Page Not Found error after adding SSL to my wordpress website - wordpress

I have created a website in WordPress. For my website I have added SSL certificate. Before adding SSL it is working fine. But after adding SSL my pages are showing:
Not Found
The requested URL ... was not found on this server.
Without https (I mean http) pages are working fine but with https I am getting error.
I have installed a plugin wordpress-https also.

I Think the problem is coming from a very simple place:
Most web-servers today use a control panel and than it manges the traffic of the site (databases, requests and more).
Now, with every domain registerd in your user at the CP you have public_html folder and a private_html folder.
The public_html folder is the regular (default) folder you use and it points to http://
The private_html folder is the secure connection folder which is what you are looking for, and it is pointing to https://
So all you need to do is reinstall the wordpress in the private_html folder which is the pointer of https://
This should work for you :)


Wordpress:Can't able to access Wordpress after migrate from http to https

I am converting my wordpress site to https from http.I am using aws machine(windows OS) and i got the free ssl certificate,but when i tried to access my site it shows "Forbidden You don't have permission to access / on this server." this error message.I am tried almost all the solution(Deleting htaccess file,plugins uninstall,changing httpd.conf etc) but none of them worked.Any one help me i really need this one.
Can you try to test it by removing htaccess file?
Also from your database phpmyadmin go to wp_options table and from there verify that you have https urls.
Also if it does not works then tru to rename plugins folder and then test it.
Also add Really Simple SSL plugin and test your site.

Changing URL Wordpress- still not working despite checking/editing database

As much as may sound like a broken record - I changed the URLs on my WP site, and now I get a 404.
What I wanted to do:
Change site URL from to
All WP files were at the time in another directory in the same hosting account. I needed them in the root directory, accessible by
What I did:
Backed up locally and remotely - Database and files.
Edited URL's through dashboard on WP - got a login error afterward, but seemed to do it anyway.
Moed ALL old site files from root to backup folder.
Moed ALL wordpress files from original directory to root directory.
Then I got a 404 error and was unable to access WP-admin or login through the new or old URL.
What I tried to fix the issue:
Noticed http should be https - changed this in 'options' within phpmyadmin, both at 'siteurl' and in 'home'.
Still 404
Then I tried defining the db_name in the wp-config file.
Still 404
Then I gae up, changed the URL's back using myphpadmin, and moed the filed back to their original directory. Now I can login to WP as usual and eerything is fine.
Why can't I access the site when I moe it into the root directory - I thought I had all the steps right!
Thanks in adance for any help
oh..and apologies, my keyboard is missing a few keys :(
Wordpress stores url/permalinks on database field values as well, changing only the configuration files will not be enough.
I am pretty sure there are other options, on my case i use often perform Wordpress website migrations, and the following tool becomes really handy when search and replacing domains on the database records.
Hope it helps.
This happened to be an SSL issue where the host for our SSL certificate was conflicting with the stylesheet somehow. 0_o

http://localhost forced into https://localhost when accessing duplicated wordpress site

I am using Duplicator Pro to duplicate a wordpress site from cloudways to my localmachine. After I finished the duplication process, and I enter http://localhost/mysite in the browser, the browser (both Chrome and Safari) change the protocol from "http" to "https", and ofcourse, it can't find the site. Has anyone run into this problem. And it only happens for this particular "mysite" wordpress directory. I have various wordpress folders in my ~/Sites/ folder in my Mac, but I can access all the other wordpress sites locally with http://localhost . But I cannot access this particular "mysite" wordpress directory with just "http". Is there some kind of file that perhaps Apache is looking into that says to redirect http to https when this particular "mysite" is being referenced?
Check in the database if site url or home url has https. and try disabling all plugins.

CNAME links to WordPress blog but redirects cgi-sys/defaultwebpage.cgi

I've got IIS hosting site( and wanted to add wordpress blog site on this website, but wordpress is PHP based so I used a tricky way.
I've got PHP hosting site( so set up self-hosted wordpress blog on this site then adding CNAME on domain, I believed it should work.
So, installed wordpress in PHP hosting site(cpanel hosting) and create blog site on this wordpress, the url is Then created subdomain from cpanel( which linked to as root folder.
When I go to, it's working so good.
One last thing what I did is adding CNAME from site2 zone manager. ->
I think this should work because is working properly.
But when I go to, redirected to "/cgi-sys/defaultwebpage.cgi" page then showed "SORRY ... If you are the owner of this website, please contact your hosting provider" message.
I cleared cache from my browner and tried from other browser but didn't work.
And added rewrite rule on .htaccess file on root folder but nothing worth.
I checked site URL from wordpress settings page, the site address(URL) was "" which was correct.
I believe if destination url of CNAME is working, the CNAME should work.
But when I try to access a file in destination folder using this url,, returns 404 not found while is working.
So, CNAME( seems be pointing wrong directory.
Is there anything I missed or did wrong?
Thank you,

Hosting a wordpress blog on a server with other web sites

I have a wordpress installation on its own folder, on my server that hosts another site (non-wp) to. I want to keep the wp installation to its own sudirectory, but change the url to point directly to the blog (to get rid of /wp in the url).
Is it possible?
How does the index.php have to be configured to correctly point to both sites hosted?
You should set the subdomain in something like your cPanel with the web hosting.
I want to have: and is set by default.
In your hosting settings, you will need to create the blog sub-domain and have it point directly to another directory.
