Drupal - Newbie - Need some help in finding content - drupal

It seems a very simple job but really been tough to perform.
All i need is to edit a content but i cannot find it inside the cms which says "Commerce Kickstart"
The page address of the content is like this:
When i select Content>Manage Content from the top header bar (after logging in as admin the top bar appears) then it shows lots of pages to edit but i couldn't find that particular text inside any of them.
So i decided to download the mysql db and search for the text using notepad++ but i found several instances and i guess its all from some cache table.
I put so many hours on finding this easiest task but failed.
Any advices?

Do the pages have content within them?
When you are on the Content Overview page just click on edit and see if there is anything in them.
From what I can infer you are using Commerce Kickstart and this probably implies that you might need to edit the product instead. Just answering from the top of my head.


trouble with creating a breadcrumb in asp classic

I need advice on how to do breadcrumbs in asp classic
I have a company detail page - the thing is it could have been gotten to by a number of ways - through a area or through a list of categories and then companies
I want to show the breadcrumb that this user came to it
(and the same page can be gotten to in many ways)
I tried to build a session variable but if a user clicks the back key then it messed it up
any ideas?
When you design your site you need to work out, in your own mind (best to use a pencil and paper), just how the site links together and which pages can be considered to be related. I know this sounds pretty grey, but this is more a design principal than set in stone.
Word is a good tool to work this out. Flick into Outline View and use this to build up the structure. The arrows on the ribbon at the top left allow you to indent and outdent your structure, and the markers at the beginning of the line allow you to drag and drop sections from one place to another.
Once you're happy about the structure you can update your pages to contain the stepped breadcrumb. Unless you have heavily automated pages that change their structure vastly, or a site that is very fluid (changing it's structure frequently), I would simply hard code the breadcrumb in using an unordered list (<ul>).
It gets more complicated for Classic ASP if you want to be able to automate the breadcrumb. Firstly you'd need to decide what type of automation you want to use; for instance XML, like the .NET version, or a global.asa string/array version, or something that's read from your database... The list goes on.
If you still find it difficult to get around the user's landing page train of thought, try using the search page on a site like the NHS Data Dictionary, or even try navigating using the links on the left. The breadcrumb for this site is in the top banner - watch what happens when you switch between different links.
Hope this helps, but remember there's no right or wrong way to code up your links, it simply depends on the application or site you're creating.

Drupal "Jump To" Block Filtered by Terms with Children

So, I'm working on a site right now in Drupal that has a block designed to allow a visitor to jump to different "projects" (just a term). Most of the projects have content associated with them. However, some projects become empty from time to time as content is moved around and projects are restructured.
I currently have a view in place that shows an exposed form listing all of these projects as a dropdown and displaying it in a block. Is there a way for me to customize this view to only show projects that have content associated with them?
This would preferably be done entirely with the view. However, I would love to see any solutions you all can come up with. Also, please excuse my terminology if any is incorrect. I'm very new to Drupal and still getting used to the labels and structure of the whole CMS.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thx S/O!
Try this:
Edit the view. Under the Advanced section => Relationships, click add.
Add the relationship "Taxonomy term: content with term", and make sure to check "Require this relationship".
If this makes your view full of duplicates, try this answer to a question at drupal.stackexchange.com.
Hope that helps!

WordPress - add Database driven tables

I'm just trying to move one of my old php sites to wordpress. As part of the site I have 'top tables' e.g. top 10 cars, listing their features etc. At the moment that all comes from a database and the HTML is generated from the data.
So if a car soon gets a hybrid engine I just check that in the database and my web site table updates to reflect that.
This all works fine. I just don't know where to start when trying to implement something like this in wordpress. I want to keep the WP header, footer, nav... and put my table in to the content area.
Someone recommended simply copying the current generated HTML in to a new post and editing the HTML when anything changes, this sounds like a quick solution but there must be a better way of doing this.
Ideally I would want to keep my current data input pages (and separate database) for all of this 'table data' and present the out put as a post.
If anyone can point me in the right direction (key words I should search for, a guide) that would be great.
Depending on your usecase, you'll usually want to use a static page template:
Or shortcodes:

Drupal Site Index - not crawling through "Blocks"?

I created a "View"* in Drupal to grab all the content and essentially make a site map, but I realized that it doesn't have an option to grab content from the Blocks I have created. Does anyone have an idea if I can even do that?
If not, should I essentially make each block a page so that it can crawl through the pages? I worry that this will end up becoming unmanageable in the end... What are some other options/work arounds? My end goal is to make a site map - maybe I am making this too complicated?
*To make my view I did:
Administration->Structure->Views->Add. Then I made it a page, called it "site-index", and made it "show Content of type All" (with tagged field empty). Then I chose "Content: Title" for my Fields and my Filter Criteria is set as: "Content: Published (Yes):" - That way, it will grab the titles of my web pages.
Thanks, and please reply if further clarification is needed!
Apologies if I'm wrong but I think there might be a bit of confusion over terminology here. In the context of a view Content means nodes, not all HTML content on the site. Your view will return a list of all published nodes, which are essentially the pages on your site.
On a normal sitemap (if there is such a thing) you would only link to full pages, not to parts of pages like a block, they are essentially used to provide a hierarchical overview of your site to aid navigation for users and, probably more importantly these days, search engines (you can submit an XML sitemap to the major search engines instead of this but that's really for another question).
Rather than doing this yourself I'd actually recommend you download and install the Sitemap module which will do all of the work for you, as well as arranging the content in their respective hierarchy.

How Can Wordpress Easily Provide A Voting and Commenting View For 5 Page Layout Possibilities?

Right now, when I create a media item, I can view it as admin by going through the Media then clicking on view, eventually I end up at [mysite]/blog/?attachment_id=31 which is a nice reduced version of the image (which can be clicked to appear large), and which has the nice feature that there is a place to leave comments at the bottom.
This is great for administrators. But I want anonymous users to be able to look at 5 different, fairly similar images, and make comments on the pages separately. So I'd like for the anonymous users who navigate to [mysite]/blog/?attachment_id=31 to find the same page the way it looks to admins.
But when going to that URL as an anonymous user instead of the image with comment form I get:
Sorry, no posts matched your criteria
So, how can I enable this permission for anonymous users?
If this is not possible, please rephrase the question as, "What is the best way to use Wordpress to get a bunch of anonymous people to vote on 5 different layouts and also to be able to comment on each of them separately, as I am trying to do at http://christian-filipina.com/blog/ ? (None of these are public URLs, please don't link to them.)
Do I need to create a page for each of those separate layouts and then use HTML to link to the variously-sized versions of the images?
When adding an image to the post make sure that "attachment page" is checked instead of "image file" This should fix your problem. See: http://codex.wordpress.org/Using_Image_and_File_Attachments
