Seqfplot: percentage vs. number of most frequent sequences? - r

I'm using the R packages TraMineR to compute and analyze state sequences.
I would like to obtain a sequence frequency plots using the command seqfplot. However, instead of setting the number of the most frequent sequences to be plotted using
seqfplot(mydata.seq, tlim=1:20)
it would be useful to set the percentage of the most frequent sequences needed to reach - for example - the 50% of the sample. I tried with this
seqfplot(mydata.seq, trep = 0.5)
but - differently from seqrep.grp and seqrep - the option trep is not supported by seqfplot command. Should I create a new function to do that?
Thank you.

You are right, the trep argument is an argument of TraMineR seqrep function which looks for representative sequences covering at least a trep percentage of all sequences.
If you specifically want the most frequent sequence patterns such that their cumulated percent frequencies is say 50%, then you have to compute the selection filter your self. Here is how you can do that using the biofam data.
bf.seq <- seqdef(biofam[,10:25])
## first retrieve the "Percent" column of the frequency table provided
## as the "freq" attribute of the object returned by the seqtab function.
bf.freq <- seqtab(bf.seq, tlim=nrow(bf.seq)) <- attr(bf.freq,"freq")
bf.perct <-[,"Percent"]
## Compute the cumulated percentages
bf.cumsum <- cumsum(bf.perct)
## Now we can use the cumulated percentage to select
## the wanted patterns
bf.freq50 <- bf.freq[bf.cumsum <= 50,]
## And to plot the frequent patterns
(nfreq <- length(bf.cumsum[bf.cumsum <= 50]))
seqfplot(bf.seq, tlim=1:nfreq)
Hope this helps.


Alternate way to remove outliers in R

I'm looking to remove the outlier data points in the clusters after k means clustering and using this way to do so in R :-
1.)Plot the graph:-
2.)From the graph see the outlier( in my case extreme )data points.
3.)Go to view(df[[1]]),view(df[[2]]) sort the var in descending order and note down those row index numbers which are the outlier data points and remove those rows from df[[1]] ,df[[2]]
df is a list with 3 elements , df[[1]] access the first element/ cluster
Is there any other easy and efficient way to achieve the same?
You need to include a short, reproducible example showing what you want and what you have tried. That said, the following may give you some hints if I'm guessing what you want correctly. Note that you can get min/max cut values from CIs or other means.
a <- 1:40
b <- a[a %in% 4:35] # Define outliers as <= 4 or >= 35
length(b) # Note there are no NAs using this approach
Basically cut off the outliers at the relevant outlier values and graph the remaining elements.

changing class and getting numbers

I am working with the golub dataset in R (separated by the AML and ALL) and I am attempting to do a hypothesis test in relation to two genes. For the AML patient group, I want to find out the proportion of patients who have a higher expression of gene 900 as compared to gene 1000, then I want to see if that out of those who have a higher expression value for gene 900, the number is less than half. I have a general idea to do the other half, and I had something like this for the first part, but seeing as its T/F I tried to switch it to numeric which gave 0 and 1 but I want the actual numbers and not in the logical form.
`gol.fac <- factor(,levels=0:1, labels= c("ALL","AML"))
x <- golub[900,gol.fac=="AML"]
y <- golub[1000,gol.fac=="AML"]
z <-golub[900,gol.fac=="AML"] > golub[1000,gol.fac=="AML"]
k <- as.numeric(z)`
Use max
max(golub[900,gol.fac=="AML"], golub[1000,gol.fac=="AML"])
Or if you have multiple values then use pmax
pmax(golub[900,gol.fac=="AML"], golub[1000,gol.fac=="AML"])
Instead of doing multiple slices of rows, just get the max by subsetting once
max(golub[900:1000, "AML"])

Bourdet Derivative in R with Smoothing Window

I am calculating pressure derivatives using algorithms from this PDF:
Derivative Algorithms
I have been able to implement the "two-points" and "three-consecutive-points" methods relatively easily using dplyr's lag/lead functions to offset the original columns forward and back one row.
The issue with those two methods is that there can be a ton of noise in the high resolution data we use. This is why there is the third method, "three-smoothed-points" which is significantly more difficult to implement. There is a user-defined "window width",W, that is typically between 0 and 0.5. The algorithm chooses point_L and point_R as being the first ones such that ln(deltaP/deltaP_L) > W and ln(deltaP/deltaP_R) > W. Here is what I have so far:
#If necessary install DPLYR
#Create initial Data Frame
elapsedTime <- c(0.09583, 0.10833, 0.12083, 0.13333, 0.14583, 0.1680,
0.18383, 0.25583)
deltaP <- c(71.95, 80.68, 88.39, 97.12, 104.24, 108.34, 110.67, 122.29)
df <- data.frame(elapsedTime,deltaP)
#Shift the elapsedTime and deltaP columns forward and back one row
df$lagTime <- lag(df$elapsedTime,1)
df$leadTime <- lead(df$elapsedTime,1)
df$lagP <- lag(df$deltaP,1)
df$leadP <- lead(df$deltaP,1)
#Calculate the 2 and 3 point derivatives using nearest neighbors
df$TwoPtDer <- (df$leadP - df$lagP) / log(df$leadTime/df$lagTime)
df$ThreeConsDer <- ((df$deltaP-df$lagP)/(log(df$elapsedTime/df$lagTime)))*
((log(df$leadTime/df$elapsedTime))/(log(df$leadTime/df$lagTime))) +
#Calculate the window value for the current 1 row shift
df$lnDeltaT_left <- abs(log(df$elapsedTime/df$lagTime))
df$lnDeltaT_right <- abs(log(df$elapsedTime/df$leadTime))
Resulting Data Table
If you look at the picture linked above, you will see that based on a W of 0.1, only row 2 matches this criteria for both the left and right point. Just FYI, this data set is an extension of the data used in example 2.5 in the referenced PDF.
So, my ultimate question is this:
How can I choose the correct point_L and point_R such that they meet the above criteria? My initial thoughts are some kind of while loop, but being an inexperienced programmer, I am having trouble writing a loop that gets anywhere close to what I am shooting for.
Thank you for any suggestions you may have!

TraMineR, Extract all present combination of events as dummy variables

Lets say I have this data. My objective is to extraxt combinations of sequences.
I have one constraint, the time between two events may not be more than 5, lets call this maxGap.
User <- c(rep(1,3)) # One users
Event <- c("C","B","C") # Say this is random events could be anything from LETTERS[1:4]
Time <- c(c(1,12,13)) # This is a timeline
df <- data.frame(User=User,
If want to use these sequences as binary explanatory variables for analysis.
Given this dataframe the result should be like this.
res.df <- data.frame(User=1,
(CB) and (CBC) will be 0 since the maxGap > 5.
I was trying to write a function for this using many for-loops, but it becomes very complex if the sequence becomes larger and the different number of evets also becomes larger. And also if the number of different User grows to 100 000.
Is it possible of doing this in TraMineR with the help of seqeconstraint?
Here is how you would do that with TraMineR
df.seqe <- seqecreate(id=df$User, timestamp=df$Time, event=df$Event)
constr <- seqeconstraint(maxGap=5)
subseq <- seqefsub(df.seqe, minSupport=0, constraint=constr)
(presence <- seqeapplysub(subseq, method="presence"))
which gives
(B) (B)-(C) (C)
1-(C)-11-(B)-1-(C) 1 1 1
presence is a table with a column for each subsequence that occurs at least once in the data set. So, if you have several individuals (event sequences), the table will have one row per individual and the columns will be the binary variable you are looking for. (See also TraMineR: Can I get the complete sequence if I give an event sub sequence? )
However, be aware that TraMineR works fine only with subsequences of length up to about 4 or 5. We suggest to set maxK=3 or 4 in seqefsub. The number of individuals should not be a problem, nor should the number of different possible events (the alphabet) as long as you restrict the maximal subsequence length you are looking for.
Hope this helps

In R: sort the maximum dissimilarity between rows in a matrix

I have a matrix, which includes 100 rows and 10 columns, here I want to compare the diversity between rows and sort them. And then, I want to select the 10 maximum dissimilarity rows from it, Which method can I use?
mat <- matrix(runif(100 * 10), nrow = 100, ncol = 10)
My initial method is to calculate the similarity (e.g. saying tanimoto coefficient or others: ) between two rows, and dissimilairty = 1 - similarity, and then compare the dissimilarty values. At last I will sort all dissimilarity value, and select the 10 maximum dissimilarity values. But it seems that the result is a 100 * 100 matrix, maybe need efficient method to such calculation if there are a large number of rows. However, this is just my thought, maybe not right, so I need help.
After looking for some literatures. I find the one definition for the maximum dissimilarity method.
Maximum dissimilarity method: It begins by randomly choosing a data record as the first cluster center. The record maximally distant from the first point is selected as the next cluster center. The record maximally distant from both current points is selected after that . The process repeats itself until there is a sufficient number of cluster centers.
Here in my question, the sufficient number should be 10.
First of all, the Jacard Index is not right for you. From the wikipedia page
The Jaccard coefficient measures similarity between finite sample sets...
Your matrix has samples of floats, so you have a different problem (note that the Index in question is defined in terms of intersections; that should be a red flag right there :-).
So, you have to decide what you mean by dissimilarity. One natural interpretation would be to say row A is more dissimilar from the data set than row B if it has a greater Euclidean distance to the center of mass of the data set. You can think of the center of mass of the data set as the vector you get by taking the mean of each of the colums and putting them together (apply(mat, 2, mean)).
With this, you can take the distance of each row to that central vector, and then get an ordering on those distances. From that you can work back to the rows you desire from the original matrix.
All together:
center <- apply(mat, 2, mean)
# not quite the distances, actually, but their squares. That will work fine for us though, since the order
# will still be the same
dists <- apply(mat, 1, function(row) sum((row - center) ** 2))
# this gives us the row indices in order of least to greaest dissimiliarity
dist.order <- order(dists)
# Now we just grab the 10 most dissimilar of those
most.dissimilar.ids <- dist.order[91:100]
# and use them to get the corresponding rows of the matrix
most.dissimilar <- mat[most.dissimilar.ids,]
If I was actually writing this, I probably would have compressed the last three lines as most.dissimilar <- mat[order(dists)[91:100],], but hopefully having it broken up like this makes it a little easier to see what's going on.
Of course, if distance from the center of mass doesn't make sense as the best way of thinking of "dissimilarity" in your context, then you'll have to amend with something that does.
