ASP.NET MVC Conditional ViewModel Abstraction -

I am new to ASP.NET MVC and I am stuck on a point. I am working on a classified site. My situation is, I have a lot of categories in which a user can post their ads and each ad category have different View. I have created a Controller Action like
public ActionResult PostAd(string CategoryName, string SubCategoryName)
if(categoryName == "Vehicle" && SubCategoryName == "Cars")
var model = new CarAdViewModel();
// set CarAdViewModel properties...
return View("CarAdCreateView", model);
else if(categoryName == "Vehicle" && SubCategoryName == "Bikes")
var model = new BikeAdViewModel();
// set BikeAdViewModel properties...
return View("BikeAdViewModel", model);
else if(categoryName == "Property" && SubCategoryName == "RentHouse")
var model = new RentHouseAdViewModel();
// set RentHouseAdViewModel properties...
return View("RentHouseAdViewModel", model);
else................... so on and so on
My problem is I have huge number of Categories and Sub Categories almost 60+. And if I keep on coding like above for 60+ categories and subcategories, my PostAd method is going to blast and become unmanageable.
Please tell me some best practice or pattern which can bring me out of this problem.

Unfortunately, some of what you are doing cannot be avoided. There needs to be some form of model and view selection based on category.
Use a factory pattern. Create a base class:
public abstract class BaseCategory
public abstract string GetViewName();
public abstract Object CreateModelFromFormData();
For each category, create a sub-class derived from BaseCategory and implement the abstract functions.
In your action, do the following:
public ActionResult PostAd(string categoryName, string subCategoryName)
BaseFactory factory;
if (categoryName == "Vehicle")
if (subCategoryName == "Cars")
factory = new CarsFactory();
else ...
else ...
return View(factory.GetViewName(), factory.CreateModelFromFormData());
I have a couple reasons for this schema:
I am purposefully using if/else for the factory selection. Your controller is going to be created and re-created for every action call. So pre-populating a list will constantly and needlessly create objects for categories that will not be selected. A simple if/else will be more efficient. If you want to prevent the if/else, you can put your factories in a Dictionary and select based on the categories, but that would be a lot of needless constructor actions.
I made the CreateModelFromFormData a function because I assume you'll need to copy data from the posted form data. This may require passing in data, but I left the function parameterless.
I used base/derived classes because the copying of the form data will probably need to be custom from the model being created and the form data being posted. Also, saving to persistent storage (file or database) may be category-specific as well.

It would be one of some possible solutions
public class PostAdData
public string CategoryName;
public string SubCategoryName;
public string ViewName;
public Type Model;
public class PostController : Controller
private readonly List<PostAdData> _theData;
public HomeController()
_theData = InitializeData();
public ActionResult PostAd(string categoryName, string subCategoryName)
var data = _theData.FirstOrDefault(c => c.CategoryName == categoryName && c.SubCategoryName == subCategoryName);
if (data != null)
var model = Activator.CreateInstance(data.Model);
return View(data.ViewName, model);
return View("Error");
public List<PostAdData> InitializeData()
var result = new List<PostAdData>
new PostAdData
CategoryName = "Vehicle",
SubCategoryName = "Cars",
ViewName = "CarAdCreateView",
Model = typeof (CarAdViewModel)
return result;

You should make this data driven. You create a lookup table that has a compound primary key of category and subcategory. Then it has a table with View in it. Then you simply ad rows for each category/subcategory/view combination.
If you absolutely don't want a database, then you can use a simple hashset or dictionary.
var views = new Dictionary<Tuple<string,string>,string>();
views.Add(new Tuple<string,string>("Vehicle", "Cars"), "CarAdCreateView");
Then in your PostAd you just lookup the correct view.

What a beautiful solution on to my question, here is the link :
My code is :
public class AdsController : Controller
private readonly IAdService _adService;
public AdsController(IAdService adService)
_adService = adService;
public ActionResult PostAd(string Category, string SubCategory)
//Here I will call
var strategy = GetStrategy(CategoryName, SubCategoryName);
strategy.FillModel(_adService );
return View(strategy.ViewName, strategy.Model);


Binding labels textProperty to object's property held by another final ObjectProperty

In app I'm bulding I used data model presented by James_D here:
Applying MVC With JavaFx
I just can find a way to bind labels text to property of object held in DataModel
Data is structured like this:
model class Student
//partial class
public class Student {
private final StringProperty displayName = new SimpleStringProperty();
public final StringProperty displayNameProperty(){
return this.displayName;
public Student(){
public final String getDisplayName() {
return this.displayNameProperty().get();
public final void setDisplayName(String displayName) {
Student instaces are held by StudentDataModel class
public class StudentDataModel {
// complete student list
private final ObservableList<Student> studentList = FXCollections.observableArrayList();
private final ObjectProperty<Student> selectedStudent = new SimpleObjectProperty<>(new Student());
public final Student getSelectedStudent() {
return selectedStudent.get();
public final ObjectProperty<Student> selectedStudentProperty() {
return selectedStudent;
public final void setSelectedStudent(Student student) {
StudentList is displayed by Table View, there is change listener that sets selectedStudent like this:
public class TableViewController {
public void initModel(StudentDataModel studentDM) {
// ensure model is set once
if (this.studentDM != null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("StudentDataModel can only be initialized once");
this.studentDM = studentDM;
tableView.getSelectionModel().selectedItemProperty().addListener((obs, oldSelection, newSelection) -> {
if (newSelection != null) {
There is another controller ActionsBarController that has label to display selected student (this seems redundant, but there is option for selecting multiple objects to perform bulk operations).
StudentDataModel is initialized properly (I can see it in debuger) but below doesn't do anything:
//this shows class name with instance number changing correctly
I could inject ActionsBarController to TableViewController and change label text from change Listener there, but this seems counter productive with data model.
What am I doing wrong?
Your code doesn't work, because you call (and evaluate) getSelectedStudent() at the time the binding is created (i.e. when you initialize the model). As a consequence, you only bind to the displayName property of the student that is selected at that time. (If nothing is selected, you'll get a NullPointerException.) The binding will only change if that initially-selected student's display name changes; it won't change if the selection changes.
You need a binding that unbinds from the old selected student's display name, and binds to the new selected student's display name, when the selected student changes. One way to do this is:
chosenStudentLabel.textProperty().bind(new StringBinding() {
studentDM.selectedStudentProperty().addListener((obs, oldStudent, newStudent) -> {
if (oldStudent != null) {
if (newStudent != null) {
protected String computeValue() {
if (studentDM.getSelectedStudent() == null) {
return "" ;
return studentDM.getSelectedStudent().getDisplayName();
Note that there is also a "built-in" way to do this, but it's a bit unsatisfactory (in my opinion) for a couple of reasons. Firstly, it relies on specifying the name of the "nested property" as a String, using reflection to access it. This is undesirable because it has no way to check the property exists at compile time, it requires opening the module for access, and it is less good performance-wise. Secondly, it gives spurious warnings if one of the properties in the "chain" is null (e.g. in this case if the selected student is null, which is will be initially), even though this is a supported case according to the documentation. However, it is significantly less code:
Bindings.selectString(studentDM.selectedStudentProperty(), "displayName")

AutoMapper: Can't access original object instances passed to Map() from within AfterMap()

I have code like this:
Product _prod, _existingProd;
void Test()
_prod = MakeAndPopulateSomeRandomProduct();
_existingProd = GetProdFromDb(1);
.AfterMap((s, d) =>
Console.WriteLine(d==_existingProd); //Why does this print false?
//Customize other properties on destination object
Mapper.Map(_prod, _existingProd);
When I call Test(), false is printed but I expected true. In my scenario, it is important to be able to access the original destination object via the AfterMap argument. I only included the fields to demonstrate the problem but in my real code, I don't have direct access to them. How can I access the object instances passed in to Map() when customizing the mapping?
The following example works. Probably you are using some type converter which creates new instance... Also please provide all mapping configurations to better understand the problem.
public class AfterMap_Test
private Product _prod, _existingProd;
public void Test()
Mapper.CreateMap<Product, Product>()
.AfterMap((s, d) =>
Trace.WriteLine(d == _existingProd); //Why does this print false?
//Customize other properties on destination object
_existingProd = new Product {P1 = "Destination"};
_prod = new Product {P1 = "Source"};
Mapper.Map(_prod, _existingProd);
internal class Product
public string P1 { get; set; }

Import two or multiple class models to a single controller on ASP.NET

I'm very new to ASP.NET, but I know a little programming in Java. I want to use a ZIP code to query a database which will return a string, then use that string to query another database. I wanted to do this on the same control model. I thought it would be easy, and it sounds pretty easy.
When I created the controller, I put the model class of the first database, and, so far, I've gotten as far as querying the first database, but now that I have the string I want to query a second database through the DBEntities.
This displays an error saying:
> The model item passed into the dictionary is of type
> 'System.Collections.Generic.List`1[FinalBallot.Models.AgainCandidate]',
> but this dictionary requires a model item of type
> 'System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[FinalBallot.Models.ZipTable]'.
Is there a way to solve this in an easy way?
public class Default1Controller : Controller
private CandidatesDBEntities db = new CandidatesDBEntities();
public string districString = "";
// GET: /Default1/
public ViewResult Index(string searchString)
var queryZip = from s in db.ZipTables select s;
var queryCandidates = from s1 in db.AgainCandidates select s1;
double sT = 0;
//method so it doesnt display the whole db
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(searchString))
queryZip = queryZip.Where(s => s.ZipL.Equals(0));
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(searchString))
sT = double.Parse(searchString);
queryZip = queryZip.Where(s => s.ZipL.Equals(sT));
districString = queryZip.ToList().ElementAt(0).District;
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(districString))
queryCandidates = queryCandidates.Where(s1 => s1.District.Equals(districString));
return View(queryCandidates.ToList());
In your view, did you specify the model to be IEnumerable<ZipTable>? The model that you're passing to your view is IEnumerable<AgainCandidate>, so you would get an error if you specified your model as something else. You'd need to change the model in your view to be IEnumerable<AgainCandidate>.
Based on your revised explanation, you can do a couple things:
1) create a "ViewModel" that has two properties for each of your collections you want to display on the page like so:
public class MyViewModel
IEnumerable<ZipTable> Zips { get; set; }
IEnumerable<AgainCandidate> Candidates { get; set; }
Instantiate that in your action method and return that as your model. This would be my preferred approach.
2) Stash your two collections in the ViewData bag in your action method:
ViewData["Zips"] = queryZip.ToList();
ViewData["Candidates"] = queryCandidates.ToList();
return View(ViewData);
You can pull this data in your view like this:
#foreach (var zip in ViewData["Zips"] as IEnumerable<ZipTable>)

MVC3 C#4.0 / Passing variables between views

new to C# and MVC. What I would like to achieve is passing a variable as ViewData from one view to another view without using ID in the ActionResult because this view generates it own variable. I am sure there are better ways to do that, but here what I thought might work.
First I made a model:
public class EventToShow
public Int64? ID { get; set; }
public Int64? EventID { get; set; }
Then I passed the variable EventID from the first View (Telerik MVC GRID) using the following:
columns.Template(item => Html.Raw(string.Format("{1}", Url.Action("tableread", "Home", new { id = (long)item.Event_ID }), "EventID"))).Width(20);
It worked using the following in my controller:
public ActionResult tableread1(long? id)
ViewData["EID"] = id;
EventToShow ctx = new EventToShow();
ctx.ID = 1;
ctx.EventID = (long)ViewData["EID"];
return RedirectToAction("EditServerSide");
To pass the variable to the other view I tried to use the following (I think it is very wrong):
public ActionResult EditServerSide()
EventToShow ctx = new EventToShow();
var model1 = ctx.(x => x.ID == 1); **// The error here is (Identifier** expected)
ViewData["EID"] = ctx.EventID;
var model = from o in new Main().OffLinePayments
select new EditOffLinePayment
ID = o.ID,
Amount = o.Amount,
Details = o.Details
return View(model, ViewData["EID"]) **(this must be wrong)**
I thought maybe I should make the variable like this:
private string GetFullName()
EventToShow ctx = new EventToShow();
var name = EventToShow().Where(x => x.ID == 1);
ViewData["EID"] = ctx.EventID;
return name;
First I got an error: ‘GridEdit_OfflinePayment.Models.EventToShow' is a 'type' but is used like a 'variable'
I also did not know how to incorporate returned [name] in the EditServerSide Action.
My question, is there a better way to achieve what I am trying to do, and if this approach is correct, I would appreciate any help to fix these errors
From what I understand of the question is that you would like to pass data between several Actions? Like some sort of wizard steps process where you can pass data between multiple Actions?
If that's the case then here are some related questions and their answers:
How do I pass data across ActionResults in MVC 3?
multi-step registration process issues in mvc (splitted viewmodels, single model)

Pass property from controller to Model

I am trying to pass a variable from a method in my Controller to a method in a Model. Since the method in the Model takes one argument (which was designed earlier), I cannot pass my variable as an argument to the method in the Model. And also, the method in this Model is called by other controllers too, so if I change the argument, I have to change all the controllers too, which would be a tedious task.
What I have been trying so far is- I created one MyVariableClass and declared a property. Then I instantiated that class and set the property string to the variable that I wanted to pass. Now, in my Model's method, I instantiated the same MyVariableClass again, but when I did that, the value of the variable was set to null. The code I have right now is -
public ActionResult ItemInformation( string id)
//Pass a string to MyVariable
MyVariableVClass params = new MyVariableClass();
params.myVariable = "abc";
//This is what My Model is taking as an argument(id), and I don't want to
//pass mYvariable along with that argument because it will break other controllers
// too which calls this method
var itemInformation = _repository.GetItemInformation(id);
return View(itemInformation);
and MyVariableClass
public class MyVariableClass
public string myVariable { get; set; }
and the method in My Model
public IList<Items> GetItemInformation(string itemId)
MyVariableClass webType = new MyVariableClass();
var _params = webType.myVariable;
//Check this variable and perform database query
if (_params =="this")
var query = myFirstQuery;
var query = mySecondQuery;
//return ....
Anybody has solution to this? Thanks in Advance!
Any reason why subclassing your model and overriding the GetItemInformation method wouldn't work? Or, even easier, why not just overload the GetItemInformation method with one that takes two strings? Your other controllers can still use the one that only takes a single string.
public IList<Items> GetItemInformation(string itemId, MyVariableClass webType)
var _params = webType.myVariable;
//Check this variable and perform database query
if (_params == "this")
var query = myFirstQuery;
var query = mySecondQuery;
//return ....
public IList<Items> GetItemInformation(string itemId)
MyVariableClass fauxType = new MyVariableClass();
fauxType.myVariable = "not this";
return GetItemInformation(itemId, fauxType);
Try using session variable.
