IIS Auto-Start not disabling Idle Timeout - asp.net

I setup ASP.NET Auto-Start on my Windows Azure Web Role (I use ASP.NET 4.5 and IIS 8 on Windows Server 2012). I basically followed those instructions.
I am setting startMode="AlwaysRunning" on the application pool and preloadEnabled="true" on the website through the OnStart method of the webrole.
I used remote access and verified that those two properties are correctly set (through IIS Manager, as well as checking the applicationHost.config file).
I also added this to the web.config file:
<applicationInitialization skipManagedModules="true">
<add initializationPage="/" />
This page says the Idle Timeout should be disabled when auto-start is enabled. Yet, I can see from my log that it is not, the application pool gets restarted after some inactivity. I can also see that in the event log (several times over 6 hours):
A worker process with process id of '772' serving application pool 'cf9d3284-6454-4bbf-8a8e-efd73df4ed83' was shutdown due to inactivity. Application Pool timeout configuration was set to 20 minutes. A new worker process will be started when needed.
The strange thing is that it seems a new application pool is started immediately after this is logged, even if there is no request to the website. So if I don't get a single request in one hour, the application pool is recycled and restarted 3 times (I confirmed this from the logs). Is my configuration incorrect or am I missing something?

Setting the Start Mode to Always Running alone didn't work for me either but setting the Idle Timeout to 0 in the application pool's Advances settings did.

i have struggled a lot in this issue. I did everything i could to keep my services alive in IIS but eventually got tired and had to take different approach. I created a windows service just to keep those app pool alive. One approach you can try is go to IIS config file and verify that you can see the configuration you made is reflected in that config file.
Refer to the link on top. But your configuration will be reset on app pool restart whatever time you set it to go to sleep. You might need to comeup with some approach.


ASP.NET Core 3.1 application does not terminate process after Program.Main finishes running

I have a rather large ASP.NET Core application running in an IIS application pool with overlapped recycling. I have set IHostApplicationLifetime handlers and I see that it is hitting all of the lifecycle methods as well as the AppDomain.CurrentDomain.ProcessExit handler that I've set. When I request a recycle, here's what happens:
ApplicationStopping is hit
ApplicationStopped is hit
Dependencies configured in Startup are disposed
Breakpoint after webHost.Run() in Program.cs is hit (this is the last line of the Main method of the program)
ProcessExit handler is run
At this point I would expect w3wp to be dead. But no, it lingers around for quite a while after, and continues to take a lot of memory. I also can view it in Process Explorer and I see it still has a bit of activity.
I guess the obvious things to look for are things that need to be disposed, but I don't know how to look for these. How can I figure out why w3wp will not go away for such a long time / what is keeping it around?
As far as I know, hit the ProcessExit handler means the asp.net core application has been down, not the w3wp.exe.
The w3wp.exe is managed by IIS not the websites. The IIS will check the w3wp.exe is free or not(handing request). If there is no request coming in about 20 minutes(by default). Then the IIS will stop the w3wp.exe.
The IIS console manager contains the idle timeout value. If you want to shut down the w3wp.exe as soon as possible. I suggest you could reduce the value to 1 which means if there is no request coming in 1 minutes, it will stop the w3wp.exe.
More details about how to set it, you could refer to below steps:
Open the IIS management console and find the application pool
2.Click the advanced setting and modify idle time-out

Session and static variables getting reset

I'm working on a ASP Net MVC system, and the problem i'm having since the begining is that my session variables and static variables are getting reset after some time around 30-45 minutes (but i'm not sure it happens always).
The options i've already tried:
* Change session timeout from the config file
* Check recycling time
* Use server state session instead of in process
* Maybe something else i don't remember
I don't know what else to try, or where to investigate, and i don't have a certain clue at the moment. It's really annoying when trying functions while developing.
Any ideas?
Config file
<sessionState timeout="120" />
Pool config
As far as I know, in IIS version 7.0 and above, the worker process terminates after a period of inactivity by default(20min).
Because of this, if Secret Server is in its own application pool, the application pool will stop after a period of no requests.
I suggest you could follow below steps to modify application pool settings to keep the web application always running to avoid session missed.
Open IIS (Start > inetmgr)
Right-click the application pool, and then click Advanced Settings.
Under the Process Model section, set the Idle Time-out (minutes)
option to 0
Not sure if this is your problem, but one possibility that caused me far too much head-to-wall banging is: your deployed IIS has the AppPool Maximum Worker Processes set to something greater than 1 (note that #BrandoZhang's screenshot above has it set to 1). Static variables, classes, and even ApplicationState aren't shared across processes.

Asp.Net (MVC): Which session timeout is what?

I've made one Asp.net MVC website, and I'm very confused between the different timeout settings.
What is the difference between:
SessionState Timeout in web.config:
Application pool timeout
Asp.Net Session timeout property
Which one should I set if I want to have a timout of (say) 6 hours? All of them? Only some?
The application pool timeout is the length of time the site has to be idle for before the application pool will shut down the worker process to release resources. The downside is that when the next visitor comes to the website it takes a long time to restart things so that first request after a shutdown will be quite slow.
IIS7 Application Pool Idle Time-out Settings
The session timeout refers to the session id that a user gets on first request to the site, and when that expires.
I think the ASP one that you've included the screenshot of is for classic ASP, not ASP.NET.
So to increase the session timeout you would use the one in the config file.
There's also a Session state section when you click on the website in IIS that you could possibly use either and there's a timeout at the bottom of the page for it.
But if the value for the application pool timeout is shorter, then your session setting will be irrelevant as the worker process will shut down before the session expires. So you should also change your application pool settings.
Session Time out in IIS 7

IIS 7.5: problem with Application pool

several time in day my Application pool is stopped with following error:
Application pool 'MyApplicationPool'
is being automatically disabled due to
a series of failures in the
process(es) serving that application
How to resolve this?
thanks, for the any advice.
This is because your application pool is crashing more than 5 times in 5 minutes [default settings - Rapid Fail]
Instead of disabling Rapid Fail, you should consider taking Crash Dumps and try to find out the root cause. http://blogs.msdn.com/b/rahulso/archive/2006/03/02/what-is-a-crash-technically-in-asp-net-and-what-to-do-if-it-happens.aspx
I had the same problem and after some struggle I realized it was caused by a change in my domain password that runs the application pool. Going to the application pool > Advanced Settings > Process Model > Identity and set it with the new password.
You may not have the same exception causing the application pool to recycle, but this answer should address your situation as well: A process serving application pool 'Classic .NET AppPool' suffered a fatal communication error with the Windows Process Activation Service. HTTP Error 503
The gist of it is that something in your application is causing the app pool to keep recycling itself. You'll need to determine what is throwing so many exceptions. After you've fixed the cause of the exceptions, your app pool should run without recycling itself to the point where it hits the Rapid Fail Protection limit.
I had this same problem and after a few hours of wrestling with it and following solutions that didnt work, I went to Application Pool > Advanced Settings > Process Model > Identity and set it to LocalSystem. Magcally, the whole thing worked.

Session timeout in spite of setting the session time in web.config

I have an ASP.net website where I am facing a session timeout issue. In web.config I have set session timeout to 480 (8 hours as session time). But even then session does not stay that long; it goes out after a number of minutes. Why is that and how I can fix it? My site is hosted on a shared hosting server.
By default Session time in asp.net is 20 min, and we can change it by setting Web.config file.
Now in your case you are setting it to 8 hours but went out in 1 min.
Do you know that there are few point by which session can be time out?
*) When it is wrongly configured in Web.Config file.
*) We can set this time out in server (IIS) also, so if its default setting is changed.
*) When the total memory of session is higher that the assign in shared host.
*) When there are some internal error at run time in any page, then session will be lost.
*) When some one or any process is changingadding any aspx file or web.config file at runtime.
So check all these point. I am sure it will resolve your problem...
Also, have you checked the app pool recycling options?
Your hosting provider have probably set some low value in "Recycle worker processes" in IIS for your application pool. Not sure if they can change that for you but you could try to ask them.
There are many reason which cause your session timeout before the actual value configure in web.config file.
one such reason is that if you hosted your applcation and forgot to reset the app pool after deployemnt.
once you deploy the application for first time then its corresponding app pool may get reset dusring the first run of application.
or if your app pool may get crash in between the process..
You can diagnose this problem first check your app pool (in advanced settings- if you hosted your application in IIS) now by going to the Event Viewr and check the logs in Custom Views go to server role then find the log by clicking find button at right side pane and paste your app pool name in search box.
check for the error or warning message related to app pool.
i hope this ma help you
