How can I customize Source Resolver in Media Foundation - ms-media-foundation

I want to customize Media Foundation's Source Resolver.
I would like to play files encrypted with DRM, and the extension is AVI, MPEG4 and possibly other.
How can I customize Source Resolver?

Generic ways of customization are documented in Scheme Handlers and Byte-Stream Handlers:
The source resolver can create a media source from a URL or from a byte stream [...]. For URLs, the source resolver uses scheme handlers. For byte streams, it uses byte-stream handlers.
To register a new scheme handler, add an entry whose name is the CLSID of the scheme handler, [...]
To register a new byte-stream handler, add an entry whose name is the CLSID of the handler, [...]


Add IBAN check to widget validation

For an employee questionnaire I would like to add an IBAN check to a textbox widget. Is it possible to add a library like as an external resource in App Maker? How do I have to implement a validation method once the library has been added.
You can easily add any external library. If library is available via CDN (Content Delivery Network) you can just add URL in Application Settings -> External Resources -> JavaScript URLs
otherwise you can upload the js file as app resource (Settings -> Resources) and use resource's URL instead.
The library will help you to validate input on client:
// onValidate event of input widget:
if (!IBAN.isValid(newValue)) {
return 'Please, provide valid account number';
But it will not help you with server side validation... So, end user can in theory compromise your system through dev console. You can try to copy/paste library's code to server script and make extra validation in onBeforeCreate and onBeforeSave model's events but most likely it will require some additional tweaks.
You may also consider using Regex to validate the IBAN - you won't need to worry about pulling in external JS then. This answer may be useful. With this regex, you can validate the string server side, which is more secure. This link has more information on validating RegEx in Javascript.

Best way to upload files with Restangular + Api-platform (Symfony2)

I use api-platform for the first time and I am looking for the best way to upload files.
My situation :
An entity "Post" with a OneToMany relation "Media" (SonataMedia) on server side, I'm working on the create view (Angular + Restangular).
All fields (except file type fields) are functional (persist OK). Now, for the file type fields, what do I have to do?
Asynchronous upload? in this case how to link files upload with my entity (which is not persisted yet)
upload files on form entity submit?
In every case, what it needs to send to server? How Api-platform manages it?
There is no builtin file upload support as time of writing in API Platform. You need to write your own code to handle uploads.
However, some work is some work being done to natively add this feature and you can already use it.
Basically, the idea is:
Encode the file to upload as data: URI client-side (using JavaScript)
Send this data URI (basically a base64 string) as a typical string entity property using Restangular (or any other HTTP client)
Decode the data: URI server-side to a regular file using the Symfony Serializer
Store this regular file on the server: it's up to you to store it on the filesystem or in more advanced backends such as Mongo GridFS or Amazon S3
To get a data: URI client-side from a selected file, you can rely on the readAsDataURL of the FileReader JavaScript API:
Send the resulting string as usual using Restangular.
The API Platform normalization system is built on top of the Symfony Serializer. I've contributed a data: URI normalizer and denormalizer in Symfony:
It is not merged yet but you can copy it in your own project during the meantime.
Register the normalizer:
class: 'AppBundle\Serializer\DataUriNormalizer'
- { name: serializer.normalizer }
Then create (and register) a new normalizer decorating the ItemNormalizer of API Platform to transform your property containing the file encoded as a data: URI to a standard \SplFileObject using the DataUriNormalizer::denormalize() method.
In a future version of API Platform (planned for the v2.1 with Symfony 3.1) all this logic will be automatically available and registered.

Spring MVC handle same request parameter in common place for different URIs

I've spent a few days researching this, but haven't found a suitable answer for my situation. I have a Spring 3.1 MVC application. Currently, some vendors log into the application via a web client in which case the user information is stored in the session. I want to expose some services to other vendors via RESTFul web services, but have the vendor pass their vendor id as a part of the URI or via PARAMS. Is there a way to handle the vendor id in a single place that then forwards to the respective controller for request processing? Should the vendor id be a part of the URI or should the vendor id be passed in the request body? I've looked into Interceptors, but how would I do this with multiple URIs or for every controller for the RESTFul webservice? Any suggestion would be greatly appreciated
Having a custom header is the most clean option but parameters also work equally well.
In the interceptors preHandle method you could lookup the vendor by either a header or a parameter and attach it to the request by adding the object to it's attributes.
request.addAttribute("vendor", myVendorInstance);
From that point on the vendor can be retrieved from the request like:
Vendor vendor = (Vendor) request.getAttribute("vendor");
Interceptors can be mapped to any URL you like using a mapping e.g.
<mvc:mapping path="/vendors/**" />
<bean class="my.package.VendorLookupInterceptor" />
Another way of making the vendor object available to controllers is to inject it. For instance, say that controllers interested in the object should implement this interface.
public interface VendorAware {
public void setVendor(Vendor vendor);
Controllers implementing this interface could be handled by the interceptor and get the vendor injected.
if (handler instanceof HandlerMethod) {
Object bean = ((HandlerMethod) handler).getBean();
if (bean instanceof VendorAware) {
Vendor vendor = getVendor();
((VendorAware) bean).setVendor(vendor);
Obviously the problem with adding the vendor id to the URI is that it affects all your URL's, so cannot easily make the controller generic.
Another way is to have the vendor id passed as a header to the controllers. You could use the X-User header.
Then you can write some kind of handler to check for this header, possibilities:
spring interceptor
servlet filter
spring security

Mule Esb CE sftp outbound endpoint invoke form code (custom java transformer)

Is it possible to invoke sftp outbound endpoint, and send a file, through the code?
I have a reference to a File object in java code (in a custom transformer), and I want to invoke sftp outbound endpoint and pass that File reference. Is this doable?
Pass it a FileInputStream, that should work.
muleContext.getClient().dispatch("sftp://...", new FileInputStream(file), null);
If not, you'll have to pass it a byte[].
Note that dispatch is asynchronous: the call will return immediately while the SFTP communication occurs. if you want to wait until it's done, use send with a time-out as last parameter.
Since you have several SFTP connectors configured, you'll have to specify the connector name in the URL. Supposing you want to dispatch using SFTP_Upload_Connector, you'll have to use:
muleContext.getClient().dispatch("sftp://...?connector=SFTP_Upload_Connector", new FileInputStream(file), null);
If you want to set a particular destination file name, pass it as a property named filename in the properties map, for example using:
muleContext.getClient().dispatch("sftp://...?connector=SFTP_Upload_Connector", new FileInputStream(file), Collections.singletonMap("filename", "somen_ame"));

How to set an HTTP header while using a Flex RemoteObject method?

I am running blazeds on the server side. I would like to filter http requests using an http header. My goal is to send extra parameters to the server without changing the signatures of my blazeds services.
On the client side, I am using Flex RemoteObject methods.
With Flex WebService components, it is possible to set an http header using the property httpHeaders. I have not found anything similar on the RemoteObject class...
I couldnt modify http request from flex, instead I can add custom headers to the mx.messaging.messages.IMessage that RemoteObject sends to the server and there, extending (used for accessing Spring beans), it's posible to read the header parameters and put them into the HTTPRequest.
In the flex part, I had to extend mx.rpc.AsyncRequest:
declares a new property "header" and overwrites invoke method that checks if there is a not null value for set the msg.headers.
and mx.rpc.remoting.mxml.RemoteObject:
the constructor creates a new instance of our custom AsyncRequest and overwrite old AsyncRequest and it defines a setHeaders method that set the argument to the custom AsyncRequest. (extra :P):
this one reads the param declared in the Mate's map RemoteObjectInvoker and puts in the RemoteObject header.
I hope it will be understandable (with my apache english xDDD)
Bye. Agur!
This worked for me using BlazeDS and Spring-Flex 1.5.2
use namespace mx_internal;
var service:RemoteObject = new RemoteObject(destination);
var operation:Operation = service[functionName];
operation.asyncRequest.defaultHeaders = {company:'company'};
var token:AsyncToken = operation.send();
Java Spring-Flex:
public class FlexJavaCustomAdapter extends JavaAdapter{
public Object invoke(Message message) {
String locale = (String) message.getHeader("");
return super.invoke(message);
<bean id="customAdapter" class="org.springframework.flex.core.ManageableComponentFactoryBean">
<constructor-arg value="com.codefish.model.flex.FlexJavaCustomAdapter"/>
<flex:message-broker id="_messageBroker" services-config-path="classpath*:/com/codefish/resources/spring/services-config.xml" >
<flex:remoting-service default-adapter-id="customAdapter"
default-channels="my-amf, my-secure-amf" />
RemoteObject uses AMF as the data channel, and is managed in a completely different way than HttpService or WebService (which use Http).
What you can do, is call setCredentials(username,password) and then capture this on the server side using the FlexLoginCommand (either the standard one for your container, or derive your own).
Lookup setCredentials and how you should handle this on both sides (client and server).
I have similar problem, and I afraid there is no simple way to set HTTP header when using AMF. But I've designed following solution.
Flex uses HTTP to transfer AMF, but invokes it through browser interfaces, this allows you to set cookie. Just in document containing application invoke following JavaScript
Browser should transfer it to server, and you can filter (problem will be if the user will have cookies turned off).
Much more you can invoke JavaScript functions from Flex (more is here:
You might be trying to re-invent the wheel. Is there a reason you can't use the standard HTTP(s) authentication?
A reason I was thinking too to use http headers was for the server to be able to 'recognize' the flex client in the a context of service versionning.
On the server I can always build an indirection/proxy that would allow the different clients to only use 1 end point and route to the right adapter depending on the client version.
The question is on the client side. How would the server identify the flex client token or 'version'. One way is certainly via authentication. But, assuming there is not authentication involved?
We recently run into the same issue and this is how we added our custom headers without creating a subclass:
var operation:AbstractOperation = _remoteSession.getOperation('myRemoteOperation');
var async:AsyncRequest = operation.mx_internal::asyncRequest;
async.defaultHeaders = {my_header:'my_value'};
The AsyncRequest object is actually accessible via the operation object via the mx_internal namespace.
You can debug the $GLOBALS in PHP to see that.
I think this is in the
or you can simple do
