie == null) {
return true;
To use, replace [Authorize] with [MyAuthorization] in your project.
If you don't want to mess with the [Authorize] attribute, you could create your own attribute that does the cookie checking and decorate your controller with that one as well.
One last alternative is to create your own Controller class that does the checking on the OnActionExecuting.
public class MyBaseController : Controller
public string Language {get;set;}
protected override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)
var cookie = filterContext.HttpContext.Request.Cookies["LanguageCookie"];
if(cookie == null){
cookie = CreateNewCookieMethod();
Language = cookie.Value;
How to use (note that we inherit from MybaseController now)
public class HomeController : MyBaseController{
public ActionResult Index(){
//Language comes from the base controller class
ViewBag.Language = Language;
Return View();
This method is neat because now that Language variable will be available in any controller that inherits from this new class.
Either of these will give you a single, cookie checking point. Additionally, you are only going back to the database only in the instance that the cookie does not exist.
