Symfony2 multi-level dynamic router - symfony

I have a current project that has to displays both defined pages with specific entities, what is very easy to manage with Symfony2, and content pages on different layouts, what is - I guess - a bit less common.
I get in trouble trying to build the routing system.
For instance, if I have to display a page with some news,
I would like to update the router of my bundle with a new route like :
pattern: /news
_controller: MyBundle:NewsController:indexAction
But how to manage a dynamic router that could have a totally custom URL on many levels ?
Let's imagine I've got a "Page" Entity, that is self-references for an optionnal "parent-child" relation.
I don't think I can just use any config YAML file for this specific routing ?!
pattern: /{slug}
_controller: MyBundle:PageController:showAction
This would bind all the first-level pages:
What about a page that would be displayed with, for instance, a slug like:
In fact any URL...
/{slug-level1}/{slug-level2}/{slug-level3} etc.
Cause the pages are supposed to change and be updated from webmastering.
I guess the best way would be to have a router that compare the {slug} with a database field (entity property)
I read in the Symfony-CMF doc that it is possible to write a service based a route provider:
namespace MyBundle\Routing;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\RouteCollection;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\Route as SymfonyRoute;
use MyBundle\Entity\PageRepository;
class RouteProvider extends PageRepository {
public function findPageBySlug($slug)
// Find a page by slug property
$page = $this->findOneBySlug($slug);
if (!$page) {
// Maybe any custom Exception
throw $this->createNotFoundException('The page you are looking for does not exists.');
$pattern = $page->getUrl(); // e.g. "/first-level/second-level/third-level"
$collection = new RouteCollection();
// create a new Route and set our page as a default
// (so that we can retrieve it from the request)
$route = new SymfonyRoute($pattern, array(
'page' => $page,
// add the route to the RouteCollection using a unique ID as the key.
$collection->add('page_'.uniqid(), $route);
return $collection;
But how to set it up as a service ? Are there some requirements ?
How could this kind of thing work, does it add a route to the RouteCollection when request is called ?
And will I be able to bind any route in this way ?
EDIT : services.yml of my bundle
cmf_routing.matcher.dummy_collection.class: Symfony\Component\Routing\RouteCollection
cmf_routing.matcher.dummy_context.class: Symfony\Component\Routing\RequestContext
cmf_routing.generator.class: Symfony\Cmf\Bundle\RoutingBundle\Routing\ContentAwareGenerator
cmf_routing.nested_matcher.class: Symfony\Cmf\Component\Routing\NestedMatcher\NestedMatcher
cmf_routing.url_matcher.class: Symfony\Cmf\Component\Routing\NestedMatcher\NestedMatcher
fsbcms.chain_router.class: Symfony\Cmf\Component\Routing\ChainRouter
fsbcms.route_provider.class: FSB\CMSBundle\Routing\RouteProvider
fsbcms.dynamic_router.class: Symfony\Cmf\Component\Routing\DynamicRouter
fsbcms.route_entity.class: null
class: %fsbcms.chain_router.class%
- "#logger"
- [setContext, ["router.request_context"]]
class: "%fsbcms.route_provider.class%"
- "#doctrine"
class: "%cmf_routing.matcher.dummy_collection.class%"
public: "false"
class: "%cmf_routing.matcher.dummy_context.class%"
public: false
class: "%cmf_routing.generator.class%"
- "#fsbcms.route_provider"
- "#logger"
- [setContainer, ["service_container"]]
- [setContentRepository, ["cmf_routing.content_repository"]]
class: "%cmf_routing.url_matcher.class%"
arguments: ["#cmf_routing.matcher.dummy_collection", "#cmf_routing.matcher.dummy_context"]
class: "%cmf_routing.nested_matcher.class%"
arguments: ["#fsbcms.route_provider"]
- [setFinalMatcher, ["cmf_routing.url_matcher"]]
class: "%fsbcms.dynamic_router.class%"
- "#router.request_context"
- "#cmf_routing.nested_matcher"
- "#cmf_routing.generator"
- { name: router, priority: 300 }

I suggest taking a look at the Symfony CMF routing component and the CmfRoutingBundle (to implement the component in symfony).
The Routing component uses a chain router, which is irrelevant for this question but it's good to know. The chain router chains over a queue of routers. The component provides a DynamicRouter that uses a NestedMatcher. That's exactly what you want.
The NestedMatcher uses a Route provider to get the routes from a dynamic source (e.g. a database). You are showing an example of a Route provider in your question.
Furthermore, it uses a FinalMatcher to match the route. You can just pass an instance of Symfony\Cmf\Component\Routing\NestedMatcher\UrlMatcher, as you are doing not too difficult things.
Take a look at the docs of the RoutingBundle to learn how to activate the chain router and then create a route provider which loads the routes, make a service:
class: Acme\RoutingBundle\Provider\DoctrineOrmProvider
arguments: ["#doctrine"]
Now, you can create a NestedMatcher service:
class: Symfony\Cmf\Component\Routing\NestedMatcher\UrlMatcher
arguments: ["#cmf_routing.matcher.dummy_collection", "#cmf_routing.matcher.dummy_context"]
class: Symfony\Cmf\Component\Routing\NestedMatcher
arguments: ["#acme_routing.route_provider"]
- [setFinalMatcher, ["acme_routing.url_matcher"]]
Now, register the DynamicRouter and put it in the chain:
class: Symfony\Cmf\Component\Routing\DynamicRouter
- "#router.request_context"
- "#acme_routing.nested_matcher"
- "#cmf_routing.generator"
- { name: router, priority: 300 }
Now, it should work and should load the routes from the database and match them against the request.


How to use libphonenumber.phone_number_util in Symfony 4

To parse phone number I need to use libphonenumber.phone_number_util in my controller ( Symfony 4) as like as :
$parsed = $this->get('libphonenumber.phone_number_util')->parse($phoneNo);
as we have libphonenumber.phone_number_util in private I wanted to make it public by adding this helper in service as below:
alias: libphonenumber.phone_number_util
public: true
But this returns Exception and message:
"message": "The \"libphonenumber.phone_number_util\" service or alias has been removed or inlined when the container was compiled. You should either make it public, or stop using the container directly and use dependency injection instead.",
"class": "Symfony\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Exception\\ServiceNotFoundException",
If you are using this in a controller method (which I presume you do based on $this->get(...)), you need to
1) Declare your controller as a service and tag it with controller.service_arguments tag
2) Make sure your util service id matches the class name (I suppose it does already). You don't need it to be public - that's and ancient approach
3) Require the util as a parameter to your controller's action method.
alias: libphonenumber.phone_number_util
tags: ['controller.service_arguments']
public function validatePhoneAction(Request $request, PhoneNumberUtil $phoneNumberUtil)
There is a nice Symfony blog post about these changes in dependency management:

monolog.logger.db service has been removed

I'm trying to refactor some Symfony 3 code to Symfony 4.
I am getting the following error when attempting to log:
The "monolog.logger.db" service or alias has been removed or inlined
when the container was compiled. You should either make it public, or
stop using the conta iner directly and use dependency injection
My logging code:
$logger = $container->get('monolog.logger.db');
$logger->info('Import command triggered');
Monolog config:
channels: ['db']
channels: ['db']
type: service
id: app.monolog.db_handler
app.monolog.db_handler config (Note, I tried public: true here and it had no affect:
class: App\Util\MonologDBHandler
arguments: ['#doctrine.orm.entity_manager']
How can I get this wired up correctly in Symfony 4?
By default all services in Symfony 4 are private (and is the recommended pratice) so you need to "inject" in each Controller each needed service (personally I use a custom CommonControllerServiceClass).
You can also create a public service "alias" to continue accessing the service as you did, but it's not the best pratice to follow (also because I guess you will have many other services to fix).
alias: monolog.logger.db
public: true
then you can get the service from the container:
$logger = $container->get('mylogger.db');
Alister's answer is a good start, but you can utilise service arguments binding instead of creating a new service for each logger:
autowire: true
$databaseLogger: '#monolog.logger.db'
Then just change the argument name in your class:
// in App\Util\MonologDBHandler.php
use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface;
public function __construct(LoggerInterface $databaseLogger = null) {...}
It appears that App\Util\MonologDBHandler may be the only thing that is actively using monolog.logger.db - via a container->get('...') call. (If not, you will want to use this technique to tag the specific sort of logger into more services).
You would be better to allow the framework to build the app.monolog.db_handler service itself, and use the container to help to build it. Normally, to inject a logger service, you will just need to type-hint it:
// in App\Util\MonologDBHandler.php
use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface;
public function __construct(LoggerInterface $logger = null) {...}
However, that will, by default, setup with the default #logger, so you need to add an extra hint in the service definition of the handler that you want a different type of logger:
arguments: ['#logger']
- { name: monolog.logger, channel: db }
Now, the logger in CustomLogger should be what you had previously known as monolog.logger.db.
You can also alias a different interface (similar to how the LoggerInterface is aliased to inject '#logger') to the allow for the tagging.

Symfony 3 - How inject own variable from config to service right way?

I want on my web create cache config with different cache values. I have working example:
// config.yml
first: 1
second: 2
// services.yml
class: AppBundle\Repository\MyRepository
factory: ["#doctrine.orm.entity_manager", getRepository]
- 'AppBundle\Entity\My'
- [setValue, ["%myValue%"]]
// MyRepository.php
public function setValue($val) {
$this->first = $val['first'];
// Inside controller method
$someVariable = $this->get('my_repo')
But is this way correct? What if another programmer will call repository 'standart' way $em->getRepository('MyRepository')? It will crash on udefined variable... Is there way to do this for example via constructor? Or constructor is bad idea?
I am interested in the yours practice - better solution etc.
Something like
[setValue, ["#=container.hasParameter('myValue') ? parameter('myValue') : array()"]]
Should do the trick. Then just check in your service if the variable injected is empty or not. See the doc for more on the Expression language

Using custom Repository in Sylius Resource grid

I have generated a Grid with CRUD actions for my Labellisation entity on Sylius.
The grid is displayed well, but I would like to get associated elements too (the defaultAdresse of the -> customer of the -> current labellisation), so I need to use a custom repository method.
I tried to do this with this conf :
resource: |
alias: grid.label
valide: true
except: ['create', 'delete', 'update']
grid: public_labels
templates: LabelBundle:public/Crud
type: sylius.resource
method: findAllValides
(adding all the defaults block), but I have an error because the method findAllValides is not defined. I do have a findAllValides method in my LabellisationRepository.
Debugging the ResourcesResolver, I saw in the getResource that the $repository passed to this function has a customRepositoryClassName = LabelBundle\Repository\LabellisationRepository (this path is the good one to my LabellisationRepository).
Is there something wrong with my code ?

Sonata Admin custom action seems not using the custom controller

I'm trying to make a custom action but I'm gettin this error:
Controller "Sonata\AdminBundle\Controller\CRUDController::editarDistribucionAction" for URI "/admin/test/tarifas/distribucionperiodos/6/distribucion/editar" is not callable.
I have reviewed the code many times but I can't find the mistake:
This is my custom controller:
class CustomActionsController extends CRUDController
public function editarDistribucionAction(){
//$id = $request->get($this->admin->getIdParameter());
And this is my services.yml
class: Test\TarifasBundle\Admin\DistribucionPeriodosTablaAdmin
- name: sonata.admin
manager_type: orm
group: "Tarifas"
label: "DistribuciĆ³n de periodos"
arguments: [ null, Test\TarifasBundle\Entity\DistribucionPeriodosTabla, TarifasBundle:CustomActions ]
I have tried to put wrong parameters on services.yml expecting a different error, but i get exacly the same, so it seems that is ignoring this piece of services.yml
Thanks in advance!!
It was a concept mistake. I followed the official doc step by step but y was mixing different admin clases. The configureRoutes code was in one class and I was trying to edit another one.
